Rock out in VR as Music Platform MelodyVR Launches

This week has seen Facebook and Oculus make several big announcements surrounding Oculus Go and its various social apps including Oculus Venues which will feature live events like concerts, sports, or comedy nights. Before that happens music fans can enjoy a new music platform that’s launched this week, MelodyVR, from EVR Holdings.


Designed to deliver unique and world-class original experiences from a range of artists, the MelodyVR app will transport fans to sold-out stadium shows, far-flung festivals and exclusive VIP sessions. Whilst watching a show fans will have control over their viewpoint being able to switch to different Jump Spots, choosing to be in the front row, deep in the crowd, or up-close-and-personal with the band on stage.

“MelodyVR was founded to deliver new and amazing ways for music fans  to connect with the artists they love. We’re thrilled to have launched our platform in the US and the UK and we look forward to launching  globally over the coming months,” says MelodyVR founder and CEO Anthony Matchett. “We’re hugely excited to provide music fans  across-the-globe with amazing, immersive VR performances from the  world’s most recognisable and loved artists.”

The app will have performances rolling out weekly thanks to EVR Holdings partnerships with Sony Music Entertainment,  Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group and more. This will see the likes of international artists including 2 Chainz, Rag’n’Bone Man, Niall Horan, Chainsmokers, Kiss, Bebe Rexha and more feature.


“In 1971, Pete Townsend wrote a science fiction musical called  Lifehouse about a future where people didn’t have to leave home to get real life experiences from outside their four walls, we thought it was  mad! But he proved to be right and MelodyVR have managed to bring this to life,” – Roger Daltrey of The Who.

In addition to the app launch EVR Holdings has announced a further $30 million USD dollars of investment, taking total funding to over $70 million to-date. The additional capital will be used to fuel corporate expansion globally and to push MelodyVR into additional international markets.

The MelodyVR app is now available in the UK and United States for Oculus Go and Samsung GearVR devices. For further updates keep reading VRFocus.

Oculus Go: Die besten VR-Titel zur Veröffentlichung

Oculus kündigte auf der F8 den Startschuss der Oculus Go an, die ab sofort erhältlich ist. Damit sich die Käufer der neuen autarken Brille direkt in die virtuellen Welten stürzen können, stellt das Unternehmen mehr als tausend VR-Erfahrungen, Spiele und Apps bereit. In einer kurzen Übersicht stellt Oculus die attraktivsten VR-Erfahrungen und neue und alte Spiele für die Go vor, um VR-Neulingen den Einstieg in die immersiven Welten zu erleichtern.

Oculus Go – Die besten VR-Erfahrungen: Al Jazeera’s Contrast VR

Mit Al Jazeera’s Contrast VR könnt ihr qualitativ hochwertige AR- und VR-Inhalte sowie 360-Grad-Videos genießen. Zudem produziert Contrast VR eine Vielzahl an einzigartigen Dokumentationen, Videos und Livestreams, um mit narrativen Storytelling die Zuschauer über die neusten Ereignisse in der Welt zu informieren.

Jurassic World: BLUE

Die VR-Erfahrung Jurassic World: BLUE erlaubt euch, in die Welt von Jurassic World einzutauchen und den Raptor Blue auf der lebensfeindlichen Insel Isla Nublar auf seiner Suche nach Nahrung und Wasser zu begleiten. Dabei begegnen euch gefährliche Raubsaurier, die ihr bekämpfen müsst.


MelodyVR ermöglicht euch, die besten Performances eurer Lieblingsbands zu verfolgen und auf virtuellen Live-Konzerten mitzufiebern. Hier wird für jeden Musikgeschmack etwas geboten: Von Wiz Kalifa über KISS bis zum Londoner Symphonieorchester werden sämtliche Musik-Genres abgedeckt.

Space Explorers

In der VR-Serie Space Explorers könnt ihr an der Seite von NASA-Piloten die unendlichen Weiten des Weltalls erforschen und gemeinsam die beschwerlichen Aufgaben und Lasten eines Astronauten aus erster Hand miterleben. Zusätzlich werden die internationalen Raumfahrtprogramme vorgestellt und ein tieferes Verständnis für unseren Planeten und das gesamte Universum erzeugt.

