Something For The Weekend: Neon Lights And Intense Fights

With the first weekend of June here it is time for another entry of Something for the Weekend, where VRFocus brings you a number of deals on virtual reality (AR) titles. This weekend it is time to look at the Steam store and a theme of neon lights and some intense looking fights will await players in these titles. As always, be sure to check back every weekend for even more deals right here on VRFocus.


OVERTURN it’s a videogame that’s not trying to reinvent the wheel, just done well, offering players an action filled journey with swords, lasers, grenades and a very silent sidekick. Sure the puzzles aren’t that complex, and you spend a lot of time waving your arms around punching people in the face, sometimes that’s all you need.” – Read VRFoucs’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s preview of OVERTURN.

OVERTURN is available now for £18.39 (GBP) down from the usual £22.99.

Assetto Corsa

Assetto Corsa

If you are looking to experience the next generation of racing simulator then look no further than Assetto Corsa. Featuring an advanced DirectX 11 graphics engine offering immersive environments, dynamic lighting and realistic materials, players will have a hard time telling the real world and this VR experience apart. With single player and multiplayer modes included along with a long list of licensed cars, this is one that is sure to make car fans smile.

Assetto Corsa is currently avaiable for £13.16 (GBP) down from £15.49.

VROOM Galleon

VROOM: Galleon

Experience life on the open sea aboard your very own pirate ship in this VR title. With an historically accurate 16th-century ship to explore and plenty of fun be found within, including a number of activities and mini-games, players are sure to enjoy life on the ocean waves.

VROOM: Galleon is available now on PlayStation VR for £3.63 (GBP) down from £5.19.

Keep Defending

Keep Defending

“Keep Defending is a first-person VR tower defense archery game where you build up your defenses during the enemy onslaught. Target enemies before they reach your gate and earn gold to set up ever more capable defenses including crossbows, fireball-shooting wizards, brave knights, cannons, and more as you try and deal with the approaching hordes in a variety of different environments and scenarios.”

Keep Defending is available now for £1.39 (GBP) on sale from the usual £5.59.



If you are looking for a rhythm title with a difference then this might be the one for you. Here players are tasked with playing the melody of the songs by punching the lyrics and notes that fly towards the player. With the option to punch or slash the notes, this VR music title will keep your on your toes as you stay in time with the beat to score the most points possible.

VR RHYTHM ACTION SEIYA is only £10.14 (GBP) down from £14.49.

Redout image 2

Redout: Enhanced Edition

Redout is a tribute to the old racing monsters such as F-Zero, WipeOut, Rollcage, and POD.It is designed to be an uncompromising, fast, tough and satisfying driving experience, soaked in that vertigo that stands at the core of the arcade racing genre. The floating system and driving models are based on physics: each turn, slope, hard braking, acceleration, each turn and twist of the track will apply a unique force to the ship. A sharp low-polygon style blends meshes and terrains with the latest state-of-the-art shading and lighting effects provided by the Unreal Engine 4, creating beautiful and instantly recognisable aesthetics. Breezy coastlines, eerie frozen landscapes, vast desert plains: the melancholic, dystopian atmosphere of a semi abandoned Earth is the background for the most high-speed, tense and beautiful futuristic racing clashes.”

Redout: Enhanced Edition is available now for £8.99 (GBP) down from £29.99.

Along Together screenshot

Along Together

“Despite the input system, VRFocus would argue that Along Together is not a point-and-click videogame as Turbo Button suggest. It’s much closer to a platform-puzzle videogame in that the experience is less about objectives and item collection, more concerned with path-finding. This certainly isn’t a negative comment however, as Along Together is a welcome addition to the Google Daydream’s software catalogue regardless of how you choose to define it. With a pleasing, chunky and colourful art style and a fine assortment of puzzles, Along Together is an easy recommendation for Google Daydream owners.” – Read VRFocus’ Editor Kevin Joyce’s review of Along Together.

Along Together is currently £11.62 (GBP) down from £15.49.

Soviet Lunapark VR

Soviet Lunapark VR

Step into the world of facility no.3826 in an alternate history Soviet Russia where the creations of Dr Pavlov have started going wrong and now the player must fight to survive. Team up with up to three friends and complete a number of missions and challenges in this crazy title that is full of creepy thinking machines and disgusting corpses all out to put an end to your life.

