Oculus Quest Needs More Original Content, not Ports

With new hardware there’s always the promise of new and exciting content, new lands to explore, new ways to play, new visual treats for the eyes, new…well basically new stuff all round. What’s far less exciting is regurgitation of old content, we’ve tasted it before and it was good, but the second time just isn’t as flavourful. Facebook is prepping for a big year with two headset launches soon, the most exciting of which is the Oculus Quest. Yet the content line-up – while ever growing – is primarily everyone porting their old titles over, with very little in the way of fresh and original content.

Robo Recall Oculus Quest

When Oculus Rift first arrived there was plenty of interesting titles to choose from, as you’d expect, but for such a seminal launch as Oculus Quest, up till now at least, I’ve not been bowled over by what’s available.

From a current virtual reality (VR) studio standpoint, I can completely understand the need to port your videogame to the new system. There are some big expectations resting on Oculus Quest’s shoulders. As a standalone unit with inside-out tracking it’s being marketed as easy to use, VR that’s simple to operate, great for the masses. As such, bringing your videogame over from Oculus Rift makes complete sense, and there are some awesome experiences being squeezed onto the mobile device. Videogames like Apex Construct, Space Pirate Trainer, Robo Recall, Creed: Rise to Glory, Moss, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes and I Expect You To Die, just to name a few. While some of these are relatively new, some are quite old in comparison – would you buy a Tesla with 70s brown interior?

I’m well aware that several new titles have been announced, and they total five, Sports Scramble, Shadow Point, Journey of the Gods, Dead & Buried II and Dance Central – Vader Immortal looks amazing but I am talking videogames here. Of those only Shadow Point and Journey of the Gods hold any interest – the others involve a sequel and a dead franchise being brought back – as both Coatsink and Turtle Rock Studios have decent histories in the VR field.

Shadow PointWith a launch date expected to be coming soon – fingers crossed for F8 2019and that ‘Spring 2019’ window closing ever faster, I’m hoping Oculus is saving the best for last. Suddenly coming out of nowhere with a flurry of VR content. Otherwise, who’s actually buying an Oculus Rift on launch day? If you’re a keen VR fan closely following Oculus news then there’s a good chance you own the Oculus Rift. Why would you want to buy a new headset for £400 GBP/ $400 USD – albeit wireless – that’s less powerful to play videogames you’ve probably already got – yey cross-buy – you want it for new stuff, right?

New users – especially those to VR – on the other hand probably won’t care, but are less likely to buy a launch day unit as they’re not early adopters.

The VR industry is filled with talented developers that have managed to solve all sorts of problems with the technology, whether that’s how to move, how to achieve 90 FPS, how not to cause nausea in players or simply making experiences more social. Go to a generic videogame event like the Game Developers Conference (GDC) to see the quality of VR on offer. So surely a brand new headset can have a little something special rustled up?

Oculus Quest - Front

In all likelyhood, I’m probably worrying for nothing and I’ll be like a kid in a sweet shop on launch day. I don’t expect every new headset – HTC Vive anyone? – to come with a fresh assortment of groundbreaking content ( I’m all for retro gaming), it’s just that VR stills needs to become more mainstream than it is, only achieving that by moving forward both hardware and software wise.

New Trailer for Oculus Quest Reveals More Launch Titles

The Oculus Quest standalone headset is expected to launch soon – even though Oculus is still saying Spring 2019 for now – and in preparation for this the company has now teased fans with a new sizzle reel showcasing some new launch titles.

Oculus Quest - Front

Having previously confirmed that Robo Recall, Moss, Beat Saber, The Climb, and Dead & Buried II would be available on launch day, recently announced Journey of the Gods and Shadow Point have now also been confirmed. Adding to the are Superhot VR, Vacation Simulator, Creed: Rise to Glory, Space Pirate Trainer and Dance Central.

Titles like Creed: Rise to Glory and Space Pirate Trainer have already been out a while, so a lot of VR gamers have likely tried some of the older releases. Owlchemy Lab’s latest Vacation Simulator is brand new with the studio only just revealing the launch dates for the PlayStation VR and PC VR versions. Coatsink’s Shadow Point, on the other hand, is being built specifically for the Oculus Quest, offering a mystery puzzle adventure into the stars.

And for those with a really keen eye keep a look out for a flurry of videogame images right at the end, through the Oculus Quest lenses. VRFocus managed to spot what looks like The Tower, Job Simulator, Fruit Ninja, Rush VR, Ultrawings, Drop Dead, Bait!, Virtual Virtual Reality, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Eleven Table Tennis, and Angry Birds VR. All making for quite the VR launch lineup.

Vacation Simulator

Oculus did previously say that Quest would feature 50+ titles for its launch, so there’s certainly a few more still to be announced. The headset will be retailing from $399 when it does arrive, with many expecting that announcement to be made during the Facebook Developers Conference (F8) in April.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Oculus Quest and its latest VR titles, reporting back with all the latest announcements.

Journey of the Gods: VR-Adventure von Turtle Rock Studios für Oculus Rift S und Oculus Quest enthüllt

Nate Mitchell kündigte bereits im Vorfeld zur GDC 2019 einen neuen VR-Titel von Entwicklerstudio Turtle Rock Studios an und zog dabei Paralellen zu den Kindheitserinnerungen der ersten Zelda-Teile. Nun ist die Katze aus dem Sack, das VR-Action-Adventure Journey of the Gods für Oculus Rift S und Oculus Quest wurde auf der GDC 2019 enthüllt und verspricht RPG- sowie Puzzle-Elemente in einer offenen Spielwelt.

