No Man’s Sky, Vanishing Realms, And Firewall: Livestream Schedule Aug. 26-30

Check out our schedule of planned VR gaming livestreams this week and don’t forget to tune in over on YouTube once we’re live. Plus, if you’re curious about how we livestream the way we do? Then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup. This week is all about Vanishing Realms, Firewall Zero Hour, and No Man’s Sky.

Every week we try to post a new Livestream Schedule like this. You can click here to see all past livestream archives and scheduled streams. This way everyone can anticipate what’s coming for the week and know when to tune in. If you have suggestions for games you want to see us stream next, leave those ideas down in the comments below!

We’ll embed archived versions of each stream after they’re done and embed the stream directly when it’s happening.

vanishing realms sundered rift featured image

Tuesday, August 29th, 2019 @12PM PT –
Vanishing Realms: The Sundered Rift, New VR RPG Expansion On Rift S


firewall dark web new camo

Wednesday, August 29th, 2019 @12PM PT
Firewall Zero Hour, Celebrating One-Year Anniversary Of PSVR FPS


no man's sky big featured image

Thursday, August 29th, 2019 @11AM PT –
No Man’s Sky VR, Exploring Space In The Sci-Fi Epic On Rift S


You can see lots of our past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist, which is where you can see lots of great VR gameplay. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe to us on YouTube to stay up-to-date on gameplay videos, video reviews, interviews, and more original content! We’ve got more No Man’s Sky footage over there as well, for example.

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely. And you can check our list of all August releases to see what else is coming out this month.

The post No Man’s Sky, Vanishing Realms, And Firewall: Livestream Schedule Aug. 26-30 appeared first on UploadVR.

NOW LIVE: No Man’s Sky VR Code Giveaway Livestream

Check out our schedule of planned VR gaming livestreams this week and don’t forget to tune in over on YouTube once we’re live. Plus, if you’re curious about how we livestream the way we do look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup

Every week we will post a new Livestream Schedule like this. You can click here to see all past livestream archives and scheduled streams. This way everyone can anticipate what’s coming for the week and know when to tune in. If you have suggestions for games you want to see us stream next, leave those ideas down in the comments below!

We’ll embed archived versions of each stream after they’re done and embed the stream directly when it’s happening.

Watch live video from UploadVR on

Friday, August 16th 2019 @10:00 AM PT
No Man’s Sky VR, Playing the Beyond Update on Rift S

Closing out the week with more No Man’s Sky VR. Big surprise there, right?

(Archived) Monday, August 12th, 2019 –
Until You Fall, Sword-Fighting Action Game on Rift S

This sword-fighting action game from Schell Games is due out later this month in Early Access on August 27th but we’ve got a pre-release version of the game ready to go already. You can watch some gameplay here to get an idea of what it’s like and tune-in to see us slice and dice some monsters live.


(Archived) Wednesday, August 14th, 2019 –
No Man’s Sky VR, Playing the Beyond Update on Rift S

This is it. The moment we’ve all been waiting for: this is the launch day for No Man’s Sky: Beyond, a massive game-changing update that massively expands the multiplayer offerings, adds new gameplay mechanics, and introduces full VR support for the entire game. Join us as we play it live!

Don’t understand what all the fuss is about? Check it out here.


(Archive) Thursday, August 15th 2019 –
No Man’s Sky VR, Playing the Beyond Update on Rift S

Back in No Man’s Sky VR again. This time though we’re going to try and cram as many UploadVR writers and editors into the game as we possibly can. You’re welcome to join us as well! It’s gonna be wild.

You can see lots of our past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist, which is where you can watch gameplay highlights. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe to us on YouTube to stay up-to-date on gameplay videos, video reviews, interviews, and more original content!

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely.

The post NOW LIVE: No Man’s Sky VR Code Giveaway Livestream appeared first on UploadVR.

Neon Exile, Special Forces VR, And Ninja Legends: Livestream Schedule Aug. 5-9

Check out our schedule of planned VR gaming livestreams this week and don’t forget to tune in over on YouTube once we’re live. Plus, if you’re curious about how we livestream the way we do? Then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup

Every week we will post a new Livestream Schedule like this. You can click here to see all past livestream archives and scheduled streams. This way everyone can anticipate what’s coming for the week and know when to tune in. If you have suggestions for games you want to see us stream next, leave those ideas down in the comments below!

We’ll embed archived versions of each stream after they’re done and embed the stream directly when it’s happening.

Neon Exile

Tuesday, August 6th 2019 @12:00 PM PT
Neon Exile,
VR MMO on Oculus Rift S

There aren’t many VR MMOs out there. OrbusVR is really the only one on the market, but this, Zenith, and Nostos have certainly got people excited. Neon Exile is unique because of the heavy focus on building and creating things.


Special Force VR

Wednesday, August 7th 2019 @12:00PM PT
Special Forces VR: Infinity War,
VR Shooter on Oculus Rift S

Despite what the name implies, Special Forces VR: Infinity War actually has nothing to do with Marvel or The Avengers. At all. But it still looks like a half-decent VR shooter, so we’ll have to see how it turns out when we dive in live on stream!


