[Update]: Megalith erscheint am 8. Januar 2019 für PSVR; Vorbestellungen und Trial-Phase ab 13. November


Der Arena-Brawler mit MOBA-Elementen Megalith soll am 8. Januar 2019 für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erscheinen. Die Vorbestellungen sollen ab dem 13. November im PlayStation Store eröffnet werden. Zudem soll zeitgleich zur Eröffnung der Vorbestellungen eine kostenlose Trial-Phase zur Verfügung stehen, um erste Einblicke in den kommenden PSVR-Titel zu erhalten.

(Quelle: Road to VR)

[Originalartikel vom 17. Juni 2018]:

Entwicklerstudio Disruptive Games präsentierte auf der E3 2018 eine spielbare Demo des First-Person-Arena-Brawlers Megalith für PlayStation VR (PSVR). Der VR-Titel umfasst zahlreiche MOBA-Spielelemente und lässt euch im Stil von DOTA 2 oder League of Legends mit einem ausgewählten Helden die gegnerische Basis vernichten.

Megalith – MOBA-Arena-Brawler für PlayStation VR (PSVR)

Mit Megalith stellte Entwicklerstudio Disruptive Games bereits letztes Jahr seinen eigenen First-Person-Arena-Brawler vor, der das MOBA-Genre als Hero Shooter in die Virtual Reality bringen soll. Eine spielbare Demo des VR-Titels wurde auf der E3 2018 vorgestellt und von den Journalisten von Road to VR angespielt, die über ihre Eindrücke berichteten.

Innerhalb des taktischen VR-MOBAs übernehmt ihr die Rolle eines Helden in First-Person-Perspektive, um auf verschiedenen Lanes gegnerische Vasallen zu vernichten. Das Ziel ist die Zerstörung der feindlichen Basis, die allerdings von Verteidigungsanlagen in Form von Türmen beschützt wird. Zusätzlich trifft man auf dem Schlachtfeld neben den NPCs auf Gegenspieler, wodurch spannende Kämpfe um taktische Schlüsselpunkte entstehen.

In der Demo standen drei verschiedene Helden/innen mit unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten zur Auswahl. Ein riesiger Minotaurus namens Taur, der als schadenabsorbierender Tank fungiert, eine goldene Kreatur namens Cypher sowie die blitzeschleudernde Aurora, die ihre Feinde mit der Kraft der Elemente aus der Luft attackiert. Zukünftig sollen weitere Helden hinzugefügt werden.

Jeder Charakter besitzt eine Primärfähigkeit, drei Sekundärfähigkeiten und eine ultimative Attacke mit unterschiedlichen Abklingzeiten. Der Minotaurus Taur kämpft beispielsweise im Nahkampf und kann mit Charge schnell an seine Feinde heranstürmen. Zusätzlich beherrscht er die Fernkampfattacke Magmaspucke, um Flächenschaden zu verursachen und den Blutrausch zur Unterstützung seiner Teammitglieder. Als ultimative Fähigkeit errichtet er eine gigantische Steinmauer zum Einsperren eines Helden.

Die Spieler/innen kämpfen in Teams aus zwei Personen gegeneinander. Zur Steuerung kommt der PlayStation Move Controller zum Einsatz, durch den sämtliche Attacken ausgelöst werden. Diese sind auf die verschiedenen Knöpfe des Controllers verteilt. Damit die Spieler/innen den Überblick behalten, wird jederzeit eine Übersicht mit aktuellen Cooldowns an der Seite angezeigt. In der Demo-Version wurde freie Lokomotion mit der Option zur schnellen Drehung angeboten. Die Entwickler/innen arbeiten jedoch an zusätzlichen Fortbewegungsoptionen.

Megalith soll noch 2018 offiziell für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erscheinen.

(Quellen: Road to VR | Disruptive Games | Video: Disruptive Games Youtube | zauz Youtube)

Der Beitrag [Update]: Megalith erscheint am 8. Januar 2019 für PSVR; Vorbestellungen und Trial-Phase ab 13. November zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Hands-on: ‘Megalith’ is a Promising First-person MOBA Brawler Landing First on PSVR

Megalith is an upcoming first-person arena brawler from Disruptive Games which puts you in MOBA-style combat against other heroes as you—and your pint-sized minions—sally forth to destroy the other team’s base.

