Sports Illustrated and LIFE VR Get Sports Emmy Award

Sports Illustrated is one of the traditional print publications which has most eagerly embraced immersive technology such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). This commitment has now been recognised with Sports Illustrated and the LIFE VR app receiving a Sports Emmy Award for Capturing Everest.

Capturing Everest was released in May 2017 on the LIFE VR app and on a Sports Illustrated micro-site. The episodic VR film followed the journey of a group of climbers including amputee Jeff Glasbrenner and breast cancer survivor Lisa Thompson as they attempt to climb the world’s highest mountain.

Snap Sports Illustrated AR

The VR film was not only given its own micro-site, but was also featured as an AR cover feature in the Sports Illustrated print edition. Capturing Everest received the Sports Emmy award in the Outstanding Digital Innovation category.

Sports Illustrated was one of the first print publications to introduce AR, bringing AR features to selected issues of its print magazine to allow readers to immerse themselves in the content. Since then, SI has integrated VR and AR into its website and social media presence.

LIFE VR has been responsible for a number of recognised VR productions, with Capturing Everest being only one. LIFE VR has also been responsible for letting viewers ride the world’s longest wave alongside surfer Laird Hamilton in Take Every Wave: Laird in VR and has shot up into space with famed astronaut Buzz Aldrin in Buzz Aldrin: Cycling Pathways to Mars.

The Sports Illustrated magazine was founded in 1954 and is still the most-read sports magazine, but has also added other strings to its bow, such as a digital network of websites and apps, Sportsperson of the Year, Sports Illustrated Films and its SVOD service Sports Illustrated TV.

For further news of developments in the VR sector, keep checking back with VRFocus.

Explore Life on Mars with Buzz Aldrin

Dr Buzz Aldrin is one of the most recognisable names in the history of space flight, being part of the historic 1969 Apollo 11 moon mission. He is also a strong advocate for establishing human colonies on Mars. Buzz Aldrin: Cycling Pathways to Mars shows some of Dr Aldrin’s vision for the future of space travel.

The virtual reality (VR) experience of Buzz Aldrin: Cycling Pathways to Mars takes users into space and towards the red planet. Though the surface of Mars is desolate, and its atmosphere somewhat hostile to human life, Dr Aldrin has a plan for how Mars can be transformed to allow for a human colony.

The experience users room-scale VR to depict Mars in an absorbing and education way as Dr Aldrin details his plan for how humans could reach Mars, and ultimately make a home for themselves there.

Developers LIFE VR and 8i used motion capture and image capture in order to preserve the appearance of Buzz Aldrin, so his hologram can be preserved to provide information to future generations. Dr Aldrin is firm in his belief that though the space missions of the 60s and 70s were historic and important moments, further progress needs to be made.

“While the moon landing was a monumental achievement for humanity, there’s no greater mission than mankind’s journey to Mars,” said Buzz Aldrin, “I have a plan for creating a human settlement on Mars, and thanks to virtual reality and holographic technology from 8i, we now have an exciting new way to communicate this plan with the world and to leave my legacy behind for future generations of aspiring space travellers.”

Buzz Aldrin: Cycling Pathways to Mars is available for free for the Oculus Rift, available from the Oculus Store. The below trailer provides some further information on what users can expect from the VR experience.

As always, VRFocus will bring you news and updates regarding new and innovative VR experiences.

VR Series Capturing Everest Debuts on LIFE VR

Last October Time Inc.’s Sports Illustrated and Endemol Shine Beyond USA announced a collaborative effort to record the ascent of Mount Everest in 360-degrees. Today the four-part series Capturing Everest has launched on LIFE VR and several other platforms.

The four episodes – The JourneyThe BlessingThe Icefall and The Summit – follows the journey of three climbers as they attempt to make the summit. They were Jeff Glasbrenner, a Paralympian and 25-time Ironman who became the first American amputee to summit Mount Everest on this expedition; Lisa Thompson, a breast cancer survivor who quit her job to take on the mountain; and Madison Mountaineering guide Brent Bishop, son of the legendary climber Barry Bishop, a member of the first American team to summit Everest, in 1963.


Capturing Everest was shot over a two-month period last spring, the first time the mountain has been deemed safe enough for climbers after two years of cancellations due to bad weather and safety concerns. Using a variety of 360-degree capture methods, the team built specialised cameras rigged to zip lines and body harnesses on the climbers offer first-person views of Mount Everest.

The documentary is available through LIFE VR as well as a microsite on On the project editors of SI wrote in a statement: “It was no ordinary expedition, and it was captured in an extraordinary way…. You’ve seen photos and video from the peak. But you’ve never felt Everest like this… Capturing Everest is yet another example of how SI is delivering the access and storytelling for which we’ve always been known in cutting-edge ways—and it’s the jumping-off point for a new idea of what a magazine can be.”

