Island 359 Officially Releases Out Of Early Access Next Week

Island 359 Officially Releases Out Of Early Access Next Week

Dinosaur-themed action survival game, Island 359, is finally releasing out of Early Access next week on February 26th, 2018, and from what we’ve seen over the past year it’s shaping up to be one of VR’s biggest and best titles yet.

We first covered the game when it debuted in Steam Early Access a year and a half ago and have since seen large, game-altering updates ever since. With the release version of the game slated to drop in just about a week’s time, the team at CloudGate Studios is gearing up for their biggest and most dramatic overhaul yet.

Coming with launch on February 26th next week is a brand new “Survival Mode”. In this mode you’ll start with absolutely nothing — PUBG style — but are then pitted against massive, deadly dinosaurs instead of other humans.

The island is six-square miles of dense, lush jungle landscapes for you to explore which should help ensure each playthrough is drastically different. There’s the standard hunger, health, stamina, and rest resource management systems that have become staples of survival games as well. Killing and then eating a dinosaur is something I never thought I’d do in VR, but I’m looking forward to chowing down on some t-rex t-bone.

Island 359 will also feature 30 unique craftable items, which really helps play up the “stranded on an island” concept even more. And finally, there are 45 fully-voiced “Survivor Stories” to find that they’ve hired real, bonafide professional voice talent to perform for the release.

The release build of the game will also naturally include a slew of updates and improvements to the core of the game as well, including both the Mercenary and Arcade modes.

For more info on Island 359, including our final verdict, check back at UploadVR on February 26th for our full and final review. Until then, let us know what you think of the game down in the comments below!

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CloudGate Studio präsentiert Vive Body Tracking in Island 359

Das Entwicklerstudio CloudGate Studio stellt in einem Video ihr Tracking-System und die Nutzung der bald erscheinenden Vive Tracker in ihrem VR-Titel Island 359 für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive vor. Damit ist es zukünftig möglich, den kompletten Körper innerhalb des VR-Abenteuers zu implementieren, wodurch die Spieler bald neue Gameplay-Elemente erwarten könnte.

Island 359 – Vive Tracker bringen den kompletten Körper ins Spiel

Mit den Vive Trackern ist es zukünftig möglich, weitere Objekte sowie den kompletten eigenen Körper in die virtuelle Realität zu integrieren. Die Entwickler von CloudGate Studio gelten mit der Veröffentlichung ihres Tracking-Systems und der Integration in das Action-Abenteuer Island 359 als Vorreiter innerhalb dieses Bereiches.

Im Video zeigen die Entwickler, wie man die Vive Tracker an den verschiedenen Körperpartien befestigt, um ein optimales Tracking zu gewährleisten. So ist es beispielsweise durch die Befestigung von zwei Trackern an den Füßen möglich, einen kompletten Avatar zu erzeugen, jedoch gelten drei Tracker als ideal. Was allerdings ein teures Vergnügen ist, schlägt doch jeder Tracker mit 100 US-Dollar zu Buche. Mit den drei Modulen lassen sich sämtliche Bewegungen des Körpers in die VR übertragen, wodurch ein enorm realistisches Gefühl entsteht.


Bisher waren die Vive Tracker nur für Entwickler zugänglich und wurden erst kürzlich in Amerika für Konsumenten freigegeben. Die Entwickler von CloudGate Studio sicherten sich jedoch ihre Hardware frühzeitig und konnten deshalb bereits seit geraumer Zeit an der Implementation in ihre VR-Spiele arbeiten.

Das Dinoabenteuer Island 359 erhielt bereits mehrere Updates seit dem offiziellen Release im Jahr 2016. Durch die Veröffentlichung der Tracking-Technologie könnten sich jedoch bald weitere dazugesellen. Bereits im Video kündigen sie den Zuschauermodus für ihren VR-Titel an, der dank Third-Person-Perspektive einen besseren Überblick verschafft. Dies wäre besonders für Streamer und zukünftige eSports-Aktivitäten interessant.

Jedoch fanden bereits weitere Experimente mit der Technologie statt, die für eine komplette Veränderung des Gameplays sorgen könnten. Durch die Nutzung der Vive Tracker könnte es bald möglich sein, mit Tritten und Fäusten statt wie gewohnt mit Feuerwaffen zu kämpfen.

Island 359 ist für 19,99 Euro für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive auf Steam und im Oculus Store erhältlich.

