OrbusVR: Reborn Expansion has a Launch Date, Oculus Quest Support Confirmed

When it comes to virtual reality (VR) MMORPG’s, Ad Alternum’s OrbusVR has managed to fill that gaming hole since 2017. Then last year the studio announced plans for what it called its first expansion, OrbusVR: Reborn. As it turns out OrbusVR: Reborn isn’t just an expansion but a complete overhaul of the original title, which in turn will see the videogame leave Early Access.

OrbusVR: Reborn

In a press statement, Ad Alternum has said that: “OrbusVR: Reborn is a ground-up reimagining of the original game, featuring new enemies, new dungeons and raids, new classes, and much more.” Four new playable classes: Shaman, Paladin, Scoundrel and Bard will become available to players, bringing the total to eight, the artwork has been redone with all new assets and players will be glad to hear that there will be 100+ hours of content at launch.

OrbusVR utilizes a “buy once, play forever” model, so once you’ve bought the videogame there are no further fees to pay like many traditional MMOs. Which means the release of OrbusVR: Reborn will be completely free if you already own the title. Currently, the OrbusVR servers are offline (as of 1st April) as the studio fine-tunes the last few details prior to launch.

These include adding support for standalone headset Oculus Quest, which the studio confirms will be available for the device launch this Spring. “We’re very excited to be coming to the Oculus Quest. The Quest represents a huge leap forward for accessibility of VR. Our goal in 2019 is to get OrbusVR into the hands of as many new gamers as possible, and Quest will be a big part of making that a reality,” said Riley Dutton, Director in a statement.

OrbusVR: Reborn

OrbusVR: Reborn will include cross-buy support on the Oculus Store, so if you’ve purchased the title for Oculus Rift you’ll own it on Oculus Quest. The title will also feature seamless cross-platform play between Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, HTC Vive, and other OpenVR headsets to populate the world as much as possible.

OrbusVR: Reborn will officially launch on 23rd April 2019. Should any further details arise, VRFocus will keep you updated.

Leveling Up: How OrbusVR Reborn Aims To Define The VR MMO

Leveling Up: How OrbusVR Reborn Aims To Define The VR MMO

Ever since the days of .hack//sign on Toonami I’ve been dreaming about playing a real VR MMO. Anime like Sword Art Online only furthered that fantasy and my mind often races just thinking about the potential. OrbusVR isn’t that dream game and that’s perfectly okay. Even the folks over at Orbus Online, the small indie studio behind the VR MMO, totally understand that and their humble attitude is a big part of what makes me so optimistic about its future.

There might be an obscure exception to this statement that I don’t know about, but I feel pretty confident in saying that OrbusVR is quite literally the first actual VR MMO. There are plenty of online VR games, some of them are even RPGs, but nothing on the same scale as OrbusVR released before or since. Apps like VRChat, Altspace, Rec Room, Sinespace, and High Fidelity certainly have elements of MMOs, but they’re better described as social virtual worlds and they certainly don’t fit the mold of what makes an MMORPG.

OrbusVR was born from a successful Kickstarter campaign that originally launched on March 6th, 2017 and raised $34, 524 smashing their base goal in just four hours. It was a modest beginning and they’ve found success by staying lean and focused. The MMO launched to Early Access in December of 2017.

“Honestly it’s done a lot better than I thought it would,” said Riley Dutton, creator of OrbusVR and original co-founder of the popular digital D&D app, roll20, in an interview with UploadVR. “Originally our goal was to sell about 10,000 copies of the game after the Kickstarter and we actually sold more like 30-40,000 copies in just the first couple of months. So we were already doing better than expected right out of the gate.”

Those numbers include both Steam and Oculus Home players, which all occupy the same game world. I played OrbusVR for a bit back around February 2018 and came away impressed with the ambition. Visually it was rough, some design decisions left me scratch my head, and it wasn’t the most intuitive thing out there, but the core of it was really fun and solid.

At the very least, it was a good proof of concept that a VR MMO could work and actually be fun.

