Something for the Weekend: Bundles And Deals In The Steam Store

Some days are really sent to test you. Nothing goes right, and instead everything goes very wrong indeed. It’s raining out, or cold, or both. Something expensive breaks. Someone reliable is not. You’ve no time for any of the things you need to do. Your post is nothing but bills and your next-door neighbour is still playing that same song over and over they started playing several hours back. What’s the worst is when these days happen to be on the weekend, supposedly days of rest. 

Sometimes you just need to take a load off, and get away from it all. In this way virtual reality (VR) is especially valuable. After all, if the world’s full of nonsense why not go to a new one? Thankfully there’s always a deal here on the various stores where you can pick up a videogame on the cheap and work out some of the stress from a testing world.

Today’s selection of titles picked by VRFocus come from Steam, so check out the below and maybe save some cash on something good.


Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Remember what I said about combating stress above? Here’s a bumper pack of titles to cause havoc in.

Earlier in the week we told you about the release of Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE. Croteam have been busy throughout 2016 and 2017 converting some of their most iconic titles – the Serious Sam series – into VR compatible adventures for both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. As well as that release Croteam also released a special bundle of all their VR related titles onto Steam.
It’s a five pack consisting of Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope, Serious Sam VR: The First EncounterSerious Sam VR: The Second Encounter, the aforementioned Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE and also The Talos Principle. 

The CROTEAM VR Bundle works out to be 51 percent off of purchasing the games separately; meaning you can pick up all five titles for £73.90 GBP rather than £150.95.

Racket Nx screenshotRacket: Nx

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Racket: Nx is an out and out sports title, compare it to any game which involves a racket of some sort (badminton, tennis, table tennis, etc), just with a bit of sci-fi flare. Players are located in the centre of a dome, on a slightly raised platform. This dome is made up of hexagonal panels which illuminate with different options depending on the game mode or difficulty.” – Read Peter Graham’s preview for VRFocus.

Until the end of Monday Racket: Nx is available on Steam for £9.59 (GBP) rather than £15.99.

Karnage Chronicles logoKarnage Chronicles

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Karnage Chronicles is a first-person experience that performs in a similar fashion to the extremely well received Vanishing Realms: Rite of Steel. While Indimo Labs’ debut title nails the combination of puzzle solving and combat fairly solidly, Karnage Chronicles has two other ideals up its sleeve: character class divisions and co-operative gameplay.” – Read VRFocus Editor Kevin Joyce’s preview.

You’ve just over a day to get Karnage Chronicles on Steam at 15% off, for £16.14 (GBP) rather than £18.99.


Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

It seems like there’s always a zombie crisis somewhere isn’t there?  In this fast-paced Early Access VR videogame from INTO GAMES a zombie outbreak has occurred throughout the world.  You are a soldier of the Special Event Action Team, better known by the acronym S.E.A.T.  It’s your job to convince the walking dead to stop the former, and stay the latter. With as many bullets as is necessary.

You’ve until November 17th to get 25% off of ZomDay, bringing the price down to £5.24 (GBP) from £6.99.


Compatibility: HTC Vive

Aeon is a VR shooting game. Use your Bullet Time (slow motion) ability, sharp swords and heavy caliber pistols to kill the enemy! Realistic details of hit reactions, real-time sword cutting system, Advanced IK to let you see your whole body.” –  Developer Illusion Ranger

Another title scheduled to end just over a day from the time of writing, Aeon is available on Steam with a 10% discount currently. Buy it now at £17.09 (GBP) over the usual cost of £18.99.

Final Soccer VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

In this videogame by Ivanovich Games, soon to celebrate its first anniversary you must take on the role of a football attacker or a goalkeeper and use your virtual skills in order to score goals or prevent them from being scored. Its as simple as that. Whilst for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift the striker side of the game is only for the HTC Vive – so do bear this in mind.

For a short time only you can get Final Soccer VR for £7.49 (GBP) 50% off its usual price of £14.99.  Its also a part of the Virtual Reality Arcade Bundle, which also features Lander 8009 VR, Operation Warcade VR and Off-Road Paradise: Trial 4×4. You can get all four of these titles for £26.60. 52% off the usual price.