(Quellen: VR Focus | CloudGate Studio | Video: CloudGate Studio Youtube)

Der Beitrag CloudGate Studio präsentiert Vive Body Tracking in Island 359 zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

CloudGate Studio Demonstrate Vive Body Tracking

The release of the Vive Trackers for the HTC Vive system to consumers opens up the possibility of full-body tracking in virtual reality (VR), thus fulfilling the dream of VR as depicted in popular fiction such as Ready Player One. One of the pioneers of this, CloudGate Studios, has been demonstrating how its tracking system will work.

CloudGate Studio released its dinosaur hunting title Island 359 on to Steam Early Access in Summer 2016. The development team have been keen on introducing frequent updates, including an update which added Oculus Rift support. Since the Vive Trackers were made available to developers, CloudGate developers began work on incorporating the extended motion tracking capability into Island 359, which would allow users to not only shoot dinosaurs as is usual but also to kick or punch velociraptors or even T-Rexes.

Island 359 - T-RexRoars

The demonstration video released by CloudGate Studio shows various configurations of Vive Trackers, which can be strapped to a user’s hips, or feet to provide for accurate body tracking. With Vive Trackers attached to user’s feet, which allows CloudGate’s VirtualSelf system to create an accurate virtual avatar which can allow users to move the avatar in time with the real life movements of the player. The video indicates that the best results could be obtained by using three Vive Trackers, working in concert.

The development team are also working on another feature to add to Island 359, and potentially other VR titles in future. The ‘Spectator Mode’ allows for a third-person view, a feature which has potential to be useful for Twitch streamers, YouTubers and Esports, allowing audiences to get a better view on the actions of a player in the videogame.

Island 359 - CompyHoard

It isn’t currently known when CloudGate Studio plans to introduce the VirtualSelf feature into Island 359. Island 359 is currently available on Steam Early Access for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, priced at £14.99 (GBP). Further information and updates can be found on the Steam Store page.

The demonstration video is available to view below.

VRFocus will bring you further news on Island 359 and VirtualSelf as it becomes available.

Island 359 Update 0.5 Adds New Tutorial, Base Camp And More

Island 359 Update 0.5 Adds New Tutorial, Base Camp And More

The latest updates for CloudGate Studios’ Island 359 make some welcome additions for players both new and old.

Update 0.5’s biggest addition is a new tutorial mode. That might not sound mind-blowing at first but the new mission actually does a great job of introducing you to the basics of the game in a fun, structured sequence with some great moments to it. The developers told UploadVR that they knew players could get bored with its original tutorial structure and thus tried to apply a more “AAA methodology” to the game’s introduction.

You can check out a few minutes of gameplay from the tutorial below. As you play you’ll even find some of the new mechanics in the tutorial, like being able to search vehicles for extra supplies.

That’s not all that’s new, though. The game’s got a revamped base camp area with a ton of new features.

For starters, there are now storage lockers for the game’s Mercenary Mode, which allow you to keep any weapons or items you pick up on missions for later use. There’s a bit of a risk factor to it, though; stash a great weapon but then die when using it later on and you’ll lose it forever. That gives the game a bit of an extra kick. You’ll also be able to spend credits earned in missions at a new store offering upgrades like better weapons and backpacks with more storage slots.

Finally, CloudGate has added a seated mode to the play options, allowing players to adjust their height should they prefer to sit or are in a wheelchair.

There’s plenty of great new updates for Island 359, then, though the game remains in Early Access for now. More than anything, we’re looking forward to finally playing the full game with Vive Trackers enabling full-body tracking. It lets you kick dinosaurs in the face.

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Preview: Island 359 – Hunting Dinosaurs at it’s Best

Everyone loves dinosaurs – or they should do. These ancient prehistoric animals that roamed the Earth millions of years ago have enthralled countless generations, inspiring literature, films, TV series, cartoons and of course videogames. The Jurassic Park film franchise is probably one of the best known use cases of dinosaurs in entertainment – with a few dodgy videogame tie-ins – and then there’s the sci-fi videogame series Turok. VR fans on the other hand haven’t had a great deal of choice, until Cloudgate Studio came along and released Island 359 for HTC Vive last year. Now it’s the turn of Oculus Rift users to explore the jungle in search of these dangerous creatures.

