Something For The Weekend: PlayStation VR Deals To See September Off

Time for another entry of Something for the Weekend, the weekly series where VRFocus bring you a number of deals on virtual reality (VR) titles. We head to the PlayStation Store for the final Sunday of September to find the best deals on PlayStation VR titles. With experiences that will take you to the seven seas, outer space, and even into the eyes of an eagle. There is something for everyone this weekend. As always, be sure to check back every weekend for even more deals right here on VRFocus.

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Battlezone Gold Edition

Battlezone is arcade VR action at its finest, with options galore allowing players to uniquely hone their combat strategies. With both extensive single-player and multiplayer modes there’s enough here for countless hours of gameplay, so you can comfortably sit cocooned inside these rolling machines of destruction and never get bored, because quite frankly, it’s too much fun. PlayStation VR owners have been enjoying Battlezone for months, if you own an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive you don’t need to have second thoughts about this, Battlezone is one of the best VR titles out there.” – Read VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of Battlezone.

Battlezone Gold Edition is available now for £12.99 (GBP) down from the usual £29.99.

One Piece: Grand Cruise

Get ready to experience the life of a pirate as you step onto the famous Thousand Sunny Ship and meet the legendary Straw Hat Pirates. You’ll come face-to-face with members of the crew including Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Sanji, and many more while dealing with fierce battles that will see you firing cannons to defend the ship. Explore the ship, feel like a pirate and enter the world of One Piece.

One Piece: Grand Cruise is available now for only £5.79 (GBP) down from £7.99.

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Time moves when you move. That is the core rule of this intense title that will see you having to use strategy and quick thinking to overcome the many challenges that await you. With no regenerating health bars, no conveniently place ammo and only one hit ending your life, you’ll need to be creative as you’ll outnumbered and outgunned. Grab weapons of fallen enemies to shoot, slice and maneuver your way through a hurricane of slow-motion bullets. Think you have the skills to make it out alive?

SUPERHOT VR is available now for £14.99 (GBP) down from £19.99.

Apex Construct

Apex Construct

“Despite some minor gripes, its clear that Apex Construct represents the way forward for VR videogames, an absorbing, intriguing experience that draws you in with a rich world complete with its own history and mysteries to be unravelled as well as a fluid combat system. Apex Construct is the standard by which future VR titles will be judged, and an indicator that VR has stepped up its game.” – Read VRFocus’ Staff Writer Rebecca Hills-Duty review of Apex Construct.

Apex Construct is available now for £12.99 (GBP) down from £24.99.

Loading Human

Loading Human: Chapter 1

“Loading Human is the adventure game of the future. Your dying father, an esteemed scientist, has summoned you to his Antarctic base to undergo an intensive interstellar quest: retrieve the Quintessence, an elusive energy source that will help reverse the aging process.”

Loading Human: Chapter 1 is available now for £12.99 (GBP) down from £34.99.

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Werewolves Within

After several attacks on the townsfolk, the medieval village of Gallowston has had enough. Players will be transport to the village where they must uncover the werewolves that have been causing all the trouble. To do this five to eight players will need to work together in a fast-paced game of hidden roles and social deduction to cleanse the town of the werewolves and uncover which player is the werewolf lying and betraying their friends in order to survive. Capturing the essence and competitive spirit of the tabletop game, this VR version will immersive players right into the fun.

Werewolves Within is available now for £12.99 (GBP) down from £24.99.

Time Carnage

Time Carnage

Time Carnage is well-made, and is a fine, competent example of its genre, with some excellent music and sound design, though it ultimately fails to stand out amidst many other similar titles that litter VR videogame libraries. Shooting dinosaurs is still lots of fun, though.” – Read VRFocus’ Staff Writer Rebecca Hills-Duty review of Time Carnage.

Time Carnage is available now for £8.99 (GBP) down from £15.99.

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Trackmania Turbo

Every wanted to step into the driving seat of a powerful car and drive around outlandish tracks? If so, then this is the title for you. Experience the thrill of racing like never before as you complete races and challenges on over 200 unique tracks across five difficulty levels. Think you can make it to the top of the worldwide rankings?

Trackmania Turbo is available now for £12.99 (GBP) down from £24.99.

Eagle Flight

“Fifty years after humans vanished from the face of the Earth, wildlife and nature reclaimed its cities, leaving you with a breathtaking city playground in Paris. As an eagle, you soar past iconic landmarks from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame Cathedral, and dive through narrow streets in order to fight opponents and protect your territory. Eagle Flight gives you the absolute liberty to explore Paris from a bird’s eye view!”

