Flying in VR: How Mindride’s Airflow Takes Immersion to the Next Level

mindrideOne of the most immersive VR flying experiences that I’ve had a chance to try so far is Mindride Airflow. I got to experience it last fall at VRLA 2016, and the weightless harness combined with a variety of different wind speeds gave me a deep sense of immersion and presence beyond what I would’ve expected.

I had a chance to catch up with Yehuda Duenyas and Ben Kato to talk about their experiential design process that prioritizes the depth of immersion and quality experience over anything else. We also talk about how Airflow normalized a real-life skydiving adventure for Duenyas, and the different haptic techniques they’ve used to cultivate a deep sense of embodied presence.


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Music: Fatality & Summer Trip

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Mobile World Congress: HTC Vive’s Booth Line-Up

HTC Vive are, as expected, attending the 2017 Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona and with a fully-stocked booth. Their line-up is as follows: Mindshow, MakeVR, You VR, Island 359, Vive EU, Cover Me!!, Richie’s Plank Experience and the TP Cast.

Mindshow is a videogame and also a tool for creating movies, allowing players to record the 3D environment similar to a real film set in a way comparable to how Machinima work.


MakeVR is essentially a 3D modelling applications implemented into virtual reality (VR). It allows the creation and manipulations of objects you create in the virtual space in a way similar to a Computer Aided Design (CAD) programme.

YouVR allows a player to experience the full ins and outs of the structure and function of a human body, such as stepping right inside a virtual heart to watch it beating.

Island 359 is a demo that allows for full-body tracking through the use of additional sensors and controllers to allow the movement of the rest of the players body instead of just their hands.

Island 359: Zero Dark screenshot

Cover Me!! Is also present in the booth, a multiplayer VR experience that links the Vive head mounted display (HMD) with a smartphone attached to a plastic gun peripheral and use the screen to aim.

Richie’s Plank Experience allows players to simulate the experience of walking out onto a plank suspended 180m in the air.

There are also demonstrations of wireless headset solution TPCast being displayed at the Vive Booth.

VRFocus will keep you updated with further information on HTC Vive and MWC.

Mindshow VR’s Collaborative Storytelling Platform & Celebrating VoVR’s 500th Episode

Gil-BaronThere are a number of immersive storytelling innovations Sundance 2017 in a number of experiences including Dear Angelica, Zero Day VR, Miyubi, and Life of Us, but Mindshow VR’s collaborative storytelling platform was the most significant long-term contribution to the future of storytelling in VR. I first saw Mindshow at it’s public launch at VRLA, and it’s still a really compelling experience to record myself playing multiple characters within a virtual space. It starts to leverage some of virtual reality’s unique affordances when it comes to adding a more spatial and embodied dimension to collaboratively telling stories.

Super Serious Show PolaroidsI had a chance to catch up with Visionary VR’s CEO Gil Baron and Chief Creative Officer Jonnie Ross where we talk about how Mindshow is unlocking collaborative creative expression that allows you to explore a shared imagination space within their platform. We talk about character embodiment, and the magic of watching recordings of yourself within VR, how they’re working towards enabling more multiplayer and real-time improv interactions, and they announced at Sundance that they’re launching Mindshow as a closed alpha.


This is also episode #500 of the Voices of VR podcast, and Jonnie and Gil turn the tables on me for what I think the ultimate potential of VR is. My full answer to this question that I’ve asked over 500 people will be fully covered in my forthcoming book The Ultimate Potential of VR. But briefly, I think that VR has the power to connect us more to ourselves, to other people, and to the larger cosmos. Mindshow VR is starting to live into that potential today of providing a way to expressing your inner life through the embodiment of virtual characters that you can then witness, reflect upon, and share with others, and Google Earth VR shows power of using VR to connect more to the earth as well as the wider cosmos.

If you’d like to help celebrate The Voices of VR podcast’s 500th episode, then I’d invite you to leave a review on iTunes to help spread the word, and become a donor to my Voices of VR Patreon to help support this type of independent journalism. Thanks for listening!

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Music: Fatality & Summer Trip

The post Mindshow VR’s Collaborative Storytelling Platform & Celebrating VoVR’s 500th Episode appeared first on Road to VR.