Star Wars: Die letzten Jedi mit VR Inhalten

Nokia kündigte auf der NAB Show in Las Vegas eine Partnerschaft mit Lucasfilm an, um gemeinsam immersive VR-Erfahrungen zu gestalten. Diese sollen Einblicke hinter die Kulissen von Star Wars: Die letzten Jedi ermöglichen. Nokia und Disney trafen 2016 bereits eine Vereinbarung zur gemeinsamen Produktion von VR-Inhalten und auch 2017 wird weiterhin Nokias OZO-Kamera bei der Produktion verwendet.

Star Wars: Die letzten Jedi mit VR Inhalten

360-Grad Nokia Kamera Ozo

Nokia veröffentlichte die OZO-Kamera zur professionellen Aufnahme von VR-Inhalten. Die 360-Grad-Kamera verfügt über acht synchronisierte Kameras, die stereoskopische 360-Grad-Videos aufnehmen können. Hinzu kommen acht Mikrofone, für die Aufnahme der Umgebungsgeräusche. Damit ist die Kamera eine der fähigsten derzeit verfügbaren Aufnahmegeräte, doch die OZO ist auch nicht wirklich ein Schnäppchen.

Bereits im April 2016 kündigte Nokia die Zusammenarbeit mit den Disney Studios an. Durch die Partnerschaft zwischen dem finnischen Unternehmen und dem Filmstudio entstanden bereits einzigartige 360-Grad-VR-Erfahrungen für Filme wie Elliot, der Drache, Alice im Wunderland: Hinter den Spiegeln und Das Dschungelbuch. Für letzteren Titel wurde die Besetzung beispielsweise in einem Raum vor einer OZO-Kamera interviewt.

Der Interimspräsident Brad Rodrigues von Nokia Technologies sagte dazu Folgendes: „Wir freuen uns sehr über die Partnerschaft mit Lucasfilm und Disney, durch die wir den Zauber des immersiven VR-Storytellings auf einen der aufregendsten Filmtitel aller Zeiten anwenden können. Die OZO wird es allen Star Wars Fans weltweit ermöglichen, in die unglaubliche Story und das dazugehörige Universum einzutauchen. Dadurch können sie wirklich eins mit der Macht werden.“

Die genauen Details über die Produktion der VR-Inhalte wurden bisher noch nicht veröffentlicht. Jedoch ist davon auszugehen, dass zur Veröffentlichung von Star Wars: Die letzten Jedis (Dezember 2017) etwas Großartiges für die Fans entstehen wird.

Brian Miller, Senior Vizepräsident im Bereich Franchise bei Lucasfilm, kündigte Vielversprechendes an: „Eines unserer größten Ziele ist es, das Star Wars Universum mit allen Fans weltweit zu teilen. Damit uns das gelingt, befragen wir regelmäßig unsere Fans. Das Feedback zeigt, dass sie gerne Einblicke in den Prozess der Produktion bekommen würden. Durch die OZO-Kamera von Nokia ist es uns möglich, einzigartige Aufnahmen hinter den Kulissen zu schießen, um die Zuschauer mit in die fantastischen Welten zu nehmen.“

(Quellen: RoadtoVR)

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Nokia’s OZO Will Be Used For Star Wars: The Last Jedi VR Content, More Disney Projects

Nokia’s OZO Will Be Used For Star Wars: The Last Jedi VR Content, More Disney Projects

The Star Wars films are always a visual feast with top-tier visual effects constantly on display. The creative team behind Rogue One found a way to utilize VR while putting the movie together, dropping the director into space so he can find the best shots for the film. They even went the extra mile with VR promotion, a tool many different films have taken advantage of, by crafting a teaser called Recon that served as a prequel to the film’s main events. Rogue One was a branch off from the main Star Wars storyline, tying some loose ends revolving around the Death Star but, now, Nokia and Lucasfilm plan to deliver some behind-the-scenes VR content for the coming film The Last Jedi.

Nokia and Lucasfilm are in a multi-year deal to create VR content for Star Wars: The Last Jedi and more Disney properties. They’re supplying Disney marketers and filmmakers with the OZO 360-degree camera and accompanying software.

“We want nothing more than to share the Star Wars universe with fans around the world and fans tell us they love to have the opportunity to learn more about the process of filmmaking,” says Senior Vice President, Franchise Creative & Strategy at Lucasfilm Brian Miller. “Utilizing the Nokia OZO to capture our behind the scenes material allows viewers to be transported to fantastical locations and virtually visit the incredible sets where their favorite Star Wars scenes were captured.”