Fans of MOBAs like Dota2 and League of Legends will immediately recognize many of the mechanics at play here; you spawn on your team’s base on your side of the map and tactically destroy enemy towers and face off against the opposite team’s heroes, all the while fending off enemy minions that nip at your heels. Two teams of two faced off for the demo, which played out on a battlefield intersected by a large common area rife with columns to hide behind and side areas to sneak around for that surprise attack.

Predictably, each hero has their own unique abilities. I got a chance to play two of the three heroes currently featured in the public E3 demo—a hulking tank-style minotaur called ‘Taur’ and golden creature named ‘Cypher’. A hero named ‘Aurora’ was also available, who could throw lighting and hover high in the air to get a better vantage point above enemies. More heroes are most certainly coming too, I was told, although it’s still too early to say. Promotional images hint at six heroes so far.

Image captured by Road to VR

Each hero has one primary ability, three secondary abilities, and one ultimate. For example, playing as Taur, you can melee (pressing the primary button on PS Move), ‘charge’ for quick advances, ‘magma spit’ for ranged shots that did a wide area of effect, and do a ‘bloodlust’ move, which increases speed and melee damage for a limited time. Taur’s ultimate ability, which had the longest cooldown time of all, could create a giant circular fence of stone, either keeping you safe, or trapping an unlucky victim inside with you so you could maul them to death.

Image captured by Road to VR

While Taur was fun, melee isn’t really as satisfying as it could be, as you have to press a button to swipe your giant claws at the enemy instead of naturally using the motion controllers with a physical movement. Cypher’s abilities, which were mostly ranged, were undoubtedly the coolest out of the two, and played to the strengths of the PS Move controllers in general. With Cypher’s ultimate ability, which lets you spawn knee-high spiked orbs that can track down enemies and explode, it’s easy to imagine the sort of chaos that can erupt when explosive orbs, lightning, and minions all enter the fray at the same time.


I did find however that casting my abilities was somewhat fiddly, although that comes down more to PS Move than anything. Abilities are mapped to the small action buttons (Triangle, Square, Circle, and Cross), which made for some confusion in the heat of battle. A handy menu is omnipresent, including cooldown timers, although the control setup seems like it’ll require a bit more practice to master than my 20-minute demo provided.

PlayStation E3 Keynote Puts Blockbusters Center Stage, Relegating VR to the Sidelines

 Megalith demo employed ‘free’ locomotion, letting you move using controller-relative smooth forward movement with snap-turn. Speaking to the dev team, I was told they’re investigating more locomotion schemes, but haven’t publicly committed to anything yet.

Having played two full matches, it’s clear to me there’s some real potential here for fun, fast-paced co-op brawling, even though I didn’t find myself coordinating much with my teammate during the demo, as we mostly went our own ways into battle. Creating heroes with balanced abilities is also an important step for Disruptive Games as they push forward towards release, which is slated for sometime later this year on PSVR as a timed exclusive.

It’s logical to assume the game will be headed to respective PC VR headsets such as HTC Vive and Oculus Rift at some point in the future, which could smooth out some of the controller woes I experienced with PS Move.

The post Hands-on: ‘Megalith’ is a Promising First-person MOBA Brawler Landing First on PSVR appeared first on Road to VR.

E3 2018: All the VR Games of Day One

The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) opened today, bringing together the videogames industry at the Los Angeles Convention Centre for the famous annual event. VRFocus is in attendance at the show and getting hands-on with all the latest and greatest that virtual reality (VR) entertainment has to offer.


On the show floor this year are Kevin Joyce, CEO & Editor, Peter Graham, Senior Staff Writer, and Nina Salomons, Video Content Producer. The team visited a variety of publishers and independent developers, as well as hardware manufacturers, sampling some of the newly announced VR titles and some experiences coming very soon.