Oculus Go – Die besten neuen und alten VR-Spiele

Im Bereich der VR-Spiele stellt Oculus über zwanzig neue VR-Spiele zum Start der Oculus Go aus den unterschiedlichsten Genres vor und lädt damit zum virtuellen Zocken ein.

Anshar Online

Der Multiplayer-Space-Shooter Anshar Online bietet den Spielern actionreiche Weltraumschlachten und die drei verschiedenen Spielmodi Co-op, Race und Deathmatch. Dadurch könnt ihr euch alleine oder gemeinsam mit Freunden in die Schlachten stürzen und eure Fähigkeiten an Steuer sowie an der Waffe unter Beweis stellen. Zusätzlich können Spieler ihre Raumschiffe mit In-Game-Loot und Upgrades aufwerten und individualisieren.


Im bunten Action-Adventure B-Team stellt ihr euch mit verschiedenen Charakteren mit ganz eigenen Fähigkeiten einer Alieninvasion in die Quere. Während des Spielverlaufs könnt ihr regelmäßig die Rollen tauschen, um auf die speziellen Waffen und Eigenschaften der verschiedenen Charaktere zurückzugreifen. In zufällig generierten Leveln kämpft ihr gegen immer neue Wellen an Feinden.

Pet Lab

Pet Lab erlaubt euch, eure eigenen magischen Kreaturen aufzuzüchten, zu verkaufen und gegen andere Mitspieler antreten zu lassen.

République VR

Einen ernsteren Anspruch stellt République VR, denn das Stealth-Action-Spiel thematisiert die staatliche Überwachung innerhalb einer dystopischen Zukunft im Internetzeitalter. In der Rolle von Protagonistin Hope hackt ihr euch in das Netzwerk der Regierung und schleicht euch durch die fünf spannenden Episoden.

Catan VR

Die VR-Adaption von Die Siedler von Catan – Catan VR bringt das klassische Brettspiel in die VR und erlaubt es euch, in immersiver Umgebung gegen andere Spieler anzutreten.

Race for the Galaxy

Ebenfalls als Brettspiel-Adaption fordert Race for the Galaxy Strategie, Taktik und Geschick, um sich eine Vormachtstellung im Universum zu sichern und ein gigantisches Spaceimperium zu errichten.

Elevator… to the Moon!, Ocean Rift und Poker VR

Bereits länger bekannt sind die veröffentlichten Titel für Gear VR Elevator… to the Moon!, Ocean Rift und Poker VR, die kürzlich zum Verkaufsstart der Oculus Go mit neuen Inhalten aufgefrischt wurden und damit zu einem erneuten Eintauchen in die virtuellen Welten einladen. Entwicklerstudio Roccat Games Studio integrierte kürzlich eine neue Episode, neue freischaltbare Items und ein Leaderboard in Elevator… to the Moon! ein.

In Ocean Rift dürfen die Spieler nun mit Beluga- und Blauwalen im arktischen Ozean schwimmen sowie 14 einzigartige Habitate erforschen. Auch in PokerVR gibt es neue Avatare, Events und verbesserte Individualisierung-Ooptionen.

Die autarke Oculus Go ist ab 219 Euro bei Oculus erhältlich.

(Quellen: Oculus Blog | Videos: Oculus Youtube)

Der Beitrag Oculus Go: Die besten VR-Titel zur Veröffentlichung zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

MelodyVR Parent Company EVR Holdings Sees Share Rise After Rumoured Adele Investment

EVR Holdings PLC is currently in the process of developing its virtual reality (VR) music platform, MelodyVR, forming partnerships with some of the industry’s biggest record labels. It also seems to be getting support from a famous musician if current reports are anything to go by. 

Superstar Adele has supposedly invested some of her £125 million fortune in EVR Holdings the Evening Standard reported.

“We often hear on the grapevine that well-known musicians and their managers have bought shares, but we rarely have any concrete evidence regarding their holdings as most shares are held within proxy accounts,” EVR’s CEO Anthony Matchett told the news outlet.


