Obduction: PSVR-Support erschienen

Das Sci-Fi-Adventure Obduction von Entwicklerstudio Cyan (bekannt für Myst und Riven) ist nach langem Warten auch für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erschienen, wie Rand Miller (CEO bei Cyan, Inc.) kürzlich in einem Blogpost im amerikanischen PlayStation Blog verkündete. In dem kostenlosen Patch wurde die Implementierung des PSVR-Supports für die PS4-Version zur Verfügung gestellt. Dabei handelt es sich um die Vollversion von Obduction inklusive aller bisher veröffentlichten Bonusinhalte. Das Update ist ab dem 8. Mai offiziell erhältlich.

Obduction – Kostenloses Update bringt Support für PlayStation VR (PSVR)

Obduction erschien bereits im Jahr 2016 für PC-Brillen auf Steam sowie ein Jahr später für PS4 im PlayStation Store und konnte dank der kniffeligen Rätsel, interessanten Geschichte sowie fesselnden Atmosphäre viele nostalgische Myst-Fans in seinen Bann ziehen. Dabei wünschten sich viele Spieler eine Konsolenadaption für PlayStation VR (PSVR), um das Sci-Fi-Adventure auch immersiv auf der Konsole zu erleben.

Obduction PSVR

Diesem Wunsch kommt Entwicklerstudio Cyan nun nach langem Warten endlich nach, wie CEO Rand Miller kürzlich im amerikanischen PlayStation Blog veröffentlichte. Demnach befand sich die finale Version für die PlayStation VR (PSVR) bereits seit einigen Monaten in der Endphase. Die Entwickler sorgten nun nach einem Feinschliff für die Fertigstellung der PSVR-Version. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Vollversion des Spiels inklusive sämtlicher veröffentlichter Bonusinhalte für die PlayStation.

Mit dem Ziel ein Eintauchen in die abenteuerlichen Sci-Fi-Welten zu ermöglichen, erhoffen sich die Entwickler, nun auch Konsolenbesitzern dank des VR-Supports, eine einzigartige Spielerfahrung zu bieten und eine völlig neue Gruppe von Spielern anzusprechen.

Seit dem 8. Mai soll der kostenlose Patch für Obduction für die Implementierung des PSVR-Supports sorgen. Die PS4-Version von Obduction ist für 28,99 Euro im PlayStation Store erhältlich. Das kostenlose Update mit PSVR-Support ist nun seit gestern 8. Mai zum Download bereit.

(Quellen: PlayStation Blog US | Upload VR | Road to VR)

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Obduction’s PSVR Support Finally Arrives This Week

Obduction’s PSVR Support Finally Arrives This Week

After a long wait, the PlayStation VR (PSVR) support for the PS4 version of Cyan’s Obduction is finally arriving this week.

A free patch for the game will launch on 8th May (that’s tomorrow!) implementing PSVR. It’s been a long-time coming; the PS4 version of Obduction launched all the way back in mid-2017, but its promised VR support was delayed shortly before that. Fans have waited patiently for an update on its progress ever since.

“We couldn’t be happier to have this out the door, and we couldn’t have pulled it off without our partners at Legendary,” Cyan CEO Rand Miller said on the PlayStation Blog. “Of course it’s the full version of Obduction with all the beauty and intrigue of its alien worlds, including the bonus content that’s on the PlayStation version. And Obduction is one of the larger PS VR experiences, so get ready to explore some crazy-cool spaces for a while.”

Cyan is, of course, the developer of classic 1993 adventure game, Myst, and is very much a spiritual successor to it. The game has been available on PC VR headsets for some time now and is best known for its stunning visuals and amazing worlds. We called the game a ‘cinematic marvel’ in our 8/10 review.

Elsewhere, Cyan is busy developing its next VR-compatible game, Firmament, though that’s no word yet on if this one will come to PSVR.

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PlayStation VR Version of Obduction has a Confirmed Release Date

Last year Cyan Inc. – the team behind puzzle classics Myst and Riven – launched Obduction for PlayStation 4, having released the PC version in 2016 with virtual reality (VR) support for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. The studio said at the time PlayStation VR support was planned, revealing today that it’ll be available next week.  