The likes of Bethesda Softworks (Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot, Prey – Transtar VR), Ready at Dawn (Echo Combat), Sony Interactive Entertainment (Ghost Giant), FromSoftware (Deracine), Disruptive Games (Megalith), Squanch Games (Trover Saves the Universe), Firesprite (The Persistence) and Twisted Pixel (Defector) feature alongside HTC Vive and DisplayLink’s showcase of the wireless adapter technology. Highlights of all of this and more can be seen in the video below.

What’s happening with Polyarc post-Moss release? Exactly where does Echo Combat fit into the Lone Echo collection from Ready at Dawn? How does The Elder Scrolls: Blades VR edition perform alongside the tablet, smartphone, console and PC editions of the videogame? Is Gungrave VR going to be a rebirth for a beloved series, or a fly-by-night wonder? Why are Survios showcasing CREED: Rise to Glory on nearly every booth at the event? VRFocus endeavoured to get answers to all of these questions and more today, and will be bringing you all the latest news from E3 2018 as the show continues.

Ghost Giant - Screenshot

Furthermore, there’s anticipation for what’s coming tomorrow; will Enhance Games’ Tetris Effect be the videogame of E3 2018? How about Sony Japan Studio’s Astro Bot: Rescue Mission? There’s also Rebellion and Dream Reality Interactive’s (DRi) Arca’s Path, Multiverse Inc.’s Seeking Dawn and new hardware offerings from Thrustmaster, Cybershoes and Captoglove to come.

You can find the highlights from day one at E3 2018 in the video below, and be sure to stay right here at VRFocus as we bring you all the latest news, previews and interviews from the show floor as the event continues.

All the VR Games Sony is Demoing for PlayStation VR at E3 2018

The presence of virtual reality (VR) at the biggest videogame event in the world, the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2018, tends to be a bit of a mixed bag. There will be indie developers showcasing their latest projects while the bigger studios put on a smaller display. That’s not the case when it comes to Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), with the company showcasing 14 PlayStation VR titles at its booth, with other compatible experiences elsewhere.

Evasion Enemies - Paragords and Bombers

All of the titles available on the booth have been announced in some fashion, some only very recently like Beat Saber, and Space Pirate Trainer, whilst others like Blood & Truth were unveiled last year.

With the launch of the PlayStation Experience booking app the full list of playable VR videogames for PlayStation VR at E3 2018 are as follows:

Sony booth:

Other booths:


VRFocus has previously played titles such as Archiact’s sci-fi first-person shooter Evasion, finding it to be one first-person title to keep an eye on and Creed: Rise to Glory on PC VR headsets, saying for the latter: “Survios has already established itself as one of VR’s premium content developers, with Creed: A Rise to Glory looking to continue that trend.”

Among the main three, high-end VR head-mounted displays (HMDs) PlayStation VR has the biggest and most prominent presence at E3 2018. Neither Oculus or HTC have booths dedicated to their headsets. Obviously, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive do feature at other booths, but there’s no official support from the manufacturers. This certainly goes in SIE’s favour as E3 now allows consumers to attended, offering dedicated PlayStation fans the opportunity to trial PlayStation VR, encouraging that temptation to purchase and increase its sizeable sales lead.

VRFocus will be at E3 2018 all week to bring you the latest news and announcements from SIE regarding PlayStation VR.

PSVRDemos E3 2018PSVRDemos E3 2018PSVRDemos E3 2018 PSVRDemos E3 2018 PSVRDemos E3 2018 PSVRDemos E3 2018 PSVRDemos E3 2018

PlayStation VR Title Megalith Playable At E3 2018

Announced back at Paris Games Week, virtual reality (VR) title Megalith is in development by Disruptive Games and is a first-person title in which players take on the role of a huge, terrifying creature. Set in a bleak but stylised world that is near watercolour in aesthetic, the title will give players a chance to play as a titan on a quest to become a powerful god. Now, ahead of the  Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2018 show, the title has been confirmed to VRFocus as being playable at the event.

This action-packed title will allow players to immerse themselves in the role of a titan and unleash powerful attacks to compete with others on their quest to become a god. Set in an ancient world full of conflict, players will need to use a combination of teamwork and skill in order to survive. Using a free locomotion system and featuring destructible environments players will need to find and define their own fighting style by customizing their abilities and movement.