A look behind the curtain for Star Wars and other Disney films is certainly a great opportunity for fans. So many paths are being blazed across the VR industry and companies are trying to put their hardware in the best positions to succeed. Having Nokia’s 360-degree camera attached to a media powerhouse such as Disney is going to be a big win for the camera maker, and won’t escape the gaze of content creators already involved in VR or those that will be as the industry grows.

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Nokia Announce Next Generation Tech for OZO

Today Nokia has unveiled plans to advance the OZO platform with a range of new technologies dubbed ‘OZO Reality’.

There are several parts to Nokia’s upgraded ecosystem. Firstly there’s OZO+, an enhanced version of its professional virtual reality (VR) camera solution that captures stereoscopic 360-degree video and 360×360 spatial sound. OZO+ has been designed to provide even better professional-grade images, with improved dynamic range, better colours and increased sharpness.

OZO Realities - DynamicRange

This is all achieved by pairing OZO+ with OZO Creator, Nokia’s VR image processing and stereoscopic software which has been updated to include mixed reality (MR) functionality. OZO Creator also features a new ISP (image signal processing pipeline) to deliver the best quality content shot with OZO+ and other 360-degree cameras.

The improvements don’t stop there, OZO Live – Nokia’s 3D 360-degree livestreaming solution – has been tweaked with new spatial audio mixing capabilities. Users can create customized audio mixes for each camera feed, incorporating both ambient audio and sound reinforcement from multiple audio feeds, with output in 5.1, ambisonics, or OZO Audio format.

“There is virtual reality, and then there is OZO Reality: our vision for the future of virtual and mixed reality experiences, seamlessly blending the real with the virtual and transcending time and space. We are developing new innovations that work together to empower storytellers, enable audiences to participate in content anywhere on any platform, and deliver on the promise of transformative experiences that help the human family feel more together,” said Paul Melin, VP of Digital Media, Nokia Technologies in a statement. “As VR and AR fast approach a tipping point that will lead to explosive growth, OZO products and technologies are well-positioned to be key drivers for the future of an industry that could top $100 billion in less than a decade.”

Nokia has forged partnerships with global companies to drive acceleration and adoption of OZO Reality. Partners include: 3stage Design; Akamai; Accedo; Harmonic; Youku; Qello and many more.

Nokia will be showcasing OZO Reality at the 2017 NAB Show in Las Vegas Convention Center from 24th-27th April, 2017. For further updates on Nokia OZO, keep reading VRFocus.

Nokia Announce Next Generation Tech for OZO

Today Nokia has unveiled plans to advance the OZO platform with a range of new technologies dubbed ‘OZO Reality’.

There are several parts to Nokia’s upgraded ecosystem. Firstly there’s OZO+, an enhanced version of its professional virtual reality (VR) camera solution that captures stereoscopic 360-degree video and 360×360 spatial sound. OZO+ has been designed to provide even better professional-grade images, with improved dynamic range, better colours and increased sharpness.

OZO Realities - DynamicRange

This is all achieved by pairing OZO+ with OZO Creator, Nokia’s VR image processing and stereoscopic software which has been updated to include mixed reality (MR) functionality. OZO Creator also features a new ISP (image signal processing pipeline) to deliver the best quality content shot with OZO+ and other 360-degree cameras.

The improvements don’t stop there, OZO Live – Nokia’s 3D 360-degree livestreaming solution – has been tweaked with new spatial audio mixing capabilities. Users can create customized audio mixes for each camera feed, incorporating both ambient audio and sound reinforcement from multiple audio feeds, with output in 5.1, ambisonics, or OZO Audio format.

“There is virtual reality, and then there is OZO Reality: our vision for the future of virtual and mixed reality experiences, seamlessly blending the real with the virtual and transcending time and space. We are developing new innovations that work together to empower storytellers, enable audiences to participate in content anywhere on any platform, and deliver on the promise of transformative experiences that help the human family feel more together,” said Paul Melin, VP of Digital Media, Nokia Technologies in a statement. “As VR and AR fast approach a tipping point that will lead to explosive growth, OZO products and technologies are well-positioned to be key drivers for the future of an industry that could top $100 billion in less than a decade.”

Nokia has forged partnerships with global companies to drive acceleration and adoption of OZO Reality. Partners include: 3stage Design; Akamai; Accedo; Harmonic; Youku; Qello and many more.

Nokia will be showcasing OZO Reality at the 2017 NAB Show in Las Vegas Convention Center from 24th-27th April, 2017. For further updates on Nokia OZO, keep reading VRFocus.