Epic Games’ Latest Unreal Dev Grants Include 7 VR Studios

Epic Games’ Unreal Dev Grants began back in 2016 as a $5 million USD initiative awarding developers with funding for contributions to the Unreal Engine community. In this latest round, 17 projects have received a total of $275,000, seven of which are virtual reality (VR) related.

The projects cover a range of genres – mostly videogames – with film and community support also included. Ape Law’s psychological horror title Albino Lullaby is the first on the list. The first episode arrived for HTC Vive last year, with Oculus Rift support added afterwards. Episode two is scheduled to release later this year.

The Soulkeeper VR


Cooperative Innovations’ Raiders of Erda is a VR role-playing game (RPG) experience that was announced earlier this year. The videogame features a complex combat system and an alpha is expected in 2017.

The Soulkeeper VR by Helm Systems is an episodic dark fantasy RPG that’s due to arrive on Steam Early Access. It will offer a variety of combat styles and mechanics, including melee, spell casting, combat with staff and ranged.

From New Reality Co comes Tree, a VR experience shown at VRLA, the Tribeca Film Festival, and Cannes that uses sight, sound, touch and smell to explore the lifecycle of a rainforest tree from a seedling to full-grown state to unfortunate human consumption.

A studio to be directly award is New Zealand-based realityvirtual.co. The company specialises in new media, including drone UAV cinematography and VR, with its most recent project MANA VR currently touring several events.

Lastly there’s MGS Studios, a developer behind the creation of several Robo Recall mods, such as a locomotion mod that changes how the game is played and a Star Wars mod.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of the Unreal Dev Grants, reporting back with the latest VR recipients.

Robo Recall: Mod bringt Star Wars Universum ins Spiel

Der Virtual Reality First-Person-Shooter Robo Recall ist schon dank seiner großartigen Grafik und dem gelungenen Gameplay spielenswert. Zusätzlich steht hinter dem Spiel eine aktive Community, die ständig neue Mods kreiert. Einer dieser Mods ist wirklich einzigartig, denn er bringt die Lichtschwerter aus Star Wars direkt ins Spiel. Und wer wollte sich nicht immer schon wie ein Jedi beim Kampf gegen Droiden fühlen?

Fühlt euch wie ein Jedi durch die aktive Modder-Community

Die Entwickler Epic Games geben den Spielern die freie Möglichkeit Mods zu erstellen. Dafür stellen sie das notwendige Mod-Kit frei zur Verfügung. Der Modder tonsta31 von MGS Studios lies sich diese Gelegenheit nicht entgehen und veröffentlichte seinen Star-Wars-Mod im Oculus Forum bereits vor einem Monat. Seit dem wurde dieser regelmäßig verbessert und erhielt Updates. Durch den Mod kann man die Lichtschwerter als normale Waffen nutzen und damit zusätzlich Blasterschüsse, wie in den Filmen zurückstoßen. Zukünftig wird man auch in der Lage seine Machtfähigkeiten einzusetzen. Diese sind bereits implementiert, können jedoch noch nicht genutzt werden. Das sorgt für ein authentisches Jedi-Gefühl. Wie das Ganze aussieht, wird in folgendem Video gezeigt:

Eigentlich entstand der Mod aus Spaß durch die Herausforderung eines Freundes. Jedoch arbeitete der Modder nach eigener Aussage über 20 Stunden daran. Dabei verbesserte er die Visualisierung und die authentische Nutzung der Lichtschwerter, die Soundeffekte, sowie die künstliche Intelligenz der Gegner. Weitere Bots wie Darth Vader sind zudem bereits in Arbeit.

Dieser und weitere Mods stehen kostenlos im Oculus Forum zum Download zur Verfügung. Jeder Star-Wars-Fan sollte diese Gelegenheit nutzen und den Mod ausprobieren. Es wird nicht lange dauern, bis weitere Modder Skins für Droiden oder Sturmtruppen basteln, um das Star-Wars-Gefühl noch lebendiger zu machen. Darauf dürfen wir uns freuen. Möge die Macht mit euch sein.

(Quellen: uploadvr, Oculus Forum)

Der Beitrag Robo Recall: Mod bringt Star Wars Universum ins Spiel zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Star Wars Comes to Robo Recall with a Fan made Mod

If you own Oculus Touch then your library should include Epic Games’ first-person shooter (FPS) Robo Recall. The well received title allows you to shoot and rip apart hordes of robots, it also supports community modsto alter the gameplay experience. Indie team MGS Studios has created several already, one of them being a Star Wars mod.

The first iteration arrived last month with MGS updating players via the Oculus Forums. There’s plenty for Star Wars fans to enjoy with the first build featuring:

– LightSabers in the new version dismember and deflect better and do not act like they are lead pipes
– Laser projectiles are just there for test purposes and will be replaced.
– AI have been slightly reworked to come more towards you and now multiple can attack at once (In stock for some reason most wait until you are nearer them or you kill one)
– There are force powers but not to use as yet.
– Started rigging Darth and some bots
– Will be story driven across multiple levels
– only made by ME and about 20 hrs worth including making the level lol so do not expect much.
– Regular updates will be for the donators but this thread will be updated too after.

robo-recall-star-wars mod

A further update then added:

– Menu System for changing colour of lightsaber.
– Some voice changes for the robots to some star wars ones
– Force Powers (BETA)
– Blaster improvements
– Lightsaber improvements
– No longer pushes the bots half way across the map when hit by saber and more realistic to the films
– Darth Makes an appearance with his saber although currently he does not fight but could be implemented but just not in the time i have,
– Tested out changing some bots for SW bots which needs a lot more work so again may consider doing after my challenge
– A few character phrases added from star wars
– Better projectiles but still in need of improvement
– More added to the main map and added a few extra sequences outside
– A few more bits

The team isn’t stopping there. Plans are under way to add Storm Troopers, Darth Vader, a new map and further tweaks to the lightsabers and more.

Checkout the video below to see the mod in action then head over to the forum to download it. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Robo Recall, reporting back with further updates.