Like a lot of Oculus Touch owners, SUPERHOT VR [Review: 9/10] was one of our favorite games at the controllers’ launch last month, but there’s no denying it was on the short side.
The game, which adapted the ‘time moves only when you do’ mechanic from the original non-VR release, lasted less than two hours in total. We were dying for more content when the credits started to roll and, fortunately, it looks like we’ll be getting some, or at least some new ways to play what’s already there.
Both the SUPERHOT VR development team and Oculus itself are teasing a ‘Forever Update’ for the VR FPS. While there’s no news post to go along with the Twitter messages, the GIF above does have its own set of hints. Set in the game’s hub world, the disk the player’s hand holds seems to have a list of what to expect in the update.
It’s a little blurry, but Reddit user Leviatein seems to have uncovered the code: challenges, achievements, bug fixes, and secrets.
Achievements and bug fixes are simple enough; Oculus games recently started rolling out the company’s in-game rewards system, and there are always imperfections to iron out in any title. Challenges, meanwhile, are a little more exciting, as they suggest you’ll be able to tackle the levels you’ve already mastered with a new set of restrictions or goals to reach for. We’d love to try some of the game’s more challenging missions by perhaps only using melee weapons or firing a certain number of bullets.
Secrets, meanwhile, could obviously mean anything, but the game’s ambiguous story leaves plenty of room for cracks to explore. Hopefully they’ll lead to some brand new levels, though maybe that’s hoping for a little too much.
No date for the new features yet, but be on the lookout for them.
Tagged with: FPS, oculus rift, oculus touch, SUPERHOT VR