Corrected December Steam Hardware Survey Shows Large Oculus Rift S Growth

At the start of this month, we reported that the December Steam Hardware Survey seemed to be anomalous. Four weeks later, Valve has now corrected the data.

In the previous version of the data, the usage of most VR headsets had significantly decreased, which we recognized as a probable anomaly. On further inspection, the likely cause was clear: the number of Chinese users on the Hardware Survey has increased by more than any other month this year. Far more than one would expect from normal growth in the Chinese market.

The December results have now been revised. VR headsets have grown again and the massive growth of Chinese language usage no longer appears.

Facebook’s Oculus Rift S saw most of the growth, jumping +0.06% to 0.21%. That means 1 in every 500 Steam users is using the headset. The Rift S was on sale for $349 for Black Friday week, the first time it has been discounted.

The platform also saw the release of AAA titles like Asgard’s Wrath and Stormland, which could explain why the original Rift (from 2016) also saw a +0.01% increase.

It is possible that the Hardware Survey is registering Oculus Quest headsets as Rift S, since this is how SteamVR sees Quest in Link mode. However, this would only happen if the Quest was connected to the PC at the time of the survey, and some users have reported that ‘None Detected’ appears when surveyed with Link.

Valve’s high end Index headset saw +0.02%. This is impressive given the full kit is priced at $1000. But for that price, however, users get arguably the best overall VR experience available, including a 144Hz refresh rate which makes the world feel solid and object motion feel real.

Windows MR headsets have fallen slightly again, down to 0.09% of overall usage. At current growth rates, it should only be a few months until the Valve Index overtakes WMR. This is remarkable, given that Samsung’s Odyssey+ (with OLED displays, lens separation adjustment, and build in headphones) has frequently been discounted to as low as $230 over the past few months.

HTC’s Vive Cosmos finally has enough users to show up in the relative usage chart, almost four months after launching. However, it’s only at 0.41%, ever so slightly below the 0.42% of the Oculus DK2 from 2014 (a low resolution dev kit which lacks motion controllers or room scale). The small growth may be due to the headset being discounted to $600 for Black Friday.

VR is now used by 1.09% of Steam users, a return to the all-time-high of September. The growth of all of these headsets was very likely supercharged by the announcement of Half-Life: Alyx in November- Valve’s first “flagship” VR game and first new entry in its most popular franchise in over 12 years.

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Prototype VR Hardware Photos From Valve’s Index Briefing In Bellevue

Prototype VR Hardware Photos From Valve’s Index Briefing In Bellevue

Last month in Bellevue, Washington, Valve Corporation invited a small group of journalists for the first hands-on opportunity with the Valve Index headset and its wearable controllers.

For those unfamiliar, the teams at Valve developed critical tracking and display technologies which, in 2014, helped convince Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (see blurry photo below) that Oculus would be a smart investment in a future computing platform.

This blurry photo comes from a presentation Brendan Iribe gave shortly after the acquisition by Facebook showing Mark Zuckerberg trying out Valve’s simulator sickness-solving technology.

Zuckerberg bought Oculus for roughly $3 billion. Valve, meanwhile, partnered with HTC to turn their work into a product — Vive.

Valve Index

Five years later, HTC’s PC VR products haven’t changed much since the original headset they partnered with Valve to ship in direct competition with Facebook’s Oculus Rift. Vive Pro adds more resolution, Vive Wireless Adapter gets rid of the cord to the PC and the latest Vive Pro Eye tacks on eye tracking to the already shipping design for around $2,000.

Valve’s Index headset, then, is the true next generation of the Steam-centered technology platform enthusiasts picked up starting in 2016. On its development path, Valve went through a lot of design iterations in a feedback loop with trusted developers. At the Index briefing Valve showcased some of these designs.

I’ve reached out to Valve to see if I can get more specific information about when each of these hardware designs were created — and what was learned from each approach. For instance, in developing the “Knuckles” hand-strapped prototypes they originally only used a touchpad. On the final design the controller includes an analog stick as well as a touch button.

