Luden.Io Takes Pumpkin Carving To The Extreme In Latest VRobot Update

As you might expect, and certainly as you might already be familiar with if you’ve read VRFocus at length over the last few days videogame developers everywhere are getting into the holiday spirit.

By that I don’t mean by that we’ve had Christmas updates aplenty; Though those are, no doubt, on their way soon enough. We are though experiencing a glut of updates which add a touch of something spooky to the average virtual reality (VR) title. Halloween is approaching rapidly and behind every virtual corner there could be something waiting to leap out at you.

The latest developer to add a touch of things going bump in the night is Cyprus based studio, who are never ones to turn down the opportunity to update their city destruction sandbox title VRobot if the option to add in some extra fun presents itself.

VRobot logo
But how do you add some Halloween flavour to a videogame where you destroy things in a giant robot? For the answer was obvious.  If you can carve lanterns out of pumpkins why can’t you carve an entire city out of them? For a limited time owners of VRobot can take out their frustrations on an entire city built from the orange squash plants and also terrorise its citizens. Who have, thanks to the update, been transmogrified into ‘robopumpkins’. also gave something of a ‘storyline’ explanation for the change to the VRobot world.

“Through studying the history of mankind, robots found an effective way to prevent an annual universal catastrophe. While seeds are inside of their heads instead of microcircuits, you can take an advantage of the situation and hit them in the ‘pumpkins’. When the portal is closed, everything will return to normal.”

The Halloween shennanagins are the latest in a number of updates and stories regarding VRobot that VRFocus has covered in recent months, which have also included the title getting a free demo on Steam, a New York City themed update,  two film related updates in the form of content inspired by both Transformers and (most recently) Thor: Ragnarok. Whilst last week also saw a confirmation via the developer’s Trello account that it was working on bringing the currenty PC-based title to the PlayStation VR.

VRFocus will bring you more news on updates to VRobot as they are revealed. For the latest on everything VR related be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google+. Confirm Work To Bring VRobot To PlayStation VR

Would be thunder gods had cause for celebration earlier this month when, in a move made to coincide with the soon to release Thor: Ragnarok, the Odinson’s hammer and lightning wielding powers were announced to be being added to the game. That update should, according to communications from makers, now be live.  Allowing you to smite anyone below you who may have raised your ire.

Because being a giant robot of destruction isn’t enough, clearly.

Additional updates completed include improved A.I. for citizens, meaning your actions will certainly have more of an effect on your day. Physics and graphical polishing improvements have also been made. However, this isn’t the only thing are seemingly working on.

As mentioned in a previous story on the Cyprus-based team set up a Trello account so you can see exactly what the team is working on. The ‘In Progress’ column for this shows that not only are working on a new user interface addition, but they are also working to bring VRobot to the PlayStation VR. The task card currently has a ‘due date’ of November 23rd 2017, although it’s not clear whether it will be released on that date or whether or not that is when would like it ready for submission.

VRobot is currently available on Steam and supports the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive head mounted displays (HMDs).  It is not presently on Oculus Store, however a third In Progress task lists the Oculus Store with a completion date of December 28th 2017.

VRFocus will bring you more news on further developments with VRobot as we get them.

Rain Down Destruction Like the god of Thunder in VRobot’s Next Update

Earlier this year launched a new title on Steam Early Access that’s all about one thing destruction, leveling cities and wiping little robots off the face of the planet as a massive overseer of doom, and that title’s called VRobot. Since its release the studio has added several updates including a free downloadable demo and now its announced the latest additions due to be added.

In VRobot’s next update – which has yet to be dated – players will be able to wield Nordic God, Thor’s mighty hammer, to squash and smash everything in their path as fast as possible. Obviously this is Thor’s hammer so it has all the properties of this mythical weapon. Charge it up with Lightning and smash it to the ground for a devastating area-of-effect blast, or simply throw it at distant targets bringing them crumbling to the ground then catch the hammer when it returns.

VRobot AI update

To make VRobot more dynamic, will be adding a new AI system for the robot citizens. Before they would just amble about as if nothing was wrong as the cities came crashing down around them. This won’t be the case for much longer as they now run around and try to flee – arms waving frantically – so catching and disposing of the little mechanical menaces will be that little bit harder.

Lastly the update will include improved physics, not just for the virtual cites but the robot citizens as well.

Check out the trailer below to see all of this in action, and as release further updates – the studio has setup a Trello page to see developments – VRFocus will let you know.

