VR Multiplayer Shooter Onward Is Coming To The Oculus Quest

VR Multiplayer Shooter Onward Is Coming To The Oculus Quest

You might think Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is the biggest game reveal of the day. Well, we’re here to tell you you’re wrong; Onward is coming to Oculus Quest!

The port was announced during today’s instalment of the VR League, an esports competition for VR gamers. Downpour Interactive’s Dante Buckley joined the show to confirm the ever-popular VR shooter is coming to Oculus’ standalone headset.

For those that don’t know, Onward is a first-person multiplayer shooter. Initially developed by just Buckley himself, the game favors realistic modern combat. First released for the HTC Vive, it quickly caught people’s attention with its authentic gameplay that, at the time, was unseen in VR.

Buckley didn’t reveal exactly when Onward would be arriving on Quest. We’ll be incredibly excited to see how the game’s tense tactical shootouts translate to the wireless headset. On PC, the game’s still in Early Access and Oculus hasn’t yet launched a pre-release game on its new headset.

This is just the first in what’s sure to be a week of great announcements for VR. Make sure to join UploadVR on Monday when we host the first ever E3 VR Showcase, kicking off at 8:45am PT. We’ll host over 30 (close to 40, in fact!) VR games including exclusive gameplay, new trailers and, of course, big announcements. We can’t wait to show you what’s in store – there’s a few more Quest announcements on the way.

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Onward Adds ‘Virtual Gunstock Mode’ For Rift S And WMR Inside-Out Tracking


If you’re an Onward player with an Oculus Rift S or WMR headset you’re in luck- the tactical shooter just added ‘Virtual Gunstock Mode’ to make using scoped rifles a better experience.

The update also adds support for the Valve Index Controllers as well as improving the game’s lighting, animations, and performance.

Unlike externally tracked headsets, the Rift S and Windows MR headsets use their onboard cameras to track their controllers, via LEDs under the plastic of the tracking rings. Oculus use infrared LEDs invisible to the eye, while Microsoft uses visible light. The Rift S uses five cameras, whereas Windows MR headsets use two.

The cameras use wide angled fisheye lenses so can track a fairly wide range, but if a controller is very close under the headset it will be out of that range, or even within range the LEDs will simply be too big to uniquely distinguish.

Interestingly, this is an issue Oculus CTO John Carmack stated “is being worked on” in the Insight tracking software itself, and noted that he “expects improvements.”

For now, Virtual Gunstock Mode is the solution for shooters. When you bring a two handed weapon up to aim Virtual Gunstock Mode kicks in and keeps the weapon locked in position. Your front hand and body movement now controls the aim.

We tested the mode today and found it works as described. With the Rift S we are now able to accurately hit targets with scoped weapons without encountering any tracking glitches, although there is a slight loss of fine control.

You can enable Virtual Gunstock Mode from the main settings by changing ‘Gunstock’ to ‘Virtual’. We recommend also enabling Hold grip instead of Toggle (on the right in settings).

Onward is one of the three games in VR League, the first and biggest VR esports league. The league is sponsored by Oculus, so Facebook has an interest in making sure the game is fully playable on the Rift S. While VR League currently uses the original Rift in tournaments, it seems likely they will eventually switch to the Rift S, as the original Rift is now discontinued.

Inside-out tracking greatly simplifies setup and allows for lower cost hardware. But as this update shows, its also requires some games to release patches to account for its limitations.

A similar situation arose with the release of Oculus Touch and PlayStation VR in late 2016, where developers added snap turning to account for the front-facing sensors. It’s not clear yet whether there’s a similar universal solution for inside-out, but Virtual Gunstock Mode seems to be the right move for shooters.

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VR League: Dritte Saison mit 250.000 US-Dollar Preispool gestartet

Am Wochenende ist offiziell die dritte Saison der VR League in Kooperation mit Oculus und ESL gestartet, um die teilnehmenden Teams in den vier VR-Titeln Onward, Echo Combat, Echo Arena und Space Junkies um einen Preispool in Höhe von 250.000 US-Dollar antreten zu lassen.

VR League – Dritte Saison am 24. März eröffnet

Am Wochenende ist der offizielle Startschuss für die dritte Saison der VR League gefallen. In den nächsten sechs Wochen treten ambitionierte vSportler in vier verschiedenen VR-Titeln in wöchentlichen Cups gegeneinander an, um Punkte für den Closed Qualifier im Mai zu sammeln. Die Teams mit den meisten Punkten erhalten daraufhin Zugang zum geschlossenen Qualifizierungsturnier und dürfen um einen Platz für das Grand Final am 8. und 9. Juni im Haymarket Theatre in Leicester konkurrieren.

