Review: Sairento VR

It’s usually the case that prior to Christmas all the major videogames come out to see players through the festive period, like Fallout 4 VR, with January tending to see a lull in big name releases. This can be a good time for smaller indie developers to launch their projects, especially if they’ve been garnering support and building a community through initiatives like Steam Early Access. This is what Mixed Realms has gone for with its first-person shooter (FPS) Sairento VR. Obviously that’s no guarantee of success, to help that along the studio needs to have made a solid experience and Sairento VR does just that.

While Sairento VR maybe an FPS, at its core this is a ninja videogame for HTC Vive (reviewed) and Oculus Rift. If you enjoyed titles like Shinobi or Ninja Gaiden but wanted the experience to be even more immersive then Sairento VR is going to be right up your street.

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All ninjas need to be athletic, fast and highly manoeuvrable, able to seemingly defy gravity with their wall runs whilst taking out enemies with a well-placed shuriken. Yet, to create a virtual reality (VR) experience where you can do this and more may seem complete folly, inducing nausea in players almost instantly. Well whatever magical powers Mixed Realms has used has worked, because not only can you wall run, double jump, and hop around a level like human sized bouncy ball, you’ll enjoy every minute being a master assassin.

Sairento VR employs teleportation as its main source of movement and through it you unlock a bevy of additional mechanics to utilise as the situation is needed. So a short teleport will result in a dash – great for slicing straight into enemies – whilst moving a greater distance will make you leap where you can then add in a secondary jump to a higher ledge or a quick wall run. Time everything right along with liberal use of the slow-motion button and cutting down groups of enemies becomes child’s play with the assortment of weaponry you have to hand.

Talking of the armory. Going into battle you’ll find yourself equipped with dual pistols, two Katana blades as well as a sub-machine gun just in case. All of which is easy to access from either your hips, shoulders or back respectively. As you progress through the videogame you’ll unlock more guns and upgrades to change your strategy and preferences, with shotguns, rifles and more all becoming available.

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And that’s one thing Sairento VR has in droves, options, options, and more options. The main settings menu lets you alter all sorts, from how the guns reload to whether one of the control pads gives you free locomotion. Then there are the Skills, upgrades that enhance your character with more health, greater damage and additional jumps and so on. There’s such a wealth of extras that it can be almost dizzying, yet it’s certainly a welcome sight to see.

Then there are the gameplay modes, with a standard story-driven campaign, individual missions where you can select what type of change awaits and a multiplayer to add some friends into the mix. All of which should provide hours and hours worth of gameplay.

It’s not all perfect however. While there’s plenty of variety in some parts of the title it’s lacking in others. Enemies do tend to come in a few core flavours which are then repeated over and over again, making it easy to learn their patterns and moves. The AI does suffer from that age old videogame mechanic of seeing you and rushing straight forward, so with the movement options available getting out the way isn’t too difficult at all. The same can be said for the environments as well, endless futuristic cityscapes that at points barely differ from one another.

In the end though it all comes down to how much time and enjoyment you’ll get out of Sairento VR and rest assured it’ll be plenty. If Mixed Realms hadn’t managed to nail down the movement system then Sairento VR could’ve been just another FPS with a myriad of options. Instead, Sairento VR is one of the best free flowing combat titles available for VR headsets, showcasing how far development of VR locomotion has come.



  • Verdict

You’ll Have to Wait to Become a Ninja Warrior as Sairento VR Launch Delayed

There’s been plenty of forward looking tech announced this week thanks to CES 2018 but little in the way of videogames. One title Oculus Rift and HTC Vive users might have been looking forward to next week was first-person shooter (FPS) Sairento VR by Mixed Realms. Today however, the studio has confirmed a launch delay, pushing the release into next month.

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In a statement on Sairento VR’s Steam page the developer said: “We are very very very very sorry but we have decided to push back the exit from Early Access until 6 February 2018 and with it the Campaign Mode for the following reasons.

– We want to improve the game even more
– There are still some bugs left to catch
– We want to make the AI smarter

“In short, we could bring the game out of EA with the faults we are seeing, or we could give it a little bit more time and give you a much better game.

“This also impacts our launch on Oculus Home which may come a little later as we need to spend more time testing the game on the platform.”

It’s quite common for developers to push back a release to fine tune things – you wouldn’t want to purchase a broken videogame now would you? – but it does mean gamers will have to wait a few more weeks.

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There is a golden nugget of news however. On 19th January – the original launch date – Mixed Realms will be pushing out a new update for early access players which will include the following:

– Tons of bug fixes
– More level variety
– More recording options
– More improvements to stealth AI
– Mirroring a third person view to the screen
– Better calibration process
– Improved Touch control integration and support (you can now toggle sticky grip and grip to hold)

Sairento VR will now leave Steam Early Access on 6th February 2018. Check out VRFocuspreview to see what the videogame is all about. For any further updates keep reading VRFocus.