“We are thrilled that Capturing Everest is getting this amazing launch platform thanks to our partners at Sports Illustrated and LIFE VR,” says Bonnie Pan, President, Endemol Shine Beyond USA. “This is such a special series, featuring an amazingly brave team of climbers who captured a view of Everest that has never been seen before.”

LIFE VR is a free app for iOS and Android, and can be watched through a Cardboard head-mounted display (HMD) as well as Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive.

For further LIFE VR updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Buzz Aldrin Hologram appears in Cycling Pathways To Mars

A hologram of legendary astronaut Buzz Aldrin will guide virtual reality (VR) users on their way to Mars in newly announced educational VR experience Cycling Pathways To Mars.

LIFE VR and 8i have teamed up to produce a VR project featuring Buzz Aldrin as he takes viewers on a journey away from Earth and details his plan for getting humans to Mars. Cycling Pathways To Mars uses room-scale VR to create an educational experience that has used cutting-edge motion and image capture to preserve Buzz Aldrin’s hologram for future generations.


“Capturing Buzz Aldrin’s hologram for future generations has been an incredible honor and a watershed moment for 8i,” said Steve Raymond, CEO of 8i. “Virtual reality has enormous potential to educate and inspire, and we know Buzz will spark the imagination of young people who will one day journey to Mars and begin a new chapter for mankind. Our entire team has been thrilled to work on this project and we’re excited for everyone to see it.”

“While the moon landing was a monumental achievement for humanity, there’s no greater mission than mankind’s journey to Mars,” said Buzz Aldrin, astronaut on Gemini 12 and Apollo 11 missions. “I have a plan for creating a human settlement on Mars, and thanks to virtual reality and holographic technology from 8i, we now have an exciting new way to communicate this plan with the world and to leave my legacy behind for future generations of aspiring space travellers.”


Cycling Pathways To Mars had its debut appearance at the South By Southwest (SXSW) conference in Austin, Texas this week. It is expected to be available through Steam and for the HTC Vive on 17th March 2017, and on Oculus Rift soon after.

VRFocus will bring you further news about Cycling Pathways To Mars as we get it.

Skydance Interactive Unveils its First Two VR Projects Life VR and Archangel

Skydance Interactive, a developer who’s previous work includes Gears of War 4 and XCOM 2, has revealed details surrounding its first two virtual reality (VR) titles, Life VR and Archangel.

Based on the upcoming feature film Life, due to be released on 24th March, Life VR is a sci-fi thriller set within the International Space Station command module. Players will lead a team of orbital scientists in a desperate fight for survival against a rapidly evolving life form from Mars. Due to launch the same day as the movie, Life VR will initially arrive on Samsung Gear VR and Google Daydream, with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR all getting support shortly after.


Archangel will be the first original VR title by Skydance Interactive. Created exclusively for VR, Archangel is a story-driven shooter in which players take control of a six-story-high war-machine, to stop a tyrannical corporation from taking over a post-apocalyptic America. The title is scheduled for release on VR platforms, including Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR in July 2017.

“I am proud to unveil today our first two Skydance Interactive titles that bring to life our mission of combining the fun of interactive gameplay with the immersive nature of narrative storytelling,” said David Ellison, Chief Executive Officer of Skydance Media, in a statement. “Whether it’s the action-filled, anti-establishment game of Archangel or the spine-tingling, thrilling experience of Life VR, we are excited to give audiences something they haven’t seen – or felt – ever before.”

“Our goal is to deliver on the promise of VR by giving not only aficionados and fans but even newcomers compelling and cutting-edge content that they can experience through a headset,” added Skydance Interactive President Peter Akemann. “Both Archangel and Life VR have allowed us to employ our accumulated experience making cutting-edge games for the last twenty years while taking advantage of the massive new storytelling opportunities that only VR can provide.”

As VRFocus learns more about Life VR and Archangel we’ll let you know.

TIME’s LIFE VR Unveils Remembering Pearl Harbor

Yesterday, December 7th, marked the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. One of the most notorious events, not only of World War II, but of the entire theatre of war. As Japanese forces, in an attempt to demoralise America and keep it out of the conflict, launched a surprise attack on the Hawaiian naval base. Leading to the deaths of 2,335 serviceman and 68 civilians whilst a combined total of 1,178 were also wounded.

Life VR Logo

In memory of this anniversary TIME Inc.’s virtual reality (VR) platform LIFE VR, which debuted back in September, has launched a new room-scale experience charting the events of a defining moment in American history. An experience in three acts, developed in partnership with AMD, HTC Vive and produced by Deluxe VR. Users take on the perspective of Pearl Harbor veteran Jim Downing – at the time a sailor on board the USS West Virginia. Downing recalls the events of the attack as you travel through the day, examining virtual recreations of artifacts and taking in archive photo and video.

