Iron Man VR Jetting Onto Marvel Games Panel At New York Comic Con

Sadly, last week did not bring news of an Iron Man VR release date. But! We might still get that news this week.

Camouflaj’s anticipated PSVR-exclusive adventure will star in the Marvel Games Panel at New York Comic Con. That takes place on October 4 at 3pm ET. Joining Tony Stark will be MARVEL Contest of Champions on mobile and that divisive Avengers game coming to consoles.

Iron Man VR has been billed for a 2019 release. If it is still due this year then we’d expect to find out the full release date in the near future. This panel seems as good a bet as any. We had hoped to hear the release date at last week’s State of Play broadcast but no dice. We did, however, get a look at plenty of other upcoming PSVR games like Humanity and After The Fall.

We’ve been hands-on with the game quite a few times ourselves now. We’ve always been impressed with how liberating the game’s flight is, defying PSVR’s tracking expectations. Still, we’ve seen very little from that game that’s actually new since its reveal earlier this year.

The panel won’t be the only place to catch Iron Man VR in New York. On October 5 the voice actors behind Stark (Josh Keaton) and villain Ghost (Chantelle Barry) will join creative director Ryan Payton to discuss the game. There will be a signing following the event, which kicks off at 1:45pm.

Finally, at 12:45pm on October 6 you can go ‘Behind the Script’ of the game in a session with Payton, Marvel illustrator and costume designer Adi Granov and Marvel Writer Christos Gage.

There’s plenty of reasons to suit up for New York, this October, then.

The post Iron Man VR Jetting Onto Marvel Games Panel At New York Comic Con appeared first on UploadVR.

Oculus Connect, ESL One And Overwatch League – Live In VR

Welcome to Live in VR! Our weekly roundup of everything that’s happening in headsets!

We’ve got a busy week ahead of us with Oculus Connect 6 looming. Want to watch it live in VR? The good news is you’ll be spoiled for choice with both Bigscreen and Venues streaming the show. Elsewhere we’ve got a heck of a lot of esports and the return of Twitchcon. Time to dig in!


Oculus Connect 6 With The Bigscreen Devs (September 25 + 26th, 10am PT)

Oculus Connect 6 Logo

Bigscreen will be screening sessions from both days of Oculus Connect 6 with developers on-hand to chat to. If you want to watch Mark Zuckerberg stride around on stage in all of his cinematic glory, this is the place to be.

Twitchcon 2019 (September 27 9am PT)

Twitchcon is upon us once again, and this year you won’t even need to leave your seat. Bigscreen is streaming everything from workshops to esports live from the event in San Diego.

Overwatch League: Grand Finals (September 29 12pm PT)

Live from Philadelphia, be in Bigscreen to watch two of the top Overwatch teams on the planet go head-to-head. The league championship trophy is up for grabs, as is a prize pool worth $1.7 million. Suddenly I wish I was good at Overwatch.

Oculus Venues

Oculus Connect 6

The official destination to watch OC6 in VR. Come and watch all the fun from both days, with more technobabble than you can shake a stick at. We’ll have boots on the ground, so make sure to keep up with our latest coverage.

ESL One: New York (September 28 + 29)

Esports doesn’t get much bigger than ESL One and it all comes to a head this weekend. Coming live from New York’s Barclays Center, two days of CS:GO action awaits, with lots of screaming fans and money being thrown around.

The post Oculus Connect, ESL One And Overwatch League – Live In VR appeared first on UploadVR.

VR Exhibition Speculative Cultures Opens in New York

Artists from around the world have been embracing the possibilities of virtual reality (VR) for several years now, creating artworks and installations using the technology. Today sees the opening of a new exhibition dedicated to VR called Speculative Cultures, taking place at The Sheila C. Johnson Design Center in New York City.

Speculative Cultures
Scott Benesiinaabandan, Blueberry Pie Under the Martian Sky, 2016, screenshot of VR artwork

Speculative Cultures is part of exhibition series Critical Approaches to Virtual Reality Art which was developed by Erandy Vergara and Tina Sauerlaender at the invitation of the Goethe-Instiut and Studio XX in Montreal. It features the work of seven artists as they ‘engage with their personal experiences, memories, and cultural heritage in order to reflect on today’s social coexistence.’

