Onward auf Oculus Home veröffentlicht

Mit Onward steht ein Shooter für Virtual Reality Nerds bereit, welcher wohl aktuell zu den beliebtesten Titeln gehört, die man online mit einer VR-Brille spielen kann. Immerhin sind tägliche Peaks von über 100 Spielern gleichzeitig zu verzeichnen und dementsprechend ist auch für abwechslungsreiche Runden gesorgt.

Onward auf Oculus Home veröffentlicht

Wie der Entwickler des Spiels mitteilt, wird es keine Oculus Home Keys für Besitzer der SteamVR-Version geben. Dafür ist es aber möglich, die SteamVR-Version ebenfalls mit dem Oculus SDK zu spielen. Eine entsprechende Start-Option ist jetzt in Steam vorhanden. Damit die Community sich vergrößert und nicht verstreut, wird das Spiel direkt Cross Platform Support anbieten.

Onward steht ab sofort im Oculus Store für 19,99 Euro bereit, während auf Steam 22,99 Euro für das Spiel aufgerufen werden. Der Vorteil der SteamVR-Version liegt jedoch darin, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit höher ist, dass ihr auch mit zukünftigen VR-Brillen Zugriff auf das Spiel behaltet, während ihr bei der Oculus Home Version im Prinzip an Hardware von Oculus gebunden seid. Aktuell konzentriert sich Onward auf den 5v5-Modus mit 30 verschiedenen Waffen und wenigen Maps zur Auswahl. Dafür spielt der Titel seine Kompetenzen jedoch hervorragend aus und zeigt, dass die Fokussierung auf ein Konzept durchaus Anklang bei der VR-Community finden kann.

Zwar schafft Onward mit dem neusten Update den Sprung auf die 1.0 Versionsnummer, doch wir können davon ausgehen, dass der Entwickler den Shooter weiterhin mit inhaltlichen Updates versorgen wird.

(Quelle: Steam)


Der Beitrag Onward auf Oculus Home veröffentlicht zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Onward Is Now Officially Available On Oculus Home For Rift

Onward Is Now Officially Available On Oculus Home For Rift

Onward is one of VR’s most popular and ambitious games to date and it was all made originally by a single man that dropped out of college to pursue his dream of becoming a game developer. It’s an inspiring story and the quality of the game reflects his attention to detail and ambition. It originally released in Early Access a little over a year ago on Steam for HTC Vive and then eventually added Touch support once Oculus’ controllers hit the market. Now, the game is becoming officially available for download on the Oculus Home store.

In Onward, players get to take on the role of a modern military soldier. You can engage in objective-based 5v5 multiplayer, as well as play cooperatively and alone against smart AI opponents. What makes Onward unique is that from the very beginning it featured full, smooth artificial locomotion that let players freely move throughout the environments. On top of that the game sports an incredible amount of realism and detail, such as the need to manually reload each weapon, unpin and throw grenades, use a shoulder-mounted radio to communicate with team members, and more.

“I grew up playing tactical military shooters and loved the strategy, teamwork, and skill needed to win,” says Onward Developer and Downpour Interactive Founder Dante Buckley in an Oculus blog post. “The high risk/high reward goals in games like Rainbow SixGhost ReconCounter-StrikeSOCOM, and Insurgency make these experiences a lot more meaningful and unique—you can see a lot of their influences in Onward.”

At the start of this year Valve even invited Buckley to work out of their offices in an accelerator program which he gladly participated in. Since Onward’s release it’s caused a shake up in the VR market as developers have taken note of gamers’ interest in more fully-featured, robust experiences with full smooth locomotion. For example. Arizona Sunshine added it after launch and Skyrim VR will include it from day one. We’ve also seen direct competition spring up in the form of other shooters like Pavlov on Steam and an upcoming project on PSVR.

According to Oculus Onward will be available for purchase on the Oculus Store as of the time of this writing right here. Buckley also told us that it will in fact have cross-platform multiplayer with Steam users as well. For some tips on playing the game check out our Onward Field Guide and let us know down in the comments below what you think!