I’ll update this post if we get those details but, in the meantime, here are photos which show off the various designs explored by Valve on the path to their own head-mounted display and controllers. One photo below with my hand in it came from an earlier trip to Seattle where I visited the offices of a company Valve partnered with on design work for its products.


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Valve Index Pre-Orders Now Available: $499 Headset, $999 Bundle

Valve Index Full Kit Controllers HMD Base Stations Controllers Knuckles

Starting today you can pre-order a Valve Index VR headset. Headsets will reportedly start shipping on June 28th.

The headset was formally unveiled yesterday with all of its specs detailed and the embargo lifted on our hands-on demo visit to Valve’s headquarters from last week. You can read more about the technical details here and read about our impressions of the headset and its new controllers (formerly known as Knuckles) in this piece here.

Getting a pre-order lined up today should be easy assuming servers cooperate with you on Valve and Steam’s end, but how much you’re willing to pay for a ticket to the next wave of hardware is another story.

If you don’t have an HTC Vive right now then you’ll need to buy the full Valve Index bundle which includes the headset, two Index controllers, and two second-generation base stations for tracking, all for $999. It’s not cheap.

But if you already have an HTC Vive with Vive wands then you don’t technically need the new controllers and the Index will work just fine with the original first-generation base stations. In that case, you can buy just the headset for a beefy upgrade in visual fidelity and performance inside VR for just $499.

Then if you have an HTC Vive or at least a pair of base stations lying around you could buy the Valve Index headset and two new Index controllers in a separate smaller bundle for just $749, saving yourself $250.

No matter which price arrangement you go with, Index is a premium high-end consumer device. This isn’t marketed as an entry-level affordable option. If you have a gaming PC and want to get a more affordable headset you can either wait on the HP Reverb for a $599 full kit or pre-order an Oculus Rift S full kit for $399.

Pre-order your Valve Index via Steam starting today. Let us know if you plan on getting an Index in the comments down below!

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These Developers Hacked Knuckles & Vive Controllers to Play MIDI File Music

We’re still holding our breath of the next wave of consumer VR headsets yet to come, namely Rift S, Quest, and Valve Index. None of them have official release dates yet, so some intrepid developers found a way to bide their time by making the Valve and the soon-to-launch Valve Index controllers (ex-Knuckles) hum beautiful MIDI files just for the fun of it.

No, these aren’t using any clever hidden speakers. Developers ‘m3gagluk’ and Climbey (2016) developer Brian Lindenhof made their VR controllers sing using the controllers’ built-in haptic actuators. If you’ve ever seen the Imperial March played on floppy disk drives, you get the basic idea.

Ostensibly, ‘m3gagluk’ was the first to hack the Vive controller to do this, making it play ‘Still Alive’ from Portal (2007).

In a clear act of one-upmanship, Lindenhof posted a retort using recent developer kit version of Valve’s ‘Knuckles’ controllers (the soon to be Index controllers).

Lindenhof is known for his work on Climbey, the VR climbing game that pits you against difficult obstacles courses.

According to ‘m3gagluk’, Vive and Knuckles both use the same actuators you’ll find in Switch’s HD Rumble JoyCons. Since the portable console’s release in 2017, makers have been finding inventive ways to hack JoyCons into playing their favorite tunes, so transferring that knowledge to VR controllers makes a certain amount of sense.

Side note: Actuator-based music is actually an Easter egg in Switch title Kirby Star Allies (2018), where you’ll hear Kirby’s theme song when you beat ‘Extra Planet Z’

If you’re looking to assemble your own chorus of VR controllers (please do that), ‘m3gagluk’ has published the relevant work on GitHub for all to use.

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Valve Index: Release am 15. Juni mit Knuckles-Controllern; Vorbestellungen ab 1. Mai

Nachdem Valve seine neue VR-Brille für Mai angeteasert hat, ging gestern für kurze Zeit eine offizielle Seite für die neue Valve Index live. Obwohl man aufgrund des Datums von einem Aprilscherz ausgehen könnte, handelte es sich dabei vermutlich um einen ungewollten Leak (oder gut geplantes Marketing). Auf der Steam-Page wurde das Veröffentlichungsdatum der neuen Index-Brille veröffentlicht, entsprechend soll die Hardware mitsamt eigenen Controllern und Trackingstationen am 15. Juni offiziell auf dem Markt erscheinen. Bei den Controllern handelt es sich um die lange erwarteten Knuckles-Controller, die zukünftig unter dem Namen Valve Index Controller vertrieben werden. Die Vorbestellungen sollen am 1. Mai beginnen. Ein offizieller Sprecher bestätigt die Informationen.