“The main negative thing about the first go around is that we were an inexperienced team from a game development standpoint and we just had a very small budget,” said Dutton. “It was funded through a mixture of Kickstarter and my own pocket so we couldn’t get a significant team together for art or programming. We ended up using lots of Unity asset store stuff for the environments and monsters. It was just never really that optimized for VR, at least not as much as I wanted it to be. It was honestly more of a hodge-podge of assets and stuff.”

Well as a hodge-podge it was certainly getting the job done. For the first few months of life it was hovering around 200 or even 300 concurrent players at a time on Steam alone and that doesn’t even count Oculus Home users. Updates were frequent for a while, but then eventually most of the resources and effort turned inwards to what eventually became OrbusVR Reborn.

Rather than just an expansion or big patch, OrbusVR Reborn is a “ground-up re-imagining of the original game” and is much more than just your average mid-life update.

“We could have done the traditional MMO expansion route, but from the sales of the original game we had the resources to expand the team to do this right, put in a better architecture and foundation to allow us to push new platforms and content overall,” said Dutton. “So while it is technically an expansion too, it doesn’t stop there. We’re going from four to eight combat disciplines and expanding all the content in the game. Then in other ways there is going to be less overworld terrain because we wanted to do a higher quality job on a smaller area so players see each other more often. We also now have a lot more public events, overworld bosses, and missions.”

To put things into perspective, about 70% of all the assets in the base game from character designs, enemy designs, environments, and everything in between have been reworked.

“We just went back to the drawing board,” said Dutton. “When we first built it I just used a random terrain generator to make the zones, now we have this amazing 3D environment artist that has hand-crafted every zone and landmark.”

The new player experience eschews the linear quest order progression of the base game for a focus on more collaborative open-world content. This way, everyone can play everybody and you don’t get locked off from progressing just because you’re on a different quest step than your friends.

Now, there are seven primary open-world activities such as world bosses, dragon racing, hunting, public events, critter catching, and more. Each activity has mission within it to complete. For anyone that plays modern non-VR MMORPGs, the public events in OrbusVR Reborn will be like Dolmens in Elder Scrolls Online, Rifts in (aptly titled) Rift, Fates in Final Fantasy XIV, or world events in Guild Wars 2.

Dungeons are getting a big overall too with a queue system, four brand new dungeons, new raids a few weeks after Reborn launches, new equipment to earn, new mounts, and more.

For PvP options the system is changing a bit too. There is a new Battleground arena for small-scale team-based PvP you can join, or open world PvP that’s purely opt-in. This way you can’t get attacked if you don’t want to and you can easily tell who is open to PvP out in the wild.

Rather than trying to rewrite the blueprint for what makes an MMO, OrbusVR Reborn is instead focused on nailing the existing concept of an MMO inside a VR space first because no one has really done that yet. Before we can have Ready Player One, let’s aim for something smaller first.

The base game already had four classes: Warrior, Runemage, Ranger, and Musketeer. Now with Reborn four more are being added with Bard, Shaman, Paladin, and Scoundrel. Personally I’ll be playing a Paladin and look forward to happily throwing my hammer across levels like Thor.

OrbusVR Reborn is fast approaching in April 2019. You can play the original game right now if you want, although I’d recommend just waiting since the Reborn update will totally transform the new player experience as well. You’d just be playing the intro to a game that won’t exist anymore.

Dutton said the team is “aggressively” looking to expand onto both Oculus Quest and PSVR, which would be a huge way to expand the player-base. Now that the entire foundation of the game is being optimized for VR more carefully, both platforms are possibilities.

Let us know what you think of the OrbusVR Reborn news so far and let us know if you plan on playing down in the comments below when the game more or less relaunches in April!

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‘OrbusVR: Reborn’ Expansion Heads into 4th Beta Weekend Ahead of April Launch

Orbus Online, the indie studio behind MMORPG OrbusVRis working on a pretty significant expansion to the base game, dubbed OrbusVR: Reborn. While the expansion is set to launch sometime in April, owners of OrbusVR can hop in starting today for its fourth beta weekend.

The studio says in a dev blog the latest beta access period will feature new zones, a new class (Scoundrel), public events, new enemies, new missions, and more.

