OmniVirt Report Shows 360-Degree Adverts Are The Way Forward

Over the past several months, many companies that relied heavily on online advertising for revenue have seen profits drop as users are increasingly turned off by intrusive or outright malicious adverts. OmniVirt are proposing a potential solution in the form of 360-degree ads.

Advertising is a competitive business, with so many companies competing for the attention of consumers, anything that draws more attention to itself is bound to be of great interest to advertisers. OmniVirt has been offering an advertising platform for virtual reality and (VR) augmented reality (AR) experiences is promising just that with its report.

OmniVirt - Click Through Rate

OmniVirt analysed over 700 million adverts served, and found that 360-degree photographs perform 300% better in enticing users to click-through than standard 2D images, with 360-degree VR videos getting a 46% list in video completion rate when compared to equivalent 2D videos.

The company also found that when presented with a 360-degree video, the majority of users, at 86%, would choose to interact with the video, offering a significantly higher level of user engagement, a metric that many advertisers are keen to improve. In addition, the report showed heat map coverage of user interaction, which showed that most users preferred to look straight ahead, and look up and left more often than they looked down or right.

OmniVirt say that the results mean that immersive media delivers better results for advertisers when compared to traditional 2D advertising formats, potentially offering a new frontier for advertising companies to explore.

OmniVirt Heatmap

The subject of advertising and monetisation in VR and AR is a thorny one. Online advertising in general has become something of a hot topic recently, with website adverts being hijacked to inject malicious code into PCs or used as a vector for ‘crypto-jacking’ where a user’s PU and GPU cycles can be used to mine cryptocurrency without their knowledge.

Despite this, it is clear that VR and AR will continue to need to find revenue streams, with 360-degree advertising offering one potential solution. VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on adverts in VR and AR.

OmniVirt: Use Of VR Apps That Use Our Service Went Up 6x At Christmas

How was your holiday period? Did you spend your Christmas in a state of blissful relaxation or did you fall prey to the gluttony of the season? It feeling like you’d eaten so much you’d grown in size by six? Well that might not be the case for you, but it was what happened (somewhat) to virtual reality (VR) during the holiday period – at least according to 360° VR advertising platform OmniVirt.

OmniVirt, not a stranger to news pieces on VRFocus, revealed yesterday in a press release that the company had noticed a very specific spike in the use of VR apps that use its advertising service to monetise their content. More so over Christmas Day in particular VR app usage went up to six times that seen previously on ‘regular’ days.  The company however is not surprised by the spike, citing an article in Fortune where it noted that VR related products topped the wish list of a quarter of those in the ‘millennials’ age group.

“The rise of VR usage might be attributed to families and friends sharing fun experiences with new gifts together during the holiday season (think grandparents trying an Oculus Rift or a Google Daydream headset before Christmas dinner) and the ever-increasing amount of high-quality VR content on the market.” Explains OmniVirt, confirming that last year saw also understandably saw a spike in use around the same time. As for what has happened since then it is also good news – at least for those VR apps associated with OmniVirt.

“Post-Christmas growth in usage stabilized to 2x pre-Christmas engagement, according to OmniVirt’s analytics.” Says the company, adding that, “Experts predict faster growth over the course of 2018, especially with the upcoming launches of Oculus Go and Google’s standalone headset. But even amidst increasing usage growth, VR developers look to ensure sustainability by looking into methods to monetize their content, like in-app VR advertising. And rather than wait for next Christmas’ usage lift, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.”

Will such a lift continue over the rest of 2018, until the release of the Standalone VR hardware in the West? Will it be reflected by other services?  That is something we will have to see in time – but we will bring you more findings soon, here on VRFocus.


OmniVirt Partners With Major Brands for AR Advertising

Augmented reality (AR) has been something for a hot topic lately, a trend only encouraged further by Apple’s recent showcase of the ARKit’s capabilities. Along with Google’s recently announced ARCore, the potential of AR has come to the attention of major brands, some of whom have turned to OmniVirt to take advantage of this new medium.

