New HTC Vive Releases For The Week Of 04/30/17

New HTC Vive Releases For The Week Of 04/30/17

A new week and a few new roles to immerse yourself within on this collection of new releases for HTC Vive. First up we have VRtender, an escapist experience of sorts where you learn to become a bartender with around 50 different real cocktail mixes to make for your patrons. Next up is Conductor, which we recently reviewed. It’s an adventure through a post-industrial apocalyptic world where you solve different puzzles as you maneuver down the tracks while driving a train.

In the meantime, if you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. And don’t forget that UploadVR has a Steam community group, complete with a curated list of recommendations so that you don’t have to waste any money finding out what’s good in the world of VR.

We also have a top list of the absolute best HTC Vive games — which is updated every few months with the latest and greatest options.

New HTC Vive Releases on Steam

MovingPictures: VR Video and Image Viewer, from Aaron Kunkle

Price: $2.99

MovingPictures aims to be a simple, minimalist home for your video and image viewing pleasures. You can use one or two controllers to upload, move, and resize your media as you shape a comfortable viewing experience.

Recommendation: It’s definitely not the prettiest solution and there are others in the wild with more options.

Fine China, from Fine China Games

Price: $0.99

In Fine China, your goal is to move carefully throughout a handful of establishments without breaking too many things. You’ll accumulate a score based on what you have to pay for. There’s also the option to just embrace your inner bull and destroy everything. Your call.

Recommendation: This is an inexpensive high-score challenge you can do with friends and watch the hilarity ensue, but there isn’t much to it.

Elite Encounter, from BubbleFish Entertainment

Price: $4.99

With your own weapon and an unbreakable shield to move around, Elite Encounter is an arcade style VR shooter where you’re to take down as many enemy spaceships as possible. The game includes 3 different difficulty levels, aggressive enemy AI, and a lot of ships.

Recommendation: Pass on this one.

PsychLabVR, from Noah Robinson

Price: Free To Play

PsychLabVR is a virtual research center led by a psychology student at Vanderbilt University. The data collected during play will be used for a free, automated intervention to treat social anxiety. The team plans to update with more experiments and treatments.

Recommendation: Check it out and contribute to a potentially good cause.

Pixvana SPIN Play, from Pixvana, Inc.

Price: Free To Play

The SPIN Play app is an end-to-end solution for VR/360 content in multiple formats. Using Pixvana’s OPF format, users can play multiple types of encoded content in spherical form or a tile format.

Recommendation: Keep an eye on this as it evolves and more content becomes available.


Climbtime, from Saluda Systems

Price: $2.99

Climbtime challenges users to climb, fly, and glide around procedurally generated levels. Move quickly and efficiently to destroy cores as you chase leaderboard times. You can also explore real-world based terrain modeled after the Smoky Mountains, the Grand Canyon, and more.

Recommendation: The motion of climbing isn’t the most accurate but there’s fun to be had flying and gliding around.

VRIQ, from 3DIQ

Price: Free

VRIQ is a quick puzzle experience, challenging your problem-solving abilities within 5 minutes. Act quickly and then see how you match up against other users.

Recommendation: A free test of your ingenuity? Sure.

Strata inStudio VR, from Strata Mixed Reality, Inc.

Price: Free

Strata inStudio is a virtual playground for 3D models that includes 12 interactive preloaded environments. You can toggle physics to manipulate your models, utilize real-time lighting, and more.

Recommendation: This targets a pretty specific set of interests, but grab it if it tickles your fancy.

VRtender, from Further Beyond Studios

Price: $4.99

There have been plenty food vendor sims in VR, but what of the bartenders? In VRtender, you’ll make drinks and entertain patrons within a couple different modes. The game includes over 50 real-life cocktails so you just may be able to take this show on the road once you’ve become proficient.

Recommendation: I think you know already if you care about this or not. It’s aimed to be a sim-light experience.

Conductor, from Overflow

Price: $8.99 (Currently Discounted)

Taking place in a post-industrial apocalypse, Conductor is an action-adventure with puzzle elements. You work through the game on a locomotive and must engage in different activities to clear your path to escape the pursuit of Overcorp.

Recommendation: This one is a moody and interesting looking adventure that is worth your gaze. Read our review and give it a go.

Big Hit VR Baseball, from Big Hit Games

Price: $22.49 (Currently Discounted)

Big Hit VR challenges and hones your baseball skills, sending you sinkers, curveballs, and more all with realistic physics. Batting practice allows you to slow things down and get your timing and angles just right before heading into the Home Run Derby. You can also manipulate the ball size and tailor the game to your skill level.

