Million Arthur Gets English Trailer

According to the legends, whoever pulls the sword from the stone will be the True King of Britain. What happens when one million people manage to successfully pull the sword from the stone? This is the issue explored in the world of Million Arthur, which is now available to players in the west for the first time.

Originally launched in Japan for HTC Vive earlier this year, where it was titled Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR, Million Arthur was developed by renown RPG creators SquareEnix in collaboration with HTC Vive.

The western version has been re-titled Million Arthur VR: Character Command RPG and is a single-player campaign VR experience that features a party of four heroes who managed to pull the sword from the stone, and were originally fighting for the throne until a larger threat came along in the form of an invading force.


The new trailer for the Western version shows that the Japanese voice acting remains in-tact, but has been given English subtitles. As in the Japanese version, battles are handled in a ‘card game’ style, with users selecting attacks etc using cards. A similar system is used for levelling and upgrading characters.

The hero characters are fully customisable, with various outfits and accessories becoming available during gameplay. Players can also interact with the characters directly, such as in the video where the player is patting the head of one of the characters.

Further information can be found on the Steam Store page. The trailer video is available to view below.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Million Arthur as it becomes available.

English Version of Million Arthur VR: Character Command RPG Hits HTC Vive

In June Vive Studios and Square Enix launched Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR for HTC Vive in Japan with no mention whether the title would ever come to western shores. Well today that’s happened with an English version called Million Arthur VR: Character Command RPG now available on Steam.

Available to HTC Vive owners in the US, UK, Canada and Australia, Million Arthur VR: Character Command RPG is a single-player experience featuring four heroes – a mercenary, a thief, a merchant, and a diva – all of which have drawn King Arthur’s Excalibur from the stone (among a million others) and are vying to rule Camelot. However, an outside invading force soon derails their plans of sitting on the throne as the four heroes must face these threatening and otherworldly adversaries.

Million Arthur VR keyart

Million Arthur VR: Character Command RPG includes ten chapters to complete as players engage in a quest to defend Britain.

HTC Vive owners can download Million Arthur VR: Character Command RPG now through Steam for £29.99 GBP / $39.99 USD.

In August a listing of PlayStation VR Trophies appeared on Exophase, indicating a release for Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) headset, although at present Square Enix hasn’t confirmed when that’ll happen.

For any further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

VAQSO VR Scent Technology To Be Showcased in Square Enix Title

One of the major advantages of virtual reality (VR) experiences as opposed to other mediums is its ability to completely transport the user to another world. Tokyo-based start-up company VAQSO are hoping to deepen that immersion with the use of scent technology, which is due to be showcased at the Tokyo Game Show.

VAQSO will be demonstrating nine exclusive VR ‘scent experiences’ at the Tokyo Game Show, including an experience created by Square Enix. Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR is a collaboration between HTC Vive and Square Enix which features the RPG action that Square Enix is best known for in VR, and at the Tokyo Game Show will be enhanced by scents of the ocean and fresh earth. Other titles which will be showcasing the scent technology will be Counter Fight, a food preparation title where players will be able to smell cooked ramen noodles, sizzling gyoza and, if they mess it up, burnt food.

Other ‘VR Scent Experiences’ on offer at the Tokyo Game Show will include Wonderful World VR Private tour, Dream Pet VR, Sairento VR and VR Sakura. A full list of planned experiences can be found on VAQSO’s website.

The VAQSO scent device is compatible with any VR headset and attaches easily using a magnet. The current version of the device can hold up to three odour cartridges, though the developers are hoping to increase this to five or even ten for the final consumer version. The device also has a small fan, which allows the strength of the scent to change depending on how close the user is to the source.

The Tokyo Game Show will be taking place from the 21st – 24th September, 2017. Further information can be found on the official Tokyo Game Show website.

VRFocus will continue to report on new and innovative applications for VR technology.

Trophies for Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR Indicate PlayStation VR Release

In May Square Enix and Gree Inc. released Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR via Steam in Japan for HTC Vive. While that’s been no official word regarding support for other virtual reality (VR) head-mounted displays (HMDs) it looks like PlayStation VR will also get a version due to the appearance of PlayStation 4 Trophies.

A listing of PlayStation VR Trophies has appeared on Exophase – a popular website for gamers that includes forums, Achievement and Trophy info – showing 36 in total, comprising Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR

Originally developed as an exclusive for HTC Vive, Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR has its own unique storyline and content based around the original free-to-play card battle title.

The story revolves around four heroes, a mercenary, a thief, a merchant, and a diva, who’ve all drawn legendary sword Excalibur. Britain is currently at war but these new rulers aren’t yet up to the challenge so they head to Castle Hebrides to receive proper training. Whilst there they must draw their blades against unexpected threatening adversaries.

Currently there’s no confirmation on when the PlayStation VR version will actually be available to Japanese consumers, but that’s likely to happen fairly soon. And there’s still no news on a western release.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR, reporting back with any further updates.

HTC Confirms Kai-Ri-Sei Million Arthur VR is Coming to Viveport

Ever since HTC Vive and Square Enix announced a collaboration to release Kai-Ri-Sei Million Arthur VR last year, VRFocus has been closely following the developments. Then last month the videogame launched through Steam in Japan – and region locked. But there could be hope for a wider release as it’s been revealed the title will be coming to Viveport.