“Since last test we’ve made many major improvements to the game, including additional content, new Public Events, the new Scoundrel, our second dungeon, around 100 missions, and more,” Orbus Online co-founder and director Riley Dutton says.

Image courtesy Orbus Onineorbus

Beta access to Reborn starts today, February 22nd, at 1:00 PM ET (local time here) and will last until Monday, February 25th. OrbusVR supports Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, although users looking to get into the beta will need to first have a copy of OrbusVR and install the beta download launcher (link).

Orbus Online says in a previous update announcing the expansion’s launch that there will be one more beta access period for owners of OrbusVR after this,taking place March 25th – April 8th.

An open beta weekend will also take place semi-concurrently on March 29th – March 31st for VR users regardless of whether they own OrbusVR or not.

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VR MMO OrbusVR: Reborn Overhaul Set To Release In April 2019

VR MMO OrbusVR: Reborn Overhaul Set To Release In April 2019

Last year OrbusVR: Reborn was revealed as a “ground-up re-imagining” of the VR MMORPG, due out this year, that will aim to totally relaunch the MMO. This week we’ve learned OrbusVR: Reborn is set to officially go live in April of 2019. With new visuals, new classes, new mechanics, and tons of new features it may as well be a sequel or complete overhaul rather than just a mere expansion.

OrbusVR is, for all intents and purposes, the first VR MMO. Obviously some experiences like AltspaceVR may predate it and there are likely going to be plenty of MMOs in VR created in the coming years, but OrbusVR does hold the crown as the first one to actually release into the market after a successful Kickstarter campaign. It’s a buy-to-play MMO, meaning once you buy it you don’t have to pay a subscription fee or anything like you do in World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV.

Now, calling this game an MMO does come with some caveats. Obviously it’s a small team which means the production values aren’t going to be on the same level as the biggest games in the world can afford. It’s got a sleek art style that works well, but it’s not gonna blow any minds. Additionally, servers only hold a few dozen people at most at any given time so the “Massively” part of the MMO acronym is being stretched a little bit here.

That being said, having played OrbusVR a bit and having been around to experience the early days of PC MMOs with Ultima Online, EverQuest, and others, it certainly has that same feeling of still trying to figure itself out and to me, that’s a magical spot to be in.

To stay updated on OrbusVR, new features, and more check out the official website here and let us know what you think of the game if you’ve played it down in the comments below!

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[Update]: OrbusVR Reborn ab heute erhältlich

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OrbusVR Reborn erscheint offiziell heute Abend gegen 19 Uhr auf Steam sowie im Oculus Store.

Besitzer von OrbusVR erhalten ein kostenloses Update, welches die neuen Spielinhalte bereitstellt. Für Neukäufer soll eine Stunde vor Release eine neue Kaufoption in den digitalen Stores bereitstehen.

Folgende Änderungen erwarten VR-Veteranen des Spiels zum Launch:

  • Level in der Fischerklasse werden in entsprechende Punkte konvertiert
  • Beta-Achievements werden beim Backer Rewards Vendor bereitgestellt
  • Sämtliche Quests und Talente wurden resettet

(Quelle: OrbusVR Blog)

[Update vom 4. April 2019]:

Der offizielle Starttermin von OrbusVR: Reborn steht fest. Entsprechend soll das Remake am 23. April für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive erscheinen. Zudem gibt es Neuigkeiten über den geplanten Release für die kommende Oculus Quest: Die Veröffentlichung des VR-MMORPGs wurde jetzt offiziell bestätigt. Der Release soll im Frühjahr 2019 stattfinden.

Eine Veröffentlichung für PlayStation VR (PSVR) ist weiterhin in Planung.

(Quelle: Upload VR | Video: OrbusVR YouTube)

[Update vom 12. Februar 2019]:

OrbusVR könnte für die kommende Oculus Quest erscheinen, wie die Entwickler per Twitter verkünden:

Demnach sei man definitiv an einem Port für die neue VR-Plattform interessiert, genaue Informationen könne man aber noch nicht veröffentlichen. Ob das VR-MMO für die Quest-Brille erscheint, hängt vermutlich stark von den entstehenden Kosten und den damit verbundenen Aufwand ab.