“Through their works, the artists shape their hopes and desires into virtual environments representing imagined cultures. Their speculative virtual worlds create different perspectives on established narratives and traditions, as well as images and symbols. The artists’ projects thereby open possibilities for leaving accustomed views and familiar structures behind and exploring different notions of one’s own personal surroundings and conditions of human existence,” the synopsis explains.

The artists are:

  • Moreshin Allahyarl – ‘She Who Sees the Unknown’ – Re-appropriates goddesses, female jinn – supernatural or monstrous creatures in Arabian mythology – and figures of the Middle East from ancient illustrations and mythical stories.
  • Scott Benesiilnaabandan – ‘Blueberry Pie Under Martian Sky’ – The installation takes users on a journey seven generations into the future.
  • Matias Brunacci – ‘Virtualshamanism’ – Takes users on a shamanistic experience in six different worlds.
  • Yu Hong – ‘She’s Already Gone’ – Users are placed into four moments in the life of a female Chinese protagonist.
  • Francois Knoetze – ‘Virtual Frontiers’ – A series of six short VR films shot in multiple locations in Grahamstown, South Africa.
  • Erin Ko and Jamie Martinez – ‘Neo Kingdom’ – Inspired by the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The Neo Kingdom explores mortality and death in the digital age.
Speculative Cultures
Yu Hong, She is already gone, 2017, screenshot of VR artwork

Speculative Cultures: A Virtual Reality Exhibition opens today, in the Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Gallery located at The Shelia Johnson Design Center, NYC. It’ll run until 14th April 2019, further details can be found here. VRFocus will continue its coverage of VR and its place within the world of art, reporting back with the latest announcements.

Inoffizielles Spiderman-VR-Spiel lässt euch durch die Lüfte schwingen

Von offizieller Seite erschienen in letzter Zeit viele Inhalte über den Comichelden Spiderman. Zum kürzlich angelaufenen Film Spider-Man: Homecoming veröffentlichten Sony Pictures Entertainment Studios eine passende VR-Erfahrung und auch eine Ankündigung über ein PSVR-Spiel wurde angesprochen. Zudem ist die freundliche Spinne aus der Nachbarschaft ein spielbarer Charakter im 2018 erscheinenden Marvel Powers United VR. Doch auch von inoffizieller Seite erschien nun die Demo eines Fanprojekts auf Reddit, das euch mit Spinnennetz durch die Lüfte schwingen lässt.

Inoffizielles Spiderman-Fanprojekt lässt euch wie Peter Parker durch New York fliegen

Auf Reddit veröffentlichte der Nutzer Maxalo den Prototyp seines selbst erstellten Spiderman-VR-Spiels. Darin schlüpft ihr in die Rolle des Superhelden und schwingt mit eurem Netzwerfer durch New York City. Das Spiel wurde für die Oculus Rift entwickelt und benötigt Oculus Touch Controller zur Steuerung.

Das Gameplay funktioniert folgendermaßen: Mit den Controllern zielt man auf die Gebäude der Stadt, um daraufhin mit dem Trigger-Knopf ein Netz abzufeuern. Dieses fliegt in einer geraden Linie vorwärts auf sein Ziel zu. Trifft man einen festen Untergrund, so heftet sich das Netz fest und ihr schwingt vorwärts. Dabei könnt ihr euch sogar an eurem geworfenen Netz hochziehen, um höher in die Luft zu fliegen. Dies ist anspruchsvoller als erwartet und erfordert einiges an Übung. An den Wänden könnt ihr euch leider nicht bewegen. Damit nutzt das Spiel eine relativ realistische Physikengine zur Fortbewegung.


Noch befinden sich viele Bugs und Fehler im Titel, so sind Glitches an der Tagesordnung und der Spieler kollidiert des Öfteren mit Wänden. Ebenso ist die Steuerung nichts für jeden, denn bei so manchem Spieler kann dabei Motion Sickness auftreten. Dennoch ist das Fanprojekt beeindruckend und zeigt, wie ein professionelles Spider-Man-VR-Spiel aussehen könnte.