Recommendation: This is a decent idea, but its issues limit the experience. Catch it on a steep sale.

Seance: The Unquiet, from Holospark

Price: Free To Play

This version of Seance: The Unquiet is a free demo that introduces you to an upcoming ghost story. You’re treated to the tense environment, jump scares, and wonderfully acted NPCs in anticipation of the full experience.

Recommendation: Absolutely check this one out. The voice acting alone is worth the effort and you can read more here.

VectorWars, from Red Iron Labs

Price: $2.99 (Currently Discounted)

VectorWars is an arcade style shooter that takes place in 2842 when the aliens finally attack. You play as Andy, an asteroid miner, that must defend humanity and continuously upgrade his ship while taking down the alien threat.

Recommendation: Getting this for VR doesn’t add a great deal to the experience. Pass for now.

Spud Cricket VR, from Hairy Man Games

Price: $7.99

Spud Cricket is a virtual cricket experience where you can play 5, 10, or 20 overs against a friend. The game also includes 3 difficulty levels and customizable settings for local multiplayer.

Recommendation: Pass for now, but keep an eye on it to see if it improves throughout Early Access.

Duel VR, from Booster Space

Price: $8.99 (Currently Discounted)

Including PvE and PvP, Duel VR is a western dueling game that includes 4 different weapons and 8 different characters to use in your online battles.

Recommendation: Skip this one.

New HTC Vive Releases on Viveport

There are no new releases on Viveport this week.

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New PSVR Releases For Week Of 04/30/17

New PSVR Releases For Week Of 04/30/17

It’s another quiet week on the PSVR front while we wait for Farpoint to bring the pain later in May. This week’s sole release is an obscure little gem that won’t appeal to everyone, so it might be worth keeping your money where it is and checking back in next week if it’s not your cup of tea.

If you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. Also, UploadVR has launched the ‘UploadVR PSVR Community’ on PlayStation 4! Join up, find other gamers to play with, and engage in discussions with them.

Also, don’t forget to check out our list of the

Gnog, from KO-OP
Price: $14.99

This week’s lone PSVR release is a curious little oddity. GNOG is a strange puzzle game about fixing monster heads, though what’s actually wrong with them and how to solve their issues is often just as much of a mystery. You poke and prod at various aspects of each puzzle until you figure out what to do in order to progress. It shouldn’t surprise you to hear that it was made under the Double Fine Presents label.

Recommendation: We quite like GNOG, but it certainly isn’t for everyone. If the art style attracts you and the weird puzzles have you interested then it may be worth diving in.

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New Oculus Rift And Gear VR Releases For The Week Of 04/23/17

New Oculus Rift And Gear VR Releases For The Week Of 04/23/17

There is no better example of the differing strategies of two platforms than the Oculus Rift and Gear VR. In the case of the PC-powered Oculus Rift, they’ve taken a decidedly quality over quantity stance by focusing on fewer releases but making the ones that do come out better. Gear VR on the other hand is taking an approach similar to the HTC Vive in that there is a lot of content all of the time and it’s hard to sift through it all.

If you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. And don’t forget that UploadVR has a Steam community group complete with a curated list of recommendations so that you don’t have to waste any money finding out what’s good in the world of VR.

Plus — check out our list of the best Oculus Rift games and best Gear VR games for more suggestions!

New Rift and Gear VR Releases on Oculus Home

Batman: Arkham VR, from Rocksteady Studios

Price:  $19.99 (Rift)

Batman: Arkham VR is a visually impressive look at Gotham City through the eyes of the iconic Batman himself. You’ll start as Bruce Wayne and descend down into the bat cave to switch to his vigilante persona.

Recommendation: This experience is ultimately a brief glimpse for something that could have been greater. Not worth the purchase right now unless you just absolutely crave the fan service.

Fancy Beats, from HashVR

Price: $4.99 (Gear VR)

Fancy Beats a music rhythm game with pretty colors and flashing lights, but the production values are pretty low. Not super polished.

Recommendation: Not very polished, probably pass unless you love anything music-related.

Wilson’s Heart, from Twisted Pixel

Price: $39.99 (Rift)

Wilson’s Heart is an immersive first-person psychological thriller set in a 1940’s hospital that has undergone a haunting transformation. You take control of Robert Wilson as he fights for his own life, as well as his sanity.

Recommendation: Must-play for anyone with an Oculus Rift and Touch. Read our full review.

Puzzle 360, from Won1Games

Price: $1.99

Look around in 360-degrees as you shoot balls to fill in voids in Puzzle 360. It’s a fast-paced puzzle game that basically requires a swivel chair if you don’t want to get dizzy.

