The Lost Ark Stronghold is a place where you can craft items, research facilities, and unlock a wealth of useful content. Here's everything you need to know.
Trade Skills in Lost Ark offer an easy way to make money, although they rely on a time-gated resource. Here's what you need to know about all six Trade Skills.
Lost Ark gives you the option to quickly level characters using a Powerpass. Here's how to acquire Lost Ark's Powerpass and activate the Adventurer's Path.
Lost Ark gives you the chance to sail the seas and explore new continents. Here's a look at the best ships, how to unlock sailing, and how to hire sailors.
Mokoko Seeds are one of the many collectibles found in Lost Ark. Here's what you need to know about finding them, turning them in, and claiming your rewards.
Lost Ark is a game best played with a few good friends by your side. Here's everything you need to know about how to add friends and invite them to your group.
New World offers a classless system that encourages exploration and experimentation. Here's what you need to know about leveling up in Amazon's popular MMORPG.
Forming a company in New World is the first step toward a fulfilling PvP career. Here's what you need to know about creating your own company in New World.
New World offers a deep crafting system, including 16 skills and several upgradeable workstations. Here's what you need to know about crafting in New World.
Joining a faction is a key part of the New World experience. However, Amazon Games makes it easy to change factions later on if you've made the wrong choice.