‘Rise of the Titan’ to Bring Its Colossal Robotic Boss Battles to PC VR This Year

Lightbound Studios, a Los Angeles-based indie studio, may not have succeeded last year to fund their VR game Titan Arena through Kickstarter, but all is not lost. The studio has continued work on the titanic-sized boss battler in the meantime, and now calls it Rise of the Titan.

Lightbound says in a Steam update that the new name was created to set it further apart from the waveshooter genre. Although Rise of the Titan is admittedly a shooter in some sense, the studio now says it better fits in the narrative-driven action-adventure genre.

The studio has only thrown out a short clip for now, showing a little bit of the locomotion mechanic and how the game handles object interaction, although they’ve said more info is coming soon.


Rise of the Titan’s features include:

  • Titan Bosses – Player will face off against giant metal machines that can crush a human with a flick of a finger. He must use everything in his arsenal, from climbing to shooting to bring down these humongous beasts.
  • Combat – Interaction and the combat with enemies in this VR environment is designed to be as fluid and natural as possible. The player can employ various strategies to destroy enemies more efficiently and great style.
  • Tethers – Multipurpose tool used for both combat and for maneuvering in the world effortlessly in all 3 dimensions. This tool can be used to pull, climb, hang, zip, catch, throw, break, tear, and manipulate objects.
  • Adapters – Tether modifiers that turn the tethers into high-tech weapons. The player will acquire these while progressing through the game and discovering hidden secrets. Used in various combinations, these weapons can be extremely powerful and fun.
  • Full Locomotion – Player can move naturally through the environment using locomotion, speed-dash, and evade. The game features full 360° gameplay and provides the option for players to switch between smooth and incremental turning.

According to the game’s Steam page, Rise of the Titan is slated to launch sometime in 2019, supporting HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Valve Index, and Windows VR headsets.

The post ‘Rise of the Titan’ to Bring Its Colossal Robotic Boss Battles to PC VR This Year appeared first on Road to VR.

Massive VR Boss Battler Titan Arena Reemerges As Rise of the Titan

It’s been just over a year since we’ve heard from Titan Arena. This week, though, it reemerged with a different name.

The VR boss battling game, which takes influence from the likes of Shadow of the Colossus, failed a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign late last year. But developer Lightbound Studio didn’t give up there. This week, it debuted brand new footage for the game along with a new name; Rise of the Titan.

The video footage above comes from Reddit. Writing in a Steam update, the developer reasoned that the previous name made people think of a wave shooter. Rise of the Titan, meanwhile, intends to reflect the game’s narrative-driven campaign.

Its name might be different but Rise of the Titan still looks very promising. The game has you battling massive robots in arena battles. You navigate worlds using both smooth locomotion and a tether that vaults you around levels. It’s also used for scaling bosses so you can climb on top of them to cause real damage. There are also smaller enemies to fight and, as the new footage shows, other environments to explore.

Lightbound had hoped to raise $30,000 in its Kickstarter campaign, though ended its run with just over half of that. At the time, the developer vowed to continue on with development for the game.

Elsewhere, Lightbound confirmed the game would now be releasing in 2020 instead of 2019. It’s due for release on Rift and Vive, though the team says it will release on Quest ‘if possible’. You can wishlist it on Steam (ignore the release date) right here.

The post Massive VR Boss Battler Titan Arena Reemerges As Rise of the Titan appeared first on UploadVR.

Crowdfunding Sought for Giant Robot VR Arena Shooter

As demonstrated by the countless stories featuring them on TV, film and videogames, we all know that giant robots are pretty cool. Giant robots pounding each other to sheet metal is therefore, automatically cooler. This is the concept Lightbound Studios are seeking to bring to life in virtual reality (VR) and have launched a Kickstarter in search of the funds for its title, Titan Arena.

Titan Arena is described as a ‘fast-paced first-person VR action shooter where you battle against colossal robots in a sci-fi arena.’ The developers are seeking to raise £23,018 (GBP), with 28 days still left to go.

Titan Arena

Players of Titan Arena will be able to pick from a selection of Titan robots, all of which has its own characteristics to suit individual play styles. As players progress, new weapons can be unlocked, and more powerful enemies will step up to face you in the arena.

The developers say they have spent some time working on a locomotion system that is intuitive while still maintaining comfort for the user and not triggering simulation sickness symptoms. Users will be able to use smooth movement strafing as a basic traversal method, and will also be able to dash, snap turn and even climb using the tether weapon.

Funding tiers range from $17 (USD) for an ‘Early Bird’ tier, which will get the backer access to a Steam key of Titan Arena upon release. Other tiers include the $50 Fighter tier, which will get the backer special high-resolution wallpaper, a digital art books, the soundtrack, Beta access and their name in the credits in addition to the standard Steam key.

As the top of the scale is the Titan Slayer Early Bird at $350, which gets the backer a limited edition 4-inch titan statue as well as a Titan Arena branded cap and t-shirt along with the art book, beta key, soundtrack and other items previously mentioned for other tiers.

Titan Arena

Further information can be found on the Kickstarter page. As usual, VRFocus will keep you up to date on VR-related crowdfunding projects.