Recommendation: Not bad if you dig shooting at stuff with your face.

Reflex Unit, from Robosaru Games

Price: $4.99 (Gear VR)

In Reflex Unit you control a badass little spider tank with a bunch of guns and rockets as it crawls through a futuristic version of Tokyo shooting bad guys. Pretty fun, feels like you’re playing with toys as a kid. Was previously a non-VR mobile game.

Recommendation: Fun distraction if you’re hungry for content, but not great.

Forgesmith VR, from Flarb

Price: $1.99 (Gear VR)

You know the shopkeepers in old 8-bit RPGs that sell you gear? Well, in Forgesmith VR you get to run a blacksmith shop in a world overrun with heroes from those games. It’s a bit of a role reversal.

Recommendation: Plenty of charm, but not quite finished yet. Worth it for the price if you like the wit.

Titans of Space Plus, from DrashVR

Price: $4.99 (Gear VR)

This takes the original Titans of Space, which is still one of the best educational sci-fi VR experiences out there, and adds more content plus more controller options.

Recommendation: Grab it if you haven’t seen this yet and you like space.

Radial-G: Infinity-X, from Tammeka

Price: $1.99 (Gear VR)

The original Radial-G was one of VR’s very first racing games, but it ended up with mixed results. This iteration is more of an endless runner-style game, with sci-fi elements and enough depth to keep you coming back for more unlocks over time.

Recommendation: Awesome sense of speed and solid fun for Gear VR even if it is just adapted from a Cardboard game.

New Oculus Rift Releases on Steam

Glider Island, from Joey Sipos

Price: $7.99

Across 3 vibrant landscapes, Glider Island allows you to fly as you’ve always to. Get the angles right and use your rocket boosters to stay in the sky, avoid danger, and collect all of the hoops around the islands.

Recommendation: Grab this one during a sale maybe. Pass for now.

Deathlike: Awakening, from Cybreath

Price: $9.99

In Deathlike: Awakening you awaken in an abandoned place filled with great evil. Maneuver carefully to survive this horrific experience.

Recommendation: This is a fright fest you can skip.

Gem Hunter, from FoxLeap

Price: $9.99

Gem Hunter is a story-driven action platformer where you pilot your hovercraft to collect the Fox King’s lost diamonds. Mine gems, battle creatures, uncover secrets, defeat the three witches, and more.

Recommendation: Be careful if you’re easily susceptible to VR sickness.


Price: $9.9 (Currrently Discounted)

TITAN SLAYER is exactly what the name implies: A brawler that pits you against monstrous giants. With swords, bows, and guns in your arsenal, your goal is not only to take down these beasts but do it with the most amount of style you can muster.

Recommendation: With this, you get exciting combat that isn’t only stylish but requires a degree of strategy. Grab this one for sure.

Holos, from Holos, Inc.

Price: Free

Holos is your private, customizable computing space. Centered around cards, the application provides an experience that is easy to get into but engaging enough for those seeking more advanced interaction.

Recommendation: This is an absolutely gorgeous and functional free virtual space with a lot of options. Get this for sure.

Seeking Evil: The Wendigo, from Copybugpaste

Price: $10.19 (Currrently Discounted)

Within the cursed forests of North America, Seeking Evil puts you on the path of a bloodthirsty predator. Your goal is to burn nine totems quickly before you’re captured and eaten alive.

Recommendation: Clear Slenderman influence. Keep an eye on this one throughout Early Access, it’s a bit bare bones right now.

Don’t Get Hit In The Face, from DracoSoftware, LLC

Price: $3.99

Don’t Get Hit In The Face is a movement-based game where you do whatever movement necessary to avoid getting hit. The game includes 4 game modes with increasing difficulty and a 13 track soundtrack.

Recommendation: The game intends to be added to a collection for VR workouts, but there are certainly more interesting titles with similar ideas. Pass on this.

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New HTC Vive Releases For The Week Of 04/23/17

New HTC Vive Releases For The Week Of 04/23/17

Welcome to a new week of releases for th HTC Vive! We’ve got two vastly different highlights, but be sure to scour the full collection to see if there’s something that catches your eye. TITAN SLAYER brings some extra flavor to the virtual brawler by asking you to be stylish and flashy while taking down massive monsters. Holos is a visually appealing and free web-centric VR OS with a large collection of customization tools. Better yet, it’s all manipulated with a manageable card system.

In the meantime, if you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. And don’t forget that UploadVR has a Steam community group, complete with a curated list of recommendations so that you don’t have to waste any money finding out what’s good in the world of VR.