Thursday, August 8th 2019 @12:00PM PT
Ninja Legends,
VR Wave Combat on Oculus Quest

Wave shooters are a dime a dozen in VR, but there aren’t many wave-based VR combat games that let you dismember ninjas in slow-motion. Ninja Legends is that and it plays great on the wireless, standalone Oculus Quest.

You can see lots of our past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist, which is where you can watch gameplay highlights. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe to us on YouTube to stay up-to-date on gameplay videos, video reviews, interviews, and more original content!

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely.

The post Neon Exile, Special Forces VR, And Ninja Legends: Livestream Schedule Aug. 5-9 appeared first on UploadVR.

Raccoon Lagoon Livestream: Animal Crossing Meets Stardew Valley In VR

Curious about how we livestream the way we do? Then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup. For today we’re playing the new Animal Crossing-esque VR game, Raccoon Lagoon.

We’re back again with another livestream planned for 7/26/19 @1:00PM PT on the UploadVR YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Mixer.

Raccoon Lagoon just released this week as an exclusive on the Oculus platform for both Rift and Quest by Hidden Path Entertainment. It combines Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley type community building and life sim features to offer a cute and quaint experience complete with online multiplayer. It’s the kind of game you can easily come back to daily for a few minutes to check on things if you want.

The stream is planned to start around 1:00 PM PT and we’ll aim to last for about an hour or two. Our last few livestreams were on Twitch, but this time we’re going to use Restream like we used to use. and hit YouTube, Twitter, Mixer, and Facebook all at once. Either way, you can see the full stream embedded via YouTube right here down below once it’s up:

Embedded livestream coming soon

You can see lots of our past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist, which is where you can watch gameplay highlights. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe to us on YouTube to stay up-to-date on gameplay videos, video reviews, interviews, and more original content!

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely.

The post Raccoon Lagoon Livestream: Animal Crossing Meets Stardew Valley In VR appeared first on UploadVR.

Rise of Insanity Livestream: Psychological Horror In VR

Curious about how we livestream the way we do? Then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup.

We’re back again with another livestream planned for 7/16/19 @1:00PM PT on the UploadVR Twitch.

For today we are playing Rise of Insanity, a psychological horror game from Red Limb Studios that released on PC last year with optional VR support and just hit PS4 with optional PSVR support late last week. We’ll be doing a full review of the game and decided to play through it live on stream for everyone to enjoy. Because spooky is always fun.

We’ve recently switched back over to Twitch after experimenting with livestreams on YouTube for a while. Since we’re affiliated on Twitch we have some really cool perks we can offer such as awesome sub badges to reward subscribers, fun emotes, the ability to donate bits to support the stream and fund improvements, as well as a fun meta game of earning Loyalty Points to redeem for future events. We’re gonna do lots of fun stuff like giveaways too very soon that will all be automated within the stream chat.

This stream we will be using an Oculus Rift S and Xbox One gamepad to play Rise of Insanity via Steam. Here is where you can find today’s stream once it starts around @1:00PM PT and will last for about an hour or two:

Watch live video from UploadVR on

Since we are migrating from YouTube you can see our most recent past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist, which is where you can watch gameplay highlights from Twitch streams in the future too. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe to us on YouTube as well!

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely.

The post Rise of Insanity Livestream: Psychological Horror In VR appeared first on UploadVR.

Defector Launch Livestream: Mission Impossible VR Style Action

Curious about how we livestream the way we do? Then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup.

We’re back again with another livestream planned for 7/11/19 @9:00AM PT on the UploadVR Twitch.

For today we are playing Defector, a brand new spy action thriller from Twisted Pixel and Oculus Studios that is just releasing today. You can read our full review on the site right now for more details. It’s an Oculus Rift exclusive full of action, branching story missions, and some really fun cheats.

We’ve recently switched back over to Twitch after experimenting with livestreams on YouTube for a while. Since we’re affiliated on Twitch we have some really cool perks we can offer such as awesome sub badges to reward subscribers, fun emotes, the ability to donate bits to support the stream and fund improvements, as well as a fun meta game of earning Loyalty Points to redeem for future events. We’re gonna do lots of fun stuff like giveaways too very soon that will all be automated within the stream chat.

This stream we will be using an Oculus Rift S and two Touch controllers to play Defector via Oculus Home. Here is where you can find today’s stream once it starts around 9:00AM PT and will last for about an hour or two:

Watch live video from UploadVR on

Since we are migrating from YouTube you can see our most recent past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist, which is where you can watch gameplay highlights from Twitch streams in the future too. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe to us on YouTube as well!

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely.

The post Defector Launch Livestream: Mission Impossible VR Style Action appeared first on UploadVR.

Blade & Sorcery Livestream: Brutal, Bloody, And Violent Medieval Combat

Curious about how we livestream the way we do? Then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup.