Soviet Lunapark VR is currently on sale for £8.69 (GBP) down from £14.49.

Smashing The Battle

Smashing The Battle VR

“In the year 2085, a huge multiplex construction site becomes a victim of a massive scale hacking incident. Due to the hack, the construction robots start to attack the workers on site. What could have possibly happened? Now you can witness it yourself, with two unique heroines to control and two different stories to unfold!”

Smashing The Battle VR is currently available for £6.39 (GBP) down from £7.99.


ADR1FT proves that Oculus VR’s comfort ratings are not to be taken lightly. This may be a launch title for the Oculus Rift, but you might consider easing yourself in with some of the ‘Comfortable’ and ‘Moderate’ experiences before jumping into the deep end. That will be an understandably frustrating proposition for many fans, but if there were to be any ‘doctor’s orders’ about getting started with VR, it would be this.” – Read VRFocus’ Staff Writer Jamie Feltham’s preview of ADR1FT.

ADR1FT is available for only £3.74 (GBP) right now on sale from £14.99.

That is all for this week but remember that VRFocus gathers all the best sales and deals every week, so check back next weekend at the same time to discover more.

New Screenshots Released For OVERTURN: Final Operation

Recently it was announced that the story of virtual reality (VR) action title OVERTURN would be containing in OVERTURN: Final Operation. A new multiplayer continuation that sees up to four players working together to save the day in this action packed title.

OVERTURN: Final Operation - Logo

OVERTURN: Final Operation picks up right at the end of OVERTURN and the down of the Beholder. Now, Magi is left alone without any of her abilities and it is up to the players as androids to battle the hordes of enemies that seek to defeat Magi for good. She might not be able to fight but she can use the last of her power in an attempt to escape with the help of the players. This is not a solo-rescue mission mind you as up to four players can work together to battle the endless hordes of enemies and rescue Maji.

Using either the HTC VIVE or Oculus Rift, players will step into the shoes of the mysterious androids sent by an unknown force to rescue Magi. With wave after wave of enemies coming to destroy her you will need to make use of every weapon and item you can find in order to keep her alive and lead her to safety. To mark the announcement a number of screenshots for the title have been released which give players a look at what to expect in this upcoming multiplayer title.

With plenty of enemies to take down, and some rather impressive looking weapons, players will want to work together and utilize their surroundings rescue Magi. If the enemies are getting to much to handle players can make use of items such as grenades to deal some massive damage in a wide area. The shield and healing items will ensure you have more of a fighting chance and for really dealing out the damage there is the Rapid Beam Rifle. This fully automated firearm is designed to fire high damage dealing enemy beans at rapid speeds, making it the ideal combat option.

OVERTURN: Final Operation is set to be releases sometime next month (May 2018) and according to co-developer and publisher oneIMMERS be a free release. VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on OVERTURN: Final Operation in the future and you can view the release screenshots below.

OVERTURN Final Operation - Screenshot
OVERTURN Final Operation - Screenshot
OVERTURN Final Operation - Screenshot
OVERTURN Final Operation - Screenshot
OVERTURN Final Operation - Screenshot
OVERTURN Final Operation - Screenshot
OVERTURN Final Operation - Screenshot

OVERTURN Smashes On To Steam

Much has already been written on this site about OVERTURN, the Smashing the Battle spin-off from developer Studio HG, including a preview where enthusiasm was expressed for the title’s addictive gameplay. Now HTC Vive and Oculus Rift users have the chance to try it themselves with OVERTURN’s official launch.

OVERTURN puts the player in the role of a prisoner, awoken with no memory in a futuristic laboratory. Meeting fellow prisoner Magi, who has developer psychic powers offers a way out, but to escape will mean fighting against the forces that run the ominous laboratory, trying to unravel the secrets of your past and that of your mysterious psychic companion and eventually, learning exactly what the people who run the laboratory are trying to accomplish.

There are both action-combat elements and puzzles woven into the gameplay. Players will have access to an array of weapons that will become available as they progress through the levels. Beam rifles, energy swords, grenades or even bare fists can be used to take down the enemies that are trying to keep you imprisoned. As the game progresses, players will be able to enlist the help of Magi, using her powers such as Time Slow, Shield, HP Boost or Battle Magi to aid in the fight, but the story of OVERTURN poses the question, can Magi really be trusted?