Eagle Flight is on sale now for £12.99 (GBP) down from the usual £34.99 with PlayStation Plus members saving an extra 5%.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew

“While Star Trek: Bridge Crew definitely appeals to the core fan base – Ubisoft has added the original USS Enterprise in there as well – non Star Trek fans of the franchise will also find something to like about the title, especially with a few mates playing. The production values are top notch making Star Trek: Bridge Crew one of those rare VR experiences that feels like a AAA title, and likely part of most VR gamers’ collections.” – VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of Star Trek: Bridge Crew.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew is available now for £15.99 (GBP) down from £29.99.

That is all for this week but remember that VRFocus gathers all the best sales and deals every week, so check back next weekend at the same time to discover more.

One Piece: Grand Cruise Makes Port As Japanese Release Date Announced

One Piece remains one of the biggest and most popular anime franchises, with fans all across the world and a bewildering array of merchandise and spin-offs. Excitement for the upcoming release was high when a virtual reality (VR) adaptation was announced for the PlayStation VR.

Bandai Namco have confirmed a release date of 24th May, 2018 for the Japanese release of One Piece: Grand Cruise on the PlayStation VR.

One Piece follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy as he and his misfit crew, the Straw Hat Pirate, attempt to find an item called the One Piece in order to become King of the Pirates. A number of obstacles stand in his way, and there are also the powers of the mysterious Devil’s Fruit to content with.

According to information published in Shonen Jump magazine, One Piece: Grand Cruise will contain two main battle modes – one of which will involve a fight against the Marines, which will involve the player arming the shit to fight off cannon attacks. The second mode takes place against a giant Kraken, where the player is the one using cannons to fend of the giant sea creature.

Besides the battle modes, there will be opportunities for the player to interact with the Straw Hat Pirate. Interactions with Nami, Robin and Zoro were confirmed in the Shonen Jump coverage. Conversations wit the crew will provoke different reactions from the characters depending on what actions and choices the player makes.

The title previously appeared as a location-based experience, with One Piece Tower in Tokyo hosted a special multiplayer version of the title which allowed up to eight players to go through the experience together.


The title has previously been confirmed as getting a Western release for the PlayStation VR, though no release date for that version has yet been confirmed. A price point is also yet to be set. Further news on One Piece: Grand Cruise will be here on VRFocus.

One Piece PSVR Finally Gets Western Release Date

One Piece PSVR Finally Gets Western Release Date

We’ve been following One Piece: Grand Cruise for some time. We’d assumed the VR debut for the popular anime series would be hitting Japan first but, surprisingly, it’s actually releasing in the west just a few days ahead of the east.

Published Bandai Namco this week confirmed that the PlayStation VR (PSVR) exclusive will arrive on May 22nd (two days before it hits Japan). Check out the trailer below for what to expect.

Grand Cruise is something of a love letter to fans of the franchise. We’re not yet sure exactly how much of a ‘game’ will be included in the package, but the experience will allow you to interact with your favorite characters, all faithfully recreated in VR. Based on screenshots, you’ll get to choose from two adventures, one of which will see the cast fight off the navy while another pits you in a battle with a giant Kraken. The game seems to include a basic form of dialogue system, letting you use PSVR’s head-tracking to reply to questions with simple nods and head shakes.

This might not be one for every PSVR owner out there, then, but it will hopefully delight fans of the franchise.

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‘One Piece’ VR Experience to Head Westward May 22nd on PSVR

Bandai Namco has teased One Piece fans for some time now with images and trailers of the PSVR exclusive experience One Piece: Grand Cruise. The company has now given a firm release date in North America and Europe: May 22nd.

As the first One Piece VR experience, Grand Cruise puts you on the deck of the Thousand Sunny ship with the Straw Hat Crew; Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Sanji and many more characters from the show. The experience, which includes activities such as chatting in Chopper’s room and sword training by Zoro, has been available in demos at the Tokyo-based theme park One Piece Tower for the past few months.

Since the release of the English-subbed trailer (linked above and below), it was always suspected that the West would receive One Piece: Grand Cruise, although it’s still uncertain if the experience will be subtitled, or dubbed using the show’s original English voice actors.

According to ShonenGamez, the experience is set to release in Japan May 24th.

The post ‘One Piece’ VR Experience to Head Westward May 22nd on PSVR appeared first on Road to VR.

One Piece: Grand Cruise Confirmed For PSVR Release In The West

One Piece: Grand Cruise Confirmed For PSVR Release In The West

Over the past few months we’ve been following One Piece: Grand Cruise, a new VR game set in the popular anime universe, in hopes that it would release in the west. Now we know it will.

The game, which is published by Bandai Namco, will be coming to western PSVR units sometime in 2018. In it, you’ll step aboard the Thousand Sunny ship and start interacting with the iconic cast of Straw Hat Pirates. As a bonus, the app also includes both Winter and Summer experiences from the One Piece Tower in Tokyo.