Obduction is a big sci-fi adventure with players able to explore exotic and strange alien worlds, and just like its forebears solve ever increasing puzzles and challenges as they try to make it home. But with each choice made players have to remember that they all have substantial consequences.

The PlayStation VR version of Obduction will be no different to the main console version, with all the bonus content still included.

“When we launched the PlayStation version we were already hard at work on the PS VR version, but we’ve been working to make the experience as good as possible,” said Cyan Inc. founder and CEO Rand Miller in a PlayStation blog post. “It’s especially exciting for us, because there are so many people with PS VR systems who can now experience Obduction in it’s virtual reality glory. VR adds so much of a sense of really being in our worlds.”

Obduction screenshot

Obduction began back in 2013 as a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign looking to raise $1,100,000 USD. The Kickstarter was hugely successful raising just over $1,300,000 and hitting the stretch goal of VR support for the Oculus Rift.

In addition to the PlayStation VR version of Obduction Cyan Inc. has been working on another VR title Firmament. Unveiled in March, the official website merely states: The game of Firmament is a resplendent, magical, journey — a monumental voyage through four diverse and curious realms, working in concert with an ever-present, clockwork companion, and the support and instruction of a long-dead, ethereal mentor.”

Obduction will be available for PlayStation VR on Tuesday, 8th May. If you already own the PlayStation 4 version it’ll be a free update. As Cyan Inc. reveals further details about its VR projects VRFocus will keep you updated.

‘Obduction’ PSVR Support Arrives Today, From The Creators of ‘MYST’

Obduction (2016), the VR puzzle adventure from Cyan, the studio behind the ’90s point-and-click classics Myst (1993) and Riven (1997), is finally making its way to PSVR today.

Update (05/08/18): The PSVR patch for Obduction is now available, which should automatically push an update to the PS4 game at some point today depending on your region.

Early hands-ons with the PSVR integration have shown that the only locomotion option available is teleportation with click-turn (aka ‘comfort mode’). No ‘free locomotion’ is available. A chief complaint of the PSVR version is also a noticeable downgrade in graphics, although it’s uncertain if the game would make better use of a PS4 Pro’s increased rendering ability.

The original article follows below:

Original article (05/04/18): The game is said to be the full version of Obduction including the bonus content that’s already on the non-VR PlayStation 4 version.

The game, which we played initially when it came out for SteamVR-compatible headsets back in late 2016, offers around 10-15 hours of exploration and intensely difficult puzzles. Check out our previous review here.

Image courtesy Cyan

“When we launched the PlayStation version we were already hard at work on the PS VR version, but we’ve been working to make the experience as good as possible,” says studio founder and CEO Rand Miller in a PS blog post. “It’s especially exciting for us, because there are so many people with PS VR systems who can now experience Obduction in it’s virtual reality glory. VR adds so much of a sense of really being in our worlds.”

It’s uncertain whether Cyan will be selling the PSVR version separate from the PS4 version, which is already available on PSN for $30. We’ll update this article as soon as it’s made clear (see update).

The post ‘Obduction’ PSVR Support Arrives Today, From The Creators of ‘MYST’ appeared first on Road to VR.

Hands-On With Firmament, The Next VR Game From Myst And Obduction Creators

Hands-On With Firmament, The Next VR Game From Myst And Obduction Creators

Cyan World’s Myst is regarded as one of the most revolutionary and influential PC games of all-time for good reason. It ushered in a new era of gaming with the CD-ROM format and pushed boundaries of what was visually possible on existing PC hardware at the time. In many ways, Obduction, Cyan World’s previous game, did a lot of the same things for VR gaming that Myst did for PC gaming.

However, Obduction wasn’t a full commitment. Since it was both a VR and non-VR title it wasn’t able to take full advantage of the medium and initially released without roomscale or motion controller support. To this day it still suffers from technical issues. Firmament, the next project from Cyan Worlds, aims to remedy all of those mistakes.