Seeming to confirm the report, City A.M. reported the EVR Holdings shares rose more than 22 percent. closing at 7.5p

“To date, we’ve created amazing VR experiences with 537 well-known artists which will soon be available to music fans. As part of our relationships with Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group and Sony Music, we’ll be creating even more content with the world’s most recognisable artists over the coming years and aim to demonstrate that virtual reality devices can generate a new and substantial revenue stream for the music industry,” Matchett told City A.M.

The MelodyVR app has yet to launch, with no details on when that may happen. Yet the company has stated that most VR headset platforms will be supported, including Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR, Samsung Gear VR, Google Daydream, Google Cardboard and iOS.

As further details on MelodyVR are released VRFocus will bring you the latest updates.

Meilenstein für MelodyVR: Livemusik-VR-Portal gewinnt auch Sony Music

Wie der Name es schon andeutet, entwickelt MelodyVR eine Plattform für Live-Musik-Erlebnisse in VR. Dafür hat das Start-up mit Warner Music und der Universal Music Group zwei der drei größten Musik-Labels gewinnen können. Eines fehlte noch: Sony Music. Der Nachzügler unterzeichnete jetzt den Vertrag mit MelodyVR, was für die Musikplattform ein entscheidender Schritt sein dürfte.

MelodyVR mit allen großen Labels

Noch befindet sich MelodyVR in der Betaphase, kann aber schon stolz auf Verträge mit den drei größten Musik-Labels verweisen. Anthony Matchett, der CEO des VR-Unternehmens, bezeichnet den langjährigen Vertrag mit Sony Music als “extrem signifikanten Meilenstein”. Unter dem Sony-Label befinden sich so illustre Namen wie Arista Nashville, Columbia, Epic, Ministry of Sound, RCA Records und Sony Masterworks. Ziel des Start-ups ist es, Live-Konzerte oder -Auftritte in VR erlebbar zu machen. Die virtuellen Besucher können sich dabei beispielsweise aussuchen, ob sie mitten in der Menge stehen oder den Liveact vom Bühnenrand miterleben wollen.

Breite Hardwareunterstützung

Neben den „Plattenfirmen“ kooperiert das junge Unternehmen auch mit Microsoft, sodass die Inhalte für Windows 10 zur Verfügung stehen werden. Überhaupt fällt die Unterstützung von Hardware sehr breit aus, denn mit der Google Cardboard, Google Daydream View, Samsung Gear VR, PSVR (Playstation VR), HTC Vive und Oculus Rift will man alle derzeit relevanten Consumer-Systeme unterstützen. Allerdings stehen noch Verhandlungen an und MelodyVR arbeitet daran, Verträge beispielsweise mit Facebook, Samsung, Google, HTC und Sony PlayStation auszuhandeln.

MelodyVR bei Liveacts und auf Festivals und Konzerten

Wer nun Lust auf die VR-Erfahrungen bekommen hat, kann sich für die Betaversion auf der Webseite von MelodyVR registrieren. Mit etwas Glück gehört man zu den Auserwählten, die ins virtuelle Musikvergnügen abtauchen dürfen. Auf ihrem Instagram-Kanal verraten die VR-Macher, bei welchen Acts, Festivals und Performances sie schon dabei waren und VR-Videos produziert haben. Ein Termin für die offizielle Veröffentlichung steht noch aus, auch ist noch unklar, welche Apps für welche Hardware bereits fertig sind.

(Quelle: UploadVR)

Der Beitrag Meilenstein für MelodyVR: Livemusik-VR-Portal gewinnt auch Sony Music zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Sony Music and MelodyVR Agree Licensing Deal

MelodyVR, a virtual reality (VR) music content platform which is a subsidiary of EVR Holdings PLC, has announced a new licensing and distribution agreement today with Sony Music Entertainment. This will give MelodyVR the right to produce and distribute VR content created with Sony Music artists. 

Sony Music’s current roster of artists includes both local musicians and international superstars, alongside a vast catalog featuring some of the biggest recordings in music history. It’s also home to Columbia Records, Epic Records, Legacy Recordings, Masterworks, RCA Records, Sony Classical, Sony Music Latin, and Syco Music.