Not yet ready for a full release, Cloudgate Studio is bringing Island 359 to early access on the Oculus Home, but that by no means means it’s half a title. This version will see all the latest updates so the Oculus Rift users will have as much fun as their HTC Vive counterparts.

Island 359 - RaptorsOnTable

The videogame is split into two, with an Arcade Mode and a Mercenary Mode available. Cloudgate Studio has covered all the bases, whether you’re a VR newbie or a VR veteran. Arcade mode is essentially a dinosaur wave shooter, with you in a set position armed with a pistol and an Uzi. Then wave after wave of razor-toothed animals are unleashed upon you, testing how long you can survive. Get far enough and you’ll earn upgrade bonuses to improve your chances. If this was all Island 359 offered it would be ok, but it would get dumped alongside all the other wave shooters. Luckily though there’s Mercenary Mode.

This is certainly the core of Island 359 and where you’ll likely spend most of your time. There are three locations but only two are currently playable, the Jungle and the Beach – the third area will be coming soon. The Jungle has one mode option ‘Loot Drop’ while Beach has that and one other ‘Big Hunt’. Whichever level you play ‘Loot Drop’ is all about killing as many dinosaurs as possible. After killing a certain amount you’ll be gifted a crate drop with new guns, health, and upgrades to choose from.This is by far the best mode as it’s just you against little Compys, Raptors, Allosaurs and Triceratops. Hunting through the Jungle is wicked fun, learning how to use the spatial audio to hear a dinosaur before you’ve seen it is well worth mastering.

Cloudgate Studio has gone for a sort of teleportation whereby you click the stick on either Oculus Touch controller to bring up the way point, then adjust the distance by using your head. While weird at first, it quickly becomes instinctual as you can instantly move to where you’re looking – very good when trying to dash round the bigger dinos.

Island 359 - T-RexRoars

As you play a mercenary hunting dinosaurs for cash naturally you’re provided with the latest weaponry, pistols, auto-pistols, SMG’s, Assault rifles and more are available. You can also upgrade them with sights, laser pointers, or for a stealthy kill a suppressor. If you venture into ‘Big Hunt’ then you’ll have none of these, just you, some massive dinosaurs and a bow and arrow, this is where the challenge certainly ramps up.

In its present state you might have thought Island 359 was a fully fledged experience, but Cloudgate Studio still have a few bugs to solve, tweaks to add and some other tricks. Even so, Island 359 is shaping up to be one of the best first-person shooters (FPS) available on any headset.

Island 359 Comes to Oculus Home Early Access

Cloudgate Studios’ Island 359 has today launched on Oculus Home, debuting as an Early Access title for the virtual reality (VR) format. Compatible with Oculus Touch, Island 359 throws the player into a dinosaur-infested jungle tasked with shooting – or punching – large scale foes in order to survive.


Island 359 - T-RexRoarsIsland 359 features a number of cruel and unforgiving gameplay modes, including Mercenary mode, as you follow the map scrounging for kills; Big Hunt Mode, a stealth bow-hunt where you’re looking for the big kills of Allosaurs and Triceratops; and Arcade Mode, where you’re battling dinos to the death all while competing on a global leaderboard against Island 359 players around the world.

Having launched on Steam back in August 2016, the Oculus Home edition of Island 359 has a never-before-seen vicious Stegosaurus for you to dominate as you explore the sprawling jungle. With recently added weapons, a new valley map that requires surviving during a thunderstorm, movement modes for increased controller flexibility and varying comfort, and reach assist to increase accessibility, Island 359 is coming to Oculus Home in a seemingly almost-complete state.

Island 359 is now available on Oculus Home for $19.99 USD. Cloudgate Studios has launched the Early Access edition with a sale at 33% off ($13.39). VRFocus has been hands-on with Island 359 on Oculus Rift and Oculus Touch, and will bring more details very soon.


Island 359 Heading to Oculus Home Next Month

Cloudgate Studios’ well received Steam Early Access launch of Island 359 has lead to a great deal of attention. Experiments with the forthcoming HTC Vive Tracker puck have no doubt helped with the studio’s agenda, but now so too will an Oculus Home release.


Island 359 - RaptorsOnTableStranded alone in the jungle with no easy way out, Island 359‘s unforgiving world can be experienced through several gameplay modes, including Mercenary mode, which sees the player follow the map scrounging for kills, and Big Hunt Mode, a stealth bow-hunt where you’re looking for the big kills of Allosaurs and Triceratops.