Nur die besten Anwärter in den Spielen Onward, Echo Combat, Echo Arena und Space Junkies können daraufhin ein Preisgeld in den jeweiligen Spielen erhalten.

Im taktischen VR-Shooter Onward können die Spieler in Fünf-gegen-Fünf-Teams antreten, um ein Preisgeld in Höhe von 63.000 US-Dollar zu erspielen. Als neuer Titel ist Echo Combat vertreten, indem die Teams insgesamt 46.800 US-Dollar erwarten. Echo Arena ist auf Dreierteams ausgelegt und bereits seit zwei Saisons Teil des VR-Turniers. Die Spieler können hier um ein Preisgeld von 38.700 US-Dollar konkurrieren. Ebenfalls neu im Line-up ist Ubisofts Space Junkies, welches die Spieler in Zwei-gegen-Zwei-Wettkämpfe schickt, um eine Chance auf 25.400 US-Dollar zu erhalten.


Image courtesy: ESL

Vom 24. März bis 28. April findet die erste und zweite wöchentliche Turnierphase zum Punkteerwerb statt. Am 5. Mai folgt ein Last Chance Qualifier. Daraufhin werden die beiden geschlossenen Online Closed Qualifiers vom 18. Bis 19 Mai und 25. Bis 26. Mai veranstaltet. Das große Offline-Finale erwartet uns dann vom 8. bis 9. Juni.

Die Spiele werden offiziell auf YouTube und Twitch übertragen. Wir wünschen allen Teilnehmenden viel Erfolg!

(Quelle: VR ESL | Upload VR | Video: VR League YouTube)

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vSports: Dritte Saison der VR League mit größtem Preispool Allerzeiten gestartet

Die ESL veranstaltet gemeinsam mit Oculus die mittlerweile dritte Saison der VR League, um kompetitive Teams in den Wettkampf um Ruhm, Ehre und den bisher größten Preispool der Ligageschichte zu schicken. In den VR-Titeln Onward, Echo Arena, Echo Combat und Space Junkies können die Spieler mit Geschick, Taktik und Teamplay bis zu 250.000 US-Dollar gewinnen.

vSports – ESL und Oculus rufen dritte Saison der VR League aus

Nach der zweiten Saison der VR League im letzten Jahr kündigt die ESL erneut in Kooperation mit Oculus den Start der dritten Saison der VR-Liga für 2019 an. Ein neues Spiele-Line-up lässt die ambitionierten Kontrahenten in insgesamt vier verschiedenen VR-Titeln um einen sagenhaften Preispool in Höhe von 250.000 US-Dollar antreten.

Möglich macht dies eine Investition von Oculus, wie Christopher K. McKelvy, Head of eSports des Unternehmens, verkündet:

2019 wird mit dem Verkaufsstart der Oculus Quest und der dritten und vierten Saison der VR League ein großes Jahr für das VR-Gaming werden. Dieses Jahr wird für Oculus das bisher größte Investment im Bereich eSports sein. Wir erweitern die Spiele, sorgen für mehr Ausstrahlungen und erhöhen den Preispool.”

In den folgenden VR-Titeln können die Spieler ihr Können unter Beweis stellen:

  • Echo Arena
  • Echo Combat
  • Onward
  • Space Junkies

Image courtesy: ESL

Auch Sean Charles, SVP Global Publisher der ESL, glaubt an den zukunftsträchtigen vSports und findet enthusiastische Worte zur dritten Saison:

Durch unsere Partnerschaft mit Oculus trägt die VR League dazu bei, das kompetitive VR-Gaming auf ein neues Publikum zu erweitern und sogar einen stärkeren Einfluss auf die gesamte eSports-Branche zu nehmen. Mit einem Showmatch rund um die vier Titel werden wir die dritte Saison eröffnen und damit aufregende neue eSports-Erlebnisse für Spieler und Fans schaffen.”

Das Showmatch wurde am Wochenende in Kattowitz durchgeführt. Das gesamte VOD findet ihr hier:

Der offizielle Ligabeginn ist am 24. März. In wöchentlichen Cups können die Spieler daraufhin Punkte sammeln, um sich am Ende für ein großes Offlineturnier im Haymarket Theatre in Leicester zu qualifizieren.

Weitere Informationen, Anmeldungen sowie einen Zeitplan über die Turniere findet ihr auf der offiziellen Webseite der ESL.