We also have a top list of the absolute best HTC Vive games — which is updated every few months with the latest and greatest options.

New HTC Vive Releases on Steam

Glider Island, from Joey Sipos

Price: $7.99

Across 3 vibrant landscapes, Glider Island allows you to fly as you’ve always to. Get the angles right and use your rocket boosters to stay in the sky, avoid danger, and collect all of the hoops around the islands.

Recommendation: Grab this one during a sale maybe. Pass for now.

Deathlike: Awakening, from Cybreath

Price: $9.99

In Deathlike: Awakening you awaken in an abandoned place filled with great evil. Maneuver carefully to survive this horrific experience.

Recommendation: This is a fright fest you can skip.

Viking Rage, from N-Gon Entertainment

Price: $16.19 (Currrently Discounted)

Tap into your rage and prepare for battle! In Viking Rage, you’ll be tossing bombs, swinging your ax, and shooting arrows as you defend the fortress of the Vikings.

Recommendation: This is defense shooter and brawler with a lot of style. Price is steep though, probably a pass.

Gem Hunter, from FoxLeap

Price: $9.99

Gem Hunter is a story-driven action platformer where you pilot your hovercraft to collect the Fox King’s lost diamonds. Mine gems, battle creatures, uncover secrets, defeat the three witches, and more.

Recommendation: Be careful if you’re easily susceptible to VR sickness.

Journey to Alien Worlds, from Ideographer

Price: $4.24 (Currrently Discounted)

Travel into the great unknown and walk the surface of planets, satellites, and comets in Journey to Alien Worlds. You can experience Venus, Venera 7, the Apollo Lunar Module, and more.

Recommendation: There are a handful of similar experiences that have vastly higher production quality. Pass on this one right now.


Price: $9.99

In five new unexplored sections of space, COMET STRIKE challenges you to rapidly complete a collection of puzzles. Special blocks, areas, and skills will be yours for the taking as you progress.

Recommendation: It’s a decently priced arcade experience. Give it a go unless you’ve already dropped pennies on similar content.


Price: $9.9 (Currrently Discounted)

TITAN SLAYER is exactly what the name implies: A brawler that pits you against monstrous giants. With swords, bows, and guns in your arsenal, your goal is not only to take down these beasts but do it with the most amount of style you can muster.

Recommendation: With this, you get exciting combat that isn’t only stylish but requires a degree of strategy. Grab this one for sure.

Holos, from Holos, Inc.

Price: Free

Holos is your private, customizable computing space. Centered around cards, the application provides an experience that is easy to get into but engaging enough for those seeking more advanced interaction.

Recommendation: This is an absolutely gorgeous and functional free virtual space with a lot of options. Get this for sure.

30th Century Post Office, from Toxodon Games

Price: $9.99

This game takes you to a 30th-century future where robots have taken over Earth. The number of humans is falling but labor forces have to increase to save costs. The result? Destroy the robotic status quo.

Recommendation: Hold off and let it evolve in Early Access a bit more.

Blackjack Bailey VR, from Hologram Software LTD., iCandy Games Inc.

Price: $5.99 (Currrently Discounted)

Blackjack Bailey VR provides you with a casual blackjack experience hosted by your cool dealer Bailey. The game has no microtransactions and you can play with no limits with Las Vegas house rules.

Recommendation: Pass on this one. 

Seeking Evil: The Wendigo, from Copybugpaste

Price: $10.19 (Currrently Discounted)

Within the cursed forests of North America, Seeking Evil puts you on the path of a bloodthirsty predator. Your goal is to burn nine totems quickly before you’re captured and eaten alive.

Recommendation: Clear Slenderman influence. Keep an eye on this one throughout Early Access, it’s a bit bare bones right now.

Don’t Get Hit In The Face, from DracoSoftware, LLC

Price: $3.99

Don’t Get Hit In The Face is a movement-based game where you do whatever movement necessary to avoid getting hit. The game includes 4 game modes with increasing difficulty and a 13 track soundtrack.

Recommendation: The game intends to be added to a collection for VR workouts, but there are certainly more interesting titles with similar ideas. Pass on this.

Batman: Arkham VR, from Rocksteady Studios

Price:  $19.99

Batman: Arkham VR is a visually impressive look at Gotham City through the eyes of the iconic Batman himself. You’ll start as Bruce Wayne and descend down into the bat cave to switch to his vigilante persona.

Recommendation: This experience is ultimately a brief glimpse for something that could have been greater. Not worth the purchase right now unless you just absolutely crave the fan service.

