Capcom Reveal Monster Hunter VR Experience

Capcom’s push for virtual reality (VR) experiences has taken on new ground. Following the hugely successful Resident Evil 7: biohazard launched for PlayStation VR back in January of this year, another big franchise has received the VR treatment: Monster Hunter.

Monster Hunter VRDesigned as an out-of-home experience, Monster Hunter X Circle of Saviors is a collaboration with Fivefor, a Japanese development studio for whom the business model includes making multiplayer VR experiences designed for a mixed reality (MR) suite. This allows the players to team-up in unique ways, with Circle of Saviors offering VR to one player while a second acts as support shooting a crossbow to take out enemies in the virtual world.

Monster Hunter X Circle of Saviors is built upon that core Circle of Saviors experience, bringing original Monster Hunter enemies and weaponry into the videogame. Players are also able to eviscerate their fallen foes, taking with them the ingredients for new equipment, just as in the Monster Hunter videogames.

Monster Hunter X Circle of Saviors is played with a HTC Vive and is currently available at Capcom’s GameLand venue in Aeon Mall, Tsudanuma. Other VR titles on offer include HordeZ and HTC’s own Front Defense.

Monster Hunter VR at GameLand

There’s currently no word on whether Capcom intend on bringing Monster Hunter X Circle of Saviors to other territories or releasing the title on home systems – the version seen in Tsudanuma does not make use of any modifications to the HTC Vive head-mounted display (HMD) – however the project is billed as a ‘limited collaboration’, so it doesn’t appear likely. VRFocus will of course keep you updated with all the latest details on Monster Hunter X Circle of Saviors and other VR titles from Capcom.