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Downpour Interactive Launches Tactical Shooter Onward on Oculus Store

Indie developer Downpour Interactive launched its first virtual reality (VR) title Onward back in August 2016 via Steam Early Access. Today, the studio has announced that the title will now be available on Oculus Store as well.

Onward is a multiplayer focused, tactical military shooter featuring 5v5 online battles where players have one life, no heads-up display, and no crosshairs. Featuring dynamic time of day, weather effects, and multiple environments and scenarios to play through, Onward also has an artificial locomotion system that’s been fine tuned by the Steam gaming community.

“I grew up playing tactical military shooters and loved the strategy, teamwork, and skill needed to win,” said Onward developer and Downpour Interactive Founder Dante Buckley in a statement. The high risk/high reward goals in games like Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Counter-Strike, SOCOM, and Insurgency make these experiences a lot more meaningful and unique—you can see a lot of their influences in Onward.”

Onward screenshot 1

Featuring over thirty different weapons, Onward includes a number of weapon mods available in the game’s lobby, including red dot sights, flashlights, 12x scopes, and more to add a tactical advantage in various combat scenarios. The Jungle map was just added, with another map coming soon. Additionally, a recently introduced game mode called “Evac” lets new players dive in with friends and get to know the mechanics. There’s also a solo/co-op mode against AI.

To balance mechanics and deep gameplay, Buckley focused on design decisions that reinforced the real-world, including a single player life per round. “You have to think strategically and cooperate with your team to capture or defend objectives,” he says. “One-life games, especially in VR, make things very intense and competitive.”

“Even as a kid, VR was how I always envisioned playing games—I wanted to be inside the game,” Buckley recalls. “Working in this medium today is really a dream come true, and it made perfect sense. The immersion, experiences, and storytelling that can be had in VR will change the future of entertainment, and I want to be a part of that.”

As Downpour Interactive continues to grow its team and expand Onward, VRFocus will bring you all the latest news and updates.

Onward: Updates sorgen für neue Maps, weiteren Spielmodus und mehr

Der taktische Multiplayer-Shooter Onward erhielt ein massives Update, welches viele neue Features ins Spiel implementiert. So integrierten die Entwickler neue Karten, einen weiteren Spielmodus und verbesserte Steuerungsoptionen. Außerdem stehen diverse Fehlerbehebungen und Balance-Änderungen auf der Update-Liste.

Onward – Die neuen Verbesserungen und Features des ersten Teil des Updates

Das Entwicklerstudio Downpour Interactive arbeitet fleißig daran, den VR-Shooter Onward aus der Early-Access-Phase in den Full Release zu tragen. Dafür veröffentlichten sie ein massives Update, dass in zwei Teilen auf die Server aufgespielt wurde. Bereits zu Beginn der letzten Woche integrierten die Entwickler den ersten Teil des großen Patches, der einige Verbesserungen ins Spiel integrierte: Ein frischer Spielmodus gegen die AI, neue Steuerungsoptionen, Balance-Änderungen sowie zwei neue Waffen.

Der neue Evac-Operations-Modus ersetzt den bisherigen Defend-Modus und lässt die Spieler gegen eine endlose Zahl an Feinden kämpfen. Das Ziel ist, den Evakuierungshubschrauber zu erreichen und mit ihm zu fliehen. Bis dahin feuert ihr euch durch Wellen von Feinden. Letztlich führten die Entwickler damit die Option auf einen klassischen Wave Shooter für zwischendurch ein.

Die neuen Steuerungsoptionen sollen für ein intuitiveres Spielgefühl sorgen und bieten mehr Optionen. So ist es beispielsweise ab sofort möglich, mit einem einfachen Klick zu sprinten oder sich per Snap Turn direkt umzudrehen. Wer bereits an die alte Steuerung gewöhnt ist, kann diese jedoch auch weiterhin nutzen.