Valve Index – Release am 15. Juni; Vorbestellungen  ab 1. Mai

Ab 15. Juni sollen Endkonsumenten eine Valve Index in den Händen halten dürfen. Dies versprach gestern kurzzeitig eine offizielle Seite auf Steam. So wurden insgesamt drei eigene Seiten für die VR-Brille selbst, die dazugehörigen Controller sowie die Tracking-Stationen live geschaltet. Zwar enthielten diese noch diverse Platzhalter und entsprechend wenig Informationen, doch das  Veröffentlichungsdatum scheint festzustehen. Die Seiten sind mittlerweile wieder offline gestellt und verlinken nun auf die Startseite von Steam.

Nun könnte man natürlich aufgrund des verheißungsvollen Datums von einem Aprilscherz sprechen. Doch ein offizieller Sprecher von Valve bestätigt gegenüber Road to VR die Informationen. So heißt es in einem Statement:

Auch wenn [die Informationen] nicht vollständig sind, sind sie dennoch zutreffend.”

Weiter kündigt er ein Datum für die vollständige Enthüllung und somit sämtliche Informationen zur neuen Valve Index an. Bereits am 1. Mai erwarten uns die genauen Spezifikationen und Features der VR-Hardware. Gleichzeitig sollen die Vorbestellungen beginnen. Der Verkaufsstart soll daraufhin im Juni, voraussichtlich am 15. Juni beginnen. Weiter gibt er preis, dass die Knuckles-Controller als Eingabegeräte für die neue VR-Brille dienen und zu Valve Index Controller umgetauft werden.

Bestätigt ist somit, dass definitiv Tracking-Stationen für das neue VR-Endgerät nötig sind. Weiter wird USB 3.0 unterstützt, es sollen integrierte Kopfhörer verbaut sein und zur Nutzung wird mindestens eine GTX-970-GPU benötigt, wobei eine GTX 1070 oder höher empfohlen wird. Ob wie angenommen ebenso Inside-Out-Tracking integriert ist, bleibt abzuwarten, erscheint nach neusten Informationen jedoch eher unwahrscheinlich.

(Quelle: Road to VR | Wario64 Twitter | Steam (Link verweist nun auf die Startseite))

Der Beitrag Valve Index: Release am 15. Juni mit Knuckles-Controllern; Vorbestellungen ab 1. Mai zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Valve auf der GDC 2019: VR-Neuigkeiten bleiben aus; Update soll in “nicht allzu ferner Zukunft folgen”

Valves Präsentation auf der diesjährigen GDC 2019 drehte sich um die digitale Distributionsplattform Steam und dem damit verbundenen Wachstum dank eingeführter Features. Das Thema VR wurde dabei nur kurz angeschnitten, erhoffte Neuigkeiten blieben vorerst aus. Dennoch steht die Technologie weiterhin im Fokus des Unternehmens. Entsprechende Updates sollen in “nicht alzu ferner Zukunft folgen.”

Valve auf der GDC 2019 – VR-Updates nach hinten verschoben

Steam verzeichnet in den letzten zehn Jahren kontinuierliches Wachstum, das auf eine Vielzahl eingeführter Features zurückzuführen ist.


via: Upload VR

Rund um die Wachstumskurve drehte sich die Präsentation von Valve auf der GDC 2019. Außerdem erwarten uns neue Events und eine visuelle Überarbeitung der Spielebibliothek. Spannende Ein- und Ausblicke in ein großes Unternehmen, die VR-Enthusiasten allerdings missmutig zurücklassen.

