Oculus Rift And Touch Get Flood Of New Game Trailers Ahead Of OC3

Oculus Rift And Touch Get Flood Of New Game Trailers Ahead Of OC3

It’s the first day of Oculus Connect 3! Or it will be in a few hours from now. To help you get excited, we’ve got a swarm of trailers for new games on the way to Rift and Touch.

In truth, we’re not expecting much news out of OC3 day one; all the big announcements are likely being kept for tomorrow’s keynote speech. To tide you over until then, take a look at the trailers for four games currently on their way to the Rift, some of which will be using its new position tracked controllers while others will be dependent on the gamepad.

We’ll start with a brand new title first. Below is the trailer for Landfall, an Oculus Studios title developed by Force Field. It appears to be the “big budget, AAA” Oculus exclusive that was teased a few months back and looks like a multiplayer RTS. The world has fallen victim to a biblical flood, and those that remain form armies to fight for what’s left. It’s not the most optimistic view of humanity’s future, but we’re hoping it’ll make for some great gameplay.

Next up we have a look at Vox Machinae, the long-anticipated mech shooter from Space Bullet. We feel like we’ve been seeing this game for a while (it was shown at last year’s OC too) but we’re no less excited for its moody, atmospheric sci-fi battles. Laser beams and rockets fly as you stomp over desert-like planet surfaces. It’s just a short teaser, but we’re hoping that we’ll finally be able to get our hands on this one soon.

Okay, onto some Touch games. You may have seen us talk about Dead Hungry before. It’s a new title from PixelJunk and The Tomorrow Children developer, Q-Games. It seems pretty simple in concept, mixing the manic cooking genre in which you race against time to make the correct meals with the demand and hunger of a crowd of zombies. You use the Touch controllers to stack and serve burgers.

Finally, we have a pretty ambitious co-op game. Enigma Sphere, developed by yomune_co, takes the spirit of Portal 2‘s co-op campaign, getting you to work together to solve various challenges in a series of rooms. Rather than simply completing experiments, though, you’re actually trying to save the world. No pressure, then.

So that’s four new Oculus games we have to look forward to in the near future. Hopefully after the next few days we’ll have even more.

VR vs. Fight, Oculus, Fight

Are you ready? Virtual reality’s (VR’s) equivilent of a boss rush begins, at the time of writing, later today with Google’s totally-not-leaked-to-blazes Pixel phone and – if we’ve all been good little boys and girls – what should be some more solid information on the Google Daydream. Who knows, we may even get some more Google Cardboard related news, for giggles. That’s a lead on though to this week’s main event: Oculus Connect 3.

And oh boy, do Oculus need to connect.

As I mentioned in last week’s VR vs. thanks to a combination of bad decisions, bad luck and bad being put in bad situations Oculus do not have the best of reputations and have become, as I called it, “VR’s favourite punching bag”. A statement nobody really disagreed with, which is equal parts pleasing and worrying to me. As a result this, the third Oculus Connect event, is arguably more important than even the first. Since it is Oculus’s big chance to reestablish a connection with its own audience. PlayStation VR is out next week. The ‘long hello’ of the second generation of VR hardware officially at an end and what exactly is the plan now? Oculus enter this week in a perceived third place in VR. Which is impressive since one of the products above them isn’t even out yet. The honeymoon is over for Oculus, they need to step up their game. Put simply, they need to come out and show they’ve the vision and the fight to change their current perception and position in the pecking order.

Here’s my list of things that I think they need to do over the course of OC3 to truly reestablish themselves.

Oculus Connect 3

1: Content. Content. Content.

Straight from the get go this is what we need to see. New games. Boom. New partners. Boom. Significant applications and significant content. Full on experiences and big name players. Oculus needs to be the company to start making these things happen. It needs to be leading the reach out to those developers on the fence and once it has reached out it needs to grab them by the labels and physically drag them over. Another thing that would be particularly good would be to reveal at least one in-house Oculus Games Studio, maybe even announce an acquisition. They’ve had time to layout the groundwork its now time to pump out content that is truly their own.  If you’ve the cash behind you (and they do) be decisive.


