Omnigames Release Endless Crusade Into Early Access

The developers behind Age of Heroes, a virtual reality (VR) combat title about fighting massive boss battles have released their latest title, Endless Crusade into Early Access. Made by Omnigames, this title will put players into a fantasy world where a devastating crisis is unfolding and it falls to the player to save the day.

Endless Crusade

Endless Crusade is in fact a remake of Age of Heroes, in which Omnigames hopes to build on the lessons they learned from making that title and build a bigger, better videogame the second time around. According to the developers, Age of Heroes was not as interesting as they had hoped and offered limited replay value. With Endless Crusade the team plans to address these issues and delver a knockout title.

Currently in Early Access and set to be for three to six months the team at Omnigames are planning to scale everything up by impressive values. Compares to Age of Heroes, the number of maps in Endless Crusade will be nine rather than three, with the number of enemy types being raised from eleven to fifty. This goal of expanding the title can also be found in the rebuild mage and archer classes which will handle better than ever and have had their skills redesigned from the ground up.

Endless Crusade

Players will need to pick a character, equip their skills and then set out on a mission to clear a level of countless enemies before than taking down a massive boss in an epic fight. If that is not enough to keep players interested then there will also be an endless challenge mode where players must survive against random combinations of enemies and maps. Scoring is available as well if players want to compete and earn a place on the worldwide leaderboard within the title.

The Early Access release sees two hero types avaiable to play with, each with seventeen skills that player can battle with in ten different locations. As the Early Access period progresses more will be added to the title ahead of the final release with Omnigames looking to collect suggestions from players on how to improve the title.

Endless Crusade is now available in Early Access with support for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift headsets. The title is currently on Steam for £3.99 (GBP) and the developers have confirmed the price will raise as the development continues.

For all the latest on Endless Crusade in the future, keep reading VRFocus.

VR-MMO Age of Heroes VR auf Steam veröffentlicht

Wir berichteten bereits Ende April über den VR-Titel Age of Heroes, der mit MMO-Elementen die Fans des Genres überzeugen möchte. Nun wurde das Spiel offiziell auf Steam VR veröffentlicht.

Age of Heroes VR: Mutiplayer-Action mit MMO-Elementen

Age of Heroes VR vom chinesischen Entwicklerstudio Omnigames setzte Hoffnung darin, die bisherige Lücke des MMO-Genres im VR-Spielemarkt zu füllen. Das Spiel ist auch dahin gehend aufgebaut, schließlich hat man die Wahl zwischen verschiedenen Klassen, nutzt diverse Zaubersprüche und Fähigkeiten und stellt sich in Dungeons mächtigen Endgegnern, die wertvolle Beute versprechen.


Doch um in die Fußstapfen eines Titels, wie World of Warcraft zu treten, fehlt bisher das einzigartige Spielgefühl, dass durch eine Vielzahl an Spielern, innerhalb der Spielwelt entsteht. Der VR-Titel Age of Heroes setzt stattdessen mehr auf Multiplayer-Action im Dungeon Crawler-Stil. Mit bis zu fünf Spielern könnt ihr im Koop-Modus zusammenarbeiten, um die Horden an Gegnern, bestehend aus Goblins, Untoten und Dämonen zu besiegen und ihnen ihre Wertsachen abzunehmen.

Das Fantasy-Setting erzeugt dennoch eine überzeugende immersive Erfahrung innerhalb der düsteren Umgebungen. Auch RPG-Enthusiasten kommen auf ihre Kosten, denn die Spieler wählen zu Beginn zwischen typischen Klassen: Magier, Bogenschütze, Hexenmeister und Priester stehen zur Auswahl. Der Krieger soll bald mit einem DLC hinzugefügt werden. Jede Klasse verfügt über drei spezielle Fähigkeiten, so ist der Magier beispielsweiße darauf spezialisiert mit Feuerzaubern Flächenschaden zu verteilen, während der Priester heilt und sogar als einzige Klasse mit einer vierten Fähigkeit gefallene Helden wiederbelebt.


Das Gameplay setzt auf Bewegung, um fliegenden Projektilen auszuweichen und die eigenen Fähigkeiten zu verwenden. Als Fortbewegungsmethode ist jedoch die typische Teleportation angesagt. Dennoch verspricht das Spiel fordernde und interessante Kämpfe.

Kritik und zukünftige Inhalte

Bisher sind die Meinungen der Steam-Käufer geteilt, so sind einige vom Gameplay überzeugt, während andere den bisherigen Content kritisieren. Zu wenig Inhalte, fehlende Spieler und Skill-Systeme sind derzeit die Hauptprobleme des Spiels. Doch die Entwickler kündigten bereits Patches und kommende DLC’s an, um dem nachzugehen. So soll neben der fünften Klasse, auch ein persönlicher Raum zugänglich werden, indem die Spieler die Fähigkeiten des Charakters anpassen können und ihre Errungenschaften präsentieren dürfen. Außerdem werden ein Leaderboard und Achievements eingeführt, die zudem mit weiteren Herausforderungen und entsprechend lukrativen Belohnungen einladen.

Man darf also mit zukünftigem Support der Entwickler rechnen. Aktuell ist Age of Heroes VR für 27,99 Euro im Steam Store für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive erhältlich. Auch eine Version für die PlayStation VR (PSVR) ist geplant. Zudem bietet es Cross-Plattform-Support und vereint damit die Besitzer unterschiedlicher VR-Brillen. Wer Interesse hat, sollte sich am besten selbst ein Bild über den VR-Titel machen. Wir dürfen gespannt sein, wie sich das Spiel in Zukunft entwickelt.