Steam-Overhaul-GDC 2019

Image courtesy: Valve | via: Variety

Schließlich waren die Hoffnungen groß, Neuigkeiten über neue Soft- oder Hardware des Unternehmens zu erfahren. Gerüchten, Ankündigungen und Leaks zufolge habe Valve schließlich mehr als genug in der Pipeline. Vom Prototyp einer VR-Brille, über die angepriesenen Knuckles-Controller bis zu drei ominösen großen VR-Titeln und sogar Half-Life VR wird derzeit spekuliert.

Stattdessen wird das Thema Virtual Reality innerhalb des GDC-Vortrags nur kurz als Feature angeschnitten. Erhoffte Updates blieben aus. Dennoch besteht Hoffnung, denn Doug Lombardi, VP of Marketing bei Valve, verspricht gegenüber Upload VR, dass die Technologie weiterhin im Fokus des Unternehmens steht:

Wir sehen VR weiterhin als wirklich wichtig an, wir beobachten immer noch, wie viele Leute die Technologie annehmen. Schon sehr bald, oder zumindest in der nahen Zukunft, werden wir mehr darüber sprechen können … darüber, was auf Steam in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft rund um das Thema VR passiert. Aber es wird nicht auf der GDC 2019 sein.”

Wir dürfen gespannt sein, wann die versprochene “nicht all zu ferne Zukunft” eintritt. In den Maßstäben des Unternehmens könnte es sich um Wochen oder Monate handeln. VR-Enthusiasten müssen sich also vorerst weiter in Geduld üben.

(Quelle: Upload VR | Variety)

Der Beitrag Valve auf der GDC 2019: VR-Neuigkeiten bleiben aus; Update soll in “nicht allzu ferner Zukunft folgen” zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

CES 2019: I Got To Hold (But Not Use) The Pimax Knuckles-Like VR Controllers

pimax controllers knuckles 8k 5k+ ces 2019

CES is weird. As a journalist I walk through the doors of the Las Vegas Convention Center always ready to throw heavy amounts of doubt on whatever I’m about to see. The vast majority of products shown at CES never see the light of day and those that do eventually get released in a final form are often nothing like they were when they first appeared at trade shows like this. As a result, there are lots of empty promises and unfulfilled dreams. The VR and AR spaces are no different.

Pimax is a company with a tumultuous past and a history of over-promising and under-delivering. According to the new Head of U.S. Operations, Kevin Henderson, that’s all changing soon. Not only are they apologizing for past issues and opening a U.S. center to focus on manufacturing headsets on this side of the planet, they’ll also aim for localized customer support teams as well. Those things can help address existing problems with the 8K and 5K+ headsets, but a whole new slate of problems might arise soon with the promise of custom Pimax controllers just over the horizon.

The Pimax controllers look strikingly similar to Valve’s currently in-development Knuckles controllers. From what we’ve seen, the idea is to offer similar capability to what you can accomplish on current VR controllers like those with Rift, Vive, and Windows VR, with the added benefit of being able to open your palm and experience the sensation of grasping and picking up things realistically.

Rather than attaching a strap around your wrist, like a Wii remote, you’ll instead slide your hands into a strap while grasping the base which will let you open your hand and still hold the controller. Similar to the capacity sensors on Oculus Touch, the controller can tell when your hand is opened or closed and will animate your hand accurately inside the headset.

At least, that’s the idea. You see, even though the Pimax controllers were physically present at CES 2019, they weren’t connected to anything. They were just there, sitting on a table. Like a tease.

Pimax allowed me to pick up, hold, and play around with the controllers, but I didn’t get to actually try them in a meaningful way while immersed in VR. Henderson claimed it was a driver issue and that none of the setups at their booth were prepped to run apps using the controllers — even though they could and even though the controllers did work, supposedly. I guess this is still technically a “hands-on” article then? In their defense, that’s still far more than Valve has allowed press to do with the Knuckles controllers.

These controllers are interesting because they’re semi-customizable. This means a user can choose whether they want trackpads or analog sticks and Pimax said some customers have even ordered one of each to mix and match.

Since the sample units we held weren’t actually connected to any VR experiences I can’t report on how they feel inside VR, but I can say that ergonomically it’s a great design. I haven’t tried Valve’s actual Knuckles controllers personally (only very few devs have access to those thus far) but I can say that these Pimax versions feel really nice. The strap is snug and when I open my palm it feels extremely natural.