Alpha Mike Foxtrot VR – AMF VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

“Get ready for the Next Generation in Virtual Reality First Person Shooters! Focusing on fast-paced gameplay and immersive environments, Alpha Mike Foxtrot VR (AMF VR) delivers the goods. Put on your headset and engage in all-out warfare with Bots, Friends (or Enemies) around the globe.” – SUBLEVEL ONE STUDIOS

An Early Access title, Alpha Mike Foxtrot VR – AMF VR is on sale through Steam for £5.75 rather than £7.19 until 17th November.

Legendary Hunter VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Developed by LastnOni and published by Frozen Dreams, Legendary Hunter is inspired by the classic NES videogame Duck Hunt – but Duck Hunt didn’t have a day/night cycle, and it certainly didn’t have wolves and crocodiles hunting you.

You’ve just over a day left on this offer, which gives a third off the regular £5.59 (GBP) price to give you a sale value of £3.74.

Super Ninja Hero VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

If there’s one thing that’s bound to ruin your day it’s a bunch of ninja’s flying out of the sky. I mean it’s a Sunday. You’ve got things to do. That washing isn’t going to sort itself out you know. Take up arms in Wuhan Firegame Co.,Ltd’s first person battler which is on sale now for half its usual price of £6.99 (GBP). Another title in the Steam week long deal that is rapidly expiring, you’ve just over a day to act and acquire it.

Wacky Wings VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and OSVR

A title that came out at the beginning of the year from Pocket Money Games, Wacky Wings VR doesn’t see you just fly aeroplanes, it also sees you take command of helicopters and even dragons! Navigate your way through ten levels of in-flight entertainment.

Wacky Wings VR is available at half price until November 15th, so act fast if you want it for £1.99 (GBP) as opposed to £3.99.

Karnage Chronicles: Neues Content-Update und neuer Trailer erschienen

Das Fantasy-RPG Karnage Chronicles von Entwicklerstudio Nordic Trolls für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive erhielt letzte Woche das erste große Content-Update, das für enorme Verbesserungen und neue Inhalte innerhalb des VR-Titels sorgt. Außerdem veröffentlichte Oculus passend zu den Neuerrungen einen Trailer für das VR-RPG.

Karnage Chronicles – Neuer Trailer und neues Update

Das VR-Fantasy-RPG Karnage Chronicles von Nordic Trolls befindet sich aktuell noch im Early Access und wurde bereits im April auf Steam veröffentlicht. Im Hack-and-Slash-Stil kämpft ihr euch darin durch die Fantasy-Welt und trefft auf Goblins, Trolle und weitere bekannte Widersacher des Genres, jedoch auch auf völlig neue Kreationen. Dabei erledigt ihr verschiedene Aufgaben und treibt die Story voran. Außerdem habt ihr die Wahl zwischen verschiedenen Klassen. Aktuell steht der Krieger und der Schütze zur Auswahl, in späteren Patches sollen zudem der Magier und ein Kleriker dazu kommen.


Bis zum heutigen Tag sorgten diverse Updates für Verbesserungen des Spiels. Nun erschien jedoch der erste große Content-Patch, der dem Spiel eine Menge neue Inhalte verpasst. Alleine die Spielzeit steigert sich pro ausgewählte Heldenklasse von zwei auf über fünf Stunden. Den Einstieg ins Spiel haben die Entwickler komplett überarbeitet und den ersten Level erweitert. Während eures Abenteuers begegnet ihr zudem zwei neue NPCs, findet weitere Quests, Waffen, Gegner und Gegenstände. Auch das Speichersystem ist neu und zeichnet euren Fortschritt in Echtzeit auf. Zudem gibt es jetzt drei Schwierigkeitsstufen: Easy, Hard und Impossible. Leider findet mit den Neuerungen auch ein Data Wipe statt, da die alten Daten für Komplikationen sorgen könnten. Bisher erhaltene Errungenschaften bleiben davon aber unbetroffen.