Um für eine bessere Spielbalance zu sorgen, gibt es unter anderem zukünftig auf den Karten mehrere multiple Spawnpunkte und Objekte, damit kein unfairer Vorteil entsteht. Außerdem wurden zwei neue Waffen eingeführt, die ältere Modelle ablösen. Die M40A5 ersetzt die bisherige L96 und die SVD die bisherige SVU.



Onward – Neue Karten und Bug Fixes

Der zweite Teil des Updates kam einige Tage später und führte die neuen Karten Jungle und Suburbia 2 ein. Die Dschungelkarte ermöglicht die Nutzung von Höhlen, Brücken und Bergen, um sich einen taktischen Vorteil zu verschaffen.


Suburbia 2 ist dagegen die Nachtvariante der bisherigen Map Suburbia. Außerdem sorgten die Verantwortlichen für diverse Fehlerbehebungen in beiden Patch-Teilen. Eine dritte Karte namens Abandoned soll außerdem in einem weiteren Update folgen.


Die neuen Features sind dank Feedback der Community entstanden, besonders nach dem kostenlosen Probewochenende konnten die Entwickler viele neue Anreize und Verbesserungsvorschläge umsetzen. Die kompletten Patchnotes findet ihr hier (Update Teil 1 | Update Teil 2).

Onward ist für 22,99 Euro für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive auf Steam erhältlich.

(Quellen: Steam Community | Upload VR)

Der Beitrag Onward: Updates sorgen für neue Maps, weiteren Spielmodus und mehr zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

One Of VR’s Best Shooters, Onward, Is Free This Weekend

One Of VR’s Best Shooters, Onward, Is Free This Weekend

Onward is good. Onward is free this weekend. You should go try it right now.

If that’s not enough to convince you that the winner of both Best Shooter, and Most Surprising New Game in our 2016 Game of the Year Awards is worth it, read on.

Released into early access last August, Onward is a military shooter that falls somewhere between Counter-Strike and Call of Duty. The game’s punishing realism, minimalist presentation, and vast arsenal of weapons help it stand out from the crowd of me-too shooters cluttering the market. Earlier this month, we spoke with creator Dante Buckley, who dropped out of university and devoted a year to making his game with the remainder of his tuition money. His work more than paid off. Onward now hosts a healthy multiplayer population and dedicated fan base. As if creating the most popular multiplayer VR game on Steam wasn’t enough for the 20-year old, Valve invited Buckley to work out of their offices this past January.

We praised the game last year, but it’s grown immensely throughout 2017. Receiving numerous updates, including the addition of cooperative play against AI, Onward continues to expand its feature set with each patch. The idea of an evolving and changing game with a dedicated fan base might sound intimidating for some, but you can check our field guide to help you get up to speed.

With even more updates coming this month and next, there’s never been a better chance to jump into Onward. You can play it on both the Vive and the Rift. If you find the game to your tastes, the shooter will run you $24.99 after this weekend.

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‘Onward’ Mil-Sim Shooter is Hosting a Free Weekend Starting Thursday

Onward, the mil-sim tactical multiplayer shooter, has garnered a hardcore playerbase since it released on Steam Early Access a year ago, and if you want to know what all the hubbub is about surrounding what many are hailing as the end-all VR shooter, you’ll be able to get a taste from September 14-17 during the game’s free access weekend.

Onward isn’t your typical shooter. As a project developed by a single core dev, the mil-sim multiplayer has a character of its own, focusing on a brand of realism that emphasizes coordination, communication, and marksmanship skill. This is a strictly ‘no cross hairs and no HUDs’ experience, and the better you know your way around a firearm and the better you can communicate, the more effective you’ll be on the battlefield.

‘Onward’ on Steam

Onward, which currently sells for $25 on Steam, supports HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. The 360 nature of the game though makes a third Oculus sensor a much better choice to eliminate occlusion of the Touch controllers.

Be ready for plenty of stiff competition too, because many long-time players have upgraded their controllers to include a physical stock, giving them a clear leg up as they can steady their shots more easily. The level of competition is so high, that some players have formed an unofficial Onward Championship League.