Currently the Mobile World Congress (MWC) is taking place in Shanghai, China, and Alvin Wang Graylin, China Regional President of HTC Vive, has tweeted an announcement from the event that Kai-Ri-Sei Million Arthur VR will see a release on the company’s own platform.

No details have been confirmed on when this may occur or whether it’ll be region locked like the Steam release. With plenty of western players always keen to get their hands on Japanese content – there are plenty of festivals focused on Japanese culture – it might no longer be a case of if but when.

Developed by Gree Co, Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR has its own unique storyline and content based around the original free-to-play card battle title exclusive to HTC Vive.

As further details emerge, VRFocus will bring you the latest updates.

Square Enix veröffentlichen exklusives VR-Spiel für HTC Vive

Der japanische Spieleentwickler und Spielepublisher Square Enix ist bekannt für großartige Franchisetitel, wie Final Fantasy und viele weitere Spiele. Nun veröffentlichte das Unternehmen ihr VR-Spiel Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR, exklusiv für die HTC Vive im japanischen Steam Store.

Erster Exklusivtitel für HTC Vive

Der VR-Titel basiert auf dem JRPG Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur, in welchem Spieler rundenbasierende Kämpfe mit einem Kartenspiel ausfechten. Das Spiel erfreut sich in Japan größter Beliebtheit und hat über unterschiedliche Plattformen, wie Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, etc. mehr als 14 Millionen Downloads erreicht. Die neue Version für die HTC Vive entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit Spieleentwickler GREE und knüpft an das alte Spielsystem an. So taucht ihr erneut in die Welt von Million Arthur ein und besiegt mit eurer Party feindliche Monster. Dafür verwendet ihr mächtige Zaubersprüche und Spezialattacken. Das Kampfsystem bleibt dabei rundenbasierend.

Der VR-Support des Titels scheint ausgereift. So sind sowohl Umgebung, Charaktere und Gegner vollständig in 3D gehalten. Auch das Interface ist für VR angepasst. Über die Steuerung und das Gameplay sind leider noch nicht allzu viele Informationen vorhanden. Jedoch kann man dem Trailer entnehmen, dass der Spieler vermutlich selbst seine Waffe schwingen kann, um Angriffe einzuleiten. Zusätzlich erhält man Skins und Outfits für seine Charaktere, teilweise als DLCs.


Laut den Entwicklern ist das Spiel exklusiv für die HTC Vive verfügbar. In einer Pressemeldung zur Bekanntmachung des Spiels im Jahr 2016 sagte HTC dazu Folgendes: „Wir arbeiten nun mit Square Enix und ihrem Partner Gree zusammen, um eine VR-Version des Titels Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR zu erstellen. Das Spiel ist eines der meist verkauften Kartenspiele im Bereich der Mobile Games weltweit und wird exklusiv auf der HTC Vive veröffentlicht, […] dadurch stellen wir die schillerndsten VR-Erfahrungen für die HTC Vive zur Verfügung.“

Daher gehend ist nicht zu erwarten, dass das Spiel für die Oculus Rift verfügbar sein wird. Eigentlich wollte HTC keine Exklusivtitel veröffentlichen. Sogar für ihre eigenen Spiele, wie Arcade Saga, ermöglichten sie Support für die Rift und sogar für die PSVR. Mit der ersten offiziellen Exklusiv-Veröffentlichung von Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR ändert sich diese Herangehensweise.

(Quellen: RoadtoVR | SchwartzPR)

Der Beitrag Square Enix veröffentlichen exklusives VR-Spiel für HTC Vive zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR Comes to HTC Vive in Japan

September 2017 saw HTC Vive, Square Enix and Gree Co announce Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR at theTokyo Game Show (TGS). Now the virtual reality (VR) title has launched on the head-mounted display (HMD) in Japan for 3,980 yen on Steam.

As Gematsu reports, the Japanese Steam page is region locked, so there’s no accessing the title for western HTC Vive owners who might want to get their hands on it – although some inventive soul will likely find a way round if no wider release happens.


Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR has its own unique storyline and content based around the original free-to-play card battle title found on smartphones, PlayStation 4, and PS Vita. The most recent trailer was released in April, completely in Japanese but it did highlight more of the videogames’ characters and enemies such as Mercenary Arthur, Thief Arthur, Millionaire Arthur, and Diva Arthur, alongside customisation options.

Or checkout some gameplay footage below that a player uploaded earlier today. If Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR does eventually receive a wider release VRFocus will let you know.

Square Enix Release New Trailer for Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR

Back in September 2016, Square Enix announced a collaboration with HTC Vive to bring Japanese card video game Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur to virtual reality (VR). An initial teaser trailer was unveiled around the same time, and now Square Enix has released further gameplay footage. 

Being developed by Gree Co., Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR has its own unique storyline and content based around the card battle genre. The new trailer is in Japanese but it does highlight more of the video games characters and enemies such as Mercenary Arthur, Thief Arthur, Millionaire Arthur, and Diva Arthur, alongside customisation options.

Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR is scheduled to launch on HTC Vive during Spring 2017 in Japan, there’s been no confirmation if other language option will be available for use in other territories.

Checkout the new trailer below, and for further updates on Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR keep reading VRFocus.