Karnage Chronicles ist ein Teil des derzeitigen Halloween Sale auf Steam und bis zum 1. November zum reduzierten Preis von 17,24 Euro statt 23 Euro für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive erhältlich. Im Oculus Store kostet der VR-Titel 18,74 Euro.

Zukünftig sollen weitere Updates mit neuen Inhalten folgen. Wir werden euch darüber wie gewohnt auf dem Laufenden halten.

(Quellen: VR Focus | Steam Community | Video: Oculus Youtube)

Der Beitrag Karnage Chronicles: Neues Content-Update und neuer Trailer erschienen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

VR Fantasy RPG Karnage Chronicles Gets New Trailer And Update

Battling zombies and soldiers in virtual reality (VR) is all well and good. There is, after all, plenty of opportunities to do both; and if you’re interested in slaying the former then there are a number of sales on at the moment where you can get a title to do just that. If you’re getting weary of gritty or scary first-person shooters, however, there are plenty of other options out there.  For example – how about engaging in a bit of high-fantasy gameplay?

It’s been a little while since we last discussed it but Oculus have just released a brand new trailer for Nordic Trolls’ room-scale fantasy action role-playing game (RPG) Karnage Chronicles – and it’s looking better than ever.

Karnage Chronicles ScreenshotOriginally released back in April this year on the HTC Vive through Steam Early Access, a series of updates throughout the year have seen the title gain support for the Oculus Rift head mounted display (HMD) and Oculus Touch as well as other improvements such as the A.I becoming more challenging. Karnage Chronicles.

Karnage Chronicles sees you delve in to a world of swords, sorcery and hack and slash gameplay that is rapidly tumbling down a slope of war and despair. You take on the role of a Murkwraith tasked with wrestling back a world under siege by dark forces and sinister plotters where the line between what is right and what is wrong is blurrier than ever. “Good and evil are mere shades of the same colour.” Explains Nordic Trolls “Where you come from, and what is your purpose, are questions you’ll need to uncover to shape your future.”

“It’s fun.” Explained Nordic Trolls’ Executive Art Director Daniel Arnold-Mist in an interview with VRFocus, discussing, among other topics the four-player co-operative gameplay. “Because what we’ve found is that the players can cooperate with each other in brand new ways in VR. Especially in combat. For example, in combat – as an example, during a fight if one guy sees an arrow flying towards you the other guy may catch that arrow out of the air. If they’re really good at what they’re doing.”

You can see the trailer below.

The trailer also follows a new content update earlier this week from Nordic Trolls which introduced a whole heap of updates including increasing gameplay time as well as revamping the saving system to allow for real-time saving. Although this change in function is so significant that previous data saves will need to be wiped by the update. “We have not made this decision lightly,” apologised the developer, “That said, we believe this patch is the best time to do this, both since we’re still in Early Access, and because it happens prior to any additional content increases. Unlocked achievements will not be affected.”

The update patch includes:

  • Minimum game time per hero class increased from 2+ to 5+ hours.
  • Completely reworked the start of the game and extended Level 1 to become a proper dungeon crawl.
  • Real time save system that keeps track of your dungeon crawling progress and allows you to continue from where you left off.
  • Two NPCs; one a quest giver with full voiceover and dialog options, the other being a shop keeper.
  • Quest journal.
  • Inventory system.
  • Complete customization of weapon loadout.
  • Magical potions.
  • Magical rings and necklaces.
  • A magical scroll.
  • Basic player housing.
  • A town portal system.
  • Additional mode of difficulty. (Easy, Hard, Impossible.)
  • New monster class; Spiders.
  • Quests and rewards.
  • New weapons.
  • Additional trash loot.
  • Randomized item drops from monsters and chests.
  • Additional secrets and puzzles in Level 1

This is just the first content update and VRFocus will be sure to bring you details on future ones as they are revealed.

Major Update to Karnage Chronicles adds Oculus Rift Support

April saw Nordic Trolls launch its fantasy action role-playing game (RPG) Karnage Chronicles onto HTC Vive through Steam Early Access. There have been several updates since then, improving and expanding the universe, with the most recent being the biggest, adding Oculus Rift and Touch support.