Island 359 will come to Oculus Home as an Early Access title next month, bringing with it a never-before-seen vicious Stegosaurus for you to dominate as you equip yourself with all of the recently added weaponry on a new valley map that requires surviving during a thunderstorm. A variety movement modes for increased controller flexibility and varying comfort and reach assist have also been added to increase accessibility.

Island 359 will be available on Oculus Home for $19.99 USD from 6th July 2017. The videogame will launch on sale at 33% off ($13.39). VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on Island 359, including a new hands-on with the Oculus Home edition coming soon.

T-Rex Gets a Kicking in Island 359 Preview

VRTV’s roving reporter Nina has been to several events over the past few months including Mobile World Congress (MWC) and the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2017. At both events she got to tryout CloudGate Studio’s Steam Early Access title Island 359, a dinosaur hunting experience for HTC Vive – the developer also recently launched Oculus Touch support.

For today’s video preview, Nina not only got to experience lots of dinosaur killing, with guns aplenty, she also managed to tryout CloudGate Studio’s experimental Vive Tracker system for the videogame. CloudGate Studio’s President, Steve Bowler showcased a short video of the project back in January when it featured just HTC Vive sensors and four controllers. Nina got the more advanced version with two Vive Trackers on her feet and one on her waist for a full body motion tracked experience.

With this system in place not only can you shoot dinosaurs as normal, you can bring your whole body into the mix, being able to boot the smaller Compy’s to death, or if you’re feeling really brave – or as Nina found a nice sweet spot – you can kick the T-Rex to death.

Checkout the full preview video below, and stay tuned for more news, reviews, previews and more from VRFocus.

CloudGate Introduces Oculus Touch Support to Island 359

Up until now, only owners of the HTC Vive have been able to experience the joys of hunting down dinosaurs of Island 359, that has just changed with the launch of a big new patch with introduces Oculus Touch support along with a host of other features and fixes.

CloudGate Studios released Island 359 to Steam Early Access back in August 2016, where it was exclusive for the HTC Vive. The developers revealed earlier this month that they had been working on methods of introducing support for the Vive tracker, and the new update proves that is not all they were working on.

The new update adds in Oculus Rift with Touch support for both standing and room-scale play, along with a host of other updates, such as the new feature that allows users to highlight items on the floor around them, so they can choose what item they want to pick up. The menus have seen some improvements, and the Jungle environment has had a graphical overhaul, with improvements to layout, foliage and performance. More T-Rexes have been introduced, and Loot Drop has been introduced into the Beach map.

Island 359 - T-RexRoars

In more subtle changes, an experimental feature that auto-detects graphical settings has been included, users who already have an existing save file can take advantage of this feature by clicking a button in the graphics menu marked ‘Auto Detect Settings’. The AI has also been updated, giving raptors the ability to use jump attack, along with a host of other minor enemy behaviour tweaks.

Further information can be found on the Island 359 Steam page.

Island 359 is available through Steam Early Access for a price of £12.74, currently available with a 15% discount. Normal retails price is £14.99.

VRFocus will bring you further updates on Island 359 when they come in.

“Kicking Raptors In The Face Is A Lot Of Fun”: Island 359’s Developer On Guns, Dinosaurs And More

Roving VRFocus reported Nina speaks to Steve Bowler of CloudGate Studios about upcoming videogame Island 359. The title has been out in Steam Early Access for HTC Vive since August 2016 as the developers look at new innovations they can introduce. The basic concept is that there is an island inhabited by dinosaurs that the player can explore and, of course, shoot the dinosaurs.

CloudGate have been experimenting with the newly-released Vive Tracker to implement a full-body tracking system referred to as ‘Your Virtual Self’. This allows a player using the Vive Trackers to attach trackers to their body and then a full-body model within the VR environment that can follow the players movement.

Ideally the system will use three trackers. One placed on a belt around the waist, and one for each shoe. CloudGate are working on a simple device for attaching the trackers to almost any form of footwear. This system will enable players to run down and kick any dinosaurs they come across using their actual foot movements.

Island 359 currently has three levels, one of which is only available in the arcade mode. Five dinosaur models are currently in the title, but the developers are working on implementing more dinosaurs and more levels. A firm release date has yet to be set, but CloudGate are aiming for Q2 of 2017.

You can watch the full interview below.

VRFocus will bring you more updates on Island 359 as they come in.