2: The Universal VR Experience

Oculus already has a significant rival on PC with the HTC Vive. So how does it differentiate and how does it expand its audience? How do you get more people buying an Oculus Rift or interested in an Oculus Rift? Broaden your horizons. We’ve spoken on VRFocus recently about the possibility for “Oculus” or “Rift” becoming the true byword for VR. A good way to do that would be for the Rift to be come usable elsewhere, to become a more universal platform beyond PC.  Yup, it’s time to drop the Xbomb.


Whilst it would be nice (and potentially lucrative) to have PlayStation 4 support on board I can’t see Sony being that generous. Microsoft on the other hand, are already on board with offering a degree of Oculus support for the XBox One. We’ve not exactly heard much about it for a while though.  Now it’s time to expand that and make it a far more diverse platform. Bring Oculus Home to the Xbox, even if it is just for Project Scorpio.  If it needs a connector/adaptor then reveal one – but have Microsoft be the maker. Have Oculus’s mantra be ‘VR for all’ from now on in, which works very well branding wise with what they’re doing with Gear VR.

Speaking of which…


3: Mobile Matters

Let’s not forget ol’ faithful, shall we? The Gear VR has done, and continues to do, a lot of good for VR. Let’s hear some news about just how well the Gear VR has done so far. Brag about it a bit! Before OC3 we have the aforementioned Google event. Google Daydream is coming for the Gear VR, so its time to man the battlements. Yes there’s a new upgraded iteration of the Gear VR. Let’s hear more about that. Let’s have some big content and service announcements for the Gear VR, more connectivity between Gear VR experiences and their ‘big brother’ counterparts. Much as was revealed for Minecraft. Gear VR is part of the family, so be sure to treat it right and not like some distant cousin.


4: The Price Is Right

Oculus and ‘price’ have never gone well, so now’s the time to set this right. As I mentioned some time ago Sony managed to put Oculus in a difficult spot with their non-announcement of a price. PlayStation VR is out in a week? Time to make a statement and realign Oculus’s entire pricing structure with where they sit in the market. Make people rethink their decision to buy the PSVR, put your company more where it needs to be and probably win back a chunk of affection from the VR community in general. All in one (more complicated than I’m making it out to be, I know) stroke.


5: Shine The Spotlight Wisely

Palmer? No.

In all seriousness, it’s too soon since all the kerfuffle for Palmer Luckey to be talking about stuff on stage. Part of video packages? Sure. You don’t want it to be seen that he’s been cast out. Live microphone? No. It’s sad to say it but you don’t know how the crowd is going to react to him and people will be distracted by talking about him and not what Oculus is trying to convey.  Give it some time before easing him back into the picture. In the same virtual boat is Mark Zuckerberg, who along with having some issues himself at the moment only reminds the virtual hoi polloi that Oculus is owned by Facebook. This connection is often brought up as a reason for Oculus being terrible. So… don’t bring it up! Concentrate on people like Iribe and Carmack who can both be enthused about where the company is going. Have Oculus Story Studio come out with their Emmy, announce something new from their studio and maybe start making some more internal ‘stars’ of the company as well. It all helps.

Palmer Luckey, Founder at Oculus

6: CV2… But Not Yet

I know how the internet hates ‘announcements of announcements’ but I think that’s just what’s needed here. Oculus needs to concentrate on the OC1 a bit longer and making it more desirable. That’s key. But if Oculus is, hopefully, setting out more of a plan for the future the reveal of future information regarding a seriously upgraded Oculus CV2, maybe in 6 months time with a view for it to playable by Oculus Connect 4 would be a good decisive step forward.


It’s nearly time Oculus. In more ways that one.

What are you going to do?

Oculus Connect 3 Schedule Posted, to Be Streamed in Virtual Reality via NextVR

With the Oculus Connect 2016 developer conference just around the corner, the company has finally posted the full schedule of sessions and confirmed that the conference will be livestreamed in VR thanks to NextVR.

Oculus’ developer conference is being held in San Jose, CA this year, and the company, which is calling the event Oculus Connect 3, says it will be their biggest event yet. Oculus has finally published the full schedule for the event which runs from October 5th to 7th.