(Quellen: VR ESL | Videos: VR League YouTube)

Der Beitrag vSports: Dritte Saison der VR League mit größtem Preispool Allerzeiten gestartet zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

It’s Time for VR League’s Season 3 With Kickoff Commencing This Weekend

Today, Oculus and ESL have announced that the VR League is returning for its third season, bringing together the best virtual reality (VR) players in the world for a series of matches on some of the most popular and newest multiplayer experiences.

Space Junkies - Key Art

With players now competing for a prize pool of $250,000 USD, Season 3 will kickoff with a showmatch between last season’s finalists this Sunday, 3rd March before the official start on 24th March.

For Season 3 there will be a slight change in the videogames played, with Ready At Dawn’s Echo Arena and Downpour Interactive’s Onward staying put, while Sprint Vector and The Unspoken have been removed in favour of Ubisoft’s upcoming shooter Space Junkieswhich is due to launch for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR on 26th March 2019, plus  Ready At Dawn’s follow up title Echo Combat.

“Through our partnership with Oculus, VR League is helping competitive VR expand to new audiences and further its impact in the esports industry as a whole,” said Sean Charles, SVP Global Publisher & Developer Relations at ESL. “Kicking off the third season with a showmatch leading into full competition around four titles, we are set to create exciting new esports experiences for both players and fans.”

Echo Combat

“2019 will be a huge year for VR gaming with the launch of Oculus Quest and Season 3 & 4 of the VR League,” said Christopher K. McKelvy, Head of Esports at Oculus. “This year will be Oculus’ biggest investment in esports yet. We’re adding new games, more broadcasts and a bigger prize pool.”

VR League: Season 3 will have weekly cups in both Europe and North America, and culminate in an offline Grand Finals event at Haymarket Theatre in Leicester, UK. For more information on the schedule and to sign up for the league, head to the official VR League website. As further updates are released, VRFocus will let you know.

Onward’s v1.5 Update Adds new Map, Game Mode and More

One of the more popular online military-style first-person shooters for virtual reality (VR) headsets, Onward received a new update today, adding a snow covered map, more game modes and new weapons as well as the usual bug improvements. 


Due to the amount of snowfall North America and a lot of Europe seems to be receiving, the new map Snowpeak seems fairly apt. The map is set in the Russian mountains, inside a long-forgotten military base.

As for game modes, the main new one is Uplink Assault. Featuring 5v5 gameplay on large maps, the mode has the core features of Onward’s flagship gamemode, just with respawns. If you play on the Marsoc team then you have 20 shared respawn tickets. You win by getting to the Uplink, inputting the code, and defending the Uplink while the code is sent. If you’re playing as the Volk then you have infinite respawns. The Volk win by making Marsoc run out of tickets, or successfully defending the Uplink for the entire round.

Downpour Interactive will now be alternating social game modes every two weeks. These modes were first introduced at Halloween with the latest being Gun Game. It is a ten-player free for all with respawns. All you have to do is climb the ladder of guns to get a kill with each of them to win.

Onward guns

And when it comes to new kit, players now have access to the single-shot RPG (available to Volk Specialist), the M203 grenade launcher attachment which has frag and smoke grenade ammo options (available to Marsoc Specialist on the Mk18), plus the hand smoke grenades now have white, red, and green colour options.

The update also includes:

  • Fresh new hand models.
  • Use controller buttons and capacitive touch to move fingers to make gestures (network synced across all players).
  • Unique animations for every gun trigger, barrel, and foregrip.
  • Hand grabbing objects now smoothly lerps instead of snapping to the object.

Onward supports both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Currently, via Steam, you can download the videogame for free for the next two days. Or there’s the weekend deal which has knocked 40 percent of the price, dropping it from £18.99 GBP down to £11.39. For further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Onward: Update 1.5 mit neuer Karte, Spielmodi, Waffen, Modellen und mehr angekündigt

Entwicklerstudio Downpour Interactive kündigt einen neuen Patch für den VR-Multiplayer-Shooter Onward an. Das Update 1.5 kommt mit zahlreichen Features daher und integriert eine neue Schneekarte, neue Spielmodi mit Respawn-Punkten, zahlreiche neue Ausrüstungsgegenstände sowie Waffen-, Modell- und Performance-Upgrades. Außerdem gibt es soziale Features und ein überarbeitetes UI. Die obligatorischen Fehlerbehebungen sind ebenso mit inbegriffen.