“We love playing online games and have spent many years crafting multiplayer experiences before forming  Disruptive.” The team write on their website: “Megalith is the culmination of everything we have learned along the way. We have been blown away by the potential of VR gaming, and are excited to be pushing the platform as it evolves.”


On top of the oversized titans and fights that will be the center of attention within Megalith, players will also be able to experience a world that features a refreshing, if ruined, designed. Each part of the world reflects the conflict that is taking place around them and learning the environment, and how to use it, will be another element within the strategy of the title that will ensure victory of players. Knowing when to rush in and attack or take cover may be what ensures victory or defeat in this immersive title.

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest from E3 2018 so make sure to stay tuned for more as the show starts to get underway. You can see the announcement trailer for Megalith below as well.

Missing in Action: Where are these PlayStation VR Games?

The PlayStation VR has skyrocketed to the forefront of consumer virtual reality (VR) since its launch back in 2016. In the 18 months since the debut of the head-mounted display (HMD) we’ve seen some fantastic VR experiences become available, with the likes of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Farpoint and Moss redefining what videogaming can mean, but along the way we’ve also seen some fantastic looking experiences disappear off-the-grid. VRFocus now takes a moment to remember some of our fallen friends and question where they are now.

Golem header

We’re not talking about tech demo’s here – the likes of Final Fantasy XIV and a VR edition of 2014’s Thief reboot amongst the many that we never really expected a full consumer release for – but rather those titles which were announced with the intention of launching via the PlayStation Store before disappearing off-the-radar. For example, Golem. Highwire Games’ Golem was announced in 2016, only to drop out of the public eye for over a year before being confirmed for a 2018 release back in October 2017. Below are some of the other titles we’ve not heard about for some time.



Initially announced way back in 2015, development on Sólfar Studios’ Golding came to a halt in favour of progressing with Everest VR. Since then, VRFocus has regularly asked Sólfar Studios what the plans are for the title, including recently when discussing the impending launch of In Death. Sadly, there’s nothing new to report on this promising adventure/god sim.

Godling screenshot

Bow to Blood 

Revealed as part of an extensive line-up of new PlayStation VR titles at last year’s Paris Games Week, Bow to Blood puts teams of players in charge of an airship as they engage in combat with rival crews. Since the debut of Bow to Blood – which stated a 2018 release for the videogame – developer Tribe Toy has offered no new updates. No trailers, no screenshots; nothing. Here’s hoping we’ll hear more at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3).


Quar: Infernal Machines 

Quar: Infernal Machines (formerly known as Quar: Battle for Gate 18) was one of the best strategy titles on the HTC Vive at launch. The PlayStation VR release has long been on the schedule though has suffered repeated delays. Last VRFocus heard was an expected March 2018 launch, which has obviously now passed. Will we still see Quar: Infernal Machines on PlayStation VR in 2018? Here’s hoping so.

quar header 


Megalith is another PlayStation VR title that was revealed during Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) Paris Games Week press conference last year, only to have disappeared shortly thereafter. A release in Q1 2018 had been expected, but currently there’s no confirmation of a specific date. For many of those keenly following the PlayStation VR software line-up, Megalith’s opportunity to play as a titan on a quest to become a powerful god though a stylized, destructible world has positioned it as one of the most highly anticipated titles of 2018.




A joint venture between Ubisoft and Elijah Wood’s Spectrevision, Transference is an interesting first-person horror experience. Flitting between both eerie and ultra-violent with abandon, Transference casts the player as an investigator exploring digital reconstructions of a man’s mind. It’s weird, and given that it has been suggested for launch in June 2018, it’s likely to get a big showing at E3.

The Best PlayStation VR Games Coming in 2018

The PlayStation 4’s virtual reality (VR) platform has entered its second year of consumer availability, and with it has brought some [link to best of 2017]fantastic PlayStation VR titles throughout 2017[/link]. However, it’s time to look ahead at some of the highlights coming in 2018.The release schedule for the PlayStation VR has never looked better, with an assortment of indie and AAA videogames coming over the next six months. Both digital-only and retail packages will lead the way to further consumer adoption, and below you’ll find some of the biggest and best titles heading to PlayStation VR in 2018.