Journey of the Gods – VR-Action-Adventure für Oculus Rift S und Oculus Quest

Entwicklerstudio Turtle Rock Studios (unter anderem bekannt für Face Your Fears) enthüllt sein neues VR-Action-Adventure Journey of the Gods für Oculus Rift S und Oculus Quest. Der VR-Titel versetzt die Spieler in die Rolle eines menschlichen Wesens mit göttlichen Fähigkeiten innerhalb einer fantastischen Welt, um gegen bösartige Mondbiester anzutreten und eine anstehende Apokalypse ausgelöst durch den schwarzen Mond zu verhindern.

Dabei kombiniert der VR-Titel das Gameplay eines Action-Adventures mit RPG- und Rätselelementen. So tretet ihr in den Nah- und Fernkampf gegen eine Vielzahl an Kreaturen, indem ihr auf Schwert und Schild oder eine einhändige Armbrust zurückgreift. Weitere Waffen sollen natürlich ebenso bereitstehen.


Während eurer Reise durch das weitläufige Land findet ihr zudem zahlreiche Gegenstände, die ihr zur Verbesserung eures Charakters nutzen könnt. So könnt ihr neue Fähigkeiten freischalten oder bestehende Skills erweitern. Dazu zählen neben Kampffähigkeiten auch Magie. Außerdem könnt ihr mit einem eulenartigen Begleiter interagieren, der euch auf eurem Weg zur Seite steht.


Neben Kampfsituationen ist außerdem eure Problemlösefähigkeit gefragt, denn in verschiedenen Dungeons und Orten rund um die Welt gilt es, diverse Rätsel zu lösen, um voranzuschreiten.

Ein genauer Veröffentlichungstermin wurde allerdings noch nicht bekannt gegeben. Journey of the Gods soll für Oculus Rift S (und ebenso Oculus Rift) sowie für Oculus Quest erscheinen.

(Quelle: VR Focus | Upload VR | Video: Oculus YouTube)

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Turtle Rock Studios Working on Journey of the Gods for Oculus Quest

Today Oculus stole the show at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2019 showcasing the new Oculus Rift S head-mounted display (HMD). In amongst all that excitement, there were several videogame reveals for upcoming standalone Oculus Quest, one of which was Shadow Point, while the other was Journey of the Gods.

Journey of the Gods

Journey of the Gods is the latest virtual reality (VR) title from the developer behind the Face Your Fear series, Turtle Rock Studios. A stylized action-adventure with role-playing game elements, Journey of the Gods pits players against enemies big and small, from attacking waves of Moonbeasts to the giant Kraken boss with its deadly tentacles, they’ll have to utilise all manner of weapons to the fullest to survive.

Mixing up both melee and ranged combat, players can choose a trusty sword and shield or rely on their aim and the ever dependable crossbow. As with any RPG journey players will need to collect useful items on route, earning upgrades the more they fight and survive.

But it’s not all just highly stylish combat and violence, there’s some thinking to do as well, with environment puzzles littered around the worlds that’ll also slow and impede progress.

Turtle Rock Studios has released a trailer showcasing some of the gameplay elements involved, but the team hasn’t yet revealed the story and why players are fighting these fantastical beasts.

Journey of the Gods

Supporting both Oculus Quest and Rift, no release window has been confirmed for Journey of the Gods, and whether it’ll be available for Quest’s launch this Spring.

The wireless standalone device is expected to launch very soon, retailing for £399 USD. Offering wireless gaming thanks to a built-in battery, Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC and the inside-out tracking technology called Oculus Insight, the headset comes supplied with new Oculus Touch controllers and built-in speakers like Oculus Go.

As GDC 2019 continues through the week, VRFocus will continue bringing you the latest VR news.

GDC 2019: Journey Of The Gods Is Left 4 Dead Dev’s New VR Adventure For Quest/Rift S

GDC 2019: Journey Of The Gods Is Left 4 Dead Dev’s New VR Adventure For Quest/Rift S

Turtle Rock Studios, the developer best known for its work on Left 4 Dead, today announced its new VR game, Journey of the Gods.

As teased ahead of GDC this week, Journey of the Gods is an action-adventure RPG. In the game, you go in search of the power of ancient gods, which will allow you to fight back evil. Oculus VP of Product Nate Mitchell previously said the game reminded him of Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda series. We can see why; you’ll fight monsters using a mix of sword and shield as well as crossbow combat. There will also be plenty of puzzles to test players with.

We’ll have full impressions of the game for you later on, but for now, you can enjoy these GIFs. They showcase some hallmarks of adventure gaming; lava-filled dungeons, magic powers and ancient weaponry. They also introduce us to your little companion, an owl that can take you between missions.

Journey of the Gods is coming to Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift S. The game will be a launch title for Quest when it arrives this spring, but it’s not clear when it will hit PC VR.

This isn’t Turtle Rock Studios’ first brush with VR. The studio is behind Face Your Fears, one of the most successful applications on Gear VR and Oculus Go. In fact, the team is also working on a sequel for Oculus Quest too. Elsewhere the team also worked on a Blade Runner VR game and a gorgeous RPG named The Well.

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