Onward – Update 1.5: Neue Karte und zwei neue Spielmodi

Das neue Update 1.5 kommt mit jeder Menge frischen Content um die Ecke. Einen Vorgeschmack auf das Patch-Paket liefert folgendes Trailer-Video:

So dürfen sich die Spieler zukünftig in der russischen Basis Snowpeak bekämpfen, die in einer schneebedeckten Hügellandschaft in Russland angesiedelt wurde. Die Volk haben die Militäreinrichtung für sich beansprucht und das Lager zu eigenen Zwecken umgebaut. Als Marsoc ist es eure Aufgabe, den taktischen Stützpunkt zu zerstören.


Für mehr Abwechslung sorgt der neue Spielmodus Uplink Aussault. Dieser beinhaltet zwar die Kernelemente des klassischen Gameplays, ergänzt diese jedoch mit Respawn-Punkten. So tretet ihr in Fünf-gegen-Fünf-Konstellationen gegeneinander an, um eine Verbindung herzustellen und einen Code zu senden. Während Team Volk unendlich oft respawnen darf, muss sich Team Marsoc insgesamt 20 Spawn-Tickets aufteilen.

Die Aufgabe der Marsoc ist es, zur Verbindungsstelle vorzudringen und den Code abzusenden. Die Volk gewinnen durch Verteidigung der Anlage bzw. dem Ausschalten aller Spieler, sodass sämtliche Respawns der gegnerischen Fraktion aufgebracht werden. Während der Runde dürfen beide Parteien auf unterschiedliche Spawn-Punkte zurückgreifen. Um eine Balance herzustellen, dürfen die Marsoc zusätzlich bei ihrem Teamführer respawnen.


Außerdem stehen zukünftig neue abwechselnde Casual-Gamemodes im zweiwöchigen Takt zur Verfügung. Ähnlich wie das Spec-Ops-Halloween-Event sollen dadurch spaßige Spielmodi für mehr soziale Interaktion zur Auswahl stehen. Den Anfang macht das Gun Game, welches zehn Spieler in ein Free-for-All mit Respawn-Punkten wirft. Der Sieg wird durch den Abschuss mit jeder vorgegebenen Waffe erlangt.

Onward – Update 1.5: Neue Ausrüstung, Modelle, UI- und Performance-Upgrades

Für mehr Feuerkraft sorgen zukünftig die Waffen RPG7, der M203-Granatenwerfer mit Frag- und Smok-Granaten sowie die Leuchtfeuerpistole. Außerdem gibt es neue Waffenmodelle für die AK-74, SKS und Makarov.

Ebenso wurden die Modelle der Spielerhände neu überarbeitet, wodurch es neue Animationen für die Handhabung jeder einzelnen Waffe gibt. Auch das Aufheben von Objekten soll dadurch deutlich flüssiger von der Hand gehen und dank Knopfdruck ist das Auslösen diverse Gesten möglich.

Außerdem gibt es neue soziale Features, neue Ladebildschirme und ein überarbeitetes Menü. Balance- und Performance-Upgrades zählen ebenso zu den Neuigkeiten des Patches wie die obligatorischen Bug Fixes.

Die gesamten Patch Notes findet ihr hier.

(Quellen: Onward Steam-Blog | Video: Downpour Interactive YouTube)

Der Beitrag Onward: Update 1.5 mit neuer Karte, Spielmodi, Waffen, Modellen und mehr angekündigt zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Onward Goes Arctic With New Level, Trailer Debuts

Onward Goes Arctic With New Level, Trailer Debuts

Onward‘s 1.5 update is just a little late for Christmas but still offers some snowy slaughter.

The latest version of Downpour Interactive’s military simulation shooter adds a host of new features. Chief among them is a new map, named Snowpeak. It’s set in Russian mountains and has one team making their way into an enemy base. You can check it out in the trailer below.

But that’s far from all that’s new here. In a new game mode, Uplink Assault, you’ll finally be able to respawn in a match. The mode is largely similar to Onward’s core online mode, getting one team to secure an uplink and the other to defend it. The attacking team will now be given 20 respawn tickets, though, giving the match a little more space. The defending team will have infinite respawns.

There’s also another new mode called Gun Game. In this 10 player deathmatch, you get a new gun every time you kill another player. The first player to cycle through all of the weapons wins. Gun Game is the first in a rotating series of modes that will switch out every two weeks. These will be more casual game types and will feature the return of Spec Ops.

