Learn To Sculpt In Virtual Reality With Gio Nakpil This Weekend

For those looking to learn how to utilize Oculus Medium to create stunning artwork or get some tips from a master sculptor will be happy to hear that a special one-day class is being put on for just that. Online tutorial resource mold3D Academy are putting on the workshop in partnership with medium and Oculus and will feature the renowned master sculptor and Oculus Character Designer, Gio Nakpil.

The day long class will be feature Nakpil demonstrating his philosophy on form and modeling, using Medium as the tool of instruction. Revealing the evolution of 3D virtual reality (VR) modelling and capitalizing on Medium’s simplicity, the workshop is designed to leave attendees feeling empowered to leverage Medium to create stunning professional or personal work.

The workshop will be running over a single weekend, with one eight hour class on each day. During this time Nakpil will teach how to sculpt basic form and structure breakdown. Delve into sculpture refinement and final detailing along with teaching a proven step-by-step system that he’s used to teach hundreds of artists. All of this will be of benefit to both people just starting out or those looking to learn new skills and ways of working.

Nakpil is known for his work at Industrial Light and Magic, having worked on principal creatures for Star Trek and The Avengers, among a number of other notable Hollywood films. He then switched to designing and building videogame assets for Valve and now works at Oculus helping to define the look of VR. He was also the designer for the creature that was displayed at the annual Monsterpalooza convention and featured in the ‘Making The Monster’ documentary.

Taking place this Saturday, August 4th and Sunday, August 5th, the workshop will run from 10am to 5pm both days and is located at the Facebook Campus, Building 27, 162 Jefferson Drive, Menlo Park, California, 94025. Places on the workshop are priced at $200.00 each and will include one-on-on instructor feedback, networking time, free lunch and snacks and each attendee will be provided with an Oculus headset, Oculus Touch controllers and a VR capable computer for use at the workshop. Those looking to registration for a place on the class can do so at the workshop’s website.

For more on all things VR in the future, including more workshops, making sure to keep reading VRFocus.

‘Archangel’ Developers Create in ‘Oculus Medium’ to Bring Giant Mechs to Life

Skydance Interactive, the studio behind Archangel (2017) and the recent multiplayer expansion Hellfire, today released a video on just how they made their building-sized mechs.

Concept artist Bryant “Momo” Koshu designed mechs for the game, and says it took him at least six months to figure out the exact design of the single player game’s cockpit using standard tools such as Adobe Photoshop. Later including Medium in his creative process, Oculus’ VR sculpting and modeling program, Koshu says he reduced the time down to a little over a week to create the updated cockpit design.

“We went through the process in a matter of weeks,” says Skydance Interactive Producer Mark Domowicz. “Part of that is Momo. He’s a ninja with the software. Part of that is just the toolset; you can just jump in and put something together, kit-bash something together.”

“This is more than just sculpting,” says Koshu. “This can actually be used for the whole video game pipeline.”

Oculus Plans to Let You Bring Your ‘Medium’ Sculptures Into Home

Skydance tells us Koshu first uses Medium when prototyping, and then adds final touches using ZBrush, Autodesk 3ds Max, Unreal Engine 4 and other tools.

Originally launched in 2016 with Touch, Medium recently got an overhaul via its 2.0 update, which brings a new file management system and a “major UI facelift,” designed to help artists work better and faster. If you’re interested in creating with Medium, check out these updated tutorials from Oculus.

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Oculus Medium 2.0: Großes Update bringt zahlreiche neue Features und Funktionen

Die 3D-Modelling-App Oculus Medium für Oculus Rift ermöglicht es Nutzern komplexe 3D-Strukturen mit den Oculus-Touch-Controllern innerhalb der Virtual Reality zu erstellen. Die Software erhielt kürzlich ein großes Update für Oculus Medium 2.0, das viele neue Features in die praktische App integriert.

Update für Oculus Medium 2.0 – Bessere Performance und direkter Export nach Oculus Home

Oculus Medium erschien erstmals kostenlos 2016 als Zugabe für die damals veröffentlichten Oculus-Touch-Controller. Die Software gilt als direkter Konkurrent zu Tilt Brush, erlaubt es jedoch 3D-Modelle und -Skulpturen zu erstellen. Nun veröffentlichte Oculus das bisher größte Update für die App – Medium 2.0.

Mit dem Update für Oculus Medium 2.0 integrieren die Entwickler/innen zahlreiche Features und Funktionen, die sich besonders professionelle Nutzer seit Langem wünschen. Dazu zählen unter anderem eine verbesserte Benutzeroberfläche mit neuen Kreativ-Funktionen, optimierte Performance und der Export von erstellten 3D-Objekten in die Umgebung von Oculus Home.