“VR has an incredible power not only to entertain, but to teach. We created this experience to give even the biggest history buffs an experience of this moment that might change the way they understand it.” Explained Mia Tramz, Managing Editor of LIFE VR and TIME’s Senior Multimedia Editor. “This is the first of what we hope will be many historical and educational VR projects that LIFE VR undertakes to solidify certain pivotal moments that have shaped where we are today.”

Remembering Pearl Harbor was shown at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum and to members of the U.S. Congress at Capitol Hill yesterday during 75th anniversary events. It will continue to be shown for the rest of the week as part of a a special exhibition at Washington’s Newseum.

VRFocus will be bringing you more news and updates on the developing role of VR and 360 degree video in the education sector soon.

Time Inc and HTC Vive Announce Remembering Pearl Harbor Experience

For history buffs virtual reality (VR) provides an immersive opportunity to delve into the past, being able to better understand or relive key moments. Today HTC and Time Inc.’s LIFE VR have announced the launch of Remembering Pearl Harbor, a virtual reality (VR) experience commemorating the 75th anniversary of the attack that brought the US into World War II.

Developed in partnership with Deluxe VR, Remembering Pearl Harbor takes viewers inside key moments of the event’s aftermath through historically authentic and fully interactive environments. The experience also uses interactive archival news material from iconic TIME and LIFE publications, the National WWII Museum and the Library of Congress, including famous radio broadcasts from Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.

Remembering Pearl Harbor screenshot

‘Remembering Pearl Harbor’ is a historical and educational room-scale VR experience told through the eyes of Lt. Jim Downing, one of the oldest living survivors of the attack,” said Mia Tramz, Managing Editor of LIFE VR. “As postmaster of the USS West Virginia, Lt. Downing had a unique experience in this pivotal moment in history that we’ve brought to this piece. We’ve created this app with the hope it will bring a new understanding of this event to even the most enthusiastic history buffs.”

“We’re honoured to partner with LifeVR in telling Lt. Downing’s story through such a visceral experience on the Vive,” said Chris Chin, Senior Director of Content at HTC Vive and Executive Producer on Remembering Pearl Harbor. “For the first time ever, viewers can immerse themselves in a virtual recreation of World War II America through this incredibly moving and educational narrative.”

Remembering Pearl Harbor is available to download now for HTC Vive through Viveport for £6.96 GBP . The experience will also launch through Time Inc.’s dedicated LIFE VR app for iOS and Android in the coming weeks.

For all the latest VR news, keep reading VRFocus.

Journey up Mt. Everest In Upcoming Documentary Series on LIFE VR

Last month Time Inc. launched a new multiplatform virtual reality (VR) called LIFE VR to deliver immersive stories from around the world. Now Time Inc.’s Sports Illustrated and Endemol Shine Beyond USA, have collaborated on a 360-degree documentary series following the journey of four climbers during their 2016 summit of Mt. Everest.

The production, called Capturing Everest was shot on location across a two-month period, utilising specialised 360-degree cameras rigged to zip lines and body harnesses on the climbers offering first-person views of Mt. Everest.


The series follows a team led by Garrett Madison, a six-time Everest summiteer who has led 37 climbers to the summit, as well as Brent Bishop, a three-time Everest summiteer, who is the son of legendary climber Barry Bishop. There’s Jeff Glasbrenner an American amputee hoping to be the first to summit Everest, Lisa White, the lone female member of the team and a cancer survivor, and Nick Perks who’s fulfilling a promise to climb Everest in memory of his late father.

“Attacking the world’s highest summit seemed like the perfect place to go with our new VR initiative, and by partnering with Endemol Shine and adding in the world-class storytellers from Sports Illustrated, I think we have something truly special and unique to offer our audience,” said Mia Tramz, Managing Editor of LIFE VR. “We can’t wait to bring viewers along for this once-in-a-lifetime journey. This is exactly the type of experience LIFE VR was created for.”

Capturing Everest will premiere in early 2017 on Time Inc.’s new LIFE VR platform and in 360-degree video. Sports Illustrated will also feature coverage of this endeavour across its print and digital properties.

“This groundbreaking production is going to allow anyone with a smart phone to virtually climb Mt. Everest,” says Bonnie Pan, President, Endemol Shine Beyond USA. “VR is allowing us to tell stories in new and unique ways, and with this series, our brave team of climbers captured a view of Everest that’s going to blow people’s minds. And who better to partner with for such a breathtaking series than the teams at Sports Illustrated and LIFE VR at Time Inc., who are really pushing the scale of these experiences.”

“Summiting Everest has captivated the imagination like few other athletic feats,” said Chris Stone, Editorial Director of Time Inc.’s Sports Illustrated Group. “Capturing an ascent in VR makes the unattainable seem attainable while at the same time reinforcing the mythology of Everest. This production is both extraordinarily real and unreal all at once. We are thrilled to bring the viewer along for the odyssey.”

The LIFE VR app is free for iOS and Android, with support for the Google Cardboard head-mounted display (HMD), as well as Gear VR, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive.

For all the latest LIFE VR news, keep reading VRFocus.