Netflix viewers control the story with interactive ‘Minecraft: Story Mode’
Netflix and Telltale Games have partnered to bring an interactive version of Minecraft: Story Mode to the movie and television streaming service. Though not a full game, it will let viewers make their own choices.
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Minecraft’s Latest Update Adds VR Swimming On Rift, Gear And Windows
Minecraft may sadly be missing from the list of apps on Oculus’ new Go headset, but the game is still going strong on Rift, Gear and Windows VR headsets with a fresh update this month.
Late last week developer Mojang launched the Aquatic Update for the smash hit game across both traditional platforms and supported VR headsets. This first of a two-part update adds a major new feature to the game: swimming. We’ve always been able to jump into water and dig around, but with the Aquatic update players will find entire oceans to explore across nine biomes (frozen, deep frozen, cold, deep cold, lukewarm, deep lukewarm, normal, deep normal, warm). Water itself has been redesigned to be clearer so you can actually see where you’re going.
It’s hard to believe that Minecraft has been around this long without introducing oceans but the sheer size of this update makes it seem like it’s been worth the wait. Players will be able to hunt for treasure chests in shipwrecks, wield a trident and unlock eight new achievements. On land, meanwhile, you’ll be able to climb into icebergs and you can also swim with dolphins to get a speed boost.
The second part of this update will be coming soon, according to Mojang, and will add a handful of new features that weren’t squeezed into this release.
It’s great to see Minecraft still getting VR updates, even if we have no idea how many people are actually playing it with a headset. The VR version offers the complete experience with cross-play so that you can join friends on Xbox One and more. Now, if we could just get that Oculus Go port sorted out.
Tagged with: Minecraft
Get your pickaxe ready: The next MineCon Earth show streams in September
Microsoft and Mojang have revealed the date for the next MineCon Earth live-stream event. Taking place this September, the show will include live gameplay, discussions between Lydia Winters and community co-hosts, and more.
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5 romantic gestures you can make to your significant other in video games
Show your video game-playing valentine how much you care by putting in some effort with these romantic in-game activities. Options range from going dancing in Destiny 2 to getting married in an MMO.
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These are all the Nintendo Switch games with console and PC crossplay support
The 9 Best Samsung Gear VR Games You Can Play Right Now
Rift versus Vive. Oculus Touch versus Vive wand. It seems like these are the only things you hear about any more in the virtual reality scene. But what if the answer to all of these questions was: neither. What if the true hero of the VR world is not some big, expensive system that demands a PC from the Batcave to properly function? What if the hero this industry deserves is small, scrappy, and — believe it or not — relatively cheap?
That’s right, I’m talking about a little headset called the Samsung Gear VR. It only costs $99, all it takes to run is a device that millions of people already carry in their pockets (a modern Samsung Galaxy, Android smartphone,) and it boasts some truly incredible games and experiences.
Don’t believe me? Geez you sound like my dad when I told him I wanted to be a writer instead of a doctor. I convinced him with a total lack of scientific ability, and I’ll convince you with this list of the nine best Samsung Gear VR games you can play right now. Let the opinion shifting begin!
Land’s End
Let’s start this list off strong. Land’s End might be the best game on the Samsung Gear VR. With a breathtaking oceanside setting, it stands as a constant reminder of just how amazing VR can look on the this beefy little headset.
The gameplay, puzzles, and mechanics all work together within the Gear’s unique ecosystem to create an experience just as, if not more, immersive than many titles on the more advanced platforms. If you have a Gear VR, do not let this one go unplayed.
The Well
Turtle Rock is better known for its VR scare-fest, Face Your Fears, but its recently-released, visually stunning RPG, The Well, is, well, well worth talking about (sorry). Battle fantastical creatures in this dungeon-crawler inspired experience while you explore the incredible world of Tholl.
The Well offers hours of content for just $4.99, and makes great use of Gear VR’s new controller. This will give you the long-missed traditional gaming thrills largely absent on Gear right now.
Augmented Empire
If you’re looking for a hardcore turn-based strategy RPG in VR you think you’d have to turn to systems like PC and console, right? Wrong; VR’s best SRPG is actually on Gear VR and living large. Augmented Empire from Esper developer Coatsink is probably the biggest game on Gear and completely worth your time.
Empire mixes up Xcom’s nail-biting strategic gameplay with a character roster you’ll come to care for thanks to a mission structure largely inspired by Mass Effect. The result is a surprisingly deep experience you won’t soon forget.
End Space
There are lots of space shooters on the Gear VR — we even included Anshar Wars 2 on this list already — but that game is arcade-fun with a hefty dose of multiplayer. End Space, on the other hand, feels like a much more simulation-esque approach, with a bit slower-pace, larger environments, and more structured objectives.
Fans of sci-fi games and space shooters specifically should absolutely have End Space in their library as there is more than enough content to keep you busy, with a great world and excellent single player missions. Plus, the game helped launch an entire game studio. You can read more about it on the Oculus Store.
Dark Days
Dark Days may not be as viscerally terrifying as another game appearing later on this list, but it remains one of the most psychologically troubling Gear VR games to date. Channeling the X-Files and Twin Peaks, Dark Days will task you with exploring creepy locales in order to untangle an occult mystery.
Just don’t be surprised if the occult starts to fight back.
Skylight is the kind of game that’s difficult to describe because it combines genres in really clever ways. As a mixture of both turn-based and real-time strategy games, it defies convention and opens up the door for something really special in VR.
Being able to pop on a mobile VR headset and enter into an almost Enders Game-esque representation of space-based warfare is exciting and the tactical mindset required to win is nothing short of refreshing.
