Resident Evil 7: Gold Edition und DLCs Not a Hero/End of Zoe sind da

Das VR-Spiel des Jahres Resident Evil 7 für PlayStation VR (PSVR) bekommt die mit Spannung erwarteten DLCs Not a Hero und End of Zoe. Außerdem steht die Resident Evil 7 biohazard Gold Edition im PlayStation Store bereit. Sie enthält alle aktuell veröffentlichten DLCs. Um sich einzustimmen, gibt es oben drauf einen frischen Launch-Trailer zur Gold Edition.

Resident Evil 7: Zusatzinhalte ab sofort verfügbar

Der Horror-Titel Resident Evil 7 war nach Rez Infinite das zweite VR-Spiel, das einen der begehrten Game Awards abstauben konnte. Nun sind pünktlich zusätzliche Inhalte zusammen mit der Resident Evil 7 biohazard Gold Edition erschienen. Im für Besitzer des Hauptspiels kostenlosen Downlad Not a Hero übernimmt man die Rolle von Chris Redfield, der sich durch Mutanten-Horden kämpft.

Noch spannender klingt der kostenpflichtige Epilog, der die Story der Baker-Tochter Zoe fortsetzt. Dabei irrt man durch Sümpfe und erlebt laut Beschreibung eine wildere Seite von Resident Evil. Der DLC End of Zoe ist für 15 Euro zu haben, Besitzer der Gold– oder Deluxe-Version sowie des Season Pass erhalten die Erweiterung kostenlos. Wer das Spiel noch nicht hat, kann seit heute auch zum Gesamtpaket greifen. Die Resident Evil 7 biohazard Gold Edition enthält das Hauptspiel, die DLCs Not a Hero und End of Zoe sowie die beiden Erweiterungen Verbotenes Filmmaterial 1 und 2. Hier sind allerdings nicht alle Inhalte fit für VR.

Die Titel stehen im PlayStation Store für PlayStation VR (PSVR) bereit. Die Resident Evil 7 biohazard Gold Edition kostet 50 Euro, das Spiel allein kostet 30 Euro. Der DLC End of Zoe schlägt mit 15 Euro zu Buche. Der kostenlose DLC Not a Hero firmiert unter Kein Held, den Link zum Store findest du hier.

Der Beitrag Resident Evil 7: Gold Edition und DLCs Not a Hero/End of Zoe sind da zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Chris Redfield Faces New Enemies In Not A Hero DLC Trailer

Resident Evil 7 biohazard has seen much praise from consumers and critics for its well-constructed story, terrifying characters and great atmosphere with many calling it a return to form for the long-running franchise. Many fans have been eagerly looking forward to the latest expansion to the story with upcoming DLC Not A Hero, which has just had a brand new trailer released.

The Not A Hero DLC features the return of series regular and fan favourite character Chris Redfield, who long-time fans remember from the original Resident Evil title as well as his subsequent appearances in other titles since then. Capcom are making the Not A Hero DLC available to all owners of Resident Evil 7 biohazard, on any platform.

PlayStation VR owners will get some additional extras, however, since Not A Hero features PlayStation VR compatibility. Players will take the role of Chris Redfield as he tries to hunt down Lucas and encounters the horrific aftermath of the events of Resident Evil 7 biohazard‘s main story. Redfield is trying to find the rest of his team, who have been captured and are facing awful fates in the dungeons below the decrepit plantation. Redfield will face new enemies and encounter gory situations as he continues on his hunt for Lucas to end the bloody reign of the murderous Baker family.

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The trailer shows some of the locations which will be featured in the DLC, along with footage of Lucas Baker’s unhinged taunts and some indication of the sorts of horrors that players may encounter in the corridors.

The Not A Hero DLC pack will be released in 12th December, available for free to users who have a copy of Resident Evil 7 biohazard. It will be released alongside the End of Zoe DLC pack, which will cost £11.99 (GBP). Not A Hero and End of Zoe will also be included in the Resident Evil 7 biohazard Gold Edition, which will be released on the same day and will include all currently available DLC.

You can watch the new trailer below.

VRFocus will continue to bring you updates on Resident Evil 7 biohazard as it becomes available.