OVERTURN is out now on Steam for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. A launch discount is currently available, reducing the price to £20.69 (GBP), a 10% discount from the usual price of £22.99. Further information and updates can be found on the Steam Store page. The launch trailer is available to view below.

VRFocus will bring you further news on OVERTURN as it becomes available.

VRFocus Leaves a Trail of Destruction Playing OVERTURN

Earlier this weeek VRFocus reported that Studio HG and publisher YJM Games announced their next virtual reality (VR) title, OVERTURN, for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Whilst previewing the title VRFocus decided to capture some gameplay video showcasing some of the action. 

OVERTURN is set in the same universe as Studio HG’s other VR experience Smashing the Battle, but this time you’ve got to escape a laboratory that’s been engaging in genetic experiments, upon you and your companion MAGI. While you provide the muscle, dispatching enemies at will MAGI provides support, with both offensive and defensive capabilities like grenades or HP boosts.

The gameplay video below takes place on the third level, with the first two gently easing you into the mechanics of OVERTURN before you meet MAGI at the end of level two. The reason for starting at level three is that it gives you a good idea how most of the gameplay works, with plenty of action dispatching foes with two blades and a couple of simple puzzles to break things up.

OVERTURN will launch for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift via Steam and Oculus Store on 17th October 2017, for any further updates keep reading VRFocus.

Preview: OVERTURN – Glorious Anime VR Mayhem

You may have heard of indie developer Studio HG before, with its first virtual reality (VR) title Smashing the Battle, a top down hack n slash adventure where players control one of two female characters as they try to escape a massive robotics factory. Well sticking to the same universe is follow-up OVERTURN, keeping its predecessors all out action, just this time you’re right in the middle of the fight.

OVERTURN’s story goes along the line of you playing someone who’s been imprisoned in a laboratory by some evil corporation that’s engaged in live genetic experimentation. So you need to escape and this can only be done with the help of MAGI, a fellow prisoner whose developed psychic powers from the tests. So using her skills and your brawn it’s a case of killing your way through as many enemies as possible – whilst solving some puzzles on-route – in a bid for freedom.

Being a hack n slash adventure most of the action unfolds as you may expect, enemies see you, then depending on their armament will generally shoot or charge at you. And so begins a lot of repetitive gameplay, with you just having fists to punch hostiles before eventually picking up grenades or limited use guns – there’s no inventory so if you can’t hold it you can’t take it. It’s just that once you get past the first couple of levels and begin unlocking all the items and abilities that repetition isn’t mundane, in fact it becomes a highly energetic challenge that’s very addictive.

Once you gain the energy swords and can start doing some serious damage to enemies, that’s where the fun begins, as each kill gains you more ESP to use MAGI’s abilities, such as healing you, giving you a grenade or activating Battle MAGI for a short period to unleash massive laser blast – although this does reduce her health.

As mentioned, OVERTURN does have a puzzle element to it, but from what VRFocus has seen so far it’s a very basic addition to a title that’s all about combat. To unlock certain doors you’ll need to find power buttons, or to pass a gap simply find a switch to make a bridge. As the levels tend to be fairly linear, with one way in and out, locating what you need to progress never tends to be overly difficult or faraway, it’s more about defeating the enemies in your path.

With this type of title movement is an important issue and thankfully OVERTURN has two options available, teleportation or free movement. If you’re new to VR or suffer from simulator sickness then teleportation works well enough, especially on the early levels when the enemies are spaced out. For everyone else you should be choosing free movement, no if’s, but’s, or maybe’s, because it makes OVERTURN that much better. On HTC Vive’s touchpad just lightly having your thumb on it will move you forward, with a press increasing the speed. Or press down both pads in the same direction to move even faster. When correctly applied, darting around the arenas and corridors becomes a breeze, dodging past incoming fire or going in for a sword attack then quickly moving back to avoid retaliation. It’s certain seems to be one of the best movement systems around for dealing with single or multiple enemies.

With this initial look at OVERTURN it’s a videogame that’s not trying to reinvent the wheel, just done well, offering players an action filled journey with swords, lasers, grenades and a very silent sidekick. Sure the puzzles aren’t that complex, and you spend a lot of time waving your arms around punching people in the face, sometimes that’s all you need. OVERTURN is coming out mid-October and VRFocus thinks this is one VR title that should be on your radar.