OmniVirt have previously leveraged virtual reality (VR) and 360-degree video to provide value to businesses, as well as offering a monetisation platform for VR creators. Now the company has added AR Advertising to its free marketing platform for Brands and Publishers.

With AR being a relatively new avenue for advertisers and brands, there are still obstacles to overcome, and development is still needed before AR advertising becomes commonplace: “Cost and time of development is just one challenge that faces marketers. Limited scale and the friction of consumers having to download a new AR app is another challenge.” notes Brad Phaisan, CEO of OmniVirt.

The new platform is designed to make launching a new AR campaign simple, offering the ability to create an AR advertising campaign in minutes and launch it across multiple media channels. Marketers will be able to add their own branding to an AR application for free, so audiences can take selfies and share experiences over social media.

A video demonstration is available to view below.

VRFocus will continue to report on new users for augmented reality technology.

Life In 360°: Say Cheese, San Diego!

Ah, Comic-Con. Bastion of television and feature film news and reveals… oh and comics as well I suppose. (There are comics there still, right?) San Diego has been bid fairwell for another year as the event continues to get bigger and louder and more important. Already a mecca for pop-culture enthusiasts, it’s even busier, as amazing as that seems, behind the scenes.

As such Entertainment Weekly have created a little video showcasing what you and the show going public do not. A look at the media responsibilities the stars face as they are all led into the publication’s studio for photos before they are rapidly whisked off to their next assignment.

Filmed in time-lapse (and with some gratuitous cuts) using the Samsung Gear 360 and broadcast via OmniVirt, watch as the casts of Westworld, Thor: Ragnarok, Dr. Who (past and present), Arrow, Teen Wolf, Fear The Walking Dead and many, many more are whisked in for cast and individual photos in one of the two booths crammed into a corner away(ish) from onlookers as staff make plans and take additional footage and edit on the booths not in use.

You can see the video below. VRFocus will be back on Friday with another video utilizing 360 degrees.

Life In 360°: OmniVirt Look To Make 360 Degrees Interactive

We can’t always have travels to other lands when there’s hot topics to discuss with the medium, although today’s video is related to travel. A growing topic and one we’ve certainly been seeing a lot of discussion about within virtual reality (VR) in recent weeks is advertising. One company that certainly been in the mix regarding those discussions is OmniVirt.

OmniVirt have previously worked with big media names like The New York Times, AOL, Universal Pictures, Netflix,  SnapChat and other brands in order to bring advertising to 360 degree videos, and earlier this month OmniVirt and Tremor Video announced a platform for pre-roll ads for 360 degree video content. This time however they are taking 360° video interactive with what they are calling the world’s first interactive 360º video advertisement.

The firm has teamed up with airline Cathay Pacific to produce a video where users are able to view what it would be like to be in a first class cabin. Using OmniVirt’s proprietary hotspot technology partners, in this case Cathay Pacific, are able to set a number of ‘triggers’ which can be activated by the viewer throughout the video to view additional connected media and gain more information.

Speaking in a press statement, OmniVirt CEO Brad Phaisan commented on the new campaign. “We love working with partners like Cathay Pacific that are leaning into new formats and new ways of engaging their customers. We know brands and consumers are excited by immersive 360° VR content experiences and we have built our platform to make it easy for both creators and viewers to experience this content.”

The campaign will run over the coming months across major web properties, and today for Life In 360° we’re including both the video and the marketing explanation/trailer behind it which you can both find below. Advertising in VR is going to be a topic that runs and runs and you can expect more discussion on the various platforms in the months ahead. As always VRFocus bring you more information about OmniVirt’s activities as we get it and Life In 360° will be back next week.

OmniVirt and Tremor Video Launch Ad Platform for 360-Degree Video

Advertising tends to be a contentious issue, with many consumers concerned about the privacy and safety concerns with regards to online advertising, while others simply find adverts intrusive. The rise of ad-blockers has led advertisers to consider new markets for advertising, such as 360-degree video, which OmniVirt and Tremor Video have announced a platform for pre-roll ads for 360-degree video.