Anthony Matchett, CEO of EVR Holdings, said in a statement: “I’m incredibly pleased to announce our global partnership with Sony Music for Virtual Reality content creation. We are thrilled to be working more closely with the Sony Music team and with their exceptional roster of talent, I look forward to us creating even more amazing content together.”


“Over the last two years our company has worked tirelessly to secure the necessary licensing and rights for the creation and exploitation of Virtual Reality content with the world’s most recognisable, musicians and artists. The completion of our negotiations with all three of the world’s major record labels – Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group and now Sony Music Entertainment, is an extremely significant milestone for our company and in my opinion, provides significant validation in regard to our market leading position, our on-going success and the long-term value of our business.”

The deal is a worldwide, multi-year agreement, which will enable VR content created with Sony Music artists to be available first on MelodyVR’s upcoming platform followed by a period of joint-exploitation by both parties.

This is the third major distribution announcement by MelodyVR, with the first coming in December 2016 after revealing a partnership with Warner Music Group (WMG). The second came in March this year, bringing Universal Music Group on board.

“Now that MelodyVR has secured the record label agreements needed to facilitate the global launch of our VR music platform, our focus is to expand upon the distribution network for the MelodyVR app and to increase the size and scale of our potential consumer base at launch,” continued Matchett. “Having recently announced a global partnership with Microsoft, that will see MelodyVR made available to over 500,000,000 Windows 10 consumers, we now seek to enter into further agreements with leading VR hardware and smartphone manufacturers such as Facebook, Samsung, Google, HTC and Sony PlayStation amongst others, further increasing the breadth and reach of MelodyVR.”

The MelodyVR app has yet to launch, with registrations open for the beta. While there’s been no official confirmation on when the app will become available, with this third deal in place it’s possible that MelodyVR will be a one-stop shop for the latest immersive music content. Most VR headset platforms will be supported, including Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR, Samsung Gear VR, Google Daydream, Google Cardboard and iOS.

For any further MelodyVR updates, keep reading VRFocus.

MelodyVR Partners with Microsoft to Launch app Across all Windows MR Devices

A couple of weeks ago virtual reality (VR) music content platform MelodyVR revealed it had secured £5 million GBP in investment to expand its service. Now EVR Holdings plc which owns MelodyVR has announced a Global Partnership and Windows Mixed Reality (MR) App Collaboration Agreement with Microsoft, bringing the platform to every Windows MR device.

MelodyVR and Microsoft have a non-exclusive agreement that will see Microsoft provide MelodyVR with funding and technical expertise to support the partnership.

Anthony Matchett, Chief Executive Officer of EVR Holdings, said in a statement: “Currently there are over 500 million devices worldwide running Windows 10. In advance of the commercial release of forthcoming Windows Mixed Reality hardware produced by manufacturers such as Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP and Lenovo, I’m pleased to announce that we’ve entered into a global partnership and collaboration agreement with Microsoft that will see the MelodyVR App made available on all Windows Mixed Reality devices. We view this agreement as providing recognition and validation from one of the world’s largest companies, of the quality and opportunity that MelodyVR represents for music fans, VR users and our shareholders alike.”

Microsoft Acer Headset

To promote the MelodyVR platform Microsoft will actively market the app across a range of verticals, such as showcasing it at Microsoft events, including the name across Microsoft retail stores and add the app to retail demo experiences, feature the app in Windows Mixed Reality targeted advertising campaigns and more.

 “The VR/AR device market continues to develop at an exponential rate and with Microsoft entering the marketplace alongside other global technology companies such as Apple, Facebook, Google, HTC, Samsung and Sony, we remain extremely confident in the mainstream adoption of virtual reality technology as well as in the long-term success of our hardware-agnostic virtual reality music platform and original content strategy,” continued Matchett.

 “Following Microsoft’s review of the MelodyVR platform and due to their commitment to providing both engineering and financial support, I’m confident that consumers with Windows devices will have an amazing MelodyVR experience at launch and beyond. We look forward to working even more closely with Microsoft over the coming months and to the release of MelodyVR on the Windows Mixed Reality Store”.