See Also: Minecraft Oculus Touch Support is Out on Oct 18th, Touch Launch Seems Imminent

Aside from the usual keynotes from Oculus executives, sessions include a range of VR topics focusing on VR game development, VR video/filmmaking, and creating social VR experiences.

Sessions involving Oculus Touch—the company’s VR motion controller which is promised to launch by the end of the year—are likely to be a focus as well, and we expect to hear the Touch release date and price at the conference’s opening keynote on Thursday at 10AM PT. Rounding out Oculus Connect will be a closing keynote from CTO John Carmack.

For those unable to attend the conference, Carmack confirmed via a tweet today that the conference will be streamed via Twitch and in virtual reality via NextVR, a firm known for streaming sporting and other events in VR through their Gear VR app.

See Also: Oculus Touch Price Revealed in London GAME Store

It isn’t clear yet which portions of the event will be stream (whether via Twitch or NextVR), though we’ve reached out to the companies to learn more.

Road to VR will be on the ground at Oculus Connect in San Jose next week. Have something to share? Get in touch.

The post Oculus Connect 3 Schedule Posted, to Be Streamed in Virtual Reality via NextVR appeared first on Road to VR.

I Expect You To Die Will Be Launching Alongside the Oculus Touch Controllers

The main event for all of the Oculus fans out there, and those who love virtual reality (VR) in general, is hands down Oculus Connect 3 next week where there will be a fair few important announcements, especially in the build up to the expected launch of the Oculus Touch controllers. Once the news has been shared (hopefully during Oculus Connect 3) of the release date, we will know when I Expect You To Die will be released too as it has now been announced as a launch title for the controllers.

I Expect You To Die, as well as the Oculus Touch controllers, will be coming out later this year, but before they do the title will be showcased during the Oculus Connect 3 event.

I Expect You to Die New 2

“We’re always excited to watch VR fans try to solve and outwit the puzzle challenges in I Expect You To Die. Some escape the car level but far fewer survive the window washing level,” said Jesse Schell, CEO of Schell Games, in a press release. “Oculus Connect is the perfect time to debut the next level, and see if any players (aka agents) can persevere and make it through alive.”

For more on the latest from Oculus Connect 3, as well as the latest news, updates, and features in the world of VR, don’t forget to check back with VRFocus.

Oculus Has the Potential to Be the Next “Hoover” of the Industry, But We Rather it Didn’t

There are plenty of popular names in the virtual reality (VR) industry – Gear VR, HTC Vive, Google Cardboard – but one of the first and perhaps of the most well-known on the market is the Oculus Rift, especially now that it is now available in stores across a number of countries, including the US, UK, Canada, and some European countries too. But, there is a chance that Oculus could soon experience both the biggest rise and fall, which is something that none of us want to see.

First things first – what do I mean exactly by “Hoover”? Hoover was the first brand to make an upright vacuum cleaner, which revolutionised the vacuum cleaner industry with its forward thinking and newest technology, and also by making its name synonymous with vacuum cleaning. Now, not many people would consider Hoover to be top of its original game, but the name lingers after becoming less relevant thanks to superior technology.

Oculus Rift

Okay, maybe “Oculus” or “Rifting” won’t strictly become synonymous with entering VR, but it is certainly one of the first that the broad mainstream recognise when mentioned. But, the key point to take into consideration out of all this vacuum talk is that despite the popularity of its name, there is a possibility of the Rift not coming out on top – and this is down to a few issues that have cropped up lately.

One of the latest dramas to come from Oculus is just as you’d guessed – Palmer Luckey and the funding of Nimble America. If you didn’t guess this, then here’s a recap of what happened: Luckey was revealed to have funded Nimble America, a pro-Trump organisation that is known for producing political memes against Hillary Clinton, to which Luckey denied connection with Trump and was misled to think that it had “fresh ideas on how to communicate with young voters”. This resulted in several VR studios voicing their disapproval, and some threatening to cancelling Oculus Rift support.