Still going: update 1.5 adds the RPG7, M203 Grenade Launcher for both frag and smoke, flare gun, and new AK-74, SKS, and Makarov models. There’s also new hand models, gestures and new animations. And, of course, 1.5 rounds out with a massive list of changes and tweaks including bug fixes and more.

Whew! That should keep you happy for a while. You can see the full list on a Steam blog post.

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7 Unannounced PSVR Ports We’re Still Waiting On In 2019

7 Unannounced PSVR Ports We’re Still Waiting On In 2019

With over three million headsets sold, Sony’s PSVR is thought to be the most successful major VR headset on the market today. Despite this, many developers prefer to bring their VR games to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive first. It’s easy to see why; Rift and Vive’s more advanced tracking and the processing power of a PC allow them to develop for the top and then scale down.

But the urgency to get games onto PSVR is increasing. Over the past few years we’ve seen ports of PC VR staples like Arizona Sunshine, Beat Saber, Superhot VR and more. Despite this, there are a few key PC VR games we’re still hoping will come to PSVR. Here’s six unannounced PSVR ports we’re still waiting on in 2019.

Gorn (Read Our Impressions)

This is probably the most glaring entry on the list. Gorn may still be in Early Access on PC but the game is such a hit that we’re surprised it’s not come to PSVR yet. It’s an over-the-top gladiator battler with insane levels of violence. You can tears heads off, slice off arms or crush skulls with a wide variety of weapons. It’s ridiculously good fun and could fill a bloody hole in PSVR’s content library.

Onward (Read Our Impressions)

Another incredibly popular PC VR game that should have been on PSVR by now. Onward offers military simulation-level VR shooting with friends. Again, it’s been in Early Access for years, but consistent updates have made it one of the most robust and playable games in VR. Developer Downpour Interactive is a small studio and we don’t doubt it’s got its hands full with new updates. But the team should seriously consider getting one of VR’s most popular shooters onto one of VR’s most popular platforms.

Serious Sam VR/The Talos Principle VR (Read Our Review)

We’ll cheat a little here. Croteam remains one of VR’s most committed developers thanks to the expertly-crafted ports of its most beloved games. With the entire Serious Sam series now available to play in VR and all of The Talos Principle supporting headsets, it’s way past time we got these games on PSVR. All of them offer full games worth of content that we’d gladly lose hours in all over again. The team’s busy with Serious Sam 4, but we’ve got our fingers crossed they’re also porting these on the side.

The Gallery (Read Our Review)

Cloudhead Games’ remarkable adventure series has been PC-exclusive for far too long. This is one of VR’s most fantastical experiences, full of wonder that PSVR players are being deprived off right now. The pacing and mechanics are well within the headset’s reach, though we suspect Cloudhead is more concerned with getting its third episode finished at this point. With luck, we’ll see a full PSVR port of the first three installments once the third episode is out. Who knows when that will arrive, though.

L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files (Read Our Review)

Rockstar Games did an amazing job of porting one of its most divisive games to VR in 2017. L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files was an expertly curated snapshot of the wider game in VR. Not only did it capture the spirit of the game’s detective work in immersive ways but the realistic facial scans applied to NPCs took on a whole new life in VR.

Fallout 4 VR (Read Our Review)

Let’s end with a bit of false hope, shall we? If Fallout 4 VR was ever going to come to PSVR, it probably would have happened by now. But the truth of it is Bethesda’s massive open world is probably just too much to squeeze onto Sony’s headset without some drastic changes. Still, we’ll keep dreaming, even if no one else will.

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Beginnger’s Guide To War Dust: Everything You Need To Know For This Battlefield Style VR Shooter

Beginnger’s Guide To War Dust: Everything You Need To Know For This Battlefield Style VR Shooter

If you’re new to (or just about to enter) War Dust, the massive 32 vs 32 player FPS by Stand Out: VR Battle Royale developer Raptor Lab, you might be thrown off by some things that aren’t immediately obvious. That said, War Dust is very simple in its current early access state despite a few non-intuitive elements to basic gameplay, which aren’t entirely spelled out for you as a new player.

You could always ask the other players in your squad for advice, but I’ve gone ahead and listed out some of the essential things you should know how to do in War Dust before you can expect to start dominating the enemy team.

Choose the Right Class

Each of War Dust’s 4 unique classes are varied in such a way that you’ll have a pretty different experience with each one.

  • Assault – Comes with your standard assault rifle, handgun and grenade combo. Extremely versatile and probably best for new players to start with.
  • Engineer – Has a rocket launcher and a handgun. The rocket launcher automatically reloads over time, and the initial one you get has a built-in target lock feature which you can use to take down helicopters and tanks
  • Support – Gets a submachine gun, a medi-kit, a placeable barricade and a grenade. Take note that this is the only class that can heal other players.
  • Sniper – Gets a sniper rifle, a handgun, and a smoke grenade.