Whilst Oculus Rift support is the biggest inclusion, the update also features improved Parry AI, meaning that enemies will be a bit more of a challenge. Consumables have now been added to regain health, these can be found throughout levels, just needing to be touched to eat. At present Karnage Chronicles doesn’t include an inventory system to take food with you.

Karnage Chronicles Screenshot

Further increasing the difficulty, enemy close quarter combatants have learned new fighting tricks to break through the warrior shield guard. To aid players Nordic Trolls has now added critical hits to both melee and ranged attacks. Currently a critical hit will currently only do extra damage but future updates will bring additional effects.

“We had a rocky start,” CEO Thorbjørn Olsen said in a statement. “Without a publisher to back us up, and mixed initial reviews we had to pull up our sleeves and address the issues our community was most concerned with. We saw a shift of opinions after the 2nd update, three weeks after release, when we added the RPG systems. This really changed the disposition of our customers and we started seeing an uptick in positive reviews. As an indie developer that both humbles and pleases us.”

Karnage Chronicles has had four major updates; adding features like vendor, loot, weapon and armor upgrades, controller-tracked locomotion, difficulty variations, combat improvements to enemy AI, as well as a ton of bug fixes. Before Nordic Trolls fully release Karnage Chronicles,it’ll introduce two more classes, extended gameplay, and co-op multiplayer.

Checkout VRFocus’ preview of the videogame, and check back regularly for further updates.

Watch VRFocus Play Karnage Chronicles on HTC Vive

Nordic Trolls’ highly anticipated Karnage Chronicles made its public debut earlier this week with the launch of the Steam Early Access version on HTC Vive. Keen to jump into any and every new videogame in virtual reality (VR), VRFocus has been hands-on with this latest edition and now brings you three unique gameplay videos.

Karnage Chronicles Screenshot

A tutorial section and both Warrior and Archer classes are showcased in the videos below, direct from VRFocus’ hands-on with the Steam Early Access version of Karnage Chronicles. VRFocus had already been hands-on with the video at the Game Developer’s Conference (GDC), San Francisco, earlier this year, with Video Content Producer Nina getting her blades bloody and a preview in which it was stated; “Karnage Chronicles is more about the pacing of the adventure than choosing your own, which is a fair interpretation of the exploration-heavy style of RPG given the relative youth of VR as a medium.”

The three gameplay videos are embedded below for your convenience, and Karnage Chronicles can now be purchased for HTC Vive via Steam Early Access.


Write Your Own Chronicles of Karnage on HTC Vive

Nordic Trolls’ highly anticipated first-person adventure title, Karnage Chronicles, is now available for HTC Vive via Steam Early Access. With Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR editions of the virtual reality (VR) videogame also in development, however it’s the roomscale equipped head-mounted display (HMD) that is being given first crack-of-the-whip.

Karnage Chronicles Screenshot


Karnage Chronicles casts the player as a Murkwraith on a mission to defeat enemies of the lands and restore order onto the world. According to Nordic Trolls, the launch version on Steam Early Access will average between two-to-four hours of gameplay, which includes a region with three play areas, each with their own unique monsters and boss encounters. Additional classes, RPG elements and other expanded content will launch during the pre-launch time period.

“Studios have been making VR demos for years. The platform is still in its infancy, and developers are still figuring out the works when it comes to game mechanics and general user experience,” state Nordic Trolls on the official Steam Early Access page for Karnage Chronicles. “Some people feel nauseated when moving about, others do not, and hardware has yet to meet an industry standard. We get it. But we also get that players are hungry for something with more substance. We want to provide this, while at the same time, not put all our financial assets in the virtual basket. Being in Early Access allows us to get unfiltered feedback from you, the community, and use that to tweak the game’s direction and improve the overall experience.”

Available via Steam Early Access for HTC Vive now, Karnage Chronicles is priced at £18.99 GBP. The Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR versions are set to follow at a currently unconfirmed date, and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details.

VRTV: Karnage Chronicles Review

VRFocus correspondent Nina gives us her review of co-op hack-and-slash Karnage Chronicles by developer Nordic Trolls for VRTV.

