Report: Facebook Developing More Comfortable Oculus Quest With Higher Refresh Rate

Facebook is developing a smaller, lighter version of Oculus Quest with a higher refresh rate, according to a new report from Bloomberg.

Bloomberg reported the existence and price of Oculus Go months before it was announced, giving credence to the outlet having sources within Facebook’s VR division.

The report claims the new headset was originally intended to launch late this year, but the global pandemic may delay this to 2021. Whether this is the same ‘Del Mar’ headset leaked in March is currently unclear.

Featured image on this post is the current Oculus Quest.

Smaller, Lighter, More Comfortable

The most common complaint we see when someone tries an Oculus Quest is the discomfort caused by the front heaviness. Unlike PC VR headsets, Quest has the computing hardware and battery built into it.

The current Quest weighs around 1.25 lbs (571g). The report claims the new headset could be 20% lighter at 1 lbs (around 450g), as well as being physically 15% smaller.

At OC6, Facebook showed off research on making VR headsets smaller and lighter.

At Oculus Connect 6, Facebook’s chief VR researcher showed off new lenses that achieved a 20% wider field of view than Quest despite being physically smaller. Some kind of breakthrough like this could be the source of the weight reduction. Alternatively, it could just be mundane incremental improvements in materials and design.

Higher Refresh Rate

The current Oculus Quest uses OLED panels with a refresh rate of 72 Hz, lower than the PC VR standard of 90 Hz. Valve’s premium Index HMD offers up to 144 Hz.

A higher refresh rate in VR makes the world feel more solid and object motion look more real.

oculus quest rear

According to Bloomberg, Facebook is testing screens up to 120 Hz for this new headset, but may cap it to 90Hz for battery life reasons.

Rendering that higher refresh rate would almost certainly require a more powerful system-on-chip (SoC). The current Quest uses the Snapdragon 835, which was Qualcomm’s flagship in 2017. Three years later, chips with roughly twice the computing power are available. The report doesn’t say anything about a new chip, however.

New Touch Controllers

According to the report, Facebook is also working on new Touch controllers. This could be the ‘Jedi’ controllers found in the Oculus Quest firmware.

We analyzed the driver for the Jedi controllers and found that it keeps the same input scheme, but may improve tracking, haptics and the fidelity of finger sensing.

Oculus Touch Prototypes

According to Bloomberg’s sources, the new Touch controllers will be compatible with the existing Oculus Quest, enabling users to upgrade.

The report also claims these controllers fix a design flaw of the current Touch, where the battery cover can slide off during play.

Cheaper Materials, New Strap

The current Oculus Quest features a fabric covering giving it a somewhat premium feel. However, this is probably expensive to manufacture at scale.

According to Bloomberg, Facebook is testing removing this fabric and replacing it with plastic. This is likely for cost control reasons, but could also increase production rate.

The report claims Facebook is also considering changing the side straps from velcro to an elastic system. That sounds like how the Valve Index strap works, but there’s not enough detail yet to say for sure.

The post Report: Facebook Developing More Comfortable Oculus Quest With Higher Refresh Rate appeared first on UploadVR.

Oculus Firmware Reveals New Touch Controller With Possible Improvements In Tracking, Finger Sensing, Haptics

Code found by a VR developer in Oculus Quest’s firmware reveals new Touch-like VR controllers which may feature improvements to tracking, haptics, and finger sensing.

Last month, the official Oculus Developer website leaked the codename for a ‘Del Mar’ standalone headset with a developer early access program. A reference to ‘Oculus Jedi Controller For Oculus Del Mar’ was also discovered in the Oculus Mobile SDK.

This week, Gerald McAlister of RGB Schemes found a driver for the Jedi controller within the latest firmware for the consumer Quest. We don’t know whether this driver was included accidentally or its inclusion implies the current Quest could one day support the controller.

UploadVR analyzed the driver and compared it to the current Touch driver to zero in on some specific changes. Keep in mind, however,  changes could be made between now and this becoming a product- or Facebook could cancel the project altogether.

Familiar Input

The driver file reveals a controller with a thumbstick, index trigger, grip trigger, A/X button, B/Y button, and a system/menu button- the same layout as the current Oculus Touch controllers, which continued the same layout as the original Rift’s Touch.

new oculus touch controllers
The current Oculus Touch controllers

This should let Facebook achieve its stated goal of making all Quest content run on future versions of the headset, since fundamental changes to the controls would require developers to update their apps.

More Precise Tracking

A function for infrared LED calibration exists, suggesting this controller is optically tracked in the same way as the current Touch– cameras on the headset follow the movement of the LED constellation, and this is fused with the accelerometer readings to achieve sub-mm precision.

Facebook’s VR controllers are tracked via infrared LEDs under the plastic

On Quest, the headset cameras sample at 60 Hz. Half of the frames are high exposure shots for a clear view of your room used for headset tracking, and the other half are low exposure shots that zero in on controller position with minimal blur. Thus Touch flashes the LEDs at 30 Hz, or 30 times per second.

The ‘Jedi’ driver references a 60Hz IR LED mode. This could reduce the time it takes for the headset to re-acquire a controller that went out of view. It might also hint at cameras that sample more frequently on ‘Del Mar’, which might enable lower latency for controller-free hand tracking.

The driver also reveals the series model number of the controller’s inertial measurement unit (IMU)- the chip within all VR controllers which contains the accelerometer.

Teardowns and the FCC filings for the current Touch showed it uses TDK’s ICM-20601 IMU from late 2015.

