UK’s National Space Centre to Launch Immersive Academy Training Students in XR Creation

NSC Creative

Last year the UK’s National Space Centre announced work on The Extended Reality Laboratory (XR Lab), home to the NSC Creative Academy. Now the centre has announced that in partnership with Leicester College it’ll offer a new course in immersive storytelling starting this September.

NSC Creative

The Immersive Design & Development BTEC Diploma Level 3 qualification is a one year course delivered by NSC Creative and Leicester College, where students between 16-18 can learn a variety of skills including game engine programming, XR design and 3D modelling. 

They’ll have access to the latest virtual, augmented and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR) technology whilst having guidance and critiques from industry veterans. Alongside the latest headsets, the lab also includes a 3m Stereoscopic 3D Projection Dome, green screen depth capture and a mixed reality stage. As an added bonus, students will also be given the chance to display their work to National Space Centre visitors.  

“The NSC Immersive Academy will be a place for students to explore storytelling via emerging immersive technologies. It will equip the next generation of creators and makers with the skills to shape the future of virtual, extended and mixed reality experiences and products,” said Paul Mowbray, Director at NSC Creative in a statement. “Our inspiring new Reality Lab, access to a world-class production team and partnership with Leicester College will create opportunities for local Leicester students that are unavailable anywhere else in the world.”  

NSC Creative

Successful completion of the course means students can then proceed onto the one-year Extended Diploma if they so wish.

The NSC Immersive Academy has been made possible thanks to support from the Inspiring Science Fund. This is a partnership between the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Wellcome, as well as the Local Growth Fund from Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, The Garfield Weston Foundation and Fidelity UK Foundation.  

In the future the academy plans on expanding its programme to give youngsters between 11-16 a chance to get hold of the latest immersive tech. Thus building literacy in emerging technology and other useful skills.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of the latest educational developments in XR, reporting back with further updates.