360-degree video is currently the most popular way for consumers to enjoy virtual reality (VR) content. 360-degree videos are relatively cheap and easy to produce compared to other forms of VR content, which has meant an explosion in their popularity, especially with the rise of commercially available 360-degree cameras. As such, advertisers are keen to tap the market. Pre-roll adverts by OmniVirt will offer features such as all-screen scale for both mobile and desktop, the ability to switch between gyroscope or swipe modes on mobile and compatibility with all major VR headsets and cardboard viewers.

“Marketers and agencies alike have been creating 360° VR advertisements because of the promise this medium has for marketers to make an impact on their audience,” stated Brad Phaisan, Founder and CEO of OmniVirt. “The biggest challenge for these marketers remains distribution and viewers, but with VR campaigns having shown a tenfold increase in interaction and engagement compared to flat 2D advertisements, we expect their use to increase exponentially.”

OmniVirt have also recently opened up a platform to allow independent creators the opportunity to monetise VR and 360-degree content. Last month, OmniVirt delivered over 100 million VR ad ‘impressions’ on 360-degree videos, featuring well-known brands such as Universal Pictures, Land Rover, Samsung and National Geographic.

VRFocus will keep you informed on other developments regarding advertising in VR.

World’s Largest Media Services Agency Launches VR Development Initiative

The world’s largest media agency, Horizon Media, has launched UNCVR. Partnering with STXsurreal, an experienced VR development studio, and OmniVirt, specialists in 360 video ads, the teams plan to expand development of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and 360 video content.

Horizon Media’s President and Founder, Bill Koenigsberg, is excited about the new mediums; “We  are always looking to create the most immersive and engaging experience for our clients and their brands.”

Koenigsberg continues; “We can only do this if we are continuously looking around the next corner and evaluating the potential creative and business opportunities with every piece of new technology. UNCVR is a big step into the virtual space and we are excited to make this move with STXsurreal to unlock its potential.”

UNCVR’s name is inspired by the team’s ability to work with and innovate in new mediums, ‘uncovering’ new possibilities. STXsurreal’s involvement can’t be understated either – the studio has plenty of experience in producing videos for platforms such as YouTube and Facebook 360 Video.

STXsurreal’s Co-Presidents, Rick Rey and Andy Vick, are positive that UNCVR will open the door for new talent in the medium; “Data increasingly shows that VR/360 platforms deliver significant audience retention and engagement.

They go on to say; “As audience demand for compelling, premium content in the immersive space grows, this represents a huge opportunity to bring major talent into VR and help them engage their fan base in bold and game-changing ways.  We look forward to being the go-to VR partners of Horizon UNCVR’s influential and innovative brands, to unlock the next-generation of storytelling.”

UNCVR will hopefully introduce new talent into the medium, and increase the amount of VR, AR and MR content available to users.

For everything on VR and beyond, stay on VRFocus.

OmniVirt Unveils VR Monetisation Platform

Advertising and monetisation of virtual reality (VR) content is something of a contentious issue. A lot of consumers dislike adverts and question the privacy and security measures in place for things like target ads and analytics. As the VR industry matures, there will be new business models appearing, such as a new platform announced by VR content advertising company OmniVirt.

OmniVirt have previously worked with the likes of the New York Times, AOL, SnapChat and other brands in order to bring advertising to 360-degree videos, now OmniVirt is offering developers the ability to monetise their apps using the OmniVirt platform.

The aim is to create a unified platform that publishers and advertisers can both use to launch publicity campaigns using 360-degree and VR content and that can also be utilised by VR content developers to monetise VR apps and experiences. Developers looking to utilise the OmniVirt platform need to sign up for an OmniVirt account at the official website and integrate the OmniVirt software development kit into their application.

The company offer three tiers of service for publishers and advertisers wishing to use the OmniVirt platform. The Standard tier is free, with file sizes limited to 512MB and all files using the Standard tier featuring OmniVirt branding and some features being unavailable. Premium tier is $500 per month and offers file size of up to 8GB, no branding, auto generation of advert tags and all features unlocked. The high-level Corporate tier adds multiple URLs and domains and a custom design, with payment being negotiated between the company and OmniVirt.

