Mi Hiepa Looking To Pave The Way To VR’s Future In Sports

Manchester-based virtual reality (VR) company Mi Hiepa have been working on finding the best solution for athletes to enhance their skills through VR. Beginning with football and tracking the whole movement of the foot in order to get data about players as they take part in a series of drills. Collecting data about their reaction time, their foot bias, creating benchmarks for players and creating and tracking the rehabilitation of injured players. As well as helping communications between the coach and manager. At the moment Mi Hiepa is a business to business (B2B) solution for professional players However, in this interview with VRFocus, Development Director Adam Dickinson hints at exciting future prospects.

Mi Hiepa
Players put on shin pads and shoes with VIVE trackers on them for Mi Hiepa to create player profiles.

The first thing Mi Hiepa does is create a profile for the player. Collecting the player’s shoe size and recording absolutely everything it can. Dickinson explains that it has to be accurate, and no latency is allowed. Everything the player does with their feet is recorded and tracked. Analysing a player’s skills and creating a benchmark that can push players to become better.

Mi HIepa tracker

At the moment Manchester United Academy have been using it for the past seven months. Mi Hiepa is having over 40 conversations with teams globally. Dickinson explains that when it comes to the Premier League the biggest problem they’ve had to combat is bad experiences some players have had with VR through 360 degree films. It takes time to convince them to try it on and that’s why they haven’t gone for a full suite solution. Instead players should be able to jump in and out quickly. So far reactions have been positive, with clubs surprised at when the Mi Hiepa has shown a player to perform differently during a drill.

Dickinson believes that professional elite players will most likely try and purchase it and bring their solution into their home. Noting it is not unusual to see two to three players staying behind to do extra training using it. He believes their solution gives players and clubs that extra edge, that extra one percent to make them the best based on untracked data.

Mi Hiepa covers a number of different categories.

Re-playing the Match in VR

Mi HIepa
Players can re-watch and immersive themselves in games they’ve played.

Dickinson explains that putting the coach, manager and player into VR can help with conflict management. Disagreements over what happened in a match can disappear if presented with a thorough record of what did happen and lessons learned from it, with data then used to create situation-based drills based on scenarios the players have come across. How do the opposing team take their corners? Which player is most dangerous on the pitch and who passes to them on which part of the field? These are but a couple of examples as to ways the data could be used.

All of this can be shown in VR on a standalone headset, such as the Vive Focus.

Training and scouting talent

Dickinson hopes that as VR technology develops that they’re able to democratise football scouting. A young boy who only had an hour at the Manchester United Academy was put into the drills and his data was compared to the top players on the Academy’s team and was taken onboard based on his profile. Traditional football scouting methods have a scout watch a player play four to five games. However, in those games the player may not touch the ball or have been played out of position. By putting players through the drills in Mi Hiepa, scouts might be less hesitant to reject a player if they look at the player’s profile.

Using a top player’s profile can also be used as a benchmark to train younger players. Dickinson also explains that whenever a player puts on the headset, this data can be used to help with the transfer money of a player between teams. Is that player worth the money? Can insurance companies use this data to bring premiums down at club level?

The potentials are vast, and certainly make training and drills a lot more accessible. Instead of a two million pound training centre, a team can now utilise a smaller space without the need for additional equipment just by utilising VR headsets.

Mi Hiepa
Making amateur football players do drills, will help clubs to scout for young talent.


When an injured player uses Mi Hiepa, he really sees the benefits for players when it comes to mental health. A player might not be able to touch a ball for eight months, yet the sport is a combination of their trade. love and passion. An injury can have a massive impact on a player’s mental wellbeing.

Mi Hiepa has developed special rehabilitation methods for players to keep them mentally trained, and players can keep training without ever touching a ball. Players can keep up their sharpness and visual acuity so when the player goes back on the field they’re mentally prepared. As VR develops, Dickinson believes that these exercises will be usable across all sports in future and for all levels of consumer.