The grip button and trigger feel very similar to Touch, but the trackpad and face buttons were extremely squishy and stuck a lot. That’d be a major issue in an actual VR app, but I’m hoping that gets sorted before launch.

According to Henderson, Pimax is expecting to ship the first 100 or so controller sets to initial pre-orders in mid-April, then take a break to focus on manufacturing a bunch of them, and then shipping more out a few months after that in summer. Right now they’re still trying to catch up with shipping and manufacturing headsets for backers (currently making around 200 per day reportedly) and anticipate being fully caught up by the end of Februrary and probably shipping out nearly immediately to new orders shortly after that.

Again, this is what Pimax claims. As stated earlier, what Pimax claims and what actually happens are often not the same thing, but maybe they’ll actually do better in 2019.

I find it hard to believe that the Pimax controllers, a set that has clearly been inspired directly by Valve’s in-development prototype, is so close to shipping out to users when we still know so very little about Valve’s actual design. But here we are.

As the Pimax slogan says, emblazoned on the side of their CES 2019 booth (shown above), “In Dreams We Live” so hopefully these controllers can stay on schedule and become a reality.

For more on CES 2019 in the world of VR and AR, check out our landing page of news and impressions here, as well as more details on Pimax and its controllers here. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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Valve: Dev-Kit der Knuckles-Controller “DV” vorgestellt

Valve arbeitet weiterhin fleißig an der Weiterentwicklung seiner Knuckles-Controller. Dafür setzen die Entwickler auf das Feedback der Community, welches dauerhaft in den Entwicklungsprozess einfließt. So wurden zuletzt im September 2018 die EV3-Controller-Prototypen vorgestellt, nun erwartet uns die nächste Version der kommenden Eingabegeräte. Getauft unter dem Namen DV wagen die Knuckles den Sprung vom Prototyp zum Dev-Kit und sollen ab sofort in großer Menge an interessierte Entwickler verschickt werden.

Knuckles-Controller “DV” – Dev-Kits für Entwickler verfügbar

Die Knuckles-Controller befinden sich bereits seit 2016 in Arbeit. So wurden verschiedene Prototypen in den Ausführungen E1 bis E3 vorgestellt, während jede weitere Version Verbesserungen im Vergleich zum Vorgänger erhielt. Mit den neuen DV-Controllern schließt Valve nun mit den Prototypen ab und geht offiziell in die Dev-Kit-Phase über. Dank dem fortwährenden Feedback von weltweiten VR-Devs konnten weitere Optimierungen an den Eingabegeräten umgesetzt werden.

Dazu zählt ein feingeschliffeneres Design mit Anpassungen am Druckgefühl der Tasten, eine Verbesserung des Thumbsticks, neue Festschnallmöglichkeiten für die Riemenhalterung sowie eine Neuanordnung der Druck- und Fingersensoren für größere Hände. Außerdem wurde in puncto Software die Firmware verändert. So wurden einige Fehlerbehebungen vorgenommen und insgesamt ein Performance-Upgrade durchgeführt.

Die Riemenhalterung ist nun per Druckknopf flexibel verstellbar

Die gesamte Liste der Änderungen findet ihr hier.

Interessierte Entwickler können die neuen DV-Controller auf der offiziellen Steamworks-Partnerwebseite bestellen. Laut Valve soll eine große Menge an Dev-Kits verfügbar sein, allerdings könnten aufgrund der prognostizierten hohen Anzahl von Anfragen möglicherweise nicht alle Interessierten berücksichtigt werden. Wer zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt kein Dev-Kit erhält, soll jedoch für spätere Releases vorgemerkt werden.

Ein genaues Veröffentlichungsdatum einer Konsumentenversion der Knuckles-Controller ist derzeit noch nicht bekannt. Der fortschreitende Entwicklungsprozess lässt allerdings eine finale Version der Eingabegeräte in naher Zukunft vermuten. Eine Veröffentlichung könnte uns also bereits 2019 erwarten. Gerüchten zufolge sollen die neuen Controller Teil eines Bundles mit einer neuen VR-Brille aus dem Hause Valve und Half Life VR sein.