VRFocus will bring you further information on VR advertising and monetisation as it becomes available.

Disney Backed Jaunt And OmniVirt Are Partnering To Put More Ads Into VR

Disney Backed Jaunt And OminVirt Are Partnering To Put More Ads Into VR

Virtual reality is here to stay but, at this point, it’s still trying to figure out exactly how to generate revenue. One tried and true method in Silicon Valley for turning an idea into cash is to start tying advertisements to it. Now, a partnership between the Disney-backed Jaunt and 360 advertising startup OmniVirt is going to see if the advertising model works in VR.

Jaunt has raised slightly over $100 million from notable partners such as Disney, Paul McCartney (yes, that Paul McCartney) and China Media Capital. The company was able to raise these funds by arriving early and impressing with proprietary technology for the creation of immersive video.

Jaunt has continued to develop new hardware for VR video, but now it seems ready to diversity its revenue potential through a new advertising strategy formed in conjunction with its partner, OmniVirt.

Founded by former Google employees, OmniVirt is a 360 advertisement platform. OmniVirt’s bread and butter is an immersive ad distribution platform and analytics system. The team has already built VR campaigns for companies such as Toyota, Samsung, and Universal Pictures.

According to a joint release from the two companies, Jaunt and OmniVirt will now begin to “extend the reach of campaigns that Jaunt has been providing to its brand clients by ensuring increased distribution and viewership across OmniVirt’s premium publisher network.”

The release continues, “Under this partnership, Jaunt will be able to extend the reach of its client’s campaigns seamlessly into OmniVirt’s premium inventory, enabling brands to promote and drive viewership to their VR experiences.”

According to Jean-Paul Colaco, Chief Revenue Officer at Jaunt:

“We know that marketers and their agency partners are looking for premium inventory and scaled distribution when it comes to the world of 360° virtual reality advertising. We have been very impressed with OmniVirt’s technology and reach. The Jaunt Studio and app combined with OmniVirt’s distribution network will provide our clients with a holistic solution for their 360° virtual reality brand advertising campaigns.”

Advertising in VR is still experimental and deals like this one indicate that we may be seeing a good deal more experiments very soon.

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Life In 360°: SpotX And OmniVirt Invite You To Take A Break

We’ve Easter around the corner we’ve some 360 degree news, as opposed to a vbideo, to end things this week. And it’s related to something we’ve seen on the increase in mentions for virtual reality (VR) related content – advertising.

The latest to announce their intentions are SpotX, who through a new partnership with Omnivirt (a company we’ve looked at before here) are looking to bring their 360 degrees technology to everyone using the SpotX platform. A first for OmniVirt for their technology to be so widely available. OmniVirt have said that interaction and engagement with a 360° campaign is poven to be tenfold that of a traditional 2D advert.

Founder and CEO of OmniVirt Brad Phaisan explained: “Marketers and agencies alike have been creating 360° VR advertisements due to the promise this medium has for marketers to make an impact on their audience. In spite of marketers and agencies being extremely interested in VR, the biggest challenge for these marketers remains distribution and viewers.

“The ability to bring these 360° VR experiences to audiences across SpotX’s platform is something both the buy and sell side are very excited about.” Added Jeremy Straight, SpotX’s Senior Vice President of of Strategic Partnerships. “Our Demand Facilitation team will help buyers find the best media owners for 360° VR, and help them structure their buys to maximize efficiency and effectiveness of this innovative new format. The partnership reinforces SpotX’s commitment to media owners to explore innovative technologies that empower them to realize the full potential of their video ad inventory.”

Adverts are set via Omivirt to be ablle to appear on advertising displays, mobile apps, pre-roll on video or appearing on social media 360 degrees such as Twitter or Snapchat. With previous partners including The New York Times, Discovery, Toyota, ABC, Chick-Fil-A, and Universal Pictures. How the roll out wil affect the general consumer is something VRFocus will watching with interest in the weeks and months ahead.