Nordic Trolls has produced a first-person experience for up to four players to co-operate using one of four atypical classes (Warrior, Archer, Mage and Cleric), armed with either bow and arrows, a pair of knives, or other weapons to slay trolls in a fantasy world.

Karnage Chronicles is planned to be released as episodic content for the HTC Vive. The game is due to be launched on Steam Early Access later this month, and developer Nordic Trolls say there is also a PlayStation VR version being worked on.

You can watch Nina give her full review in the video below. She also spoke with the team at the recent Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2017.

VRFocus will keep you up-to-date regarding Karnage Chronicles and other HTC Vive titles.

Preview: Karnage Chronicles – VR RPGs Go Co-Op

While many studios are finding their first-steps into virtual reality (VR) development hindered by hardware limitations, movement options and a relatively small audience, there are others with ambitions that stretch beyond these barriers. Nordic Trolls is one such team, opting to dive into the abyss headfirst with a genre experience that could easily prove tricky in the medium: a full-blown co-operative role-playing game (RPG).

Karnage Chronicles Screenshot (10)

Karnage Chronicles is a first-person experience that performs in a similar fashion to the extremely well received Vanishing Realms: Rite of Steel. While Indimo Labs’ debut title nails the combination of puzzle solving and combat fairly solidly, Karnage Chronicles has two other ideals up its sleeve: character class divisions and co-operative gameplay.

For those presently unaware, Karnage Chronicles plays much like you’d imagine a VR rendition of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim to, however based on evidence of the early build VRFocus has been hands-on with its significantly more linear. Karnage Chronicles is more about the pacing of the adventure than choosing your own, which is a fair interpretation of the exploration-heavy style of RPG given the relative youth of VR as a medium. The player can choose between two classes at present (though more will be available in the release build); the Warrior and the Archer.

The Warriors is a brute. High on health and damage, but slow to manoeuvre. The basic equipment is a broadsword and shield, which allow for deflection of both ranged attacks and melee assaults while landing heavy blows in close combat. A secondary weapon is a ratchet-based crossbow which has a shorter range than the Archer’s longbow and is painfully slow to reload after your initial three darts have been exhausted; intentionally so, but still an irritation all the same. The Archer however, has a secondary weapon which is much more flexible: two daggers which can be held either way in the palm, allowing for quick swipes through chinks in armour and also for deflection of arrows when precision blocking has been learned.

Karnage Chronicles Screenshot (1)

Of course, the real test of the two characters comes within the co-operative gameplay. Nordic Trolls will launch Karnage Chronicles with two-player co-operative adventuring as standard and are aiming for four-player gameplay options further down-the-line. The videogame’s combat (much heavier in the preview build than puzzle-solving or exploration) will certainly come into its own when like-minded friends rally to take tactical advantage of each classes’ abilities. A boss battle close to the end of the sequence certainly favours one character class over the other currently, though signs are that Nordic Trolls is aware of just how tough this set-piece is at present.

Another advantage which Karnage Chronicles offers over Vanishing Realms: Rite of Steel is the visual design. While Indimo Labs has certainly not been slacking in this regard, Nordic Trolls has utilised Unreal Engine 4 to create some spectacular looking environments. The enemy design is limited but suitably menacing in the preview build, with solid well-animated character models creating a believably intense atmosphere.

Karnage Chronicles is aiming to launch via Steam Early Access later this month, with a PlayStation VR edition also in the works. VRFocus enquired about the possibility of cross-platform multiplayer to which Nordic Trolls shyly responded ‘anything’s possible’, refusing to confirm or deny any such ambitions. Of course, VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on Karnage Chronicles and any other VR works from Nordic Trolls.

Want to know more about Karnage Chronicles? Check out a special video preview coming soon on VRTV! Subscribe to VRFocus’ YouTube channel to find out more.

Nordic Trolls Talk Magic And Multiplayer In Virtual Reality

The 2017 editions of Mobile World Congress (MWC) and the Game Developers Conference (GDC) may be slipping into memory, but VRFocus spoke to so many people over the course of those five days we’ll still be bringing you the conversations for a while yet.