Despite Luckey denying there ever being any spiteful weight behind what happened, and Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe’s supporting statement saying everyone is “free to support the issues or causes that matter to them, whether or not we agree with those views”, there is still a lasting impact to come from this. It is unfortunately this kind of activity that will make or break a company, even one as big as Oculus.


Yes, this is all politics, and letting politics get in the way of VR thriving is the biggest shame that could happen, but there’s no doubting that it hit the VR community hard, and that’s exactly where it counts. In a way, anything that happens in VR needs to get “approved” in some way before it can blow up to massive proportions.

As I said, this is all politics, and it is not the be all and end all of Oculus right now. However, one of the appealing factors to the Oculus Rift was how it was essentially cheaper than the HTC Vive. However, with the pricing of the Oculus Touch controllers coming out lately, it quickly became apparent that for the whole shebang it would come up equal to the HTC Vive, and therefore the edge has been taken off. This also comes after customers becoming displeased with the service Oculus has given following its late shipping earlier this year, so it can seem like one thing after another.

This is only what has surfaced as of late, and it is clear that the Oculus Rift has so very many redeeming characteristics to it if we cover our ears from the news. We can only keep our fingers crossed that no more drama rears its head for the sake of Oculus, and that it becomes more of a Xerox or Kleenex rather than a Hoover. Perhaps Oculus Connect 3 will help patch this all up?

Minecraft Oculus Touch Support is Out on Oct 18th, Touch Launch Seems Imminent

We reported recently on the official Windows 10 version of the social gaming phenomenon Minecraft receiving Oculus Rift headset support. Microsoft have just announced that the game will also receive support for Oculus’ VR motion controllers ‘Touch’ on October 18th which may be further evidence of an October release for the devices.

Oculus, and in particular their CTO John Carmack, were over the moon to announce at last year’s Oculus developer conference Connect that the enormously successful Minecraft was to finally receive official support for virtual reality, exclusively via Oculus Rift and Gear VR headsets. The Gear VR saw it’s version drop earlier this year, with the Rift version following some months later.

Now, Microsoft have stated that support for Oculus’ forthcoming Touch motion controllers will be added too beginning October 18th. At MINECON, the official annual convention for everything Minecraft, the company announced a series of enhancements and add ons for the official version of the game, and that Oculus Touch support will come to the beta release in October. “The Boss Update will allow you to use your Xbox Wireless Controller with Bluetooth while you’re playing the Gear VR and Windows 10 Editions. And, VR players of the Windows 10 Edition Beta will be getting an update to support Oculus Touch input,” stated a blog post on the official Xbox website, published yesterday.

See Also: Oculus Touch Price Revealed in London GAME Store
See Also: Oculus Touch Price Revealed in London GAME Store

This announcement adds to mounting evidence that we may well see an official launch for Oculus’ much anticipated and long awaited Touch motion controllers in October. We reported recently that a London GAME store had (seemingly mistakenly) set out displays that indicated the UK price for Touch, also stating the store would be taking pre-orders for the devices. Prior to that, two German online stores had listed the controllers —MediaMarkt and Saturn—posted online listings of Touch, citing a €199 price with a November 21st delivery date. Price and shipping information has since been stripped from the online retailers’ respective listings.

oculus-touch-game-leak mediamarkt

It now seems highly likely that Oculus will share launch details and price for Touch at their third developer conference Connect, due to take place in San Jose, CA October 5-7. Given the evidence, it seems we may well see an Oculus Touch launch in the first 2 weeks of October, although this is far from officially confirmed yet.

Road to VR will be at Oculus Connect 3 to bring you the latest from the show floor.

The post Minecraft Oculus Touch Support is Out on Oct 18th, Touch Launch Seems Imminent appeared first on Road to VR.

‘Metro’ Devs 4A Games Ready to Reveal Oculus Touch Title, First Glimpses Here

4A Games, the developers behind the popular sci-fi shooter franchise ‘Metro’, are not only allegedly working on an Oculus Rift title with Touch support, there’s a chance we’ll get to see it soon. In the mean time, this is what we know.