We first caught wind of the new game a few weeks before GDC and finally got our hands on the game at the conference in San Francisco, CA. While it’s still a very early prototype of the game, clearly the team learned a lot from their work on Obduction. Firmament is built from the ground-up to be a VR-exclusive title.

My demo was on the Oculus Rift using Touch controllers and even though it only lasted about 10 minutes total, I saw a lot of promise.

Specifically, it was an absolutely beautiful world. The ice-capped mountaintops and snow flurries in the distance felt like a wonderful change of pace from the dark, tainted landscapes of Obduction. If Skyrim were designed from the ground up again for VR, I feel like its enormous mountains and vast landscapes could learn a lot from Firmament’s environmental designs.



At the very start of the GDC demo my character is frozen alive in a block of ice. Things begin with a machine drilling me out of the ice and letting me explore a creepy old cave that looks like it could almost be part ornate mansion. You can see glimpses of the area in the screenshots and teaser trailer here.

I’ve only got teleportation for movement in the demo so I make my way down the hall and up a staircase to a small orb ingrained in a waist-high pedestal. Once I remove the orb it buzzes up into the air and follows me around. Lifting my hand up above my head calls the orb to me and I can even point at things for it to interact with in the distance.

Immediately the orb becomes part of the game’s puzzle solving. The next few minutes of the demo involve raising and lowering bridges to cross vast chasms. Nothing really stumped me at all and it was all very intuitive and simple to understand. I’d imagine the final game will include some of the classic head scratchers that Cyan’s games are always so well-known for.


Since Firmament is a VR-only game the way you explore and interact with the world is going to be different from the likes of Myst and Obduction, so I’m eager to see more. Unfortunately the onsite developer at GDC informed me the game is likely one or even two years away from release, so we’ll have to wait a while before we get to see the final product. In the meantime at least we’ve got Torn to look forward to.

Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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Creators of ‘Myst’ & ‘Obduction’ Announce VR Steampunk Adventure ‘Firmament’

Cyan, the studio behind Myst (1993) and Obduction (2017)announced they’re working on a new steampunk adventure game called Firmament.

The studio is keeping specifics under wraps for now, including target headset, launch date, etc. Cyan calls it a “resplendent, magical, journey — a monumental voyage through four diverse and curious realms, working in concert with an ever-present, clockwork companion, and the support and instruction of a long-dead, ethereal mentor.”

While it’s hard to tell much of anything from the trailer itself, the setting appears to be Cyan’s usual repertoire of raw, open spaces mixed with massive (and puzzling) machinery.

vitae dilationem afferre requirit firmamentum – or in English, ‘prolongation of life requires support’.

Firmament appears on the list of available demos at GDC 2018 (Mar 19-23), so we’ll probably know more in the next few weeks.

The post Creators of ‘Myst’ & ‘Obduction’ Announce VR Steampunk Adventure ‘Firmament’ appeared first on Road to VR.

Developers of Myst Reveal Upcoming VR Title Firmament

The developers behind Myst and Obduction have announced their next virtual reality (VR) game with the reveal of Firmament.

Firmament 01

Though details are currently thin on what players can expect from Firmament the announcement of the title is an exciting one given the work of developer Cyan in the past. Having released Obduction back in 2016, which was the successor to Myst, developer Cyan has clearly been hard at work on this new title. Said to be a “new VR experience” the titles website describes it as a “resplendent, magical, journey” and a “new steampunk adventure”. Players will be sent on a “monumental voyage through four diverse and curious realms, working in concert with an ever-present, clockwork companion, and the support and instruction of a long-dead, ethereal mentor.”

Firmament 02

The released teaser trailer clocks in at just under two and a half minutes, showing off plenty of stunning environments and interesting steampunk elements. The narrative that is delivered in the voice-over creates a tense atmosphere full of mystery and questions just waiting to be answered. With mentions of some sort of ‘arrival’ it seems that players will need to uncover the truth of what is happening in this cold, harsh world and find the answers they seek. With Firmament planned to be a VR release it can be expected that exploring every possible space and interacting with everything will be required.

