Insta360: Neues Video für die „epische“ 360-Grad-Kamera

Mit einem neuen Teaser macht Insta360 neugierig auf seine neue 360-Grad-Kamera. Diese stellt das Unternehmen am 28. August offiziell vor. Insta360 hat zwei interessante Kameras im Angebot, die allerdings preislich und von der Leistung weit auseinanderliegen. Zwei Modelle erweitern ein iPhone oder Android-Smartphone um eine 360-Grad-Kamera, die Pro-Version mit sechs Sensoren bietet bis zu 8K Auflösung. Das neue Modell könnte die Lücke schließen und damit neue Anwender-Kreise ansprechen.

Insta360: Neue 360-Grad-Kamera in Anmarsch

Die Insta360 Nano für das iPhone sowie die Insta360 Pro haben wir euch schon vorgestellt. Das Nano-Modell liegt bei knapp 200 Euro. Das Modell für Android, die Insta360 Air, ist etwas einfacher aufgebaut und in der Regel für unter 150 Euro zu haben. Sie bietet aber eine für diesen Preisbereich ähnlich gute Bildauflösung wie das Nano-Modell von bis zu 3K. Ein ganz anderes Kaliber hingegen ist die Insta360 Pro, für die man knapp 4000 Euro hinblättern muss. Sie macht Videoaufnahmen mit bis zu 8K Auflösung und konkurriert dadurch mit wesentlich teureren Kamera-Systemen wie beispielsweise die Nokia OZO. Wenn man die Videos mit der Insta360 Pro in 3D aufnimmt, reduziert sich die Auflösung auf immer noch gute 6K. Am 28. August wird das Unternehmen eine neue Kamera vorstellen, mit der man 360-Grad-Videos erstellen kann. Ein jetzt veröffentlichter Teaser gibt schon einen kleinen Ausblick und macht neugierig.

Das Video verrät noch keine Details über die neue Kamera und gibt Raum für Spekulation. Die Seite UploadVR beispielsweie geht angesichts des Videos davon aus, dass eine Art Selfiestick zum Einsatz kommt. Der ließe sich einfach aus dem Video entfernen und wäre somit unsichtbar. Unklar ist auch noch, ob es sich um eine Stand-alone-Lösung wie die Pro handelt oder die Kamera ein Smartphone voraussetzt. Der Slogan „Alles wird episch mit One” weist eher auf eine Stand-alone-Lösung hin. Am 28. August werden wir mehr erfahren, wenn Insta360 seine Kamera vorstellt. Wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden.

(Quelle: UploadVR)

Der Beitrag Insta360: Neues Video für die „epische“ 360-Grad-Kamera zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Video: Insta360 Teases New Type Of 360-Degree Camera

Video: Insta360 Teases New Type Of 360-Degree Camera

Insta360 is one of the companies in the 360 camera space that has been on an absolute tear. Last year it announced the Insta360 Nano which is a popular iPhone-attached 360 camera capable of doing Periscope and Facebook live streaming. Since last year, it also released an Android variant called the Insta360 Air and a professional camera called the Insta360 Pro that can shoot 8K 360 video.

It looks like Insta360 may be launching something to bridge the gap between the Nano and Pro cameras. Currently, the Insta360 Nano sells for $199 and Pro sells for $3499, and the capability differences between the two cameras are quite vast in terms of photo and video quality.

Insta360 is now teasing a new camera with some video footage that we expect will bridge this vast capability and price gap between the Nano and Pro. Based on these videos we’re seeing, this new camera looks like it could have some sort of high-speed capability and it might take 360-degree videos from an entirely new angle.

From the video, it appears to operate with some sort of selfie stick that places the stitch line between the cameras right on the selfie stick, making it appear invisible and easily removed. Additionally, it likely highlights the standalone nature of the camera itself since I wouldn’t expect that they have a phone swinging around like that on a selfie stick.

Insta360 have proven to be the most full-featured platform for 360 video and photography and it will be interesting to see how the company’s products will evolve with the market and perhaps even how the market reacts to their own capabilities.

The company is teasing that we will know more on Aug. 28.

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Periscope Gets Native Insta360 Air Support

Livestreaming has become a feature of life for many people. The idea of sharing an experience over the internet with people hundreds or even thousands of miles away is not a new one, but the addition of 360-degree video means that unique experiences such as concerts or sport events can now be much more immersive for the viewer. Even more so with the latest update to Periscope, the Twitter-owned live-streaming app has been released and it contains an update that allows users of the Insta360 Air to broadcast live 360-degree video directly from the app.

Earlier this year Periscope introduced native support for the Insta360 Nano, which is the iPhone counterpart to the Insta360 Air, the introduction of Android support means that both Android and iPhone users can freely stream 360-degree live footage through the Periscope app using Insta360 cameras.

Insta360 specialise in creating compact, easy-to-use 360-degree cameras designed to work with smartphones to capture share and broadcast 360-degree photos and videos in a way that is simple to install and use. The Insta360 Air uses a plug-and-play system that clips directly into the micro USB port of an Android smartphone. At present, Insta360 cameras are the only 360-degree cameras that are natively supported by the Periscope app.

Anyone using the Periscope app can view the broadcast through a smartphone and look around to view every angle with simple touch controls. Periscope users can announce their broadcast through Periscope’s Twitter integration.

The Insta360 Air camera costs $129 (USD) from the Insta360 web store. Further information can be found on the Insta360 website.

VRFocus will bring you further news on Insta360 cameras as it becomes available.

Insta360 Pro Now Available for Pre-Order

360 degree camera maker Insta360 has kicked off pre-orders for the Insta360 Pro, a six-lens professional camera that will allow creators to capture 8K virtual reality (VR) experiences and broadcast to the world live in immersive 360. The Insta360 Pro combines 360 and 360 3D imaging, live-streaming and advanced real-time image stitching technology in one compact device.