The Windows MR headsets are due to launch later this year through partnerships with Dell, Asus, Acer, Lenovo and HP, with the devices set to retail for $399 USD with motion controls.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of MelodyVR, reporting back with any further announcements.

MelodyVR Raises £5 million In Funding

Virtual reality (VR) music content platform MelodyVR has announced that it has successfully raised £5 million (GBP) in investment funding for its expansion and improvements in its content library.

MelodyVR specialise in giving music fans access to VR and 360-degree content featuring concert tours and behind-the-scenes footage of international music artists. MelodyVR have previously secured partnerships with Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group that allowed the content platform to feature contents with WMG and UMG’s significant roster of artists.

The company have announced that it intends to invest in creating original content for the platform, along with seeking new content to add to the platform for existing artists.

In addition, MelodyVR has announced that Ben Samuels will be joining the company as President and General Manager for North America. Samuels was previously SVP of Business Development and Artist Revenue at Bkstg, a fan engagement application backed by Live Nation, Scooter Braun Projects and Three Six Zero. As part of his new role, Samuels will be in charge of artists relations in North America.

Melody VR CEO Anthony Matchett said: “Ben’s passion for future technologies and immersive content was immediately apparent during our first meeting. Having developed a great relationship with Ben over the last year, I’m incredibly pleased to welcome him as our President and General Manager of North America. Ben brings a wealth of experience to the team, including longstanding relationships with artists, management, and labels, as well as a background in creating new and forward thinking revenue models. I look forward to working even more closely with Ben as we

continue our global expansion and open further offices across the United States and beyond.”

Ben Samuels said: “I’ve been dreaming about the endless possibilities of VR for many years. I’m thrilled to join the MelodyVR team, which truly is at the forefront of this exciting movement. Virtual concerts and experiences will not only introduce a new revenue stream to the music industry but will provide fans with otherwise unattainable experiences. Imagine hanging in the green room with your favorite artists before they perform at Madison Square Garden, enjoying an entire show from the perspective of the band, or attending a festival across the country without leaving your living room. VR opens up a new world of fun, inspiring , and even emotional experiences.”

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on MelodyVR and other industry developments.

MelodyVR Partner With Universal Music Group

Music content platform MelodyVR has announced a partnership with Universal Music Group to bring virtual reality music experiences featuring UMG’s catalogue of artists to the platform.

Following on from MelodyVR’s addition of the Warner Music Catalogue to the platform in December last year, MelodyVR will now be able to offer content featuring artists from Universal Music Group’s significant roster. The content platform app will enable users to watch 360-degree video of concerts and see exclusive behind-the-scenes content such as interviews and backstage footage.


Anthony Matchett, CEO of MelodyVR, said: “We’re incredibly excited to announce our agreement with Universal Music and look forward to working with their acclaimed roster of artists to create even more amazing VR experiences. We’re proud to feature Universal Music artists on the MelodyVR platform and we can’t wait to show music fans across the globe what we’ve been creating together.”

Michael Nash, Executive Vice President, Digital Strategy at UMG, said: “At Universal Music, virtual reality is one of several exciting new arenas, enabled by the evolution of technology, which we are developing for our artists to create deeper connections with their fans. Given the depth of engagement possible with VR, many of our artists are interested in producing more of this content and we have a robust pipeline of projects coming soon. We’re excited to work with MelodyVR to make these incredible new experiences available on their platform.”

MelodyVR is currently in Beta and is seeking testers to try the early version of the app and report feedback. You can sign up at the official MelodyVR website.

VRFocus will bring you further information on MelodyVR and related apps when it comes in.

MelodyVR and Warner Music Group Partner on VR Music Experiences

MelodyVR, a virtual reality (VR) content platform specialising in music has announced a new partnership with Warner Music Group (WMG) to release hundreds of cutting edge experiences featuring artists from the company’s roster.

Over the course of 2017, MelodyVR and WMG will release a number of exclusive experiences via the MelodyVR app, designed to bring fans closer to some of their favourite artists, such as being on-stage at a sold out concert, backstage in the dressing room or in the recording studio.