Today Nina is talking to Nordic Trolls’ Executive Art Director Daniel Arnold-Mist on the studio’s new action RPG virtual reality (VR) videogame Karnage Chronicles, which is complete with episodic content and co-operative multiplayer. Coming to the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR head-mounted displays (HMDs).

Taking place in a fantasy world where the delicate balance of magic is being upended by creatures seemingly able to bend the rules, Karnage Chronicles sees you take on the role of one of four atypical classes (Warrior, Archer, Mage and Cleric) on a quest to bring order to an increasingly orderless world.

As well as the interview below we’ll have a preview of the videogame on VRFocus later on in the week. Whilst you can also find out what Nina herself made of Karnage Chronicles in next week’s VRTV Tuesday review video.

Hands-On With Karnage Chronicles, an Epic New Co-Op Action RPG

Hands-On With Karnage Chronicles, an Epic New Co-Op Action RPG

The biggest problem with a lot of fantasy roleplaying games (RPGs) is that they seem to struggle to stand out. Most of them all have bow and arrow-wielding archers, sword and shield carrying warriors, magic channeling wizards, and clerics, but few of them find interesting ways to make those classes and archetypes fun again. That’s where Karnage Chronicles comes in, an upcoming cooperative multiplayer RPG from Nordic Trolls that we had the chance to go hands-on with at the 2017 Game Developers Conference (GDC) earlier this month.

What Karnage Chronicles does to stand out isn’t a matter of simply letting you do all of these things in VR, but rather the production values and polish afforded to the experience. I started my demo at a hub world and got to pick between either a warrior or an archer. The warrior featured a sword and shield as his primary weapons, with a crossbow that could be toggled as a backup. The archer was focused on the bow and arrow, with two tiny daggers as secondary weapons. The mage and cleric weren’t available at the time of the demo.

As you can see in the footage above, each of the four classes combine together to create a compelling team-based dynamic, but my demo was only a single player example. First I played as the warrior since a sword and shield felt like the most accessible of the two options. Movement was either teleportation based (point and click) or full locomotion. However, the full locomotion option moves painfully slow and was only intended as a way to maneuver during combat for the most part. Hopefully that gets sped up in the future.

When I faced my first enemy I immediately noticed how fluid and tactile the combat system felt. The goblins I fought seemed smarter than melee enemies I’d seen in other VR games and they actually tried to move around and dodge my swings. I’d have to raise my shield and block their blows at the right time while reaching out from behind my guard to make swipes.

Poking and wagging my wrist wouldn’t do anything, as I have to use the full breadth of my arc to create enough force for damage. It felt satisfying and when combined with the size and beauty of the environment, it was like I had really been sucked into the adventures of a fantasy world.

Once I reached the end of the level, I was faced with a small army of mages that appeared on raised platforms to the sides, forcing me to switch to my crossbow. Unfortuntaely it only holds three shots before needing to be cranked again, which can take a while. This way I at least can shoot back, but it prevents the warrior from being too overpowered as a class.

It doensn’t take long for me to get overwhelmed at this part and I’m quickly struck down since I didn’t have any allies by my side. I decide to switch things up and tackle the same level as the archer this time around, hopefully with better results.

Perhaps all the hours spent in Holopoint and The Lab’s Longbow have payed off because the new set of equipment immediately felt more comfortable to me. I was dropping enemies before they even knew I was there and the large chasms between myself and lines of enemy archers didn’t slow me down. Soon, I had racked up six headshots in a row, which felt like an impressive number.

By the time I reached the end again, I was ready. I trained my gaze on the spawn points of the enemy mages that materialized and dropped them before they could even fling a single fireball. After mowing down the last few straggler enemies on the ground, I was victorious, and vanquished the last of my enemies in the level.

Even though my demo was brief, getting a taste of each character class really showed how diverse the gameplay styles are. I noticed a few hints at potential puzzle-solving elements as well, which would add much-needed variation to the gameplay. Playing with a full compliment of four people in levels would be chaotic and exciting, so I can’t wait to dive back into the world of Karnage Chronicles soon.

You can find more information about Karnage Chronicles on the official website. The game is expected to release in Early Access for Vive and Rift on Steam in the first half of this year, with PSVR to follow afterwards at full release.

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