Overturn: FPS im Anime-Stil für Rift und Vive mit Rabatt erschienen [Update]

[Update] Der vielversprechende First Person Shooter Overturn ist ab sofort für die Oculus Rift und HTC Vive bei Steam erhältlich. Zu Feier der Einführung gewährt der Entwickler einen kleinen Rabatt von 10 Prozent, der Titel kostet bis zum 24. Oktober rund 25 Euro. Kurz nach der Veröffentlichung veröffentlichte der Publisher bereits einen ersten Patch, der kleinere Bugs behob.

Originalmeldung vom 26. September 2017:

Der Action-Titel Overturn kommt am 17. Oktober für die Oculus Rift und HTC Vive, die Webseite auf Steam ist freigeschaltet. Neue Trailer und Previews machen Lust auf das Action-Sepktakel im Anime-Spiel, das durch Puzzle- und Adventure-Elemente erweitert wird. Kleiner Wermutstropfen: Beim Launch erwartet den Spieler vorerst lediglich eine Single-Player-Kampagne. Und die Version für die PSVR lässt noch auf sich warten.

Overturn: FPS mit Puzzle- und Adventure-Anteilen im Anime Look

In Overturn findet man sich ohne Erinnerung in einem futuristischen Laboratorium wieder. Klar, dass hier Böses passiert, nämlich gemeine genetische Experiente. Beim Versuch herauszufinden, was eigentlich los ist, wird der Spieler von einem Schmetterling geleitet und entdeckt einen geheimen Raum. Dort trifft man auf die mysteriöse Magi und versucht gemeinsam zu fliehen. Um sich gegen die Gegner zur Wehr zu setzen, setzen das froschgebackene Team beispielsweise Granaten, Energie-Schwerter oder die bloßen Fäuste ein. Auch für die Defensive gibt es einiges, wie beispielsweise Energie-Schilder und die Möglichkeit, die Zeit zu verlangsamen. Das Ganze kommt zumindest in den Videos als prächtiges Action-Spektakel im Anime-Spiel herüber.

Die Entwickler selbst bezeichnen Overturn als VR First Person Shooter, der Abenteuer- und Puzzlespiel miteinander kombiniert. Laut VR Focus soll das Spiel für stundenlangen Spielspaß sorgen. Ob das stimmt und die Geschichte wirklich so tief ist, wie das Studio HG behauptet, muss sich allerdings erst zeigen. Overturn erscheint am 17. Oktober 2017 für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive und hat es bereits in den Steam Store geschafft. Kosten soll das Spiel knapp 30 US-Dollar. Als Grafikkarte benötigt man mindestens eine Nvidia GTX 970, besser noch eine GTX 1060.

Overturn HTC Vive Oculus Rift PSVR

Etwas Verwirrung gab es um die Version für PlayStation VR (PSVR). Die ist zwar geplant, aber der Entwickler hat sich auf Reddit dazu geäußert: Sie benötigt noch einige Zeit. Die Webseite zum Spiel findet ihr hier.

(Quelle: VR Focus und andere)

Der Beitrag Overturn: FPS im Anime-Stil für Rift und Vive mit Rabatt erschienen [Update] zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Check out the new Gameplay Trailer for OVERTURN

Yesterday VRFocus reported on Studio HG and publisher YJM Games announcing that their virtual reality (VR) title OVERTURN now had a confirmed release date of 17 October for both headsets. If you liked the look of the previous screenshots and cinematic trailer released then you’ll want to check out this new gameplay video.

As previously reported, OVERTURN’s adventure combines immersive puzzle elements with action gameplay across multiple hours of in-game levels, with the plot revolving around two subjects who are trying to escape from a deadly laboratory that engaged in live genetic experimentation.

Players are teamed up with fellow subject MAGI, together they must survive an onslaught of robotic enemies using an assortment of weapons, from beam rifles, energy swords and grenades, to mechanical robots and bare fists. MAGI has immensely powerful psychic powers, able to wield offensive powerups like Infinite Charge, Grenade, and Battle MAGI, and defensive abilities such as Time Slow, Shield, and HP.