With a proven track record and a stunning reveal Cyan clearly know how to get people excited for a release. Though no further details are available beyond the teaser trailer and the rather bare-bones website, Firmament is already shaping up to be a title worth keeping an eye on. With the focus on VR from the get go, it is possible that the title will be an outstanding experience but until gameplay is released and VRFocus can get hands on, that is up for debate.You can see the teaser trailer for yourself below.

Currently there are no details on a release window or potential platforms but you can be sure that these details will be released in due course and covered here on VRFocus.

Myst And Obduction Creators Announce New VR Game, Firmament

Myst And Obduction Creators Announce New VR Game, Firmament

The creators of Myst, Riven, and most recently Obduction, Cyan Worlds are back with a brand new VR game: Firmament. It’s unclear whether this is related to any of their existing properties or not, but it very clearly seems to be inspired by their past work at the very least.

Firmament will be shown for the first time at GDC in the Indie MegaBooth area. We don’t know much of anything about the game yet, but you can watch its teaser trailer right here:

The Indie MegaBooth listing sheds a bit more light on this mysterious VR adventure:

From Cyan, the indie studio that brought you Myst and Obduction, comes a new steampunk adventure.

The game of Firmament is a resplendent, magical journey — a monumental voyage through four diverse and curious realms where you work in concert with an ever-present clockwork companion, under the guidance of a long-dead, ethereal mentor.

Everything is not as it seems.

There’s a few more screenshots up above to give you an idea of what to expect. We’ll be going hands-on with the game in just a few weeks at GDC in San Francisco, CA. Let us know what

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Something For The Weekend: Swords, Sorcery, Sport & Steam

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday consigned to oblivion for another year… or at least until we look at our bank statements at any rate… it’s back to our usual trip through the stores in Something for the Weekend. This week VRFocus is looking at Steam for anything playable on any of the supported head mounted displays (HMDs). Be it the HTC Vive, the Oculus Rift, the OSVR or even Windows Mixed Reality headsets that are both up for grabs and available with a good percentage of money off. So let’s see below just what you can get, for how much and on what right now.

Obduction screenshotObduction

Compatibility: HTC Vive & Oculus Rift

Whenever you get a film nowadays it always says at some point in the trailer ‘from the makers of [blank]’ with blank filled in by some other film someone on the higher ups has been involved in. Videogames tend not to do that, concentrating on the big name producers alone. Obduction bucks the trend by wearing its ‘from the creators of Myst‘ badge proudly. And if your game was created by the people behind Myst… well you would, wouldn’t you?

“Abducted far across the universe, you find yourself on a broken alien landscape with odd pieces of Earth. Explore, uncover, solve, and find a way to make it home.”

Obduction is currently at 50% off until December 4th 2017, and you can get it now at £11.99 (GBP) as opposed the usual £23.99

Don't Knock Twice Screenshot 08Don’t Knock Twice

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

We might be getting into all things winter but that doesn’t mean you can’t also get a scare. Beginning yesterday and continuing all the way until December 15th 2017, Wales Interactive’s Don’t Knock Twice is also available at a 50% discount. Bringing the total to £7.99 (GBP) from £15.99.

“For a true horror experience you have to be almost defenceless, surviving in the darkness with that glimmer of hope you’ll escape, listening to every creak and whistle of the wind wondering what’s around the corner. If that sounds like your type of VR videogame then Wales Interactive’s Don’t Knock Twice might be just what you want, possibly.” – Peter Graham, VRFocus‘ Review

SportsBar VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

The former Pool Nation VR just announced their biggest update ever with cross-play and other updates and not only that you can get it for a third off on Steam until December 8th.

Always a favourite of VRFocus since its early days, we reviewed it back in March and it received a five star review from Editor Kevin Joyce. “[SportsBar VR] isn’t simply a VR recreation of a pool table, balls and a ruleset. It is, in fact, a virtual environment for players to enjoy a game of pool in, as well as a number of other entertainment activities. It’s more than the name suggests, and because of this [SportsBar VR] is one of the most enjoyable experiences currently available for the HTC Vive.”