Customize Your Loadout

You can slowly unlock additional tools and toys for each class as you gain XP and level them up. However, you do start off with a single additional option for both the Assault and the Support classes that offer you a very small sense of variation but also help you out in a big way.

The first thing you should do before playing either class is select the Red Dot sight as a default sight option. It makes shooting infinitely easier at the very beginning of your experience in War Dust and should pave the way to help you gain XP much faster.

Beyond that, there really isn’t much customization happening at the very beginning of the game. As you progress, and as the game receives more updates, that should hopefully change.

Spawn on Your Squadmates

War Dust is the type of game where you will ultimately spend the most time running around with your squad across its super large maps, jumping from point to point and defending or manning vehicles against members of the other team.

Spawning on your squadmates isn’t only a great way to give them a little bit of XP, it’s also pivotal for sticking together with your squad. If you haven’t played this type of large-scale conquest game before, squads are your lifeline and you’ll find it much simpler to succeed if you each work together to hone your unique abilities.

You Can Dual Wield

This isn’t so much a tip, as it is something you might want to be aware of for tight situations. Off the bat, you’ll want to aim down your sights as often as possible to conserve ammo and shoot more accurately. However, there might come a time when you’re surrounded by enemies in a very short range and you need to use as much firepower as you possibly can.

Luckily, recoil is practically non-existent in this current iteration of War Dust and you can fire weapons however you’d like to. From the hip, down the sights, or otherwise. Unless you’re playing Support (which only gets the SMG- no handgun), you can use both your primary and your handgun at the same time to quickly neutralize anybody who gets too close to your face before you have a chance to aim.

Climb Basically Everything

On the Oculus Rift, you can use your bottom and top facing buttons (A+B and Y+X) to “grip” an object and pull yourself up onto it. Using this function, you’re able to climb practically anything you’d be able to logically climb in real life. You can vault through windows, leap over barricades, even climb onto the back of somebody’s ATV and hold onto their shoulders while they ride.

Instead of pressing a button to hop onto a helicopter as a passenger, you will literally hoist yourself up into the interior and hold onto the grips of the miniguns. You can also use this function to climb ladders and climb up onto tanks as a passenger. I’ve even made a quick escape through a window using War Dust’s climb function, which felt pretty great in practice.

Practice Piloting Often

War Dust doesn’t really give you much time and space to learn its mechanics. You’re immediately thrust into battle, with the heat of battle set directly ahead of you. Luckily, the game gives you plenty of chances to fail, as spawn points and vehicles are plentiful across each map.

What you will benefit from spending a lot of time doing is trying and failing at driving and piloting vehicles in War Dust. I didn’t immediately understand it when I first picked it up, and I used the grip buttons too often while fiddling with the controls despite them ejecting me from my vehicle each time. That said, do not use the grip buttons once you’re in the driver’s (or pilot’s seat) unless you’re looking to exit your vehicle.

Everything important is controlled with the left and right triggers, and you actually will maneuver the vehicle around by moving your headset and controllers around. For example, you turn the helicopter around with your controllers like you’re pulling on a rudder.

Use Smooth Turning

I personally find it easier to do well in FPS games with smooth turning enabled, and this is because it gives me a more consistent spatial sense. Snap turning makes aiming jittery if you’re going for precision and you don’t always want to turn around in your physical space. That said, ignore this one if smooth turning makes you motion sick.

Reloading Handguns vs. Primary Weapons

Your handgun is probably the easiest weapon to reload in War Dust. This is because it (seems to) drop the clip on its own when it’s empty, and slide back on its own when you enter a new clip, making it simple and quick to reload.

On the other hand, every primary weapon except for the Engineer’s missile launcher might seem difficult to reload if you’re new to VR FPS games. When you’re using either an assault rifle or submachine gun, you will want to grip the magazine to remove it from its locked position. You will then need to insert a new magazine and pull the slider back on the weapon. For the sniper’s beginning rifle, the AWP, you will need to pull the bolt all the way back each time you fire.

War Dust is a grand-scale, 64 player VR FPS that you can now find in Early Access on Steam for $24.99. It’s currently quite underdeveloped in execution, but the core loop is fun if you’re willing to overlook polish. If you’re interested in seeing our livestream of War Dust gameplay, check it out here.

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