Basierend auf dem Nutzerverhalten verbesserten die Verantwortlichen die komplette Nutzeroberfläche der Kreativ-App. Diese soll nun intuitiver und übersichtlicher sein, wodurch eine schnellere Navigation gewährleistet wird.

Zusätzlich stehen viele neue Features und Funktionen, wie neue Auslichtungsmöglichkeiten oder die optimierte Arbeit an Projekten mit mehreren Ebenen zur Auswahl. Außerdem wurde ein neues Dateimanagment-System eingeführt. Insgesamt erhält Medium dank einer neuen Rendering-Engine einen ordentlichen Performance-Anschub, der verbesserte Frame Rates und ein stärkeres Memory-Management offenbart. Zudem ist es nun möglich, bis zu 100 Schichten übereinanderzulegen. Dadurch werden die 3D-Modelle in Zukunft deutlich detaillierter dargestellt. Als besonderes Goodie könnt ihr eure erstellten 3D-Objekte in Oculus Home exportieren und dort in der Umgebung platzieren.


Neben den neuen Features wurden zusätzliche Anleitungen und Tutorials für die neuen Tools bereitgestellt.

Oculus Medium 2.0 ist für Besitzer der Oculus-Touch-Controller kostenlos im Oculus Store für Oculus Rift erhältlich. Neuerdings ist die App jedoch nur noch mit Windows 10 kompatibel.

(Quellen: Oculus Blog | Videos: Oculus Youtube | Oculus Medium Youtube)

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Get Creative as Oculus Medium 2.0 Brings Improved Performance, Rift Core 2.0 Integration and More

Virtual reality (VR) headset aren’t just great for playing videogames on they’re also good for getting creative. When Oculus Touch launched towards the end of 2016 two design apps were given away free of charge Oculus Quill; designed more towards illustration and Oculus Medium; a sculpting app, Today, Oculus Medium has received a major update, bringing a bunch of new features with it.

Oculus Medium MultipleLights

The Oculus Medium 2.0 update has tried to address many of the community’s feedback for the app including increased layer limit, grid snapping, and multiple lights.

“I’m super excited for this release because we’ve added a lot of features our community have been asking for—more flexible scene management, better memory and performance, and more sculpting precision, just to name a few of the larger themes of this release,” says Technical Art Director Lydia Choy in a statement. “Lots of our underlying systems have been rearchitected, which sets us up to build some powerful features in future releases as well.”

Having introduced support for importing user-generated content to decorate Oculus Home in Rift Core 2.0 only last week, today’s update goes one further by allowing sculptors to export their VR designs directly into their Home inventory.

Oculus Medium GridSnap2

The 2.0 update has been designed to help both advanced and beginner users alike. For those well versed in Oculus Medium there’s a new file management system, scene graph, and a major UI facelift that sholud make for faster and more intuitive navigation of Medium’s tools, settings, and options. And for novices there are new tutorials to help them adopt the new tools like Layer Resolution Visualization and the Elastic Move tool.

The performance of Oculus Medium has been increased to improve rendering: “I’m especially excited about the new rendering engine under the hood of Medium,” notes Graphics Engineer David Farrell. “We rewrote the renderer to use Vulkan, which lets us more directly control the GPU, leading to smoother frame rates and better memory management for higher resolution sculpts. Plus, you can now have up to 100 layers!”

It seems as though this week has seen a push towards those designing in VR as Google Tilt Brush saw a sizable update rollout. For any further announcements regarding Oculus Medium, keep reading VRFocus.

Oculus Medium Finally Gets Home Sharing And More In 2.0 Update

Oculus Medium Finally Gets Home Sharing And More In 2.0 Update

Oculus Medium, the company’s VR sculpting app that launched alongside its Touch controllers in December 2016, just got a big update adding some crucial new features.

Headlining Oculus Medium 2.0 is the ability to bring the creations you make into the new Oculus Home. As those that are taking part in the Rift Core 2.0 beta will know, the new Home allows you to customize your own space with a set of pre-made items. With this update, though, you’ll be able to bring your own personal creations into the space to show off for the first time. You’ll be able to export sculpts directly into your Home inventory, which will allow you to make your space truly unique for the first time.

Just as this week’s Tilt Brush update added a new Beginner Mode, this Medium update also brings in several new tutorials to help get you up to speed. These will address new tools like Layer Resolution Visualization and Elastic Move. The app’s performance has also been updated with increased rendering power, and there’s a new management system with a UI overhaul to make sorting through your tools and creations more intuitive than ever.