Interkosmos, from Ovid Works

Price: $4.99

Test your skills as an astronaut in Interkosmos, a comedic mini-adventure of astronomical proportions. In this game, you’ll guide your 1970s-inspired re-entry capsule to a safe landing. The procedures serve as a collection of arcade-style mini games.

Recommendation: Really cool theme for arcade-style VR gameplay. Grab it. Here’s our preview.

I Expect You To Die, from Schell Games

Price: $24.99

I Expect You To Die employs you as a secret agent armed with telekinetic abilities. You’ll use your abilities to maneuver through this puzzle experience and stop the Zoraxis, global weapons and pharmaceutical corporation.

Recommendation: You want to be a telekinetic James Bond? This is your chance.

The Uncertain: VR Experience, from ComonGames

Price: Free To Play

The Uncertain is a bit of an experiment with voiced characters and the ability to manipulate all of the items you come across. It’s an interactive gallery that will evolve with every episode.

Recommendation: Free tech demo that you should check out. Could lead to some really neat content.

Symphony of the Machine, from Stirfire Studios

Price: $15.99 (Currently Discounted)

In Symphony of the Machine, an ancient tower stands in a barren land and you must ascend and unravel the mysteries of its powers. You’re assisted by the tower’s guardian as you use the tower’s tools to bring life back to the land around you.

Recommendation: Very cool and visually impressive experience. Grab it.

Challenge Cube VR, from Optical Network

Price: $3.99

With an audience spectating, Challenge Cube has you completing a series of bizarre challenges as you move up in the rankings. Throughout the tasks, you’ll be tested on reaction speed, memory, and more.

Recommendation: Essentially this is a collection of spatial mini-game challenges. There are better options around. Pass on this.

Karnage Chronicles, from Nordic Trolls

Price: $24.99

Karnage Chronicles is an episodic action RPG with a high fantasy theme. You’ll engage in action-intense combat across unique character classes as you unravel the mystery of your past.

Recommendation: There’s a lot going into this Early Access title. Keep an eye on it and pull the trigger once you see the class you want to play and co-op is added.

Virtual Islands, from Tim McCulloch

Price: $3.99

Virtual Islands gives you your own private tropical island on which to play some realistic mini-golf. The game includes 18 holes and global/local leaderboards. There’s also a bonus driving range and driveable golf cart.

Recommendation: For the price, it is a fun little virtual getaway.

Puttyface, from the3dCrew

Price: Free

If you’re a fan of shaping unique ideas with clay, Puttyface is for you. You can smash, morph, push, and pull the putty to make whatever you can come up with.

Recommendation: It’s a free, casual experience. Check it out at least.

VR Dungeon Knight, from Blackjard Softworks

Price: $14.99

VR Dungeon Knight drops you into a cursed world that only you can save. You’ll explore dungeons that are different each time you enter, loot, and destroy the evil sources with a collection of weapons to weaken the curse.

Recommendation: Worth it already if you have a friend to play with, otherwise wait and see how it improves.

Trapped With the Dolls VR, from Designated Play Space

Price: Free

Trapped With The Dolls is a room-scale psychological thriller where you solve puzzles in order to escape the dolls’ pursuit. This is an escape the room experience that lasts roughly 10-15 minutes.

Recommendation: Free escape room? Give it a go.

New HTC Vive Releases on Viveport

Xinajiapo, from Blue King Technology

Price: Free

Xinajiapo is a collection of 9 visually appealing scenes across a virtual household.

Recommendation: Pretty, but not really worth a download.

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New PSVR Releases For The Week Of 04/23/17

New PSVR Releases For The Week Of 04/23/17

I hope you like puzzles, because both of the main new releases on Sony’s PlayStation VR (PSVR) this week are all about them. One of the games we reviewed and we previewed the other previously, so you don’t have to go in blind. Other than that, there’s a music video, which Sony seems fond of producing for hit pop songs these days. Enjoy!

If you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. Also, UploadVR has launched the ‘UploadVR PSVR Community’ on PlayStation 4! Join up, find other gamers to play with, and engage in discussions with them.

Also, don’t forget to check out our list of the

Statik, from Tarsier Studios

Price: $19.99

Think of it as kind of like VR’s version of Portal, except instead of shooting portals into walls to solve puzzles, in Statik you’re fiddling with a perplexing little box in your hand. The whole game has a very simple premise, but the puzzles get more and more complex as it goes on.

Recommendation: If you like puzzles and don’t mind getting stumped every now and then, you’ll find a lot to love here. Read our review.