New Resident Evil 7 Biohazard: Not A Hero Trailer Amps Up Action

New Resident Evil 7 Biohazard: Not A Hero Trailer Amps Up Action

During the Paris Games Week PlayStation Media Showcase today Sony debuted a brand new trailer for the upcoming Resident Evil 7 Biohazard: Not a Hero free DLC that puts players in the boots of Chris Redfield.

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard is easily the scariest game I’ve played in VR yet and may very well be the scariest game I’ve ever played, period. The combination of slow-building dread and intense combat encounters married with an immersive, visceral sense of presence with the shift to first-person, makes Resident Evil 7 rise above most other VR titles.

The Not a Hero DLC takes a very different approach. Since you’re playing as a lethal, trained operative you’ll have a whole suite of weapons at your disposal that weren’t in the base game and the action-packed intensity will be ratcheted up ten-fold when compared to the core game.

Watch the latest trailer right here:

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard’s Not a Hero DLC is set to release this December 12th, 2017, for free with full PSVR support. For more details on the title’s previously released DLC packs (known as Banned Footage Vol. 1 and Banned Footage Vol. 2) you can read our thoughts at those links.

Let us know what you think of the new trailer and new story developments down in the comments below!

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Chris Redfield Back in Action with Not A Hero Gameplay Video

Fans of the Resident Evil series will be familiar with Chris Redfield, one of the protagonists of the original Resident Evil videogame where he was a member of the Raccoon City police. He’s returned in several subsequent iterations of the Resident Evil series, and is now back in upcoming Resident Evil 7 biohazard with the Not A Hero DLC pack.

Redfield is a fan favourite character, and his appearance in the well-received Resident Evil 7 biohazard videogame has been highly anticipated. Fans were disappointed when the Not A Hero DLC pack was delayed, but to make up for that, Capcom will be available for free to anyone who own a copy of Resident Evil 7 biohazard, regardless of platform.

The Not A Hero DLC pack will be available as part of the Resident Evil 7 biohazard Gold Edition bundle, which will include three other DLC packs, Banned Footage Vol.1 and Vol.2, along with End of Zoe. Not A Hero and End of Zoe have been confirmed to have PlayStation VR compatibility.

Resident Evil 7 biohazard Gold Edition and the accompanying DLC packs are due for release on all platforms on 12th December, 2017.

You can view gameplay footage of the Not A Hero DLC featuring Chris Redfield below.

VRFocus will continue to bring you the latest on Resident Evil 7 biohazard.

Capcom Confirm Delay of Resident Evil 7 biohazard’s ‘Not a Hero’ DLC

Resident Evil 7 biohazard has been a massive success for Capcom after previous instalments started to put the franchise on rocky ground. Since the videogame’s release in January the studio has added two further DLC packs and a third was due to be released this Spring. That’s not going to happen as Capcom released a video message confirming a delay.

In an unusual move, director Koshi Nakanishi and producer Masachika Kawata revealed why the delay has happened, with Kawata saying: “We were working very hard to get the DLC ready in time for the spring release.” Nakanishi then went on to add: “And we got close to completing the game content. However, in light of the incredible reception to the release of Resident Evil 7, we concluded that this DLC was not good enough to meet those high expectations.”

“Our aim is for this content to match the high quality of the main game, so we need more development time in order to achieve that goal,” said Kawata.

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At the very end of the video executive producer Jun Takeuchi revealed further content plans saying: “We are also working on a further piece of DLC at the moment,” without going in anymore details.

The Not a Hero DLC first got announced back in February, with Capcom revealing a big spoiler about the end of the main game via Twitter. ‘Chris Redfield returns’ read the tweet, going on to say ‘Who or what is he chasing?’ What Capcom hasn’t yet said is if this DLC will support virtual reality (VR), as Banned Footage Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 both featured some VR-compatible content.

PlayStation VR has a 12-month exclusive on Resident Evil 7 biohazard, so if the title does come to other headsets in 2018 there will be plenty of content to play through.

Checkout the full message below, and for further Resident Evil 7 biohazard updates, keep reading VRFocus.