Finally, as you might have expected, Medium 2.0 is going to update to become a Windows 10-only app. Yesterday Oculus announced that it is updating its minimum and recommended settings for Rift to require Windows 10, noting that users that don’t upgrade won’t be able to use all the features of the Oculus platform. It sounds like Medium is one such feature.

Oculus is promising yet more updates for Rift Core 2.0 later in the week, so stay tuned.

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Oculus Plans to Let You Bring Your ‘Medium’ Sculptures Into Home

According to a recent entry on the official Oculus blog, the team has plans to allow sculptures from Oculus Medium (2016) to be placed into Home spaces. Customisation is already the central feature of the new Home, which makes up a key component of Rift Core 2.0, the underlying platform for Rift and Touch currently in beta.

“We’ll be adding tons of new content throughout the year, including new items and decorations built by the community,” writes Nate Mitchell, Head of Rift at Oculus. “We’ll also make it easy to bring your own content, like Medium sculptures, into Home in 2018.”

This brief mention of Medium in the first ‘Dev Diary’ for Rift Core 2.0 is about all we have to go on; it’s a logical step to allow user-created content in personal Home spaces. The team will continue to add decorative and interactive objects into the beta, and some games already provide physical trophies for displaying your achievements, in much the same way as SteamVR Home. Bringing Medium support could open the floodgates to much deeper personalisation, particularly if the sculpts can be scaled to any size, but that remains to be seen.

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Oculus Medium Introduced Autumn Harvest Update

Though it was only last month that virtual reality (VR) 3D sculpting tool Oculus Medium introduced its last major update, the team at Oculus have been hard at work on another update, and have now introduced Oculus Medium 1.3: Autumn Harvest.

The new update introduces several new features, as well as the expected big fixes. One of themost significant is the introduction of the ‘Learn’ page, which provides 2D video tutorials. Even with fairly intuitive tools such as Medium, 3D modelling remains a complex process. As such, the tutorial videos can be watched in the user’s preferred browser, or downloaded directly into the Tutorials library in Medium. There are eight ‘Basics’ videos already available, which contain instructions from members of the Medium team ans artists such as Dom Qwek and Gio Nakpil. The team plans to regularly update the library with more Tutorials.

For users who might not have the steadiest hands, Medium have introduced the ‘Steady Stroke’ feature, which when activated will remove the high frequency jitter from hand motions. This feature works with the clay tool, paint tool, inflate tool and smooth tool.

Tool applicator edits is also now available, which lets users detach the applicator from the tool and reapply it to enable more comfortable hold and movement. This feature works with clay tool, paint tool in brush mode, swirl tool and move tool. The reset button can be pressed to return to the tool default.

A number of big fixes and minor improvements have also been added. A full list of patch notes can be found on the Oculus website.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Oculus Medium as it becomes available.

Multiuser VR Sculpting & Paint Tool ‘MasterpieceVR’ Now Available on Vive & Rift

MasterpieceVR is a 3D creation tool that’s looking to get an edge on the competition by offering something no other volumetric art program has so far; a multi-user, spectator-friendly, sculpting and painting tool that promises to house everything you need in a single place.

MasterpieceVR boasts some pretty impressive features outside of its 20+ sculpting and painting tools. Up to four artists can collaborate on a piece while up to 20 spectators look on—something that Google-owned Tilt Brush (2016)Oculus Medium (2017) nor Quill (2017) can manage currently.

Additionally, the program also has the ability to view a desktop window while in VR, so you can easily check reference images while you create, or just have a YouTube video playing in the background.

MasterpieceVR features cross-play with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, with Microsoft’s upcoming VR headsets soon to see support as well. The app is available on Steam, Oculus Store, and Viveport for $30.

Like many VR sculpting programs and CAD software alike, MasterpieceVR can export models to .STL file format, making it possible to 3D print your virtual objects.

“We wanted to push the boundaries by creating an organic 3D modeling tool that is both powerful and easy to learn,” said CEO of Masterpiece VR, Jonathan Gagne. “VR was the medium to do this in. It let us take a big step forward in the development of a tool that let people work together in real-time to co-create on the same piece or contribute feedback or critique immediately.”

“I think MasterpieceVR is a really special piece of software and is focused on giving you core tools with a clean interface which allows you to jump into VR sculpting more quickly than the competition,” said traditional and digital artist, Jon Payne. “I particularly love both the subtle surface control built into the primary sculpting tools and the intelligent way the smoothing algorithm works when you are blending your shapes. These unique features combine to give you a cleaner sculpt that is faster than other VR sculpting tools out there.”