Its sole developer, Dante Buckley, is a new game designer at 20 years old, while the game is still a work-in-progress, it’s amazing what he’s done with pure determination in such a short time. UploadVR’s David Jagneaux details Buckley’s story of dropping out of college to teach himself game designing from scratch. Buckley told UploadVR that he works “continuous 14+ hour work days. It’s been worth it though.”

In the post announcing the free weekend, Buckley says there will be new content coming out in September and October, including new maps “and more”.

The post ‘Onward’ Mil-Sim Shooter is Hosting a Free Weekend Starting Thursday appeared first on Road to VR.

Onward: Kostenloses Testwochenende vom 14. bis 17. September

Der taktische Multiplayer-VR-Shooter Onward für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive begeistert viele Spieler. Sogar eine eigene Profiliga mit dazugehöriger Meisterschaft bildete sich um den VR-Titel. Nun ermöglichen die Entwickler von Downpour Interactive einen Einblick für diejenigen Spieler, die den First-Person-Shooter bisher noch nicht getestet haben. Vom 14. bis zum 17. September 2017 ist das Spiel kostenlos für jedermann zugänglich. Zudem kündigten die Entwickler einen Patch mit vielen neuen Inhalten an.

Onward: Kostenloses Testwochenende vom 14. bis 17. September

Der FPS-Shooter Onward für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive überzeugt dank taktischer Elemente und eine auf Realismus setzende Gestaltung. Die Fortbewegung geschieht über das Touchpad beziehungsweise mit den Analogsticks des Controllers.

Außerdem erfordert der VR-Titel eine Menge Koordination, Kommunikation sowie natürlich Aiming von den Spielern. Dafür stehen euch ein riesiges Waffenarsenal und diverse Ausrüstungsgegenstände für die unterschiedlichsten Situationen zur Verfügung, die viel Platz zum Taktieren bieten. Die ausgewählten Gegenstände und Waffen befinden sich direkt am Körper, wodurch ihr einfach nach diesen greifen könnt. Auch die Nutzung der Waffen fühlt sich unterschiedlich an, denn ihr habt die Möglichkeit, jede Waffe mit einer oder mit zwei Händen zu halten. Dadurch erhaltet ihr mehr Stabilisierung beim Schießen und ein deutlich realistischeres Gefühl. Auch das Nachladen unterscheidet sich von Waffe zu Waffe.

Onward HTC Vive

Mit maximal vier Spielern pro Team stürzt ihr euch ins Gefecht und müsst gemeinsam das gegnerische Team ausschalten. Dafür ist jede Menge Teamplay gefragt und ihr solltet genau überlegen, welcher Spieler für welche Rolle und Funktion zuständig ist. Die Fortbewegung erfolgt per Tastendruck auf dem Controller. Hierbei bewegt ihr euch in Richtung der gedrückten Taste auf dem Thumbpad.

Onward ist vom 14. bis 17. September kostenlos auf Steam mit Oculus Rift und HTC Vive spielbar. Neben dem kostenlosen Testwochenende kündigten die Entwickler zudem ein anstehendes Update an, welches viele neue Inhalte mit sich bringen soll. Wir werden euch über die anstehenden Änderungen auf dem Laufenden halten.

(Quellen: Steam)

Der Beitrag Onward: Kostenloses Testwochenende vom 14. bis 17. September zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

‘Onward’ and Upward: How A College Dropout Built One Of The Best VR Shooters

On the night of August 29th, 2016, Dante Buckley started crying.

Editor’s Note: This story was originally published in September 2017.

It wasn’t because he was heartbroken from a devastating breakup, or because he was sad and distraught from horrible events in his life. No, this night, Dante Buckley was crying tears of joy, relief, and excitement. After dropping out of college and focusing on teaching himself how to create a video game from scratch almost entirely by himself, his game, Onward, was finally released on Steam Early Access. The weight had been lifted and he could finally breathe again. A long, arduous road he started down over a year ago had finally reached its first milestone.