Preview: Sairento VR – The Closest Thing to Being a VR Ninja

Nowadays it’s very difficult to complain about the lack of virtual reality (VR) content. Every week there seems to be at least one new release across one or more headsets, so much so that it can be hard to keep up. Last year Mixed Realms launched a cyber ninja experience called Sairento VR via Steam Early Access which VRFocus never got around to playing, so with the title due to fully launch in January 2018 it was high time to see what the experience had to offer.

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Videogames where you get to play a ninja tend to fall into one of two categories, either really stealthy where you climb atop roofs silently killing enemies with shurikens and a blade. The other is full scale arcade carnage, where subtlety goes out the window in favour of a bloody rampage. What they do have in common are particular skill sets like wall running, climbing ridiculous heights like player were Spiderman. This type of dexterity can be difficult to achieve in VR, yet Mixed Realms has seemingly managed it, alongside some arcade carnage.

There will be those of you already well versed in Sairento VR, but for those who aren’t, the title could well turn out to be one of those hidden gems purely for the movement system alone. First a little backstory, you find yourself in a futuristic Japan as a member of the Silent Ones – a covert organization that still follows the code and martial arts of ancient samurais and ninjas.

So at your disposal are a mixture or weapons and abilities with which to vanquish your enemies. To begin with you have hip-mounted pistols, swords located over each shoulder and a sub-machine gun located on the small of your back, so very well tooled up. These can be swapped out for bows, glaives, and other assorted weapons as you progress on your own, or fight it out in multiplayer.

Having this selection at your fingertips is all well and good, but without some kickass moves Sairento VR could fall foul of being another first-person shooter (FPS) with some melee options. Luckily this isn’t the case. In fact, Mixed Realms has turned locomotion in VR into some sort of art form, an aerial ballet of death if you will. At its heart Sairento VR uses teleportation, a system widely used in VR yet rarely advanced. Yet here you could almost call it teleportation 2.0, such is the inventiveness used.

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Short distances feel more like a dash, while a greater distance will create a bigger arc, at the top of which you can jump again for greater range or to avoid enemies. Aim the teleport at a wall and you can either wall run or jump up the wall to reach a higher ledge. Every time you do this the teleport counter will reset effectively meaning if you have the space and time it right you don’t need to come down. Plus there’s a brief slow-mo function which is handy for dispatching bad guys whilst whizzing about.

All this means that Sairento VR offers the kind of fluid gameplay rarely seen in VR. Of course this system might not be for everyone, and could cause nausea in some, however it was a very comfortable experience. Now VRFocus isn’t saying Sairento VR is a perfect VR experience – the environments were fairly bland and repetitious, and enemies didn’t seem to foster a high IQ – with improvements still to be made, but for shear gun toting, sword wielding fun, Mixed Realms VR experience is a worthwhile contender for a space in your library. When the full experience arrives VRFocus will bring you a more in-depth assessment of Sairento VR.

Sairento VR Prepares to Exit Steam Early Access in January

Almost a year ago, developer Mixed Realms launched its first virtual reality (VR) title onto Steam Early Access, a first-person combat experience called Sairento VR. The studio has announced that the past year of development has almost come to an end, with the title due for release on both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in January 2018.

Sairento VR is a mission-driven, sci-fi first-person shooter (FPS) in which players perform feats like triple jumps, wall runs, power slides and back flips, leaping metres into the air, slowing down time whilst unleashing volleys of gun fire, before landing in front of an enemy and cutting them down with a swipe of their katana blade.

The story goes that you have been :”Trained by a sensei skilled in the techniques of Japanese martial arts and modern fighting, you’ve been chosen as a Silent One: a righteous but covert organization of seemingly ordinary people who adhere to a long-forsaken code and are trained in the ways of ancient samurais and ninjas.”

For the full launch Sairento VR will feature 10 unique environments, a campaign mode, co-op gameplay, and a fleshed out upgrade system which allows players to customize their skills and weapons to play in different ways. The levels are procedurally generated, with players are able to mix and match any combination of katanas, firearms, bow and arrows, kunais, shurikens, or even a throwing glaive to effectively dispose of adversaries.

Aldric Chang, CEO / Co Founder of Mixed Realms, also mentioned on Steam: “Thank you once again to all our fans for being so supportive of the work we’ve been doing. While the release marks the 1.0 version of Sairento, know that we have more fixes and content lined up in the coming months to make this game an even more definitive version of the one true VR ninja experience.”

Sairento VR is currently available in Steam Early Access for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift with Touch for £22.99 GBP/ $29.99 USD. The videogame will leave Steam Early Access on 19th January, 2018. For any further updates on Sairento VR from Mixed Realms, keep reading VRFocus.

Watch: Sairento VR Now Lets You Brutally Dismember Your Foes

Action shooter / slasher title Sairento VR just received a big update from developers Mixed Realms including new locations, a new enemy, AI tweaks and a much-requested feature – brutal, bloody enemy dismemberment.