(Quellen: Upload VR | OrbusVR Twitter)

[Originalartikel vom 7. Februar 2019]:

Dass Entwicklerstudio Orbus Online ein Rework des VR-MMORPGs OrbusVR in Form einer kostenlosen Expansion plant, ist bereits seit Längerem bekannt. Ursprünglich wurde der Release von OrbusVR Reborn für das Q1 2019 angekündigt, nun gibt es Neuigkeiten vonseiten der Devs. Demnach soll die Neuauflage offiziell im April 2019 erscheinen. Im Verlauf der nächsten Monate sollen zudem zwei Beta-Testläufe stattfinden, an denen die Spieler die kommende Fassung ausprobieren und Feedback verteilen dürfen.

OrbusVR Reborn – VR-Expansion ab April 2019 erhältlich

OrbusVR Reborn sorgt für eine komplette Überarbeitung des Originaltitels und bringt zahlreiche neue Inhalte in die Online-Welt. So wird die gesamte Spielumgebung generalüberholt und auch die Geschichte des VR-MMORPGs wird neu geschrieben. Ein Zeitsprung von 20 Jahren findet statt, welcher seine Spuren im digitalen Land hinterlässt. Dadurch werden alte Gebiete komplett verändert sowie mit neuen NPC’s, Quests und Gegnern bestückt.

Auch die Gegnertypen und das Verhalten der Monster durchlaufen einen kompletten Wandel. So gibt es neue Widersacher in der Welt, die dank neuer KI auch deutlich intelligenter agieren. Zusätzliche Gebiete und auch Weltbosse, Dungeons und Raids sorgen zudem für weiteren frischen Wind und zusätzliche Herausforderungen.


Weitere Berufs-, Crafting- und Kampfoptionen gewährleisten komplexere Spielvorgänge und außerdem sorgen die neuen spielbaren Klassen Paladin, Schamane, Barde und Schurke für zusätzliche Abwechslung. Für mehr Community-Aktivitäten gibt es das Drachenrennen, Luftschiffabenteuer und World-Events. Auch das PvP kommt nicht zu kurz, weshalb es Veränderungen für World-PvP und Schlachtfelder gibt.

Sämtliche Neuerungen und Features erfahrt ihr hier im offiziellen Dev-Blog.

OrbusVR Reborn – Zwei Beta-Testphasen angekündigt

Entwicklerstudio Orbus Online baut für das Revamp auf seine Community und sammelt deshalb zahlreiches Feedback zur Umsetzung der Spielerwünsche. Vor dem offiziellen Release werden deshalb zwei Beta-Testphasen angeboten, in denen die Spieler die neue Expansion auf Herz und Nieren austesten können.

Die finalen Beta-Tests finden vom 22. bis 25. Februar sowie am 25. März bis 8. April statt.

OrbusVR Reborn soll offiziell als kostenlose Erweiterung für den Originaltitel im April 2019 für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive auf Steam sowie im Oculus Store erscheinen. OrbusVR ist zum Spielen der Expansion erforderlich und schlägt mit 39,99 Euro zu buche.

(Quelle: Orbus VR)

Der Beitrag [Update]: OrbusVR Reborn ab heute erhältlich zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

MMORPG ‘OrbusVR’ Expansion ‘Reborn’ to Launch in April

Orbus Online, the studio behind OrbusVR, says the game’s long-awaited ‘Reborn’ expansion is now set to launch sometime in April.

OrbusVR is a made-for-VR MMORPG that launched into Early Access on Steam (Vive, Rift) and the Oculus Store (Rift) in December 2017. As a VR-native, it’s essentially delivering VR headset owners a way to live out some of the classic MMORPG tropes such as multiplayer dungeon raids, world bosses, several combat classes, and missions across a large, open-world.

The game’s Reborn expansion, which was first teased in August with a Q1 2019 release target, takes place in the near future—20 years after the defeat of the Order, changing much in the land of Patraeyl.

Image courtesy Orbus Online

Reborn is said to feature a host of new content including new classes, zones, activities, enemies, and improvements to overall functionality and look (more details below).