But this wasn’t the end of the road — he was just getting started.


The Anatomy of a Surprise Hit

“This is my first-ever interview,” Buckley confessed nervously during a Skype call. “I honestly did not know how big the game would be. I dropped out of college and focused for a full year on game development. I had some funds left that didn’t go towards tuition and I just went heads down and focused. I had a bit of programming background, but not in gaming. I watched YouTube, used resources online, and just built Onward. That’s where the name for the game came from. I wanted to keep moving forward and this was the perfect name for that point in my life.”

Now, two short months later, Onward has over 700 reviews on Steam with a ‘Very Positive’ designation and it’s widely regarded as one of the best VR shooters available on any headset. It’s easily one of the most popular games among Vive gamers on Steam.

Which, in some ways, defies logic. Conventional wisdom says create a fun, accessible game that can be enjoyed by gamers of all types and VR-comfort levels. Make it sickness free. Provide a multitude of movement options. Hold hands and simplify controls. That’s what common knowledge says for a brand new medium, but Onward isn’t like that. It’s a hardcore, simulation-style, multiplayer military shooter that requires motion controls and a roomscale environment.

According to the game analysis website Steam Charts, Onward had over 270 concurrent players at its all-time peak and maintained over 50 players on average throughout the past month — which means you should never have issue finding a game. That may not sound like much, but compare those numbers to other multiplayer VR shooters you may be more familiar with, such as Battle Dome (87 all-time peak,) Hover Junkers (107 all-time peak,) or even the 100% free Rec Room (112 all-time peak) and the popularity is clear.

“It’s my first game and nobody knows who I am and I just really didn’t expect it to be this big,” Buckley admitted. “I started working on the game when I was 18 and I’m 20 now. It’s just so much bigger than I could have expected.”

Much to his surprise, the game was a hit in the budding market of VR gaming. The surprise success adds up to approximately 18,000 sales so far to date. The game costs $25, and with a little quick math, that means the game has made ~$400,000 from Onward, not counting any limited sale periods and not factoring in the revenue split from Steam. For a small game made by a single college dropout, that’s tremendous.

“I definitely grew up playing a lot of first-person shooter games,” Buckley said. “The biggest one for me was probably Halo, back when I was around six on the first Xbox. I used to play the old Call of Duty games on PC too, my dad let me try those. Medal of Honor, Battlefield, Ghost Recon, and Rainbow Six too.”


A Hardcore Shooter Without Compromises

The VR landscape is constantly in flux in its early  stages and there is an apparent mad dash to be one of the first in various different genre categories. Buckley knew that people would release shooters, but they weren’t the shooters he wanted. A focus on arcadey, simple experiences was a far cry from he tactical realism the desired.

“I knew there would be a market for it, ” Buckley said. “So I just made this game for myself. I want Onward to be my dream game. This is based on what I want to play and what I’ve played in the past. ”

The game’s entire development was also chronicled in a series of dev blogs on YouTube, the first of which was posted almost a full year ago. That was a crucial part in building the game’s fan base. But he wasn’t just creating Onward, he was creating an entire game development studio. By hiring some freelance commissions and contractors to help with art work and other assets, he took on the job of programming and launching the game, and thus Downpour Interactive was born.

When someone loads into the game for the first time, it can be overwhelming. There is a brief series of tutorial-esque moments and a shooting range to practice on, but it definitely isn’t a game for the feint of heart. He encourages everyone to watch the tutorial video (embedded above) before actually playing the game. It feels like one of those safety training videos they make you watch before going on certain rides at Disneyland.

Due to the type of game that Onward is, you’ll be using the full compliment of both Vive controllers. You can move yourself freely around the environment using the left touchpad, or physically walk, duck, and maneuver in your actual physical room. Reach down and grab your gun, put a magazine in, load the chamber, and configure settings all using actual switches and slots on the physical gun’s model.

