The president of the Pokémon Company has suggested that a new wearable might be developed for the smartphone app, to help cut down on the number of accidents caused by distracted players.
On Thursday, Ludacris helped release Slang N' Friendz, a mobile game that "gives players of all ages the chance to communicate using their favorite words by incorporating a dictionary database of slang words compiled from across the globe."
Perhaps hoping to ride the coattails or remind people that it did it first, Gamevice has announced refreshed versions of its iPhone and iPad gaming controllers, that look an awful lot like Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons.
The complexity of the environments and of the actions that you can perform within them requires the ability to design structured Augmented Reality experiences, able to use different tracking techniques in combination.
In this example we see a use case of the technology in outdoor and indoor contexts, using GPS to locate a Point Of Interest; Beacons for navigation in indoor environments and 3D Object Tracking for the recognition of three-dimensional objects and the display of related contextual information.
AR-media SDK, the tool of preference for many developers of immersive applications throughout the world, enables the creation of this type of AR experiences, using different tracking techniques alone or in combination between them to maximize the effectiveness of the content provided and to get a more natural and more rewarding user experience.
Reports provided by Jon Peddie Research show that PC gaming hardware sales broke through the $30 billion mark for the first time in 2016. The Asia Pacific Region saw huge year-over-year growth, but North America fed the high-end hardware tier.
In the tech world, a lot happens in a week. So much news goes on that it's almost impossible for mere mortals with real lives to keep track of everything. That’s why we’ve compiled a quick and dirty list of the top 10 tech stories from this week.
Following a monumentally successful launch on iOS in late 2016, Nintendo's Super Mario Run is set to debut on Android handsets around the world starting March 23. Nintendo may be hoping for a higher buy rate than before though.
According to Windows Central, sources have confirmed that Minecraft: Pocket Edition will no longer receive updates on Windows Mobile devices. Microsoft purchased developer Mojang in 2014 for $2.5 billion.
Nintendo has announced four separate Fire Emblem games, and all of them are coming by 2018. Fire Emblem Heroes on mobile arrives in February, and will first appear on Google Play before coming to iOS.
Pokémon Go dataminers have extracted a wealth of new content hidden within the app's latest update, including support for Generation 2 creatures that have alternate physical forms.