PlayStation VR 2 headset

Moss – Polyarc Games

Polyarc Games’ Moss was announced at last year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Los Angeles, in June, and has since soared to the top of many PlayStation VR players’ ‘most wanted’ lists. The incidental detail in the animation of heroine Quill is nothing short of amazing, and the pacing between action and logic puzzle solving – at least in the early preview build of Moss – is almost pitch-perfect.

Moss is set for release on 27th February 2018, exclusively on PlayStation VR.

Blood & Truth – Sony London Studios

Blood & Truth is considered by many to be the evolution of The London Heist, which featured on PlayStation VR launch compilation, PlayStation VR Worlds. Developed by Sony London Studios, Blood & Truth places the player into the heart of London’s organised crime syndicate on a mission for revenge. There have been some misgivings about the nature of the player’s movement and the voiceover seen in the preview build of Blood & Truth, but hope remains high that Sony London Studios will deliver the deep mafia experience many PlayStation VR owners are hoping for.

Blood & Truth will launch at an unannounced date in 2018, exclusively for PlayStation VR.

The Inpatient – Supermassive Games

UK studio Supermassive Games have two announced titles coming to PlayStation VR in 2018, and while Bravo Team just missed out on making it into this feature, The Inpatient is arguably a more unique and involving experience. Continuing the trend of fleshing-out the hugely popular Until Dawn universe, The Inpatient takes place in the Sanitarium featured in the original PlayStation 4 exclusive and tasks the player with facing some odd goings on as they attempt to keep a grip on their sanity.

The Inpatient is set for release on 24th January 2018, exclusively on PlayStation VR.

Golem – Highwire Games

Having originally been announced back in 2016, Golem disappeared off the radar for some time. Re-emerging at Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) Paris Games Week press conference, Highwire Games’ VR debut shot right back to the top of the PlayStation VR’s most anticipated list. An adventure that gives the player the opportunity to explore the ruins of the Endless City, engaging in melee combat as they wield a sword and swing it as though it were a real blade; learning how to thrust, block and parry.

Golem is currently scheduled for release on 13th March 2018, exclusively for PlayStation VR.

Megadimension Neptunia VIIR – Compile Heart

One for fans of the series or the videogames industry as a whole, Megadimension Neptunia VIIR is a commentary on the rivalry between videogame consoles and the hardware manufacturers behind them. While Megadimension Neptunia VIIR is in fact an ‘enhanced’ remake of Megadimension Neptunia VII, the most significant difference is the fact that players will be able to get face-to-face with several characters from the series for the first time.

Megadimension Neptunia VIIR is set to launch on 13th April 2018, exclusively for PlayStation VR.

Megalith – Disruptive Games

One of the most recently announced PlayStation VR titles, along with Blood & Truth Disruptive Games revealed Megalith at SIE’s Paris Games Week press conference. Megalith sees the player taking the role of a titan in a world with a bleak, stylised aesthetic. On a quest to become a powerful god, players will explore and destroy as they utilise powerful weapons to take out their foes.

Megalith is set to launch at a currently unspecified date in 2018, exclusively for PlayStation VR.

Star Child – Playful Corp.

Playful Corp.’s VR debut came in the form of the Oculus Rift exclusive Lucky’s Tale, a critically acclaimed platform videogame featuring a cute bouncing fox that eventually made the leap to Xbox One. This time around, Star Child presents a neon drenched science-fiction adventure for PlayStation VR. Star Child is a homage to classic side-scrolling platformers of yesteryear with the player running and jump through a world that encourages you to lean in and explore its depths with the new immersion afforded by VR technology. In a similar fashion to Paw Print Games’ Bloody Zombies, the action may be limited to a 2D plane but the player’s viewpoint is not, allowing for secrets to be discovered through observation.

Star Child is currently set to launch at an unspecified date in 2018, exclusively for PlayStation VR.