Take a look at the frantic action in the gameplay video below, and keep reading VRFocus for the latest updates.

Overturn Is A Flashy VR Shooter Full Of Blades And Lasers

Overturn Is A Flashy VR Shooter Full Of Blades And Lasers

When an indie developer sets out to make a fast-paced action game in VR it usually takes one of two forms. The first form is a traditional wave shooter that usually forces a player to stand still, without moving, as enemies come barreling down towards them. You shoot, they die, and you repeat that until you eventually get overrun. Then there is the type that is still usually a wave shooter at heart, but it ramps up the flashiness with full movement, more weapon variety, and a bit of bombastic glory.

For the most part, Overturn by YJM Games falls into that second category. The visual style and over-the-top intensity reminded me a bit of Sairento and Raw Data, as there is a heavy mix of shooting guns and slicing blades. You can see it in action in the trailer below:

Overturn successfully ran a Steam Greenlight campaign last month and is set to release on Steam. During the demo I played the action felt good. I could move around the environment quickly by combining full locomotion with teleportation and the mixture of slicing enemies and blasting them away was very satisfying.

However, it’s unclear how well this will transition into a full game. The speed of gameplay is reminiscent of arcade-style action games, but the VR market has mostly moved on from those at this stage. If there is a narrative hook present and enough missions to keep people playing, then it could work. The flashiness is complemented well by a bold art style that does a great job of evoking the cyberpunk meets retro-futuristic art style. Action plays very smoothly as well.

In the future YJM Games also plans to include multiplayer options as well, which should help expand the amount of content available.

Overturn is set to release on Steam on October 17th, but we don’t know the price point just yet. Once available, it will have support for both Rift and Vive.

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Action-Puzzle Title OVERTURN Coming to HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in October

Just prior to the closing of Steam Greenlight in June, developer Studio HG and publisher YJM Games succeeded in getting enough votes to get their action-puzzle adventure title OVERTURN Greenlit by the community. Today the studio’s have announced that OVERTURN will now be released in October for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

OVERTURN tells the tale of a daring escape of two subjects from a deadly laboratory that engaged in live genetic experimentation, resulting in psychic power. With the help of MAGI, a fellow lab experiment, players need quick reactions to dodge incoming projectiles and mastery of the in-game arsenal which includes beam rifles, energy swords, grenades, mechanical robots and bare fists. While MAGI offers offensive powerups like Infinite Charge, Grenade, and Battle MAGI, and defensive abilities such as Time Slow, Shield, and HP.

The initial launch will only feature the single-player campaign to begin with. Studio HG plans on adding a multiplayer element sometime after.

For video creators OVERTURN also includes features to support content creation, including built-in Twitch chat support as well as third-person camera systems that can be manipulated to provide an alternate perspective on the action.

OVERTURN will launch on 17th October via Steam and Oculus Store for $29.99 USD. Check out the new cinematic teaser trailer below, and for any further updates keep reading VRFocus.

VR Puzzle-Shooter Title OVERTURN Gets Greenlight Approval

Combining an action shooter with puzzle elements is OVERTURN, developed by Studio HG, which has just successfully passed the Steam Greenlight process.

OVERTURN’s story mode puts players in the position of a person trying to escape a dangerous secret laboratory when they stumble across a girl called MAGI, who has been subjected to horrific experiments that give her incredible psychic abilities. Teaming up with MAGI to escape, the player and MAGI face hordes of robotic guards and deadly traps, designed to prevent anyone from leaving.

Players have the option of using different kinds of weaponry, with ranged weapons such as beam rifles or grades, or melee weapons like energy swords or even bare fists. A variety of skills can be unlocked, such as Slow Time, Shields or the ability to instantly fire charged shots.

OVERTURN is uniquely positioned to offer players the fast-paced, free-moving FPS action that VR is able to deliver, while at the same time providing an engaging and intriguing narrative as players search for answers about what’s going on” said David Han, Founder of Studio HG.

The title uses a blink teleport system for movement to minimise adverse effects on players. OVERTURN will be launched for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in late Summer, 2017. A price point for the release has not yet been established. Multiplayer functionality is planned to be added at some point after the initial release.

Further information can be found on the Steam Greenlight page, or the official OVERTURN website.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news about OVERTURN and other upcoming VR projects.