The studio says in a developer update that two more Reborn closed betas will arrive beforehand to further test and provide opportunity for user feedback.

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Closed betas, which will be available to current owners of OrbusVR, are slated to take place February 22nd – 25th and March 25th – April 8th. To boot, expansion will be free to all existing owners of the base game, which costs $40.

All existing characters, equipment, and progression will be carried over from the current version of OrbusVR into Reborn when it launches.

The studio says a more definite launch window will arrive at the beginning of April.

New Features Coming to Reborn

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‘OrbusVR: Reborn’ Expansion Heads into Beta #3 in Open Weekend Starting Today

OrbusVR: Reborn is the first expansion to OrbusVR, a VRMMORGP in Early Access from indie studio Orbus Online. Now in its third open beta weekend, owners of the base game OrbusVR can hop into Reborn starting today, which comes with plenty of new stuff to see and explore.

Orbus Online calls the expansion pack a “ground-up re-imagining of the original game,” which includes new hand-painted visuals, enemies, dungeons, raids, classes, and more.

Image courtesy Orbus Online

The OrbusVR: Reborn beta has already begun, starting today, January 11th at 12 PM CST. It’s not certain when the beta weekend will end, although it’s safe to say come Monday users will be greeted with a ‘server offline’ message.

Reborn is set 20 years after the defeat of the Order, so much has changed in the land of Patraeyl. Users again find themselves at the central hub ‘Highsteppe’, where they venture out from behind the the safe walls of the city into a land of new possibilities. “It’s a time of chaos…and opportunity,” the studio says.

Image courtesy Orbus Online

The full version is slated to arrive sometime in Q1 2019 for free to existing OrbusVR owners. Users that purchase the base game before Reborn launches are said to receive it for free.

OrbusVR is a VR-only game available through Steam (Vive, Rift) and the Oculus Store (Rift).

Here’s a list of all new content on show in the third beta weekend:

  • New Avatar Creator We’ve re-worked our avatars to give you much more control over the look of your character. Change the shape of your body and face, and choose from a variety of hair, nose, and eye styles to make a truly unique avatar that represents you!
  • New ClassesThe Bard is a support class focused around conducting your own personal mini-orchestra of musical orbs. By keeping them in-sync and choosing the right instrument at the right time, you can support your party members, heal your allies, weaken your enemies, and even deal a little damage of your own! The Shaman is a high-powered offensive class with the ability to affect the entire battlefield. Throwing down totems, the Shaman can spread effects to slow down enemies, or throw down a spell-slinging totem and grab some arcane energy to hurl for massive damage. Disciplines Three and Four will be revealed soon!
  • New EnemiesFace new, challenging foes from a variety of core races, including creatures of chaos and corrupted nature. Enemy AI has been vastly improved, and enemies will now dodge incoming projectiles, retreat and seek help, and choose between rushing the player or hanging back at a distance depending on the situation.
  • New ActivitiesWith Highsteppe as your central hub, take on a variety of new activites in-game, including airship adventures with a party, dragon pet racing, and public events throughout the world. All non-endgame areas will also be level-scaled, so veteran and new players can easily quest together. And of course, we’ll have new dungeons, raids, gear, and more!
  • Redesigned World PvP and BattlegroundsWe’ve listened to your feedback on the player versus player content in the game, and in this re-imagined realm, World PvP is an opt-in activity, along with additional rewards for those who choose to participate. We’ll also be rolling out our first Capture the Flag Battleground game mode for those who want some competitive action, along with Honor ranks and rewards.
  • Revamped Gathering and New Crafting Gathering resources throughout the world will now be more naturally integrated, with items such as ore found in caves (yes, there are now caves!). We’ll also be introducing a new Tinkerer crafting discipline.
  • Improved Performance and StabilityBy making each asset ourselves, we’ve been able to hand-tune the game for the performance that VR requires. Even when questing in the overworld, you’ll now find buttery-smooth framerates. We’ve also upgraded our engine and fixed numerous bugs to greatly increase overall stability and reduce crashes and disconnects.

