Preview: GNOG – A Puzzler for Kids of All Ages

Puzzle videogames come in all shapes and sizes, from dark mysterious adventures to light hearted escapades, if you like a brain teaser there’s something to fit everybody’s ability. Coming to PlayStation VR this year will be a solely puzzle experience from KO­­_OP called GNOG, taking a fun look at the genre mixing colour, light and sound into a playful experience.

VRFocus originally previewed GNOG way back in 2015 when it was a PlayStation 4 project with aspirations of virtual reality (VR) support for Project Morpheus (as it was called). Now the studio has begun showcasing what this vividly surreal puzzler will bring to Sony Interactive Entertainment’s headset, letting attendees at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2017 delve into two levels out of the nine that’ll be available when fully launched.


GNOG’s levels are individual, self contained puzzle boxes that encourage you to twist, turn, pull and press their seemingly simple, but often elaborate structures to find the solution. The wonderful aesthetics mimic a myriad of childhood toys that are designed to elicit fascination in children, with quirky sounds, large buttons and a rich cel-shaded colour palette.

There’s a beautiful exuberance in each unlock of a particular section, with the puzzles requiring you to use your eyes as well as your ears to look for subtle changes that can indicate what to do next. This isn’t some videogame for five year old’s, there’s no hand holding here. No instructions are given on how to go about solving these brain teasers, but trial and error can be used for the most part, which can work for and against this type of title.

And the screenshots only tell part of the story. These boxes of peculiarity are multi-sided, with intricate secrets tucked away that can be missed at first glance if you’re not careful. This is where the benefit of VR comes into play. You can’t help but peer into the puzzles, getting a much better idea of what’s going inside, which only VR can do. Yes, those that know VR well will probably tell its a videogame made for consoles, and that VR has then been added on, but that still doesn’t detract from the overall feel.


Of concern though is the length of GNOG, with KO_OP having said there’s going to be nine levels, that does feel somewhat short. As a puzzle title it’s also single-player, so the worry is that once completed there’s going to be little to bring players back into the fold. GNOG wouldn’t be the first is this genre to suffer from this issue, so KO_OP might have some tricks yet to be revealed.

GNOG possesses some truly engaging and inventive ideas that might just make it stand out for players. It’s the art style that’ll draw in the crowds, and certainly make you want to play, but it needs more than looks to make it into your library. If the videogame can provide hours of entertainment (without getting stuck) then it could certainly be one of the most interesting to arrive in 2017.

50 Days Of PS VR #9: ‘GNOG’ Is A Bizarre Puzzler Filled With Color

50 Days Of PS VR #9: ‘GNOG’ Is A Bizarre Puzzler Filled With Color

9 days to go until the launch of PlayStation VR! We’re counting down to the release of Sony’s VR headset on October 13th by highlighting one game a day for its anticipated release. Today we’re… well we don’t know what we’re doing with GNOG.

You probably know most of the games that feature as demos on the disc that comes with PlayStation VR in the US. Everyone knows what Resident Evil 7 is, and most of you will be ready for Driveclub VR. But if you look down the list of around 18 experiences, there is one title that might well get you to pause and scratch your head. That title is GNOG from indie studio KO_OP.

Wait, what in heck is GNOG?

The answer is quite simple, if a little bizarre. GNOG is a cartoonish puzzle game in which you explore the insides of totem-like monster heads. Each of these heads features (thankfully) a face, but by flipping it round with a DualShock 4 you’ll see strange dioramas embedded inside. What you actually do with each of these scenes is sort of the point; in each you’ll drag a cursor around to highlight different objects and try and interact with them. Take a look at the trailer below to get a sense of just how crazy it is.

Through exploring, you’ll hopefully work out exactly what obscure task you need to carry out in order to progress to the next head. After solving a set of heads you’ll unlock yet more puzzles. Each of these challenges is entirely different from the last, making GNOG an unpredictable experience that will constantly be giving you something new. You’ll have to keep exploring and experimenting with everything if you want to make it through.

It’s something of a point-and-click game, then, which explains why Broken Age developer Double Fine Productions is involved. It’s got that same trial and error approach which might be off-putting for some, but will definitely appeal to a certain fan base that isn’t yet being served by the VR industry.

We’ve played GNOG on a 2D screen (which will also be supported at launch), and we’re fully on board to find out more about the surreal project. It feeds an odd sense of curiosity that grows as you hunt around rooms, looking for things to uncover. It would definitely benefit from PlayStation Move support, though that’s sadly unconfirmed for now.

GNOG will be launching in early 2017, though pre-orders for the game are now available. For more, you can also check out the demo disc on PlayStation VR launch day, October 13th.