Es handelt sich hierbei um eine inoffizielle Fanversion, das bedeutet, Marvel oder andere Rechteinhaber sind daran nicht beteiligt. Laut dem Entwickler Maxalo möchte er den Comichelden Spider-Man durch eine neutrale Figur mit einem Enterhaken ersetzen, um rechtlichen Schwierigkeiten mit der Marke und den Verantwortlichen aus dem Weg zu gehen. Dies gilt natürlich nur, wenn er sich dazu entscheidet, das Projekt fortzusetzen.

(Quellen: UploadVR | Reddit | Video: Linkgsk Youtube)

Der Beitrag Inoffizielles Spiderman-VR-Spiel lässt euch durch die Lüfte schwingen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

The Void Upgrades Display, Aims For 20 Installations This Year

The Void Upgrades Display, Aims For 20 Installations This Year

If you wanted to see one of the most complete VR experiences available last year you would have paid for a ticket to Madame Tussauds in New York for around $50 and included the extra Ghostbusters: Dimension VR experience. You would enjoy catching ghosts with three other players moving freely around the virtual world alongside you.

What makes the experience so immersive is that it is a completely untethered multiplayer walk-around experience complemented by real-world effects, like heat or wind. So you aren’t tethered to a computer, you aren’t alone and when you walk up to a flame you can actually feel it. The experience is a product of The Void, a Utah-based startup.

If you try out the same experience in the next few months you’re going to see a much improved experience, according to co-founder James Jensen. That is because the Ghostbusters experience last year was, according to hands-on reports, initially put together using a modified Rift development kit 2 (DK2) combined with expensive Optitrack tracking. This allowed the system to be deployed in a large area. While the approach allowed The Void to deploy the Ghostbusters: Dimension experience relatively early, it came online as Oculus and HTC started shipping improved consumer hardware. As consumers started receiving headsets that displayed 90 frames per second using the highest resolution displays possible, The Void was using a headset with an older display that only showed 75 frames per second.

This meant that despite wearing a backpack that feels just like a Ghostbusters proton pack, and catching ghosts with three other players in a virtual world enhanced by impressive environmental effects, you could still get an experience at home that was superior in some respects. But 2017 is shaping up to be a big year for The Void as the startup looks to provide the ultimate “hyper-reality” experience. The startup’s newest “Rapture” unit features more pixels in front of your eyes and more frames each second smoothing out the experience. They have more than 100 people working at The Void now, though Jensen declined to discuss financial backing.

“We spent a good part of 2016 getting all of our equipment on manufacturing lines so that we could just pump this stuff out and install in locations worldwide,” said Jensen. “Each of our ‘stages’ can have an experience on it, so locations could have two or three stages at them. We’re hoping to install 20 stages this year.”

Jensen said they wanted to get their first location up and running quickly, which is why they launched using the hardware they did. They also needed to build a VR helmet for safety reasons that would let them get people in and out of a headset very quickly, according to Jensen. 

“Our HMD is actually a helmet because you’re walking around untethered in a space with multiple people…if you take a hit on the front of it then it acts like a bicycle helmet. It bounces off your forehead, there’s padding in here,” said Jensen. “If you look at those [business] models where people are just taking an at-home system and deploying it in a mall, if you really break it down on the mechanics of how long people are in the experience, how long it takes them to get out of the experience… then those businesses kind of fall apart. It’s all in the details of getting that equipment on, getting it off and providing an amazing experience for the end user.”

The unit notably also includes a detachable facial interface so you aren’t sniffing a previous wearer’s sweat when you put it on. Jensen also said their backpack computer should be around 1.5 pounds lighter and the headset should be half a pound lighter. Lights are embedded along the surface of the gun accessory and headset so they can be spotted by the Optitrack cameras for tracking. The Void showed the newest gear for the first time at an event in Los Angeles earlier this week where we tried on the vest and took the photos embedded throughout this article. The photo at right shows the facial interface being inserted, and you can see stickers over the lenses which look exactly like those included with the consumer Rift. I asked The Void if it is a consumer Rift buried under their modifications but they declined to comment.

With this upgraded hardware rolling out and more locations planned, it is looking more and more like The Void will be bringing the ultimate VR experience to a number of cities around the world this year. We can’t wait to check out what they have in store.

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