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OrbusVR Reborn: Neue Expansion mitsamt Komplettüberarbeitung erscheint 2019

Entwicklerstudio Orbus Online kündigte eine interessante Neuigkeit für Orbus VR an. Demnach soll das VR-MMO von Grund auf neu aufgesetzt werden und unter dem Namen OrbusVR: Reborn als Expansion kostenlos im nächsten Jahr veröffentlicht werden. Das Rework beinhaltet ein neues Design, neue Gegner, Spielmechaniken, Aktivitäten und vieles mehr.

OrbusVR: Reborn – Neue Expansion bringt Komplettüberarbeitung und eine Vielzahl neuer Inhalte

Das Team rund um Orbus sammelte während der Early-Access-Phase des VR-MMOs fleißig Daten sowie Feedback der Community, um basierend auf den Spielerwünschen die neue Expansion OrbusVR: Reborn vorzubereiten. Mit dem kostenlosen Update sorgen die Devs für eine Komplettrenovierung der Spielwelt und bringen zahlreiche neue Inhalte ins Spiel.


Entsprechend wird wirklich das gesamte Spiel in einem neuen Stil umgesetzt. Komplette Landschaften wurden redesigned, um die Spieler/innen mit zusätzlichen Abenteuern zu versorgen. Zusätzlich wird neben der Umgebung auch die Story angepasst. So findet in der Welt ein Zeitsprung von über 20 Jahren statt, weshalb auch die NPCs unter dem Zahn der Zeit massive Veränderungen durchlaufen.

Doch die Expansion bringt nicht nur Verschönerungen fürs Auge. Auch das Gameplay wird mit zusätzlichen Disziplinen und optimierter Gegner-KI auf die nächste Stufe gebracht. Apropos neue Stufe: Das Maximallevel wird ebenso auf 30 erhöht. Insgesamt vier verschiedene Kampf- sowie Crafting-Diszplinen werden eingeführt, die ihr in den überarbeiteten PvP-Schlachtfeldern einsetzen dürft. So reihen sich die Klassen Barde und Schamane in die Auswahl ein.


Zudem gibt es neue Gegnertypen, deren Bekämpfung eine ganz eigene Kampftaktik fordert. Und was wäre eine Erweiterung ohne neue Dungeons und Raids. Ebenso zählen neue zusätzliche Aktivitäten wie das Drachen-Rennen, World-Events und Luftschiffabenteuer zu den Neuerungen.


Dafür werden die Haupt-Quest-Story sowie bisherige Dungeons und Raids aus dem Spiel entfernt. Das Housing-System wird ebenfalls verändert, sodass der neue Fokus mehr auf dem Upgrade der eigenen virtuellen Vier Wände liegt. Außerdem finden zahlreiche Fehlerbehebungen, Performance-und Stabilitätsoptimierungen statt.

Die Betaphase der neuen Expansion OrbusVR: Reborn soll zwischen Q4 2018 und Q1 2019 erscheinen. Weitere Informationen und Details sollen in naher Zukunft mit der Spielerschaft geteilt werden.

(Quellen: Orbus VR Blog | Reddit | Orbus VR Reborn)

Der Beitrag OrbusVR Reborn: Neue Expansion mitsamt Komplettüberarbeitung erscheint 2019 zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

OrbusVR: Reborn Is A ‘Ground-Up Re-Imagining’ Of The VR MMORPG With New Classes And Content

OrbusVR: Reborn Is A ‘Ground-Up Re-Imagining’ Of The VR MMORPG With New Classes And Content

Today via Reddit, the OrbusVR development team revealed that the VR-exclusive MMORPG is getting a massive overhaul for the start of 2019. Known simple as OrbusVR: Reborn, the overhaul is part expansion and part relaunch for the indie MMO.

Reportedly, OrbusVR: Reborn will not only include four brand new character classes (Bard, Shaman, and two others that aren’t revealed yet) but will also feature robust new avatar customization options, all-new enemies, new areas, new activities, upgraded PvP systems, a better new player experience, and a much more detailed art style. The new visuals retain the low-poly look of the game’s current style, while adding more detail and nuance to the environments. The team is also aiming for improved stability and performance as well. It looks like a significant upgrade across the board.