(Quelle: Steam Blog)

Der Beitrag Valve: Dev-Kit der Knuckles-Controller “DV” vorgestellt zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Valve Shipping New Knuckles Controller Developer Kits ‘In Quantity’

Valve Shipping New Knuckles Controller Developer Kits ‘In Quantity’

Valve is moving beyond evaluation prototypes of its Knuckles tracked handheld controllers and onto developer kits “with improvements to cap sense, trigger feel, and more.”

The new controllers have been in development for some time from privately-owned Valve, which is based in Bellevue, Washington. The engineers at Valve are the folks responsible for the key tracking technology used in the HTC Vive. They are also developing their own head-mounted display and, with these controllers, could offer new ways of using your hands in a virtual space. The controllers strap to your hands and allow for realistic grasping and release sensations with capacitive sensors meant to track finger movements.

“While we have Knuckles DV kits available in quantity, we will be unable to fulfill all requests,” a post outlining the new kit explains. “The team will hold on to dev-kit requests and developer information for any future releases.”

Among the improvements listed by Valve with these latest controllers::

Cap Sense

  • Capacitive sensors have been rearranged to accommodate more hand sizes
  • Firmware has been updated to take advantage of the new sensors


  • Trigger spring strength increased
  • Trigger click feel improved


  • Increased durability of strap adjustment connector
  • Strap adjust feel improved


  • Fast charging improved
  • Fixed pairing bugs
  • Improved stability


  • Thumbstick feel improved
  • Force sensor variation reduced
  • LED light leakage minimized
  • Improved fit and finish
  • Improved reliability

We’ll of course bring you the latest as developers start to share their impressions of these new controllers.

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Sources: Valve Planning 135° VR Headset Bundled With ‘Knuckles’ Controllers And Half-Life VR

Sources: Valve Planning 135° VR Headset Bundled With ‘Knuckles’ Controllers And Half-Life VR

Images of a prototype VR headset with a Valve logo visible on the circuit board leaked on the image sharing website imgur. Our independent sources tell us these are in fact prototypes for an upcoming Valve HMD.

We’ve also heard the field of view will be 135° with “Vive Pro resolution.” It may also come bundled with ‘Knuckles’ controllers as well as a Half-Life based VR game that could be a prequel rather than the much-anticipated Half-Life 3.

Valve currently does not sell a VR headset. Instead, the company partnered with HTC to release the Vive in 2016, and then HTC released the higher end ‘Vive Pro’ earlier this year. Releasing its own headset would be a major shift in Valve’s strategy for VR, but the company previously shipped the Steam Controller and Steam Link devices — so it wouldn’t be unheard of for the privately held company to build and ship its own hardware.

The leaked Valve headset features what appear to be SteamVR tracking photodiodes under the plastic (similar to how Oculus hides IR LEDs under the Rift). It also has 2 cameras visible and integrated headphones. The padding on the back appears to be similar to the padding on Valve’s Knuckles controllers prototypes.

Looks like a Leap Motion sensor could fit on the front faceplate of this Valve HMD prototype.

A 135° field of view with Vive Pro resolution panels should result in roughly the same angular resolution as the current HTC Vive. This may indicate that Valve is betting that increasing field of view is a greater priority than increasing angular resolution. We don’t see any indication these headsets could include eye-tracking, so Valve will have to use methods other than foveated rendering — likely software-based — if the company plans for this headset to work on the same class of PCs as the original Vive.

Valve’s latest version of VR hand controller currently known by the name “Knuckles.”

If this headset comes to market next year, it could be direct competition for the “Rift S” headset Techcrunch reported Oculus is planning. The clock on the monitor in the image suggests these photos are from July, meaning there has likely been progress made since these prototypes.

We’ll keep you updated on any further news of Valve’s VR headset. We also reached out to Valve to see if Gabe Newell might be available to comment on Valve’s direction with PC VR, or if we might be able to test the Knuckles controllers so that we can help communicate with developers and early adopters what the new controllers add to VR input.

Previous coverage of the image leak here.

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