One of the most interesting new VR action titles of recent times, Sairento VR had a couple of neat ideas which blended to form a first person shooter seemingly built with the express purpose of making you, the player, feel like a total bad-ass. This is what we said of it when we took an early look at it late last year:

All of that aside, it’s Mixed Realms’ twist on locomotion that may elevate the package to must-play status. Throughout the game, the player amasses ‘focus’ which is illustrated via blue bar toward the bottom of your view. This focus allows you to move throughout the gameworld via a fairly standard looking point-and-click method.

I can already hear the anti-VR-locomotion brigade readying their pitchforks so let me add this: the point-and-click mechanic actually adds to the coolness of this title. If you’ve amassed enough focus, you can string together leaps in slow motion, such that you descend on your enemies to obliterate with sword and pistol. But get this, you can augment your abilities to string those leaps together mid-air, double-jump style. This opens up opportunities for the player to choreograph some extremely cool combat together as they fend off waves of enemies. On top of this, you can unleash powered up projectiles via your sword and dispatching enemies is accompanied by a satisfying splash of over the top gore.

Now, developers Mixed Realms have released a new update with a bunch of new tweaks, fixes and features. But one of the the most notable gameplay additions, aside from the 2 new locations on offer, is the ability to slice and dice enemies in the game with your trusty samurai sword. According to Mixed Realms, this was one of the most requested features received when gathering feedback after the title’s first release – yup, figures. Youtuber Bumble takes a look at the new feature one his recent videos (below).

Sairento VR has received pretty positive feedback from players on Steam and some of that is a testament to the feverish rate at which the developers are improving the early access title. Here’s a full list of features and fixes included in the latest update:

– Added new enemy – Geisha.
– Revamped all difficulties to be more unforgiving.
– Added new currency drops : Beacons and Fabricators
– Fabricators are a required component for crafting relics
– Beacons can be used to increase a mission’s difficulty in exchange for better rewards
– Melee killing blows now hack apart the enemy’s body
– Max player level is now 100.
– Introduction of 30 Legendary relic properties.
– The skill system has been removed, with legendary relics being the means of empowerment and build customization.
– Introduction of Operations system. An operation consists of 3 randomly generated mission. You earn a bounty for completing all of them. Operations can be rerolled by spending Ducats.
– You can now hold melee weapons in a backhand pose, based on the angle you grabbed it.
– Added visual feedback when you hover your hand over a stored weapon
– Updated sound effects for weapons
– Added full body avatar for player
– Removed shift cost while in dojo/after completing a level.
– Ammo drops are now universal and will refill all weapons
– Guns now have their own individual ammo pools
– Guns no longer fire while pointing at a UI in the dojo
– Increased base spread for all shotguns.
– Updated ammo interface for guns
– Updated tutorial
– Improved jump logic to handle low curbs and ceilings better
– Improved jump feedback to show bouncing off walls
– Falling off a level will reset you back to the last good position instead of the spawn point.
– Fixed weapon rig orientation locking up when looking directly downwards
– Fixed relic selection screen not showing currently equipped relic
– Fixed Fade teleport locomotion

You can grab Sairento VR for via Steam Early Access here.

The post Watch: Sairento VR Now Lets You Brutally Dismember Your Foes appeared first on Road to VR.

Sairento VR to Get Co-op Multiplayer Confirms Developer Mixed Realms

Released just before Christmas, Sairento VR quietly arrived for HTC Vive, bringing with it lots of gun and sword play action all set in a futuristic Japan. Developed by Singapore-based Mixed Realms, the videogame launched as an Early Access title on Steam and due to the positive feedback its received the studio has announced it’ll be adding co-op multiplayer in the near future.

Sairento VR is a sci-fi first-person shooter (FPS) in switch players can perform feats like leaping a few metres into the air, slow down time whilst unleashing volleys of gun fire, before landing in front of an enemy and cutting them down with a swipe of their katana blade. As with most early access titles on Steam the studio listed various features it plans to bring to the fully released version including: more maps, enemies, weapons, skills and improved enemy AI.

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But today its also announced another planned addition, increasing replay factor, multiplayer co-op. Due to the title’s early success – the first 4 days of release saw it garner more than a thousand purchases and received a 95% positive rating claims the studio – the team decided to reinvest the earnings from these early sales into a multiplayer. On top of that Mixed Realms has appointed a game writer to give the experience a story line and a composer to produce an original soundtrack for the game.

Aldric Chang, CEO of Mixed Realms said in a statement: “We are extremely encouraged with the positive response we are getting from the international gaming community. Our decision to reinvest whatever we’ve made so far into making the game even better is a natural and easy one to make. We see it that the gamers have given us their vote of confidence and we should repay them with an awesome full game.”

There’s no word on when these updates are likely to land, but Mixed Realms plans to complete the videogame by mid-July to August 2017. As VRFocus learns more about the upcoming development we’ll report back.