SportsBar VR is currently available for £10.04 (GBP) from £14.99.

Eternity Warriors VR

Compatibility: Windows Mixed Reality, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

One for virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR), this Early Access title from Vanimals Games has its roots outside of VR. The original Eternity Warriors having launched six years ago on smartphones. Since that time it has had three sequels and this version looks to continue the first-person hack and slash tradition.

Previewing the title back in September VRFocus described it as “a hoot” and you can get Eternity Warriors at 20% off on Steam until December 12th 2017. With a price of £8.79 (GBP) from £10.99.

Lucid Trips

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

The developers describe Lucid Trips as “a Virtual Reality experience which takes places in planetary dream worlds. You explore an artistically designed surrounding with a completely new concept, defining and navigating your avatar in a distinctive way, using hand motion controllers.”

Another Early Access videogame, it is available at £2.79 (GBP) from £5.59 – or half price – until December 7th.

The Wizards screenshotThe Wizards

Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality

Another Early Access videogame, this time from Carbon Studios and set in a land of magic and enchantment. You, the player, take on the role of a young sorcerer tasked with defending the realm from an army of rampaging creatures. You’ll need to rely on your magical arsenal of elemental spells (lightning bolts, fireballs, etc) and your defensive skills in order to survive and expell the foul orcs and goblins threatening your home.


Presently available at £11.99 (GBP) from £14.99, The Wizards is currently discounted on Steam by 20% until December 7th 2017.

Titanic VR Cover Art VR Landscape imageTitanic VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

A relatively new release on Steam, the title by Immersive VR Education takes you underwater to explore the wreck of the famed passenger liner. Discover secrets, artefacts and unlock upgrades to go deeper inside the once thought ‘unsinkable’ vessel.

Titanic VR is available on Steam for £11.69 (GBP), a 40% discount.


Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

A title we’re actually yet to feature on VRFocus, but one we’ll no doubt be looking at in the future. Developers Portal Studios describe the title as “a medieval VR stealth game designed from the ground up for VR. You play the role of a former member of the Knight’s Order. You have thrown betrayed and thrown into prison by someone very close to you. But by who? Hungry for revenge and fortune you seek to uncover the identity of those who double-crossed you, gain insight into their motives and eventually set the record straight.”

Currently in Early Access, Unknightly has a 40% discount on its regular price of £15.49 until December 7th. Meaning you can pick it up for only £9.29.

Space Panic: Room Escape

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

As the name likely suggests Space Panic: Room Escape is a VR escape room videogame, developed by Xefier Games. Set in the future aboard a space station, your freedom is at stake and you’ll need to solve a number of fiendish puzzles in order to secure your escape.

Space Panic: Room Escape can be purchased through Steam for £3.49 (GBP), 30% off its regular cost of £4.99.

Obduction For PlayStation Gets Extra Content, PSVR Support Coming “Soon”

Obduction For PlayStation Gets Extra Content, PSVR Support Coming “Soon”

Dropping today for $29.99, Obduction for the PlayStation 4 will be getting PSVR support “soon” according to developer Cyan. As part of the game’s launch, the company announced today that the PlayStation version will feature a new area for players to explore.

The minuscule screenshot above is all the information available regarding the new content. It depicts a Russian submarine in a cavern. The game will also sport two new music tracks by Cyan software and audio engineer, Hannah Gamiel.

Cyan says that PSVR support was “made possible” by support from Legendary Pictures’ virtual reality division, Legendary VR. Exactly what support the movie studio provided is unclear, but the two companies do have a pre-existing relationship, as Legendary owns the television rights to Cyan’s Myst series.

We’ll have more on PSVR support for Obduction when Cyan releases more information. In the meantime, check out the game’s PlayStation launch trailer above. You can also read our review for the PC version of Obduction, which we will update after the VR patch hits the PlayStation Network.

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