Overall this looks like it’ll be fitting fan service if not too much more. We don’t know exactly how long the experience will be, but you can check out the trailer below.

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One Piece: Grand Cruise Getting Western Release

Fans of One Piece in the West have been a little disappointed at the lack of word on plans to release upcoming PlayStation VR title One Piece: Grand Cruise outside of Japan. Now the Western fanbase can rejoice, with news that One Piece: Grand Cruise will indeed be getting a Western release.

The hit anime series has been delighting fans since it began broadcasting in Japan back in 1999, quickly gaining a devoted fanbase, with characters from the franchise appearing in various videogames, such as the J-Stars series. News that the crew were coming to virtual reality (VR) has brought much excitement among fans of the series.

One Piece: Grand Cruise lets players join the famous Star Hat Pirate crew as they sail looking for the legendary One Piece that will allow the leader of the Straw Hat pirates, Monkey D. Luffy, to become King of the Pirates. Players will be able to hang out the the rest of the oddball crew and share in adventures with familiar characters such as Zoro, Nami and Sanji, exploring the ship, firing canons and taking part in fierce battles.

Previous trailers have shown events such as an attack by a giant kraken, and a tense confrontation between Luffy and Doflamingo, though at this point it is unknown how exactly players will be able to influence these events.

The PlayStation VR experience will include both the Winter and Summer experiences that have been previously available to visitors to the One Piece Tower in Tokyo. The title is due for release in the US and Japan as a PlayStation VR exclusive some time in 2018, though an exact release date has yet to be confirmed. There has yet to be a confirmation on a European release.


A trailer for the Western release of One Piece: Grand Cruise is available to view below. VRFocus will bring you further news on he upcoming release as it becomes available.

The Straw Hat Pirates Set Sail in One Piece: Grand Cruise Trailer

One Piece has become one of the most successfully and popular anime series of recent years, with thousands of fans around the world following the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew. Upcoming PlayStation VR title One Piece: Grand Cruise will lets fans join up with the Straw Hat pirates, as shown in the new trailer.

The One Piece characters have appeared in a number of videogames since the anime series began broadcasting in Japan in 1999, slowly gaining in popularity, which got a significant boost when the series was subsequently broadcast in the US. The series follows the adventures of main character Monkey D. Luffy, who dreams of finding the ‘One Piece’ which will allow him to become King of the Pirates. To search for it, he gathers a crew he names the Straw Hat pirates and sets sail on his ship, the Going Merry.

The first trailer for One Piece: Grand Cruise shows a player putting on a PlayStation VR headset and finding themselves on the deck of the Going Merry, where Luffy appears to introduce himself. The trailer shows various other characters such as Tony Tony, Chopper and Zoro, who fans will be able to speak to and interact with as they are invited to join the Straw Hat Pirate crew.

In addition to interacting with the Straw Hat crew members, and exploring the ship in 360-degrees, the trailer also shows an attack from a giant kraken, which players will be able to help drive off. A confrontation between Luffy and Doflamingo is also shown, though its not clear at this point how players can influence this event.

Fans who live in Japan will have an opportunity to try out One Piece: Grand Cruise as a multiplayer experience, as One Piece Tower in Tokyo will be hosting a special version of the title which will allow up to eight players to go through the initiation into the Straw Hat pirate crew.


One Piece: Grand Cruise is expected to be released some time in 2018, though a more precise date is yet to be confirmed. The trailer can be viewed below.

VRFocus will bring you further news on One Piece: Grand Cruise as it becomes available.

Bandai Namco Confirm 2018 Launch for One Piece: Grand Cruise on PlayStation VR, but only in Japan

A couple of months ago Bandai Namco announced two new One Piece videogames, one being a PlayStation VR-exclusive title called One Piece: Grand CruiseNow it’s been revealed that it’ll launch as a digital only version in 2018 – just in Japan – reports Gematsu.

One Piece: Grand Cruise is an adventure title with a pirate theme. Bandai Namco’s synopsis explains: “A pirate’s life is fun, but dangerous. Go on a journey to the ocean together with the Straw Hat Pirates. The player is an apprentice pirate of the Straw Hat Pirates, and embark on a “one day voyage” on the Thousand Sunny. Adventures and events only unique to virtual reality will unfold, including navy shooting battles and communication events in which you’ll become closer with the Straw Hat Pirates.”


Gameplay will involve a sea battle against the legendary Kraken, the option to get to know some of the characters like Nami through various dialogue options and the ability to train with Zoro.


If the Ace Combat 7 publisher does decide to bring One Piece: Grand Cruise to western shores VRFocus will let you know.