We’re back again with another livestream!

For today we are playing Blade & Sorcery, an absolutely intense, brutal, bloody, and violent VR combat game that’s got some of the most intricate and realistic physics we’ve seen yet in a headset. There’s not much of a game here yet, but it’s one of the most fun sandboxes out there.

We’re also switching back over to Twitch today after experimenting with livestreams on YouTube for a while. Since we’re affiliated we have some really cool perks we can offer on Twitch such as awesome sub badges to reward subscribers, fun emotes, and the ability to donate bits to support the stream and fund improvements. We’re gonna do lots of fun stuff like giveaways too in the future that will all be automated within the stream chat.

This steam we will be using an Oculus Rift S and two Touch controllers to play an Oculus Home version of Blade & Sorcery. Here is where you can find today’s stream once it starts around 1PM PT:

Watch BLADE & SORCERY VR – Bloody, Violent Gladiator Battles from UploadVR on

Since we are migrating from YouTube you can see our most recent past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist, which is where you can watch archived Twitch streams in the future too. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe to us on YouTube as well!

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely.

The post Blade & Sorcery Livestream: Brutal, Bloody, And Violent Medieval Combat appeared first on UploadVR.

Valve Index Pre-Launch Livestream: Blade & Sorcery,

Valve Index Pre-Launch Livestream: Blade & Sorcery,

Curious about how we livestream the way we do? Then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup.

We’re livestreaming with the Valve Index PC VR headset today!

Now that E3 is behind us we can look at the VR gaming landscape as it exists today instead of being pre-occupied with what isn’t out yet. The Index is shipping this week from Valve Corporation and we’re be previewing some gameplay with the new Index controllers and head-mounted display. We’re planning to show off Aperture Hand Lab made by Cloudhead Games as well as Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades from RUST LTD. We’ll probably make our way into other apps with support for the new Index controllers as well, including the experimental Moondust testbed.

Here is where you can find today’s stream once it starts:

Thursday, June 27th:

And we livestreamed yesterday (June 26th) for two and a half hours already. Here is yesterday’s if you want to check it out.

Wednesday, June 26th:

Tune in live to ask use any questions about our experience with the Valve Index. We are reserving our final judgment on the hardware for a full review Friday morning but more apps are getting support for the Index controllers every day, so we wanted to show off the new hand interactions ahead of the launch.

You can see our most recent past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe! You can also now Join our YouTube Community as a member to get special perks like in-video shout outs, custom emojis and badges in chat, and the ability to vote on future video content.

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely.

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The post Valve Index Pre-Launch Livestream: Blade & Sorcery, appeared first on UploadVR.

Swords of Gargantua Livestream – Sword Fighting On Oculus Quest

Swords of Gargantua Livestream – Sword Fighting On Oculus Quest

Curious about how we livestream the way we do? Then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup.

Now that E3 is behind us we can look at the VR gaming landscape as it exists today instead of being pre-occupied with what isn’t out yet. To do that, we’re gonna take a look back at an Oculus Quest game that released just before gaming’s biggest event: Swords of Gargantua.

For the stream I will be playing Swords of Gargantua on Oculus Quest using Chromecast to stream, you can read more about that setup in the guide linked above. This is a co-op game so maybe I’ll find some people to play with. It’s also on Home for Rift with cross-play as well as on Steam — although it’s unclear if Quest has cross-play with that version too.

The stream is planned to start around 1:00 PM PT and we’ll aim to last for about an hour or so. We’ll be livestreaming to the UploadVR YouTube directly. You can see the full stream embedded right here down below:

You can see our most recent past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe! You can also now Join our YouTube Community as a member to get special perks like in-video shout outs, custom emojis and badges in chat, and the ability to vote on future video content.

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely.

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The post Swords of Gargantua Livestream – Sword Fighting On Oculus Quest appeared first on UploadVR.

Blood & Truth and Trover Saves The Universe PSVR Combo Livestream

Blood & Truth and Trover Saves The Universe PSVR Combo Livestream

Curious about how we livestream the way we do? Then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup.

Two really big new PSVR games released today with Blood & Truth and Trover Saves the Universe. One is Guy Ritchie-style action thriller full of guns, explosions, and epic set piece moments, while Trover on the other hand is ridiculously hilarious and bizarre action platformer from the mind of Justin Roiland. These games could not be more different but both are very good in their own ways.

For the stream I will be playing both games on PSVR (Blood & Truth with two PS Move controllers and Trover with a DualShock 4) on a standard PS4.

The stream is planned to start around 2:30 PM PT and we’ll aim to last for about an hour or two. We’ll be livestreaming to the UploadVR YouTube directly. You can see the full stream embedded right here down below once it’s up:

You can see our most recent past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe! You can also now Join our YouTube Community as a member to get special perks like in-video shout outs, custom emojis and badges in chat, and the ability to vote on future video content.

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely.

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The post Blood & Truth and Trover Saves The Universe PSVR Combo Livestream appeared first on UploadVR.