Quar: Infernal Machines – Steel Wool Studios

Aside from League of War: VR Arena and No Heroes Allowed! VR, PlayStation VR is somewhat lacking in strategy videogames. Steel Wool Studios will soon change that fact with Quar: Infernal Machines, a HTC Vive launch title that remains one of the most compelling strategy titles on the format. Players will engage in combat as they attempt to take control of the land with a variety of oddball creatures and weaponry.

Quar: Infernal Machines originally launched on HTC Vive under the guise of Quar: Battle for Gate 18, and will launch on PlayStation VR in March 2018.

The American Dream – Samurai Punk

Originally expected to launch in 2017, Samurai Punk’s The American Dream is the antithesis of the current trend for wave shooters in VR. Acting as a tongue-in-cheek examination of American gun culture – or potentially a commentary on it, should the tone be pitched correctly – The American Dream has the player using firearms to conduct even the most mundane activities. What’s better than opening a beer can with a gun? Nothing. That’s what.

The American Dream was originally intended to launch in 2017 and is currently expected to launch early in 2018 on PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner – Mars – Konami Digital Entertainment

The announcement that Konami were preparing a return to the Zone of the Enders franchise came as somewhat of a shock, especially as they were developing VR compatibility as part of the package. Of course, it makes perfect sense; there are few action videogames that lend themselves to VR as well as piloting giant mechs. And while Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner – Mars looks set to be a compelling rendition of the franchise, little has yet been revealed of exactly how the videogame will play in VR.

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner – Mars is set to launch at an unspecified date in spring 2018, for PlayStation 4, Steam and PlayStation VR.


Honourable Mention: Fallout 4 VR – Bethesda Game Studios

Fallout 4 VR is the ‘one that got away’. Bethesda Game Studios had a trio of VR launches over the holiday season, and while The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR and DOOM VFR both graced the PlayStation VR, Fallout 4 VR currently remains a HTC Vive exclusive. The suggestion is that Fallout 4 VR will eventually come to the PlayStation VR in time, but Bethesda Game Studios has offered no official word on when that might be. Fingers crossed PlayStation VR gamers don’t have to wait too long to experience the wasteland of the Commonwealth first-hand.

Megalith Is A Full-Body Presence Smooth Locomotion Hero Shooter Coming To PSVR

Megalith Is A Full-Body Presence Smooth Locomotion Hero Shooter Coming To PSVR

When Sony announced Megalith from developer Disruptive Games during its Paris Games Week (PGW) presentation on Monday, it resulted in more questions than answers. The short teaser video (embedded below) was just a cinematic with little context and other than the hosts stating that the title is a “hero shooter” after the trailer, we didn’t really have much to go on. That is, until now.

Yesterday we had the chance to interview Eric Ellis, Co-Founder and CTO of Disruptive Games, as well as Jake Biegel, Co-Founder and CCO, about the game’s development, how it plays, and what to expect. From what we can tell, they’re angling for this to be much more than just another VR shooter.

Both Ellis and Biegel have a strong background in AAA-quality game development, having worked at Insomniac on the Ratchet & Clank and Resistance franchises, in addition to credits at studios like LucasArts, Pandemic, Cyan Worlds, and Neversoft. They know a few things about making games.

At its core Megalith is a competitive multiplayer action game. Players will take control of large titans that tower over the rest of the levels and give players extreme powers. Each of the titans will play very differently, such as some being ranged, some being melee, some a hybrid, and so on. In this way, it’s like a “hero shooter” such as Overwatch, Quake Champions, or other similar games, but it has many more nuanced elements as well.

“We started early on playing around with a lot of ideas and something that stuck that was fun is the sense of scale,” explained Ellis. “The game originated around the idea of being larger than tiny the humans around you and we had a lot of fun prototyping and experimenting…we also continue to do research in what we call ‘training wheels’ for VR. With many people it seems like you can build up your tolerance to these things [like motion sickness] over time. We have settings that will make it feel more comfortable like snap turning.”

The focus on full smooth locomotion is a big break from the norm with VR right now, but it’s a welcomed approach that a lot of people seem to be embracing in lieu of the slower-paced, immersion-breaking teleportation system that many games opt for by default.

