The Virtual Arena: Returning Attractions – LBE VR Continues its Growth – Part 2

The Virtual Arena

The commercial VR entertainment is charted by industry specialist Kevin Williams, in his latest Virtual Arena column – and in this second part of his feature and he look’s at the launch of Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity and the free-roaming VR experience created around the Ubisoft property for commercial entertainment.


In this second part of our regular coverage, and we continue to look at the new investment seen in the commercial entertainment market, from a London perspective. Following the global lockdown in business, a new thirst for location-based entertainment (LBE) can be charted internationally.

The investment in the standard VR arcade has grown towards a greater variety of experiences on offer (as was seen in the previous part of our coverage). The addition of free-roaming backpack PC VR has mushroomed, the latest phase of the deployment of this commercial entertainment into the market. Back in 2019, we charted in our column the appearance in London of a facility that was dedicated to offering Arena Scale VR through their purpose-built venue – MeetspaceVR located at Wembley’s BoxPark.

MeetspaceVR - Boxpark

With the Zero Latency VR free-roaming installation, we have revisited the site and seen the growth of the business, including a VR escape room component, all part of continued investment. We returned as one of the first LBE VR sites we visited recommences business. Especially as the company has installed the latest free-roaming title and marketed a major development in the cross over between commercial and consumer IP.

The Ubisoft property Far Cry has been given the free-roaming multiple player VR experience, in a partnership with Zero Latency VR, and one of the first locations to install this new game was MeetspaceVR. The game can run eight players through the virtual environment, but due to capacity conditions following COVID is currently only operating six player games. The hardware in operation is the latest Gen2 version of the Zero Latency VR platform with HP Reverb G2 headsets and the latest PC backpacks and force-feedback weapons: totally immersing the players in a high-end VR experience. 

MeetspaceVR - Far Cry VR

With Far Cry VR the experience of the video game universe has been condensed into several compelling sequences as the players work as a team to escape the murderous clutches of their captor and his soldiers. To achieve the needed level of immersion and storytelling, Ubisoft and Zero Latency VR turned to UK game developers nDreams. Known for their successful development of Phantom: Covert Ops and other titles – the company’s pedigree is allowed to shine on the powerful high-end immersive hardware used in this free-roaming experience, and the AAA quality of the game is evident.

Designed for team play, with hordes of enemy, appearing in cover-based shooting sections, where the players must watch each other’s backs, and pick off attackers, up-close, or at distance. This is achieved by giving the player the ability to swap between an assault weapon and a crossbow for distance shooting. But the action has been spaced out to allow players time to catch their breath, as well as pulled into a drug-fuelled experience in the caves of the tropical island that has become their prison – pricing at £29.99 per player for the multi-player experiences.

Far Cry VR

After a 30-minute team-based game, the player is totally immersed in the experience, and the action proved a real workout, wielding the gun and blasting attackers with a heart-pounding final boss battle. Having tried all the Zero Latency VR game experiences since they launched, this game is the most refined, and feels like a AAA title – but also has learned from much of the experience the company has gained rolling out their platform across over 50-venues internationally. 

This is the latest move by Ubisoft towards cross-platform promotion of their IP in the commercial entertainment space – with the ‘Virtual Rabbids’ VR amusement platform, the Ubisoft Escape Game VR experiences and now the license for free-roaming adaptation of their properties. It is expected that this will not be the last time we will see major game and movie properties appearing in LBE VR venues, and we expect to announce, another major property makes its way to the commercial entertainment scene in the coming weeks.

The Virtual Arena: The LBE VR Reopening Perspective – Part 2

The Virtual Arena

Covering the immersive Out-of-Home entertainment scene for VRFocus, in his latest Virtual Arena column, industry specialist Kevin Williams continues his visits to re-opening VR and immersive entertainment venues – with exclusive access to the new videogame from Zero Latency. In these features, he reports on the latest experiences and the new conditions that the international LBE business is adapting to. 

There has been a continuing surge in the development of new free-roaming VR experiences in the location-based entertainment (LBE) sector. A unique platform for the commercial entertainment sphere offering all the aspects most dreamed about from the promise of VR; the ability to play in a social group, immersed in a vibrant virtual world that the users can freely navigate. While for consumers, first the tether, then the limitation of performance has hindered the realisation of this aspect on home hardware. Emerging from lockdown and the LBE VR scene has seen an upswing in new experiences being released. 

So, it was obvious that we would be visiting another of these new launches. Located in the Boxpark venue in the shadow of the Wembley Stadium arch in London – one of the latest location-based entertainment venues is nestled on the second floor of this hospitality and entertainment site. Called MeetSpaceVR, the venue is the latest VR experience offering in the capital. The operation includes a dedicated VR arena for free-roam experiences as well as a VR lounge for the playing of VR Escape Room content, and eSports competition (all supported with a private hire bar area) – and this latest game release fits perfectly into this offering. 