Symphony of the Machine, from Stirfire

Price: $19.99

Puzzle games are regaining popularity due to the advent of virtual reality as they take the genre in strange, often interesting, new directions. Symphony of the Machine is one such case that tasks you with rebounding light off of mirrors to grow plants and rebirth an area of a bizarre, desolate world.

Recommendation: Fun puzzle mechanics, worth a look if you like the genre. Won’t convert you otherwise, though. Here’s our preview.

The Chainsmokers Paris.VR

Price: Free (US Only)

Whether or not you hate or love The Chainsmokers, chances are you’ve heard at least one of their insanely catchy pop anthems over the last year or so. Paris, one of the most recent singles, now has a VR experience directly from Sony Music Entertainment.

Recommendation: Check it out if you like the song.

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New HTC Vive Releases For The Week Of 04/16/17

New HTC Vive Releases For The Week Of 04/16/17

It’s a new week of HTC Vive releases and now one of the biggest VR games of the year is now available! Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality, which received an 8.5 from us, is bringing you the best that one of Adult Swim’s most popular cartoons can bring you as you work inside Rick Sanchez’s garage. Another highlight this week is Forgotten Chambers, a visually striking journey through a magical adventure. You’ll be using magic to manipulate this intriguing world and unravel the mystery of it all.

In the meantime, if you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. And don’t forget that UploadVR has a Steam community group, complete with a curated list of recommendations so that you don’t have to waste any money finding out what’s good in the world of VR.

We also have a top list of the absolute best HTC Vive games — which is updated every few months with the latest and greatest options.

New HTC Vive Releases on Steam

Colourise, from Field Tested

Price: $7.19 (Currently Discounted)

Put your mind to the test with Colourise, a spatial puzzler where you must connect the dots. The game features over 25 puzzles where new mechanics to puzzle solving are introduced over time.

Recommendation: It’s a neat puzzler to burn time with.

Drone Fighters, from Surreal Games

Price: $10.49 (Currently Discounted)

You’ve possibly already tried to pull this in real life, but it’s time to put drones through the battle arena you’ve always desired. Drone Fighters is an arcade style drone brawler with unlockable drones and cross-play between Vive and Rift.

Recommendation: It is currently in Early Access, but looks pretty solid already. Check it out.

Baskhead Training, from VRLINES

Price: $7.99

Baskhead Training is an arcade style basketball game where you mustn’t shoot your way through 20 levels but actually receive the balls with a basket attached to your face. There are also bonus balls and special effects.

Recommendation: Interesting flip on the constant basketball VR games. Give it a shot. Heh.

Filthy, Stinking, Orcs!, from Winding Way Games

Price: $19.99

In this defense game, you place your towers and man the weapons as you take on a rush of Orcs across 16 levels.

Recommendation: Pass on this one, not very original.

Forgotten Chambers, from Tpot Studio

Price: $16.99 (Currently Discounted)

Forgotten Chambers is another virtual puzzle entry for this week, this time taken on a more mystical theme. In this title, you’ll use magic to find hidden clues and fill the room with water and stars as you uncover the world’s history.

Recommendation: Visually striking and entertaining, this should be played.

Craft Keep VR, from Arvydas Zemaitis

Price: $11.24 (Currently Discounted)

Within a world of dragons and dungeons, you play the all-important role of the alchemist/blacksmith. Forge weapons and brew potions for the foul-mouthed adventurers that come to your establishment.

Recommendation: This is a well-done fantasy job sim. Grab it.

Ropes and Dragons VR, from nobodyshot

Price: $0.84 (Currently Discounted)

In Ropes and Dragons, you’ll use your wand to cut the ropes and engage the puzzle mechanisms to feed your friendly dragon companion.

Recommendation: It’s a super inexpensive family-friendly and easy to play game. Grab for the kiddies at the least.

Train Harder, from 2Frogs Software

Price: $4.89 (Currently Discounted)

Train Harder is a test of your agility, endurance, and accuracy as you duck, dodge, and shoot while riding on top of a train. The game’s play on words mean the ultimate goal here is to whip you into shape and challenge friends to do the same with your high score.

Recommendation: It’s a cool addition to your workout routine if you need a few more selections.

VIVR – Mixed Reality Studio, from Dream.Digital

Price: $1.79 (Currently Discounted)

Broadcasting your VR adventures can be enhanced with mixed reality footage and VIVR is a tool that makes this a bit easier for content creators.

Recommendation: Keep an eye on it as it evolves throughout Early Access.

Solitaire VR, from Barbaroga, LLC

Price: $1.99

With the beautiful decor of an ancient mountain keep surrounding you, Solitaire VR gives you a platform to play all of your favorite forms of solitaire in virtual reality. There are multiple rooms for you to explore and play in, but maybe there’s a bit of mystery to it all as well?