Touch S IMU Chip
The IMU in the current Touch controllers for Rift S and Quest

Jedi’s driver lists it as using a new ICM-426-series TDK chip, described as a “premium performance” IMU with “the lowest noise figure in the industry” when it was announced at CES 2019.

  Touch (v2) IMU ‘Jedi’ Listed IMU
Noise (µg/rt-Hz)
(lower is better)
390 70
Resolution 16-bits 18-bits
(lower is better)
2% 0.5%
Variation from Temp (%/ºC)
(lower is better)
1.6 ×10-2 5 ×10-3
Energy Usage 3 mA 0.65 mA
Gyro Noise (mdps/rt-Hz)
(lower is better)
13 5.3
Gyro Resolution 16-bits 19-bits

The specifications suggest an accelerometer and gyroscope with a 6x and 2x reduction in noise, respectively, as well as improvements to resolution. Noise here means the fluctuation in output. This improved IMU should give the tracking algorithm more data with less noise, and that could enable more precise controller tracking.

When not in view of any camera, the accelerometer is used to estimate the controller’s motion. This works when the controller is moving quickly or predictably, but only for a few seconds at most currently. A better accelerometer could increase this time, or just make the estimation more accurate.

Potential Haptics Improvements

The original Oculus Touch (and HTC Vive wands) used a linear actuator for precise haptics. This same technology is present in the Nintendo Switch as “HD Rumble”, as well as in the Valve Index controllers.

The current Touch controllers use a standard motor of the type found in a gamepad, drawing criticism from developers utilizing linear haptics in their experiences.

The ‘Jedi’ driver mentions a new haptics thread running on the controller, which now interfaces with a specific haptic driver. This might suggest improvements to haptics, but there’s not enough information here to say anything more definitive.

Analog Finger Sensing

The original and current Touch controllers use capacitive sensors to detect when your fingers are touching buttons, the thumbstick, or the index trigger.

Valve’s Index SteamVR controllers take this idea further for 5 finger position detection and more granularity.

The Jedi driver includes a reference to an analog capacitive touch sensor that appears to carry the  codename ‘Rainier’. Oculus has a long history of naming prototypes after California beaches– and Rainier is in Washington State, where Facebook’s VR/AR research division is located. 

So What Is Del Mar?

The information that Quest’s firmware provides about Jedi narrows down the possibilities for what the ‘Del Mar’ headset is.

One popular theory took the ‘Jedi’ codename seriously, postulating optional Lightsaber controllers for a superior Beat Saber & Vader Immortal experience. Others suggested ‘Jedi’ could be a product based on the finger tracking wristband being developed by CTRL Labs, a startup acquired by Facebook in September. The full traditional input spotted in this driver might rule out both of these theories.

Half Dome 2
One of Facebook’s prototype headsets from R&D, Half-Dome 2

Today’s new information- Jedi being a controller with the similar input to the existing Touch but featuring an improved IMU-  may point to Del Mar and Jedi being a successor or higher end alternative to Quest. As well as providing a step up in the market for standalone headsets, it looks like Facebook could also be taking the opportunity to make improvements to input, while avoiding a total overhaul that could break backwards compatibility. Of course, if Facebook did improve the Touch controllers with these Jedi units launched alongside a new Quest, we’d hope for backwards compatibility with the current Quest as well.

Featured image at the top of this post features Oculus Touch prototypes shown in an Oculus Connect 4 presentation in 2017. 

The post Oculus Firmware Reveals New Touch Controller With Possible Improvements In Tracking, Finger Sensing, Haptics appeared first on UploadVR.

Facebook Leak Indicates a Standalone Headset Codenamed ‘Del Mar’ is in Development

Currently, Facebook has a strong yet simple lineup of virtual reality (VR) headsets, the Oculus Go, Oculus Rift S and Oculus Quest. These take years to develop which the company occasionally teases at its Oculus Connect event, like the recent project Half Dome prototypes. Over on the Oculus Developers website, a recent leak suggests the next VR headset is codenamed ‘Del Mar’. 

Details first appeared over on Reddit with an image from Oculus’ site as well as a link to further API documentation indicating the device is going to be mobile, most probably a standalone that could be a successor to Oculus Go or Oculus Quest. The documentation did also include the following lines (since removed) that mentioned a ‘Jedi Controller’:

ovrControllerCaps_ModelOculusTouch = 0x00004000, //< Oculus Touch Controller For Oculus Quest

ovrControllerCaps_ModelOculusJedi = 0x0000C000, //< Oculus Jedi Controller For Oculus Del Mar

Any mention of Jedi tends to conjure up thoughts of force powers and therefor hands-free control. While Oculus Quest has just seen hand tracking implemented the mention could also be in reference to Facebook’s recent acquisition of CTRL-Labs which is in the process of developing a wristband that can detect electrical brain signals so you can control devices with your mind.

Now, any news like this which does appear on Reddit usually needs to be taken with a little hesitation. If you head to the Oculus Developers forum now that bottom line of the above image is gone. However, Google Search has cached these pages referencing Oculus Del Mar development. Thus adding weight to not only the new codename but also the fact it’ll be some sort of wireless VR device.

Oculus - Del Mar - Google search

The leak also mentions a Del Mar First Access forum for early developers, so there must be VR teams outside of Oculus working with new hardware of some description. That could make a new headset mention during Oculus Connect 7 (expected in September 2020) as a possibility. In the past, Oculus Rift was known as Crescent Bay while Project Santa Cruz became the Oculus Quest.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Facebook and Oculus, reporting back with all the latest news and announcements.