(Quellen: RoadtoVR | Steam | Video: Road to VR Youtube)

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MMO-like Dungeon Combat Game ‘Age of Heroes’ Launches From Vive X Portfolio Company Omnigames

Omnigames, among one of the first companies to join HTC’s Vive X accelerator, has launched their “multiplayer combat VR game,” Age of Heroes, on Steam.

Age of Heroes aims to bring a MMO-like experience to VR, which means choosing classes, casting abilities, and defeating bosses. The game has launched on SteamVR with support for both the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

And while Age of Heroes is certainly set in the style of an MMORPG (and may have ambitions to get there at some point), for now there doesn’t appear to be much in the way of ‘massive multiplayer’. While a game like World of Warcraft can have hundreds of players roaming around vast regions, Age of Heroes in its current state appears to be a more typical multiplayer affair, with smaller groups of players (up to five) working together to defeat enemies and bosses in enclosed dungeon environments.

Otherwise the game replicates some tried and true MMO tropes, with different classes to choose from, a typical fantasy setting—with goblins, demons, undead and the like—and dingy dungeons with big bosses at the end. The graphics too are reminiscent of World of Warcraft and similar MMOs, which means they’d fit right in if it were 2005.

There’s four classes (Mage, Archer, Warlock, Priest), with a fifth (Warrior) promised to be added later down the road. Each class has three primary abilities, except for the Priest which has a fourth Resurrect ability to bring other players back to life.

Where Age of Heroes differs in its approach (and where it has the biggest opportunity to shine) is of course virtual reality. Here the developers say the game emphasises “actual physical body movements in VR,” hopefully making combat more dynamic and visceral.

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Priced at $30, Age of Heroes has only a handful of user reviews at this early moment after launch, and they are mixed, with one users saying “In its current state [it’s] basically just a demo and really should have been released as such, in my opinion. Really [doesn’t] seem like a finished [product] and is in no way worth anything close to the asking price.”

Some DLC is promised, including the Warrior class, leaderboards and achievements, and eventually a “personal space,” where players can show off their trophies and modify their character’s skills and talents, though it isn’t clear how much further the game will be developed beyond those plans as it isn’t marked as an Early Access title.

The post MMO-like Dungeon Combat Game ‘Age of Heroes’ Launches From Vive X Portfolio Company Omnigames appeared first on Road to VR.

Age of Heroes Brings Massive Boss Battles to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive

Back in May Chinese developer Omnigames launched a Kickstarter for its upcoming virtual reality (VR) combat title Age of Heroes. The funding campaign was unsuccessful, failing to reach its $10,000 USD but that didn’t stop the studio and today the videogame has launched on Steam for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Omnigames, is a Vive X portfolio company and Age of Heroes is the first VR project from the developer. While Age of Heroes can be played single-playerit’s main focus is on co-op multiplayer combat where you’ll be facing of against all sorts of bosses and their minions.

Age of Heroes screenshot 3

Depending on what you prefer, Age of Heroes has four classes to choose from: mage, warlock, archer, and priest, each with their own particular traits, so the archer is your ranged character, mage and warlock wield magic and priest is the support. A fifth will also be added, the warrior, sometime after launch.

Age of Heroes currently includes three dungeons: The Stronghold, the Hall of Death and the Fort of Horror. Each dungeon has different obstacles and layout, with a lengthy multi-stage boss fight to contend with. Fort of Horror, for example, has two bosses at once that swap out with one another, and the order you kill them affects the outcome of the battle.

“We all love games with dungeons and raids, and always dream of actually wandering in those dungeons and fighting evil for real,” says Aolin Xu, founder of Omnigames in a statement. “We see VR as a chance to make that dream a reality, and that’s why we made Age of Heroes.”

The studio is considering adding a player-versus-player (PvP) system that would feature 5v5 battles to mix up the gameplay mechanics.

Age of Heroes is available on Steam for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift for $29.99 USD/£22.99 GBP. Omnigames plans on adding compatibility for PlayStation VR at a later date.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Omnigames, reporting back with the latest updates.

Omnigames’ Age of Heroes VR Aims for Kickstarter Success

Earlier this year Chinese developer Omnigames held a successful Steam Greenlight campaign for its virtual reality (VR) MMORPG Age of Heroes VR. Today the team has launched another campaign, this time for funding via Kickstarter.

Age of Heroes VR is a multiplayer combat title set in a fantasy world full of demonic monsters. Supporting between one to six players, the videogame will feature four classes to begin with: mage, warlock, archer and priest, with a fifth warrior class to be added in future DLC. Each has its own skill set and development tree, with the mage dealing Area of Effect (AoE) attacks, warlocks can summon golems, archers are the masters of ranged combat, while priests support the team with healing and resurrection skills.

Age of Heroes screenshot 2

Supporting both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift with cross-platform functionality – a PlayStation VR version is planned for later in 2017 – Age of Heroes VR will include three different raids at launch: Hall of Death, Freezing Stronghold, and Fort of Horror. Each one has been designed to offer different tactical strategies alongside various enemies and bosses.

While most Kickstarter campaigns are usually fairly long (at least a month or so), Omnigames’ will only last a week. The core title is virtually finished, it’s due to launch on Steam in June, the reason for the funding is simple states the studio: “We want to make it even better with more raids, more classes and more game modes. And only with your voice and support could make this happen. Kickstarter builds the bridge to connect us directly to you.”

In terms of Kickstarter goals the target is quite small, only $10,000 USD. Backing tiers start from $1 and rise up to $1000. To secure a copy of the videogame backers will need to pledge $20 for the early bird hero pack. Once this has run out there’s a late bird offer at $25, or then there’s the standard price of $29.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Age of Heroes VR, reporting back with any further updates.