You can reach up to your shoulder and talk to teammates on your radio, or grab the grenade at your belt, pull the pin, and toss it at your enemies. You’ve even got a knife at the ready for use in close-quarters combat. All of these things I’ve described are in most other modern military shooters — but they’re not in VR. Using your hands and physically doing all of these things — like ducking behind a wall as an enemy fires at you from 100 yards away — is a visceral feeling unlike anything else I’ve tried inside a headset.


Since the game uses a mixture of roomscale movement and artificial trackpad locomotion, you’d initially assume people would get sick, as that’s the common understanding. But according to Buckley, that’s almost never the case.

“I got lucky with how people don’t really get sick. People that get sick in other games don’t seem to get sick in Onward,” Buckley laughed. “I can make some guesses, but I don’t really know what I did to avoid sickness.”

Essentially, there are three main contributing factors, he surmises. Firstly, there is no yaw rotation, meaning you can’t artificially move your head’s view from side-to-side using the trackpad. That’s often a big contributing factor, so he makes you physically turn your head. Secondly, the touchpad movement actually help as well, as you can adjust your speed and acceleration based on where you place your thumb — or lack of acceleration, as it were — however you want. Finally, by focusing your vision downfield at enemies and points of interest, it creates a subconscious tunnel vision that emulates the narrowing field of view seen in other games, like Eagle Flight.

I’ve never been susceptible to motion sickness either inside or outside of VR, but I can verify that I also don’t experience it in Onward either. Granted, it could also be the hardcore-leaning nature of the experience as well. I assume it’s tough to focus on whether or not you’re nauseous when you’re splayed out, prone on the ground, trying to line up a shot a few hundred yards away.

In fact, I’ll never forget the first time someone opened fire on me — it had that sudden, adrenaline-infused impact of an event that was actually happening. It didn’t feel like a video game as I ducked for cover.


Building VR For The Future

As much as Buckley loves making Onward, he doesn’t want to stop with where he’s at right now. Ultimately, he’s a creator at heart. He has ideas for adding cooperative missions and expanding the competitive modes, as well as other game ideas for the future.

“I don’t think multiplayer is going anywhere for me, but I want to go into singleplayer storytelling soon,” Buckley explained. “I don’t see myself leaving the shooter genre much, but there are other genres I enjoy. I am really interested in telling stories in VR and I just knew that multiplayer was a great place to start and learn. That’s really what the studio name, Downpour Interactive, is all about. I want to make people feel a downpour of emotions when they play my games.”

There is already such a wide variety of content available for VR devices, it’s easy to see the allure of other genres at some point in the future. He’s working on building a team for Onward right now, since it’s still mostly just him by himself pushing out patches and updates.


“It’s been super stressful with lots of Red Bull,” Buckley told me. “Continuous 14+ hour work days. It’s been worth it though — it’s lots of fun and I love it. After Onward, I’ve got at least 5-10 other game ideas I want to work on in the future. It’s been really scary though, putting myself out there so much as the face of this game and the company. Gamers can get a little extreme with their opinions. For the most part though, it’s been super positive and I wouldn’t be where I am without the fans. Their support means everything to me.”

Onward and upward, indeed.

Onward is now available on Steam for $24.99 with official support for the HTC Vive with motion controllers.

[Editor’s Note:] This article was originally published on October 25, 2016 and has been republished as commemoration for the game’s one year anniversary on August 29, 2017. For tips on playing the game well you can read our Onward Field Guide here.

The post ‘Onward’ and Upward: How A College Dropout Built One Of The Best VR Shooters appeared first on UploadVR.

Onward’s Community Running eSports Championship This Weekend

Onward’s Community Running eSports Championship This Weekend

Quality games throughout various genres are sprouting up all over VR’s ecosystem, but we’re only just on the verge of getting major multiplayer experiences. Echo Arena looks poised to find a foothold in the competitive sporting event genre and it looks like a highly regarded VR shooter is ready to make big splash for VR eSports. Realistic military shooter Onward is hosting a tournament this weekend with some exclusive, limited edition peripherals available as prizes.