Oculus’ reasoning for the protracted delay in the launch of their VR motion controllers ‘Touch’ is that they need to ensure the consumer has enough compelling content to make it an essential purchase. Head of Oculus Studios Jason Rubin spoke to Road to VR at a special pre-GDC event this year on just that topic (see interview below), and more recently at Gamescom. Holding the launch of Touch, pending the arrival of more substantial, quality titles from established developers has predictably taken some time, but we may start to see Oculus’ patience (and ours) and pay off soon.

4a-games-logoOne of the content partners teased by Oculus at its Oculus Touch unveiling at a pre-E3 event last year, was 4A Games, a development team which made a name for itself building the excellent Metro series, may be about ready to show what it’s been working on.

The company initially published a 360 screenshot via their facebook page at the beginning of this month which not only showed 4A’s development offices in Malta strewn with Oculus Rift headsets, but also several pairs of Oculus Touch controllers can be seen on desks and in hand too. In fact, one angle shows a developer in the middle of play testing a Touch title, which can be seen displayed on the wall-hung TV in front of him.


This may or may not be an early glimpse at the soon-to-be-revealed title, but other shots of developer monitors pulled from the panoramic shot almost certainly are.

4a-games-oculus-touch-3 4a-games-oculus-touch-5

When might we see this new title? Well, sharp-eyed Redditer /u/bekris over at /r/oculus noted that yet another angle from the 360 photo revealed a TV hung in the office with a large countdown clock reading just under 34 days at the time the photo was taken (around September 1st judging purely by its posted time on Facebook) – that would indicate a target date which coincides nicely with Oculus’ forthcoming third developer conference Connect, which starts on October 5th.


And whilst this assumption is not confirmed officially by 4A Games, Oculus’ Jason Rubin later tweeted out the Facebook post saying “Remember when I teased 4A games as an Oculus Partner looong ago? Well they’ve been working hard and it’s coming.”

As I write this, we currently only have one official shot of this mysterious title and it was posted a few days ago, again on 4A Games’ Facebook page. The screenshot is obscure at best, but does seem to show some kind of futuristic suit, specifically what looks to be a glove grasping a weapon – the grip for which can be seen on the edge of the frame.

Minor Update: Our community has been chiming in with their thoughts on what the images tell us. The image below is more likely of a hand gripping a joystick, the kind you’d find in a futuristic mech. This also ties in the with the images below. Thanks Bas van Elst for the thoughts.

4a-games-oculus-touch-tease-1This could indicate the title is the first person shooter title that Jason Rubin hinted at in a recent interview with PCGamesN here in which he highlighted the challenges inherent in bringing the genre to VR.

As fun as all this speculation is, we’re now forced to wait for further information from both Oculus and 4A games to know what the game actually is. But with the Oculus Touch launch window of Q4 this year edging closer, a new triple-A first person shooter exclusive from a respected triple-A developer would be exactly what Oculus needs to begin putting a troubled 2016 behind them and follow through on that content promise for their new motion controllers.

The post ‘Metro’ Devs 4A Games Ready to Reveal Oculus Touch Title, First Glimpses Here appeared first on Road to VR.

4A Games VR Title Due for Reveal at Oculus Connect 3

4A Games had been noted as a virtual reality (VR) developer over a year ago as part of Oculus VR’s ‘Step into the Rift’ press conference, and yet nothing has since been discussed about the developer’s project. That is until now, as the studio has begun teasing their forthcoming VR videogame.

4A Games Oculus Rift Tease

A new update to 4A Games’ social media channels reveals a 360 degree photo of the development team hard at work on an Oculus Rift videogame, including Oculus Touch compatibility. A countdown timer located on the wall indicates that a reveal is due at the same time as Oculus Connect 3. Given that the studio was first associated with VR development at an Oculus VR event, it’s easy to join the dots that point to a reveal at the company’s next event, taking place in San Jose next month.

The small amount of information that can be extracted from this 360 degree photo, and also the teaser image seen on this page, suggest that 4A Games are working on a science-fiction themed videogame. The studio found fame with the Metro series – which, bar a few necessary comfort adjustments, would certainly work well if adapted to VR – so eyes are on the studio for an impressive reveal.

VRFocus will be in attendance at Oculus Connect 3 next month, bringing you all the latest details on this and other videogame projects revealed at the show.