WMG, is one of the largest music companies in the world, home to a number of successful record labels including Atlantic Records, Parlophone Records and Warner Bros. Records. The VR experiences will  include a library of content created with Warner artists throughout both 2015 and 2016.

Anthony Matchett, Co-Founder and CEO, MelodyVR, said in a statement: “We’re incredibly pleased to be working with WMG to create revolutionary content. MelodyVR was founded with the vison of providing music fans with a new and immersive way of engaging with the artists that they love. Whether we’re providing a fan with access to an exclusive one-on-one performance or a VR live-stream of a sold out concert, I’m pleased that our vision is also shared by Warner Music. I believe that our recent licensing agreement cements WMG’s commitment to virtual reality as well as their dedication to supporting new technologies. We look forward to working even more closely with Warner Music artists over the coming years and to creating even more compelling experiences for their fans.”

“Warner Music Group is constantly exploring new avenues for connecting our artists with their audiences, and virtual reality presents tremendous, forward-thinking possibilities for heightened musical experiences and new forms of storytelling. MelodyVR is a trailblazer of its industry, and passionate about what it does, and we can’t wait to show fans what we’re able to create together,” 
said Ole Obermann, Chief Digital Officer & Executive Vice President, Business Development, WMG.

The MelodyVR app is due to launch next year across a number of platforms including: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Gear VR, Android and iOS. The companies are expected to announce further details as well as a release schedule for live performances in early 2017.

For any further updates from MelodyVR, keep reading VRFocus.

MelodyVR Introduces ‘iTunes of VR’ Concept to O2 Store Customers

Launching later this year on Rift, Gear VR, and Vive, music VR platform MelodyVR is previewing a light version of its app across some 600 O2 stores in Germany in partnership with Telefónica. 42 of those stores will allow visitors to try the app on Samsung Gear VR headsets, where they can enjoy vantage points on concerts from the likes of Kygo, The Who, and the London Symphony Orchestra. In the remaining stores, the light version of the app will be shown by O2 Gurus.

I recently met the CEOBjörk and COO Steven Hancock, who founded MelodyVR two years ago leveraging their music contacts. Matchett was an audio engineer running interactive divisions of studios and Hancock was the commercial manager for the Ibiza Rocks music festival.

Since then, the team have captured over 2,000 hours of 360 concerts and nightclub content from over 400 artists, a few minutes of which I tried at their London headquarters.

melodyvr6bigNavigating the MelodyVR menu system was slick and easy, and the video footage was crystal clear. The full version allows one to filter content by artist, branded channels, venue, and genres, as well as an option to curate your own content. Whilst most footage is captured of events with up to 12 camera vantage points, the team plan to extend their interactive offering, allowing for CGI elements, visual effects and social interaction in the future.

Listed on the London Stock Exchange as EVR Holdings, the company is well funded and is taking a long term view of revenue generation, getting the app free for to the user but supported by pay per view events for high profile concerts.

melodyvr1 melodvr4

The MelodyVR announcement comes at the same time TheWaveVR was revealed at a launch party in London. This platform also intends to connect music fans with each other but in a different way, where DJs and artists can host a virtual clubbing event, adjusting the abstract visuals and environment in real time using the motion of their hands (if they own an HTV Vive).

Bjork 'Stonemilker' VR music video
Björk ‘Stonemilker’ VR music video

For artists, virtual reality offers a potential new revenue stream and a new way to express themselves. One of these pioneers is Björk who’s Stonemilker VR project that transported the viewer to a private windswept 360 degree performance of the first track from her Vulnicura album. This was taken further in Mouthmantra VR, where director Jesse Kanda to captured intense footage from what appears to be the inside of Bjork’s mouth whilst she sings the title track, with teeth and tongue twisting and seemingly taking on a life of their own.

With what’s claimed to be the largest selection of VR music content now on their servers, MelodyVR is likely to have something for the majority of musical tastes, and if virtual nightclubbing means I can avoid the 20 minute bar lines and kebab covered night bus trips home, I am only going to be grooving in my living room!

The post MelodyVR Introduces ‘iTunes of VR’ Concept to O2 Store Customers appeared first on Road to VR.