VRFocus Gets Hands on With ARrived at Gamescom 2017

One of the difficulties with virtual reality (VR) is that it’s difficult to relay an experience or videogame to audiences, because it is so fully immersive. Without mixed reality or a green screen, it’s difficult to imagine or picture it. However, when it comes to augmented reality (AR), it becomes a lot easier to visually explain what’s happening. 

VRFocus managed to get hold of Oleg Chumakov, CEO of at Gamescom and got a first-hand experience with his AR videogame ARrived, a God simulation game, similar to the videogames Black and White or Populous.

Chumakov showed ARrived in a room lit by daylight where the floor had two different colours. Apparently this made it easier to calibrate the room for tracking. When you start ARrived, four little men appear on the floor of an iPad, and you then get to choose to be either a good or bad boss by clicking on happy or evil emoticons on the left or right of the screen respectively. Chumakov chose good for the purpose of this demo and the four men celebrated this act by dabbing (a dance move). You can create land for them by adding more trees and clouds. You can move these objects around to your liking around your room, and they will stay in the exact same spot no matter where you move in the room.

Small icons appear above the men as you choose various options for them to eat and drink, indicating they should either eat or drink. Icons also appear above the men to indicate how they feel, a snowflake appears above their heads and they start shivering indicating they’re cold. You have to start a fire in order to warm them and happy icons will appear above their heads to show their gratitude. Chumakov used his sleeve to block the camera to show how lighting works in-game, but it also resulted in slight mis-tracking when he removed his sleeve. After the tracking re-adjusted itself, magic clouds (what look like blue portals) appeared dropping items from the sky to the floor.

Chumakov explains that when at home, you have to physically move around the house and room in order to find more magic clouds. The objects are used to create a totem are not random, they’re based on objects around the room you’re located in whilst playing. Chumakov explains that under the totem dinosaurs will start appearing. As the game continues you can find other tribes and another god. There is no real ending to the game, however if you do meet another god whilst playing the little figures can either choose to follow you or not follow you according to how well you played.

ARrived concept 2

For this version of ARrived, the game is five minutes long. The reason for this is the intense processing power AR needs to work. It will suck the battery life and the device will heat up playing it. It also means that you can’t turn off the game and expect to come back to it and continue playing. AR is still in its infancy. Chumakov explains that as new hardware comes out you’ll be able to spawn the objects and humans in various locations. He also mentions that women are included in ARrived, but unfortunately the mechanic broke just before the conference – but they will be in the finished videogame upon release.

Luden.Io Will Be Showcasing ARKit Title ARrived at PAX West

Since the launch of Apple’s ARKit, a number of companies have been testing out the possibilities provided by the new augmented reality (AR) toolkit. One of these is, who will be demonstrating its upcoming AR god simulator ARrived.

During early demonstrations , the developer behind VRobot referred to the title by a different name of AR Tribe, but since then it has gained considerably more polish. The core gameplay is that of a sandbox god simulator, sharing similarities with classic title Black and White. Players will need to guide and care for their chosen tribe, able to choose from various options to improve the life of the miniature AR people presented on the tabletop before the player.

Current artwork and video footage of the alpha build of the videogame reveals a cartoonish, stylised artwork style, with various style of character, from primitive seemed men with clubs to shamanistic figures. Early footage has shown level areas with flowing waterfalls and an active day and night cycle, with fireflies appearing during the night phase. will be demonstrating a build of the title for attendees at PAX West, which is due to take place in Seattle from 1st-4th September, 2017. It is currently unknown what point in development the title has reached, but most are expecting an alpha build at this point.

A launch date and price point for ARrived has yet to be confirmed.

VRFocus will bring you further information on ARrived and other ARKit projects as it becomes available.

Destroy A City For Free with VRobot Demo

For those who have always dreamed of unleashing their destructive impulses by taking control of a giant robot to lay waste to everything in side, developer might have just the thing, with the release of a free demo of its stompy robot title VRobot.

In VRobot the player takes control of a huge robot in order to destroy the other robots who have taken over the world and driven humans out of their cities. In the full version of the title, the robot has access to a variety of weaponry to aid in the swath of destruction. The free demo limits you to just your bare metal fists for the most part, though you do have the opportunity to wield a huge unfolding sword inspired by the Transformers franchise.

The demo includes just one city, which has been selected as it is one that doesn’t require any special weaponry in order to wreck it entirely. The developers say they are offering the demo in hopes that it will attract players who are uncertain about purchasing the full version of the title, and have even said that people who try the demo are encouraged to offer feedback to make the experience better.

VRobot is currently in Steam Early Access available for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, needing motion controllers for input, so Oculus Rift users will need the Oculus Touch. The full version of the title is priced at £10.99 (GBP). Further information, and access to the demo, is available through the Steam store page.

