Obduction from Myst Creator Gets Long-Awaited Vive and Touch Support

Obduction from Myst Creator Gets Long-Awaited Vive and Touch Support

Cyan Studios, creator of legendary PC games Myst and Riven, is officially releasing an update today ot bring its first ever virtual reality (VR) title, Obduction, to more platforms. The Myst successor originally debuted as a timed exclusive for the Oculus Rift and will now be available for the HTC Vive as well with motion controller support. In addition, the Rift version is also being updated to include Oculus Touch support — both pieces of news we reported would be coming soon as of last month.

According to Cyan, the new versions can be purchased for the original release price of $29.99 on Oculus Home, Steam and The Humble Store. Those that have already bought Obduction on Oculus Home will see Touch support added for free in a downloadable update, as well as Touch and Vive support for free on Steam if already purchased.

Obduction is a VR puzzle and exploration game that carries the legacy of Myst and Riven into the modern era. In Obduction you are transported to a mysterious new world where nothing is what it seems. On your journey you’ll encounter a variety of colorful (and sometimes creepy) characters, challenging puzzles and a story that keeps you guessing until the final minutes.

Cyan’s historic gaming pedigree made Obduction a hotly anticipated game and it lived up to the hype. Obduction scored mostly positive reviews (including an 8/10 on this site). However, the lack of hand controls was noticeable and disappointing especially in a game that frequently has you pulling levers, flicking switches, and pressing buttons. Playing Obduction on the gamepad left something to be desired and today those desires are being fulfilled.

Rand Miller, the co-creator of Myst and Riven and the co-founder of Cyan Studios, said of Obduction’s new gameplay options:

“We were blown away by the number of fans who queued up at PAX East and SXSW to be among the first to go hands on with Obduction VR hand controls. Reactions ranged from praise to amazement, and it was genuinely touching to talk with generations of families that grew up on Myst and were now excited about Obduction.”

“I’m so lucky to still be making worlds in this incredible time of rapidly advancing technology that enables us to create places with such deep immersion. After 30 years of making worlds, stepping into our creations with the Vive and Rift feels like a magical milestone – very exciting times for a company that is motivated by providing grand adventures that become people’s worlds.”

Are you excited about this new update? Let us know in the comments below.

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Obduction: Update bringt Motion Controller Support

Obduction von Cyan Worlds, welche unter anderem für Myst und Riven verantwortlichen sind, erschien bereits im August 2016 auf Steam und bekam im Oktober Support für Virtual Reality Plattformen. Nun erhält das Sci-Fi-Abenteuer und der geistige Nachfolger vom 1993 erschienenen Myst eine volle Motion Control Unterstützung für die HTC Vive und die Oculus Touch Controller von Oculus. Diese wird am 22. März sowohl für Steam, als auch für GOG und für den Humble Store verfügbar sein. Das Spiel kostest 29,99 € und für alle, die bereits eine Version besitzen, ist das Update für die Motion Control Einbindung kostenlos.


Die mysteriöse Welt in Obduction ist bald eigenhändig zu untersuchen

Obduction setzt den Spieler nach einer Entführung auf einem fremden Planeten ab. Den ersten Ort, den ihr auf dem Planeten weit weg von der Erde betretet, heißt Hunrath. Hunrath, sowie zahlreiche weitere Orte auf dem Alien-Planeten, ähneln der euch bekannten Erde, allerdings nicht unbedingt der euch vertrauten Zeit-Epoche. Ganz unbewohnt scheint der Planet auch nicht zu sein.


Euer unfreiwilligerweise neues Zuhause gilt es nun in seinem Detailreichtum und den vielen, sich in Vegetation und Architektur unterscheidenden Gebieten, zu erkunden. Langsam wandert ihr durch die unbekannte Welt, untersucht eure Umgebung, findet Hinweise und löst mit ihnen eine Vielzahl an schwierigen Rätseln. Eure Entdeckungen formen eure persönliche Gesichte und haben auch Auswirkungen auf die Spielwelt. Die Motion Controller werden sich beim Erkunden und Inspizieren von der Welt und den Objekten nahtlos einbinden und das Erlebnis noch reicher gestalten. CEO von Cyan, Rand Miller sagte zu der Umsetzung des Spiels für die Motion Control:

„Wir haben über 20.000 Fans auf unserer Steam-Wunschliste und viele von ihnen haben nach einer Hand Control Methode für Obduction gefragt. Wir als Studio, das sich auf Virtual Reality spezialisiert hat, sind begeistert, uns noch weiter in diese Plattform einbinden zu können und somit unsere Welten mit noch tiefer gehenden und immersiveren Erlebnissen ausstatten zu können.“

Obduction startete 2013 als Kickstarter Kampagne, erhielt auf Metacritic 76/100 und wird als ein würdiger Nachfolger von Myst angesehen. An einer Umsetzung des Spiels für die PlayStation VR wird bereits gearbeitet. Die PSVR Version soll noch dieses Jahr erscheinen.

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Obduction Finally Gets Its Touch And Vive Release Date

Obduction Finally Gets Its Touch And Vive Release Date

Cyan’s Obduction [Review: 8/10] was one of the best games released on the Oculus Rift last year, and soon HTC Vive owners will get to enjoy it too.

The developer behind classic adventure games like Myst and Riven today announced that its latest title will be hitting the SteamVR headset on March 22nd. At the same time, the Rift version will also be updated with Touch controls. If you own the game on Steam, GOG, or the Humble Store then you won’t need to pay anything for the Vive support and, if you own it on either those stores or Oculus Home, then the Touch support is free too. Otherwise, the game is $29.99. It’s also available on standard displays and will soon be coming to Mac.

Cyan didn’t mention anything about the previously announced PlayStation VR version of the game, so we’ve reached out to the studio to see how it’s progressing and when it might release.

Previously played with a gamepad, motion control support brings your hands into Obduction for the first time. The game has you solving puzzles and exploring visually rich landscapes as you’re transported across the universe. Since the developer announced motion controller support late last year many fans have actually been waiting on its arrival to actually play the game. In a prepared statement, developer CEO Ran Miller revealed the game is on 200,000 Steam wishlists, many of whom are waiting on the Vive/Touch version.

In our review, we noted that Obduction “does have some issues” but these were mainly to do with the capabilities of VR itself and not the developer. Hopefully motion controls fixes some of those issues, because the game otherwise features “an amazing world, clever puzzles, a fascinating story, satisfying gameplay, and a title that can stand next to its elder brothers Myst and Riven with pride.”

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Vive and Touch Support Coming to Sci-fi Adventure Obduction in March

Last summer indie videogame studio Cyan – the developer behind award-winning titles Myst and Riven – launched a followup in the form of Obduction on Oculus Rift. Then in November it revealed support would also come to HTC Vive, Oculus Touch and PlayStation VR in 2017. Now the studio has confirmed a date in March for Vive and Touch.

Obduction, will launch for HTC Vive and Oculus Touch on 22nd March via Steam, GOG, Humble Store, and the Oculus Store for $29.99 USD £22.99 GBP. For players who already own the title will get Vive and Touch support as a free update.

“We have over 200,000 fans on our Steam wishlist, many who have been asking for hand controls for Obduction. As a VR-centric studio, we’re thrilled to be delving even further into these platforms, bringing ever deeper immersion to our worlds and pushing the edge of what’s possible,”said Rand Miller, CEO, Cyan in a statement.

Obduction screenshot

Cyan will also take Obduction on the road, with playable PC and Oculus Touch version appearing at the Indie Corner of the SXSW Gaming show floor, from Thursday, 16th March – Saturday, 18th March at the Austin Convention Center. On 17th March, master puzzler Rand Miller will make an appearance doing an AMA on the SXSW Gamer’s Voice stage. The studio will also head to PAX East, featuring at the Indie MEGABOOTH in Boston, Friday, 10th March 10 to Sunday, 12th March.

Obduction began back in 2013 as a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign looking to raise $1,100,000. The Kickstarter was hugely successful raising just over $1,300,000 and hitting the stretch goal of VR support for the Oculus Rift.

Work is still ongoing with the PlayStation VR version, Cyan has yet to announce a launch date for it. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Obduction, reporting back with the latest updates.