We haven’t had a chance to pop in ourselves, but artist Mary Ellis takes us through MasterpieceVR’s tools, creating a digital bust of a lion whilst comparing it to the real thing.

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Oculus Medium: Großes Update bringt neue Funktionen und Bug Fixes

Die 3D-Modelling und Sculpture-App Oculus Medium ermöglicht es Anwendern, komplexe 3-D-Strukturen innerhalb der VR mit der Oculus Rift und den dazugehörigen Oculus Touch Controllern zu erstellen. Für die Software veröffentlichte Oculus nun ein großes Update, das viele neue Funktionen und Features enthält. Auch einige Bug Fixes und Verbesserungen haben die Entwickler dem Update spendiert.

Oculus Medium Update bringt neue Features und Funktionen

Die App Oculus Medium ist ein praktisches Tool zum Erstellen von 3-D-Modells und diversen Artworks. Hierfür veröffentlichten die Entwickler nun ein großes Update, um die Funktionalität weiter zu verbessern und den Nutzern neue Optionen zu ermöglichen.

Der neue Patch 1.2.2 für Oculus Medium bringt nicht nur einige Bug Fixes mit sich, sondern auch eine Vielzahl an neuen Funktionen. So kann man jetzt beispielsweise .OBJ- und .FBX-Dateien importieren. Mit der Copy-to-clay-Option lassen sich die 3D-Objekte nun konvertieren und bearbeiten. 3D-Künstler können zudem in der neuen Version Texturen importieren.

Außerdem ist es nun möglich, Hintergrundvideos innerhalb des Programms zu starten. Entsprechend müssen Anwender zukünftig nicht mehr in die Bibliothek wechseln, um Anleitungen oder Tutorial-Videos zu betrachten, während sie ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf lassen. Die neue Option befindet sich innerhalb der Medium-Gallerie. Auch ein Import aus dem Newsfeed im Startbildschirm steht als Option bereit. Zusätzlich haben die Entwickler auch einige Verbesserungen implementiert. Sie haben zum Beispiel diverse grammatikalische Fehler innerhalb des Hilfedialogs korrigiert und die neuesten Oculus Audio SDKs integriert.

Neben den praktischen neuen Funktionen waren die Entwickler fleißig auf Fehlerjagd. So soll das Programm nicht mehr abstürzen, wenn man Meshes mit 8K-Texturen auf Computern mit niedrigeren Spezifikationen exportiert. Außerdem haben sich die Entwickler dem Problem angenommen, dass bei manchen Anwendern die Freundesliste auf 25 Personen limitiert war. Zudem kann man sehen, wer gerade online ist. Auch einige Probleme mit diversen Tools sollen behoben sein sowie ein Fehler, der den Programmstart von Medium auftrat verhinderte.

Sämtliche weitere Änderungen sind im Oculus Forum zu finden, ein Hands-on und weitere Infos zur 3D-VR-Software auf unserer Seite.

(Quellen: Oculus Forum)

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Oculus Medium Releases Big Update

3D modelling and sculpture application Oculus Medium allows users to create complex 3D sculptures in virtual reality (VR) using the Oculus Touch controllers. The developers have recently released a large update introducing many new features and fixes.

As covered in the VRFocus preview, Oculus Medium can be used as a serious tool for 3D modelling and artwork. The recent 1.2.2 patch introduces several bug fixes as well as some new features.

On the new features front, users are now able to import OBJ and FBX files and convert them into sculpts in Medium using the ‘Copy to clay’ option. Users can also playback videos within Medium, instead of hiding them away in the Library, so if you need to watch a video tutorial whilst sculpting, now you can. Videos can be found on the Medium gallery or can be imported from the Newsfeed in the Home screen.
Reference Mesh now supports textures, so users can import textures alongside OBJ or FBX files.

Bug fixes include A Crash bug that would occur when exporting meshes with 8K textures on lower spec PCs. Fixing assorted problems with the surface constrain and clay tool. A problem with friends list being capped at 25 has been resolved and an indicator to show which friends are online has been added. Several problems with stamps have been resolved, including some artifacting and resolution issues.

Other improvements include integrating the latest Oculus audio SDK for spacial audio, fixing general grammatical errors in the help dialogue and fixing a bug that presented Medium from starting.

The full patch notes can be found on the Oculus Forum.

VRFocus will continue to report on updates and improvements to VR software and applications.