Onward, sitting at a rating of “Very Positive” overall and with over 1500 reviews on Steam, is a military simulator built by a college dropout. The game’s community has continued to grow since its release August of last year and they’ve cultivated a league which will be holding its global championship series July 15th and 16th.

The tournament layout is as follows:

  • Group Stages – 8 teams (Round robin) (July 15th)
  • Semi-Final – 4 teams (Single Elimination, best of 3) (July 16th)
  • Final (Single Elimination, best of 5) (July 16th)

Newer players were able to participate in a wild card bracket back on July 8th so, if you haven’t established yourself within the community by the next time they have a tournament, there will be options for you.

The exclusive prizes for those that conquer the brackets are provided by ProTubeVR, a company that creates adaptable peripherals that enhance VR play and immersion. They’re specifically giving out their customizable rifle stocks that increase precision and are highly coveted by the Onward community, though they could certainly be used for other VR titles.

The Onward Master League will be streaming on Twitch and you can also keep track of the winners and losers on their web page throughout the weekend.

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Erste VR-Meisterschaft für Onward angekündigt

Die Kombination aus eSport und Virtual Reality bringt das kompetitive Spielen auf das nächste Level. Virtual Reality sorgt für eine physische Komponente und beendet damit die Debatte, ob eSport als richtiger Sport anzusehen sei. Nebenbei erzeugt die Immersion einen viel intensiveren Wettbewerb und verbessert die Zuschauererfahrungen ungemein. Der Multiplayer-First-Person-Shooter Onward geht nun mit den ProTube VR Championships 2017 einen wichtigen Schritt in diese Richtung.

Onward: Kampf um den Meisterschaftstitel

Der FPS Shooter Onward für die HTC Vive überzeugt dank taktischen Elementen und einer Fortbewegung über das Touchpad der Vive Controller. Neben den unterschiedlichen taktischen Möglichkeiten setzt das Spiel auf jede Menge Realismus. Längst hat sich eine eigene Profiszene gebildet, welche nun um den Meisterschaftstitel in der ersten Virtual Reality FPS Profiliga kämpft.

Das Event findet vom 15. – 16. Juli statt und vereint die besten Onward-Spieler der Welt in einem Wettbewerb um den Meisterschaftstitel 2017. Neben dieser Auszeichnung und einer Menge Aufmerksamkeit können die Teilnehmer eine limitierte und vergoldete Edition der ProTube Rifle Stocks gewinnen.

Die Gruppenphase beginnt am 15. Juli, wobei das Halbfinale und schließlich das Finale am 16. Juli stattfindet. Während der Gruppenphase werden die Teilnehmer in insgesamt acht Teams unterteilt. Diese stellen sich aus dem jeweiligen Skill-Level der Teilnehmer zusammen, um den Wettbewerb so spannend wie möglich zu gestalten. Die acht Teams werden daraufhin in insgesamt vier Gruppen aufgeteilt, wobei pro Gruppe je zwei High-Skill Teams und zwei Low-Skill Teams an den Start gehen. Das Skill-Level setzt sich aus den gesammelten Punkten der Teilnehmer zusammen. Innerhalb des Halbfinales dürfen die verbliebenen Teams eine Map bannen.

Schließlich folgt das Finale, bei dem die besten Spieler in insgesamt fünf Runden gegeneinander antreten. Hier erhalten die Finalisten die Möglichkeit, zwei Maps zu bannen und zusätzlich ihren Startpunkt auf der Karte festzulegen.

Das Event kann per Livestream über Twitch verfolgt werden. Ab dem Halbfinale sind die Spieler sogar verpflichtet, jedes Match zu streamen. Zusätzlich sollen weitere Events für Zuschauer innerhalb der VR stattfinden. Wann und in welcher Form diese starten, wird noch verkündet.

(Quellen: VRScout | VR Master League | Video: The Lonely Viper Youtube)

Der Beitrag Erste VR-Meisterschaft für Onward angekündigt zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!