Image credit: KWP

Zero Latency has been one of the leading innovators in Free-Roaming (Arena Scale) VR experiences – one of the first to launch the concept onto the market and one of the first to roll out a stable of titles with proven player appeal – installed across 45 venues in some 22 countries. The company choosing its partnership with MeetSpaceVR to launch their latest title – Undead Arena VR. This new Arena Scale experience has between four and eight players wearing the HP powered backpack PC, donning HP Reverb G1 headsets with headphones and mic, and wielding the unique Zero Latency weapon.

Image credit: KWP

The new game offers a unique and compelling take on the zombie-blaster. Undead Arena VR is modelled as if the players are taking part in a reality TV show, set after the zombie apocalypse, blasting through waves of the undead achieving scores that at the end will transport the winners to become instant celebrities. A fast pace zombie-wave-shooter, with unique touches and a compelling narrative that proved an enjoyable workout. The players able to swap between machinegun, shotgun, and crossbow to score headshots and wipe-out the most zombies for that all elusive high score.

The 15-minute game begins only after a professional run down of the features and safety elements of using the Zero Latency hardware – and how the players personal weapon works and the scoring principles. Along with the ability to use fire and explosive barrels to hold back the hoards. And then the players are dropped into the heat of the action, progressing through level after level, and Zero Latency using some of their well-known tricks to immerse the player, including moving walkways and rising elevators all simulated virtually.

Zero Latency
Image credit: KWP

The game encourages the players to work as a team in order to survive the zombie infestation, and soon into the game the player is fully immersed in the destruction, surviving (with their score intact) the next wave of the undead. The game is targeted at a 13 and older audience, and the action is fast, frantic, and highly addictive – and it is obvious to see that this title lends itself perfectly to becoming its own eSports sensation. A game that will encourage repeat play to see if the score can be improved, and better proficiency with the different weapons achieved for those crucial headshots. 

The team behind MeetSpaceVR revealed the extensive efforts they had gone through working with their landlord (BOXPARK) and following the local government guidelines to achieve the July 4th re-opening. The facility now offering 30-minute individual play sessions for the registered guests, with appropriate physical distancing from other groups and team members. The venue currently operating at 20% of pre-COVID capacity – constantly evaluating the process. But was able to reveal that they are seeing a steady return of old and new customers. We would like to thank all involved in making our visit possible.  

Image credit: KWP

The explosion in player interest in Arena Scale has not diminished since it appeared on the market. A strong platform that illustrates the separation of what a solitary VR experience can achieve in the home, and the power and immersion of multi-player free-roaming VR experiences in location-based entertainment. 

In the post-pandemic landscape, concern has been made about the speed of resurgence of this play experience – though initially, the figures look positive that players are returning as can be seen at both MeetSpaceVR and the other opening sites in Europe and the West. There are however some signs that a lack of liquidity of some Arena Scale LBE VR businesses will mean difficult times ahead. It was reported that The VOID, one of the high-profile developers in this field have entered difficult straights. It was revealed that their Californian Downtown Disney District site had permanently closed its doors. Later revealed that the lease termination was because of a breach of the Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures license. All but one of the remaining 17-sites of The VOID had not reopened, other than reports of the Malaysian site located in the Genting resort complex – sources revealing that that site had removed all Disney intellectual property and VR experiences. Once more information is available on this situation, we will share this with our readers.


At the time of visiting the Wembley MeetSpaceVR operation, we took the chance to look at another re-opening site offering VR entertainment. Located on the riverside London-county-hall location, NAMCO Funscape is a bowling, hospitality, and amusement venue – one of the capitals leading entertainment centres prominently placed in London’s’ tourist epicentre close to the well-known London Eye attraction. While the attraction may not be operational yet, the Namco amusement site had opened its doors.

Previously covered by VRFocus – the NAMCO Funland had undergone COVID measures, with the bowling and hospitality elements closed off – and the amusement machines enforcing physical distancing. This, however, did not diminish the interest to try the VR entertainment on offer, with the company operating the only two Bandai Namco VR Zone Portal Mario Kart VR installations in the capital. The site also had their Beat Saber Arcade machine and the Extreme Machine VR experiences. And taking pride of place and being well played during this visit the LAI Games Virtual Rabbid’s machine – all these systems sporting new signage regarding the hygiene necessities of using the venue.

Bandai Namco VR Zone
Image credit: KWP

We look forward to reporting on the other VR ZONE Portal installation at the O2 location once the Bowling Alley sector (along with hotel, gyms and theaters) are permitted to reopen for business after the expected lifting of Governmental restrictions. And we will be visiting several other new sites in the coming days – watch this space for more information.

Virtual Arena: London Calling LBE – VR’s Venue Explosion! (Part 2.)