VRFocus will bring you further news on VRobot and other Steam VR titles as it becomes available. Reveals Some of the Concept Artwork Behind ARrived

Since the announcement of Apple’s augmented reality (AR) app ARKit more and more developers have been showcasing their creations. Earlier this week revealed the first alpha footage of its project ARrived, a god like simulator. Now VRFocus has some concept art for you to look at, detailing the some of the environments and characters.

Most of the artwork can be seen in the alpha footage, with the various tribes people who’ll look up to players for guidance when building their civilisation.

From bearded guys with clubs and shamans, to levels with waterfalls a nighttime scenes with fireflies dancing around, these concept ideas give a good understanding of how the videogame has grown and progressed.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of and ARrived, reporting back with further updates.

ARrived concept 0
ARrived concept 1
ARrived concept 2
ARrived concept 3
ARrived concept 4
ARrived concept 5

Luden.Io Reveals First Alpha Footage of ARKit Title ARrived

Last month VRobot developer revealed its first early results of using Apple’s ARKit, showcasing a god simulator called AR Tribe. Well today the studio has unveiled further details about what it’s been up to over the last few weeks, with a new video showcasing the title in alpha form as well as a new name, ARrived. 

As you can see from the video below, ARrived looks a lot more polished than its predecessor, with the graphic and lighting greatly improved – there’s even a day/night cycle where fireflies appear. The characters also respond to where the player is, turning their heads and waving no matter where they move to.


ARrived is a god simulator where players have to look after and guide their tribe, just this time it’s using AR, so these digital folks are in the real-world as well. The videogame will allow players to choose from a range of options to improve the prosperity of their tribe whilst at the same time the tribe comes to them for advice.

As it’s still in early development the team hasn’t yet stated when ARrived will be launching. As ever, VRFocus will continue its coverage of, reporting back with further updates.


VRobot Developer Reveals AR Tribe Made with Apple’s ARKit

Today,, the developer behind virtual reality (VR) titles such as InMind 2 and VRobot, has announced its first foray into the world of augmented reality (AR), unveiling AR Tribe, a videogame that utilises Apple’s ARKit technology.

AR Tribe is a god simulator where players have to look after and guide their tribe, just this time it’s using AR, so these digital folks are in the real-world as well. Still in its early stages, the videogame will allow players to choose from a range of options to improve the prosperity of their tribe whilst at the same time the tribe comes to them for advice.

ARTribe1 hasn’t revealed much more than that and the couple of gifs you can see above and below.

“We want to make your first app, which will help you to get acquainted with ARKit technology and have a lot of fun,” commented Oleg Chumakov, CEO of in a statement. “But if you look deeper, this game is about how to adapt to a rapidly changing environment, and how to help others to adapt. Even if you are not a patron with your tribe”.

For those interested in getting a first look at the title the studio will be running an early access test towards the end of the summer. All you need to do is subscribe and will notify you accordingly.

While some developers have likely had access to ARKit for sometime, the software was only announced during Apple’s   annual WWDC 2017 conference in June. The keynote featured a couple of demonstrations such as a LEGO model that could be exploded and Wingnut AR Studio with an interactive scene

As further details on AR Tribe are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.


Smash Up New York With VRobot’s NYC Update

Independent developers Luden.Io have been quite keen on keeping the content updates flowing into smashy giant robot title VRobot. With a small content update that added a giant mechanical sword inspired by the Transformers franchise being added earlier this month, and now a much bigger ‘New York City’ content update.

A brand new city is being added to VRobot for players to gleefully smash to bits. Patterned about the famous New York City, the level, referred to in-game as New RoboYork City, features recognisable famous landmarks of the New York metropolis, including the Empire State building, Statue of Liberty and, in a slightly more controversial move, the ‘Vrump’ Tower.

The content update also includes the aforementioned Transforming sword, the addition of a giant robot rival called the Super Robot 3000 so players can pick on something their own size and the developers have also taken into account feedback received from players and have revamped the scoring system. The timer has been removed and a new coring system has been implemented in an attempt to make things more enjoyable.

VRobot is available on Steam for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift with Touch. In addition, from 23rd June 2017, Steam users can get 50% off the normal retail price of £10.99 (GBP) as part of the Steam Summer Sale. You can see what VRFocus made of VRobot in the video preview.

The development team are accepting suggestions on other features that can be added, such as new weaponry to be added to the existing arsenal of Transformers sword, Tornado Gun and Tractor beam, or new types of cities to explore (and destroy). Further information can be found on the Steam page.

VRFocus will bring you further updates on VRobot as they become available.