Affected: The Manor
This game will scare you. This game will make you scream. This game will cause your underwear budget to double. This game is Affected: The Manor.
Navigating the titular haunted mansion in this Gear VR title is nearly impossible to do without either closing your eyes, screaming at the top of your lungs, or dissolving into a complete psychotic breakdown. If you like being scared, or seeing your friends be scared, then Affected: The Manor is the game for you.
We’ve all picked up a pencil when no one’s looking and waved it around trying to make an object float, or turn an enemy into a frog. Wands captures that childlike dream of wizardry and translates it into a truly fun and creative Gear VR experience.
Battling with magic and developing your wizarding skills is made all the more enjoyable by the gothic art style that may make some of us feel a little better that we never got a letter from a certain castle in Scotland.
Question: What project could be so captivating that it demands the personal attention of one of gaming’s living legends and an Oculus senior executive? Answer: bringing Minecraft into VR.
John Carmack himself, the creator of DOOM and current CTO of Oculus, made translating the worldwide phenomenon onto VR platforms his personal pet project. He succeeded this year and Minecraft is now available to play on both the Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR. Both entries are brilliant ports of an already amazing title that offer newcomers some immersive incentive to jump onboard, while also giving veterans a completely new perspective to enjoy the game they love.
12/27/17 Update: Tactera was retired from this list to make room for Skylight.
11/23/17 Update: Anshar Wars 2 and Drop Dead were both retried from the list, while Augmented Empire and The Well were both added.
11/24/16 Update: Smash Hit and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes were both retired from this list, while Drop Dead and End Space were both added.
Note: This article was originally published on September 9th, 2016. Additional reporting by David Jagneaux.
Tagged with: Anshar, dark days, Drop Dead, end space, gear vr, Lands End, Minecraft, skylight, wands
Minecraft Beta-Version für Windows-VR-Brillen zugänglich
Das Open-World-Spiel Minecraft vom Entwicklerstudio Mojang wurde im Jahr 2014 von Microsoft aufgekauft und erhielt Adaptionen für sämtliche Plattformen wie PC, Konsolen und Smartphones. Es gilt als eines der meistverkauften Spieler weltweit. Bereits seit einiger Zeit ist die VR-Version des Spiels mit der Oculus Rift und Samsung Gear VR spielbar. Eine Version für die neuen Windows-MR-Brillen ist ebenfalls in Planung. Ab sofort ist es jedoch durch einige einfache Schritte möglich, die Beta-Version des Spiels für Windows-MR-Brillen schon jetzt auszutesten und das VR-Update zu erhalten.
Minecraft Beta: Zugang mit Windows-VR-Brillen dank Insider Hub
Die Beta-Version von Minecraft ist ab sofort für Besitzer der Windows-MR-Brillen zugänglich. Die Besitzer der digitalen Windows-10-Version des Spiels können mit folgenden Schritten das Update herunterladen und ein Teil der Beta-Phase werden:
Im Microsoft Store auf Xbox One oder PC mit Windows 10 muss man im Suchfeld nach der Insider Hub App suchen. Diese muss der Anwender anschließend installieren, starten und sich anmelden. Falls noch kein Konto vorhanden ist, muss es erst erstellt werden. Innerhalb des Hubs sucht man nach dem Reiter Insider Content und daraufhin nach der Minecraft Beta. Nach der Auswahl erfolgt der Download des Updates. Das ursprüngliche Icon sollte sich daraufhin in ein 3D-Icon umgewandelt haben.
Dadurch ist der Zugang zum Beta-Server offen und ihr könnt Minecraft mit einer Windows-VR-Brille ausprobieren und euch auf Fehlerjagd begeben. Wie das aussieht, kann man in diesem Video sehen:
Minecraft VR ist aktuell für Oculus Rift und Samsung Gear VR im Oculus Store (Rift / Gear VR) erhältlich. Wir halten euch über neue Informationen zur kommenden Version für Windows-MR-Brillen auf dem Laufenden, sobald diese bekannt gegeben werden.
(Quellen: Upload VR | Minecraft | Video: Upload VR Youtube)
Der Beitrag Minecraft Beta-Version für Windows-VR-Brillen zugänglich zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!
Minecraft Will Be Available on Windows Mixed Reality
The hugely popular creation and survival videogame Minecraft has previously been available to try in virtual reality (VR) for users of the Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Rift, but soon users of the upcoming Windows 10 Mixed Reality devices will also be able to experience Minecraft up close.
So far there has not been any confirmation on what version of Minecraft this will be, if any additional content will be added to the Windows 10 MR version of the title, or if it will be a port of the Oculus Rift version.
Earlier this year at E3, Microsoft and Mojang announced that extensive cross-platform support for Minecraft would be introduced, allowing users from Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR and non-VR Windows 10 would all be able to build worlds and fight Creepers together. With that in mind, it seems likely that Mixed Reality users would also be included in this cross-play capability.
Also coming up this Autumn in addition to the release of the majority of the Windows 10 MR devices and the Windows 10 Fall Creators update will be a significant update to Minecraft, a free 4K update referred to as the Super Duper Graphics Pack which will upgrade the visuals but still retain the familiar blocky style.
In retrospect with today’s announcement in mind the timing of the Minecraft update would seem designed to tie in to the new Mixed Reality capability.
VRFocus will bring you further news on Minecraft and Windows MR devices as it becomes available.
Better Together update for ‘Minecraft’ is rolling out now
Mojang has unleashed the Better Together update for Minecraft across the Xbox One, Windows 10, and mobile devices — but it's not going to be ready for Switch players until later this year.
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