Incorporating eye-tracking and future sports

There are many future benefits for Mi Hiepa that aren’t only rehab and drills. Mi Hiepa are looking at potentially working together with Dr. Sherylle Calder, a pioneer in eye tracking and who uses it to train the eye response and reaction times of Formula One drivers. Dickinson also notes that the rehabilitation exercises athletes do for cricket or basketball for example are identical to their training scenarios.

Mi Hiepa are also looking to incorporate Tobii eye-tracking, which in turn could help coaches and teams to passively analyse and track concussions in contact sports.

It’s evident that Mi Hiepa want to revolutionise the way athletes, teams and coaches interact with one another in sports. Their data can be used for scouting, training, tracking and with the future of VR advancing consoles could potentially be able to have a mode of Mi Hiepa on them within two years.

You can find out more in the interview below.

This Week In VR Sport: It’s a Football Start to March

For the first weekend of March VRFocus brings you another edition of This Week In VR Sport. With new technology being used to provide viewers with virtual reality (VR) highlights and augmented reality (AR) statistics, Real Madrid are creating VR content and a new VR solution to practicing football drills. This Week In VR Sport is all about the beautiful game.

La Liga Bringing 360 VR and AR to Football Matches

Spain’s professional football league, La Liga, have set up a partnership with Intel to allow fans to have access to more content then ever before. This includes 360-degree replays and AR statistics all thanks to the new technology that is being brought into stadiums. Thanks to 38 cameras placed around the outside of a stadium and using software to stitch the series of videos together, this results in a multi-angle view of highlights that viewers can explore at their own pace. This is further enhanced thanks to the SkyCam which hangs directly above the pitch and is also brought into the content available to viewers.

La Liga logo


Viewers will also be able to take advantage of what La Liga is calling the ‘Laser Wall’ which is a graphic overlay for statistics and even draws lines to help explain key moments during a match. The technology is also hoping to help reduce any controversies and/or conflicts that may occur by providing even more viewpoints for replays to be reviewed. La Liga is also considering releasing post-match content that would allow viewers to explore a matches highlights in their preferred angle, rather then watching what is delivered by the TV production team. On top of all this there are continued developments in the VR area to allow viewers a virtual room experience, in which they can watch a match, view details and become fully immersed in the moment.

Real Madrid Launch VR Channel

Continuing the news of Spanish football, Real Madrid have launched their own 360 degree and VR channel as part of The Dream VR app platform. The club plans to release monthly content on the channel, offering fans “a first-hand insight into the Real Madrid experience, which to date has been available to very limited number of fans.”

Real Madrid 360

The Dream VR app is one of the largest VR networks with over two million downloads across 180 countries. Real Madrid will be the first football club to release content onto the app and have their own VR channel. As more football clubs continue to explore the possibility of VR content and with Real Madrid taking the step forward, it is highly likely that more clubs will follow soon and begin creating their own channels.

The Dream VR app is available to download now on mobile device (iOS and Android) and smart televisions as well a number of VR platforms including Google Daydream, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear and HTC Vive.

Mi-Hiepa Sports Might Be The Future of Football Drills

Mi Hiepa was announced a few months back but has recently been showing off what it can do for players at the Mobile World Congress show in Barcelona. Designed to allow coaches, managers, scouts and sports directors a rapid, standardised and measurable solution to train and review their talent pools. By taking advantage of VR technology the program allows both new and existing players to train in a number of live drills and track their results and progress all within virtual space. This is done thanks to the HTC Vive Pro and tracking units which allows for pinpoint accuracy in the tracking to ensure that players have a lifelike, full-body experience within the virtual space.

Not just aimed at finding new talent though, the solution is also designed to allow for cognitive coaching, rehabilitation, performance reviews and skill training. You can see a demotion of Mi Hiepa in the below video.

For more on immersive sport news keep reading VRFocus and remember to check back next week for another This Week In VR Sport.