Recommendation: Definitely grab this one if you like the classic card game.

VRobot, from

Price: $12.74 (Currently Discounted)

On a planet where robots and driverless cars are everywhere, humans have built a giant robot to help them reclaim their cities. In VRobot you control the giant with the help of tools like a tornado maker and tractor beam to clear everything out.

Recommendation: Not bad so far, but keep an eye on it during Early Access before taking the leap.

Gus Track Adventures VR, from maxlvlgames

Price: $13.99 (Currently Discounted)

With lead character Gus, Gus Track Adventures has players collecting loot and shooting down powerful enemies before taking on epic boss fights in a vibrant world with cartoon style.

Recommendation: It’s a very beautiful on-rails shooter, but that’s getting old. Your call.

Boxplosion, from DNV

Price: $7.19 (Currently Discounted)

Boxplosion is a particle colliding experience where you control time and up to 20k particles to create your own intense collisions. There’s a scene creator with 50 3D models to choose from and you can also include your own music that the scenes will sync to. Once you have a visual you love, you can export gif animations and screenshots.

Recommendation: Not a lot of meat to this visual feast. Pass on it for now.

Mighty Monster Mayhem, from Rank17

Price: $8.99 (Currently Discounted)

Take on the role of a terrifying creator in Mighty Monster Mayhem and terrorize the city and population. Choose from characters influenced by monstrous greats like Cthulu Carl or Toni the Oni so you can climb buildings, throw objects and people, and punch things. You can also tag team the destruction with a friend.

Recommendation: Grab this is and embrace your more monstrous side.

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality, from Owlchemy Labs

Price: $29.99

Virtual Rick-ality puts Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty on a collision course with the hilarity and immersion of Job Simulator. You play as a clone of Morty that has to knock out a collection of tasks to assist Rick and Morty on another one of their incredible journeys. You have Rick’s garage and a plethora of interesting tools to play around with while also traveling through portals into new spaces.

Recommendation: Check out our schwifty review. This is a must have for HTC Vive owners.

Fantasynth, from HelloEnjoy

Price: Free

Fantasynth is a trippy audio-reactive experience where players glide through a procedurally generated environment that music brings to life. The song used is “Chez Nous” by N’to and lasts for roughly 7 minutes.

Recommendation: A free and visually impressive mind trip. Give it a go and show your friends.

Space Needle VR, from Expedia Labs, Expedia , Space Needle + Chihuly Garden and Glass, WSP – Parsons Brinckerhoff of Seattle, Jaclyn Lake

Price: Free To Play

This Expedia and Space Needle Group produced experience lets you explore Seattle, Washington’s Space Needle from top to bottom, even in areas not open to the general public.

Recommendation: It’s free! Grab it and take the tour.

Oblivion Tesseract VR, from Epotech

Price: $7.99

Oblivion Tesseract VR is a tower defense shooter with ethereal elements abound. There’s a potential curse of blood, a mysteries cube, and a family’s haunting history at play and you must protect the tesseract by slaying the incoming monsters.

Recommendation: It’s an interesting concept with unique design, but it needs a bit of work. Keep an eye on it.

TennisVR, from AbstractGameStudio

Price: $6.99

Tennis VR is a simulation of the sport where you can face AI that increases in difficulty. There’s a freeplay option in addition playing best of 3 or 5.

Recommendation: Not a lot of depth in play just yet. Keep an eye on it.

The Crane Trials: Red Edition, from Liam Swetnam

Price: $4.99

In The Crane Trials, you’re locked in your own home post bad breakup. Investigate the area and find a way to get out.

Recommendation: Skip this one.

AI Rebellion, from Immergity

Price: $17.99 (Currently Discounted)

AI Rebellion is an open space simulator where you can pilot 4 types of ships and control them via virtual levels in your cabin. It takes place in the year 2753 where decades have been spent crafting an artificial intelligence called P.A.I. that was supposed to control a central military station. After 3 years of flawless operation, the AI is suffering interruptions and is eventually lost. Now you must go find out what’s wrong.

Recommendation: This game has some potential but don’t pull the trigger just yet. Keep an eye on it as it is developed throughout Early Access.

Great Pyramid VR, from Michal Barta

Price: $7.99 (Currently Discounted)

In Great Pyramid VR you have an opportunity to explore one of the great wonders of the world. Features include a head light, mini 3D map, voiceovers telling the pyramid’s history, and more. Within the pyramid, you can explore the many passages and chambers including the King’s Chamber.