“Megalith really involves multiple different multiplayer game genres,” said Biegel. “The hero shooter labeling does come back to VR though. We have full body presence with smooth locomotion and that’s something only some experiences offer with your actual presence right now, so that lends to the hero shooter element because you feel like you’re really becoming the thing rather than just playing it with a controller.”

At its core, Megalith sounds like a hybrid hero shooter meets small-scale MOBA, meets competitive action game. The MOBA elements come into play because each titan will have access to “disciples” on the ground that follow and obey your orders, so your objective for the game is to usher disciples towards a designated portal location via a “symbiotic” relationship. When you add in the need to fight off other players’ titans, things can get hectic. As of now, matches are arranged in a 2v2 (two player titans plus disciples vs. two player titans plus disciples) setup, but a good amount of gameplay variety is planned.

We’re still waiting to find out more about the game, see it in action, and try it out for ourselves, but so far it sounds intriguing. Fast-paced, intense, competitive VR games are becoming more popular as the market continues to grow. Does this sound like the type of game you’d want to play on PSVR? Let us know down in the comments below!

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15 New PSVR Game Trailers From Paris Games Week

Paris Games Week is here and Sony has revealed a slew of new trailers showing off their lineup of PSVR games coming in 2017 and 2018. Grab some popcorn, because here’s 21 minutes of fresh footage.

Eden Tomorrow

Developer: Soulpix
Release Date: Spring 2018

Eden-Tomorrow catapults the player right into the heart of a strange cosmos: frightening creatures, cryptic riddles, abandoned places and the ever-present question: “what happened here?”

Apex Construct

Developer: Fast Travel Games
Release Date: TBD

[Apex Construct] takes place in a shattered but beautiful post-apocalyptic future filled with merciless robots, where two powerful AIs are locked in a drawn-out conflict. As the last remaining human, you’ll explore this world and use your wits and combat skills to survive, while discovering why almost all organic life has become extinct.


Developer: Disruptive Games
Release Date: 2018

Megalith is an action-packed hero shooter that transforms you into a titan, letting you use your massive size and firepower to compete with others in a quest to become a god. Immersed in the conflict of an ancient world, you will need to use a combination of teamwork and skill to survive. Fight for supremacy on the fields of battle using free locomotion, strategy, and destructible environments. Define your own style of combat by customizing your abilities so that you can vanquish your foes and push your disciples to victory.

Blood & Truth

Developer: Sony London Studios
Release Date: TBD

From the moment you slip on the headset, you become Ryan Marks, an elite Special Forces soldier who is on a dangerous mission to save his family from a ruthless criminal overlord. Playing as Ryan, you will come face to face with enemies, uncover secrets and experience the thrill of the chase.

Sprint Vector

Developer: Survios
Release Date: TBD

Sprint Vector is the ultimate competitive VR game: a multiplayer adrenaline platformer that merges the physical thrill of extreme sports competition with the unhinged energy of a zany game show spectacle. Survios’ innovative Fluid Locomotion System and intuitive intended motion mechanics let you comfortably attain and maintain extreme speeds in VR.


Developer: Gattai Games
Release Date: Available Now

Experience virtual reality horror in a whole new light in this sound-based thriller where enemies hear your fear. Follow in the quiet footsteps of David Ridley, a grief-stricken widower seeking solace in virtual memories of his traumatic past that are slowly turning his world dark. Create sound waves to reveal the world around you, using objects and your own voice in unique virtual reality and mic-enabled gameplay. But beware your nightmares are listening to every noise you make…

Star Child

Developer: Playful Corp
Release Date: 2018

Star Child is a cinematic platforming adventure that follows the journey of Spectra and her companion on an important mission to an alien planet. After becoming stranded, they uncover a hostile, overwhelming force that threatens to destroy everything. At a pivotal, startling moment, Spectra gains the ability to gradually take control of the world around her and fight back.

League of War VR Arena

Developer: MunkyFun
Release Date: November 7th

League of War: VR Arena is a hands, on, fast-paced war game. Swiftly deploy your tanks, infantry, and choppers in a battle to destroy your enemy’s base before they destroy yours!

Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown

Developer: Bandai Namco Studios
Release Date: 2018

Discover the glory of being an elite fighter pilot. Become an Ace pilot by taking down enemies through tactical dogfighting, while experiencing the exhilaration of flying freely in a fully immersive world.

Resident Evil 7 biohazard – Not a Hero DLC

Developer: Capcom
Release Date: December 12, 2017

Not a Hero is a chapter that explores the direct aftermath of RE7’s main story. Unlike the nightmare suffered by untrained civilian Ethan Winters, players take control of Chris Redfield to tackle the outbreak as a trained professional. Experience a different flavor of survival horror with an arsenal of tactical weaponry!

Rec Room

Developer: Against Gravity
Release Date: 2017

Rec Room [is] a vibrant and growing virtual community where you play with friends new and old from all around the world! Customize your look then head to the Rec Center for endless fun and games like our epic co-op Quests, 3D Charades, or Paintball! Or play casual minigames like Disc Golf, Dodgeball, and more. Or create and share your own activities using an ever-expanding variety of fun creative tools. Rec Room is a fun and welcoming environment for people from all walks of life! Come and join the fun for free!


Developer: Bit Planet Games
Release Date: 2017

In Ultrawings, you’ll pilot four distinct aircraft using your virtual hands or gamepad! Soar around four unique, beautifully stylized islands! Earn money to buy new airplanes and new airports! You’ll pop balloons, snap photos, perform spot landings, compete in aerial races, fly through score rings, and even perform emergency landings!

Bow to Blood

Developer: Tribetoy
Release Date: 2018

Bow to Blood takes place in a fantastical sci-fi world, a massive gas giant with mist-soaked floating islands and continents at the heart of a declining empire. Experience harrowing high-speed races, deadly battles with swarming assault ships, perilous encounters with aerial beasts, mind-bending challenges, and more.

Snow Fortress

Developer: Mythical City Games
Release Date: 2017

Snow Fortress is a room-scale Virtual Reality snow fort building & battle game. Relive your childhood by building snow forts as you prepare for epic snowball fights! Unlock tools to protect your fort and deliver a fury of snowballs at your opponents!

Dead Hungry

Developer: Q-Games
Release Date: Available Now

Grill, fry, and bake your way to freedom in Dead Hungry, a fast-paced new PSVR title from the makers of the legendary PixelJunk series. You are a fearless food-truck cook working double overtime to single-handedly save the world from certain doom. Using burgers, fries, a generous portion of side menu items–and anything else within reach–you can restore the living dead to human form! Turn swarms of zombie schoolgirls, office workers, and sumo wrestlers into well-fed and highly functional members of society! Get creative feeding this unstoppable mob with food, phones, or anything else you please! They aren’t just hungry–they’re Dead Hungry.

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Newly Revealed PSVR Titles ‘Megalith’ & ‘Bow to Blood’ Coming in 2018, Teaser Trailers Here

Paris Games Week is starting on November 1st, but Sony’s pre-PGW keynote has seen the announcement of two all new PSVR titles today heading to headsets in 2018: Megalith, a hero shooter, and Bow to Blood an airship battle game.

Megalith comes from Disruptive Games, and promises to let you inhabit the body of a Titan on his way to godhood. Destructible environments combined with the game’s ‘free locomotion’ scheme (assuming ‘free’ means you’ll be able to move without teleportation), makes it an interesting entry. It’s unclear if Aim support will be added, but we’ll be keeping our eyes out for any updates as they come in. Check out the trailer below.

Piloting a high-tech airship, Bow to Blood from Tribetoy puts you in a sort of Reality TV show where you can both betray and make allies in a procedurally generated world. You battle other ships by controlling a console. It’s unclear if it will also allow co-op, although we can see two more consoles in the trailer itself, suggesting it will be a multiplayer game.

This news is breaking. We’ll be updating as news comes in.

The post Newly Revealed PSVR Titles ‘Megalith’ & ‘Bow to Blood’ Coming in 2018, Teaser Trailers Here appeared first on Road to VR.