In the latest coverage of the immersive Out-of-Home entertainment scene for VRFocus, in his latest Virtual Arena column, Kevin Williams reports on an eruption of brand new Location-Based Entertainment (LBE) VR entertainment properties making the capital their home. In this second part of this three-part report, we look at the emergence of new VR arcades in the capital, as well as the popularity of Arena-Scale gaming within many of these new offerings.

After covering previous the new start-up located in one of the many London arches (see the Electronic Theatre report in part 1), there is also another VR offering that was visited recently. Located in Haggerston, North London, the Otherworld VR is a unique adaptation on the VR arcade approach growing in popularity across the globe. Developed by The Dream Corporation, this VR entertainment venue attempts to offer a unique experience, while building off the proven aspects of pay-to-play VR.

OtherWorld outside
The entrance to OtherWorld VR. Source: KWP.

Launched this year, the unique element of the delivery of the VR experiences is how Dream Corporation has developed its unique launcher, offering some 16 different VR videogames, reached by the user traversing a virtual island. Another unique element is the VR platforms themselves “Immersion Rooms” comprise a number of SFX elements married to the VR games to offer what the company like to call “sense-hacking” experiences. The site comprising 14 of these unique cylindrical VR pods – all powered by HTC Vive Pro headsets. 

The key aspect of the overall venue is its marriage to a strong hospitality element, the Otherworld VR venue comprising a special bar and touchscreen ordering element. The Dream Corporation partnered with Red Deer on interior design, in what has been described as a “neon jungle“. Focused on the individual, but predominately for group hire of the space, looking at an average £30-per player price range for a 55-minute experience. The Dream Corporation having raised some $1.3 million to date, agreeing to terms for two additional UK sites and the commencement of a European expansion.

OtherWorld inside
View of the 14 Immersive Rooms at the OtherWorld VR venue. Source: KWP.

More conventional Free Roam VR entertainment has been created by UK operator MeetspaceVR in cooperation with Australia’s Zero Latency, who have opened recently at the Box Park location at Wembley Park, London. This venue is the latest deployment of an Arena-Scale (Free Roam) VR experience offering a chance for groups of up to 8-players to simultaneously experience the latest in true free-roaming VR experiences. 

Deploying the popular Zero Latency platform, allows groups of players to select from five of the free-roaming VR experiences filling the 20 x 10m “warehouse-scale” arena. Players wearing the latest PC backpacks and using HP Reverb headsets (this being the new ‘gen2’ VR hardware from the company). MeetspaceVR offering 30-minute gameplay experiences, at on average some £30-per player.

An aspect of the deployment of the MeetspaceVR venue is the inclusion of VR eSports (vSports), that will see the Zero Latency system as well as standalone Vive VR terminals and eSport PC stations offering a competitive environment to the VR venue. There are also plans for the site to include VR escape gaming, creating a dedicated overall VR entertainment offering. Given the great success of their cooperation in the UK, Zero Latency and MeetspaceVR are already in expansion talks for further venues in Q1 and Q2 of 2020, including Birmingham and Manchester locations.

MeetSpaceVR outside
Outside MeetspaceVR. Source: KWP.
MeetSpaceVR inside
The new MeetspaceVR and the players deep in competitive VR action. Source: KWP.

One of the other new VR arcade locations to throw open their doors this year are NAVRTAR – the company was the first site to offer a free-roam VR and bar experience in the capital. Located in a retail unit in London’s Ealing area. The venue offers three distinctive VR offerings, first with VR demo stations to allow players to get their VR feet, then with dedicated private booths, and finally with an Arena-Scale five-player HP backpack, and Oculus CV1 headset experience – this system provided by developer VRArcade – with NAVRTAR offering this from £28 per person. NAVRTAR has been specially designed to offer a social group experience, being one of the first VR arcades in this sector to comprise a dedicated hospitality component.

NAVRTAR image1
NAVRTAR’s new location. Source: KWP
NAVRTAR image2
Kevin Williams’ fresh from playing Zombie Apocalypse at NAVRTAR. Source: KWP.

The popularity of Arena-Scale VR experiences has grown across the industry – with news that the poster-boy for this application, The VOID and their “Hyper-Reality” film based free-roaming experience planning on opening a permanent location in London in the coming months. This builds on the previous “Pop-up” of their ‘Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire’ that saw a temporary installation back in December 2017 at the Shepherd’s Bush, Westfield shopping centre. While the other big name in Arena-Scale VR installations, Sandbox VR, has also revealed plans for a new London opening, also in a couple of weeks, following its own major injection of financial investment.

Interest in this aspect of the technology and the LBE VR scene, in general, will be reflected in the coming new-look EAG International Expo 2020, taking place on the 14-16 January at London’s ExCeL. The leading trade gathering for the attraction and amusement trade, a special one-day conference has been organized by leading developers in this sector – promoting the new opportunities that LBE VR is offering the European and International sectors. Arena-Scale development, and the latest standalone VR experiences playing a major part of the event. 

The next part of our coverage of developments in this sector follows shortly.