Recommendation: There’s not much beyond exploring. If you have an interest in this legendary monument, you’ll find it enjoyable though.

Immerse Creator, from JonBrouchoud

Price: $19.99

Immerse Creator is a collaborative sandbox where you can create 3D objects and architectural spaces to house them in. It features an intuitive and easy to use 3D sketching system to bring your ideas to life and will introduce the multiplayer mode along with a non-VR viewer mode.

Recommendation: Overall this is a beautiful and ambitious concept, but wait for it all to come together before grabbing it.

Mega Overload, from Subdream Studios

Price: $12.74 (Currently Discounted)

Mega Overload brings retro arcade gameplay with a collection of different play styles. Throughout this nostalgic feast, you’ll shoot down waves of robots, collect power-ups, upgrade weapons, and climb the leaderboards in a game that replicates the nostalgic levels of difficulty. There’s also an online co-op mode.

Recommendation: Grab this one!

VR Coaster Extreme, from George Cook

Price: $4.99

VR Coaster Extreme provides players with a coaster experience that takes you through mines, classic coasters, and even miniature tracks through a bedroom.

Recommendation: This game contains some immersive coasters, but also real life vomit. Probably just pass on this one, coaster sims are played out.

Schlocks, from Fancy Bear Games

Price: $14.99

Schlocks is a collection of over 50 micro-games that serve as a competitive VR party game altogether. The games last for 10 seconds each so you’ll have to be quick on your toes. You’ll also be able to explore 10 departments within the Schlocks store.

Recommendation: The game will have over 100 mini-games by the time it releases fully, so it could shape up to be a great VR party game. Keep an eye on it.

Cyberlink PowerDVD 17 Ultra, from Cyberlink

Price: $89.99 (Currently Discounted)

PowerDVD 17 Ultra brings a fully featured media companion for PCs and home entertainment. With it you’ll get a robust media player, photo album viewer, and get TrueTheater HDR, Color, and Sound for videos.

Recommendation: For PowerDVD users, this is an incredible opportunity to utilize all features and access your media in VR.

Deadly Hunter VR, from Leiting Interactive

Price: $17.99 (Currently Discounted)

In Deadly Hunter you play a renowned hunter that must learn the weakness of the incoming assailants and take them down as quickly as possible. With your bow at hand, you’ll be fighting through a robust collection of over 20 scenes and challenges. As you face 10 types of monsters.

Recommendation: Even in Early Access this is worth the purchase if you aren’t tired of shooters.

Bullet Sorrow VR, from VikingVRStudio

Price: $24.99

Bullet Sorrow is an FPS that features a full single player campaign and multiplayer content for both PVE and PVP. The gunplay is entertaining, featuring a bullet-time force field and bunker-cover system.

Recommendation: This is a must-have shooter for VR platforms. Definitely grab this.

New HTC Vive Releases on Viveport

No new releases on Viveport this week as of the time of writing.

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New PSVR Releases For The Week Of 04/16/17

New PSVR Releases For The Week Of 04/16/17

Coming off of a strong week last week, PlayStation VR (PSVR) is back with another round of interesting games. A lot of these are ports of some kind, but they should all be welcomed additions to the libraries of any PSVR owner.

If you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. Also, UploadVR has launched the ‘UploadVR PSVR Community’ on PlayStation 4! Join up, find other gamers to play with, and engage in discussions with them.

Also, don’t forget to check out our list of the

Bandit Six: Combined Arms, from Climax Studios
Price: $12.99

A collection of two Gear VR games refreshed for PSVR. Bandit Six is a series of World War II-themed gallery shooters in which you command land-based turrets and a tail gunner on a fighter plane. Though somewhat dated there’s plenty of good content on offer here.

Recommendation: A little dated but great value all the same.

VR Invaders, from My
Price: $17.99

PSVR doesn’t see many wave shooters that arrive on Rift and Vive too, so VR Invaders is sort of a curiosity. Use one Move controller to gun down weaponized computer viruses and the other to block their attacks with a virtual shield. It’s not the most unique VR game, but it’s rock solid fun.

Recommendation: A wave shooter winner you should consider picking up.

Herocade, from Lucid Sight
Price: $14.99

Though Lucid Sight might have compiled them, Herocade actually gathers some old Rift, Vive and Gear VR games and bundles them together with a couple of new ones for one tasty package on PSVR. You can enjoy endless running antics in Polyrunner, puzzling in Gumi No Yume and much more. Easily the highlight of the package is the super-scary Dreadhalls, though.

Recommendation: Worth picking up for Dreadhalls alone.

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