Insta360 Pro cameraUsing six 200° lenses, the Insta360 Pro captures photos and video in 8K. Creators can leverage the Insta360 Pro’s onboard real-time stitching technology to capture finished 360 degree videos that don’t require any post-processing, or else opt for fine-grained control with Insta360’s included post-processing software or a third-party solution of their choice.

“The VR industry needs steady content from a strong base of creators to keep growing, but before now, high-performing cameras have been overly complicated or cost-prohibitive,” said JK Liu, founder and CEO Insta360. “With the Insta360 Pro, we’re giving broadcasters and creators the tool they’ve been asking for. We can’t wait to see what they come up with.”

Time-lapse mode and 100 fps high-speed shooting (for 4K slow-mo) is complimented by a real-time preview on phones, laptops or headsets. This allows creators to get the shot they want the first time.

Insta360 Pro camera softwareWeighing just over 2.7 pounds (1.2 kg) and sporting a removable battery, the Insta360 Pro is ideal for going out on location. Its lightweight design also lends it to drone-mounted aerial videography, and with the addition of a 4G network card, creators will be able to live-stream from anywhere with a signal.

Priced at $3,499 USD, the Insta360 Pro is available to pre-order now from A second package featuring additional batteries is also available. VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on the Insta360 Pro.

Preorders Now Open For Insta360’s 8K VR Camera

Preorders Now Open For Insta360’s 8K VR Camera

China’s Insta360 has announced it is taking preorders for its Insta360 Pro 8K professional virtual reality camera, the Insta360 Pro, as part of its ambitions to raise the bar for 360-degree VR films.

The company originally announced the 6-lens camera at CES 2017, the big tech trade show in Las Vegas in January. The Insta360 Pro camera is designed for shooting 360 films that can be viewed with virtual reality headsets. It sells for $3,500, and it’s on display at the National Association of Broadcasters event in Las Vegas this week.

The standalone camera can capture 8K 3D photos or 6K 3D videos, and it is also suitable for livestreaming. It is aimed at professional photo and video creators, as well as non-professionals who demand excellence from the camera they use to pursue their creative visions.

“The VR industry needs steady content from a strong base of creators to keep growing, but before now, high-performing cameras have been overly complicated or cost-prohibitive,” said JK Liu, founder and CEO of Insta360, in a statement. “With the Insta360 Pro, we’re giving broadcasters and creators the tool they’ve been asking for. We can’t wait to see what they come up with.”

What are consumers and professionals going to do with it? That’s a good question. Insta360 believes it will be used for live journalism and aerial photography, and its advantage is that it’s an all-in-one VR tool.

Insta360 Pro uses six independent high-definition lenses. It captures 60-megapixel 360-degree 3D stills and supports both HDR and RAW formats to bring out levels of detail and low-light performance unprecedented in a 360-degree camera of this size.

When recording 4K video, the camera supports up to 100 frames per second. In addition, the VR time-lapse mode adds a new dimension to videos, and the live preview function allows users to get the best angle before shooting.

Insta360 uses real-time image stitching technology and offers both H.264 and H.265 video compression, which substantially improves video quality at the same bit rate.

HD image files can be easily auto-stitched with Insta360 Studio. The company is enhancing the imaging potential of the camera by offering professional 3D 360-degree video that applies the 3D video-capturing capabilities of Hollywood films.

The camera can capture 3D videos in up to 6K (4K in real-time stitching mode). As a standalone camera, it can be used with the dedicated Insta360 Pro iOS and Android apps. It connects via Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or 4G, and it is ready to livestream and share any event instantly on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.


This post by Dean Takahashi originally appeared on VentureBeat.

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Insta360 iPhone and Android Cameras Now Stream Live To Facebook

Insta360 iPhone and Android Cameras Now Stream Live To Facebook

The Insta360 cameras attach to the charging port your Android or iPhone for filming in 360 degrees, and with a new update to the company’s app today owners will be able to livestream that view to Facebook.

The Insta360 Nano ($200 for iPhone) and Insta360 Air ($130 for Android) get the capability through an update to their dedicated apps. The company is also planning the Insta360 Pro, a “professional-level” 8K camera, for release in Q2 that is said to also be integrated with Facebook.

The Nano for iPhone also supports 360-degree live-streaming to Twitter and Periscope, and according to company it is possible to go live on YouTube with its cameras as well.

The Facebook integration lets camera owners go live on timelines, groups and pages. According to the company, while broadcasting live “on-screen indicators in the Air and Nano apps will let users see how many viewers are tuning in, watch ‘Likes’ and other reactions update in real time,” as well as monitor live comments.

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Wie verläuft die Entwicklung von VR in China?

Der Vorsitzende von HTC Vive in China Alvin Wang Graylin redete in einem Interview, auf der CES 2017 über die Entwicklung von VR-Produkten in seinem Land. Unter anderem erläutert er die Wichtigkeit des kulturellen Kontexts und die Unterstützung der chinesischen Regierung in der Entwicklung neuer Technologien im Bereich VR und künstlicher Intelligenz.

Die Entwicklung von VR in China

In China haben sich eine Menge Unternehmen auf die Herstellung von VR- und AR-Produkten spezialisiert. Die meisten kommen jedoch nicht an die Qualität der Marktführer wie HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Sony PSVR oder Samsung GearVR heran. Einige Ausreißer, die sich auf spezielle Nischen spezialisiert haben, gibt es jedoch. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist das Unternehmen Insta360, die zum derzeitigen Stand extrem günstige 360-Grad-Kameras mit guter Qualität anbieten.


Der Markt für VR wächst in China stetig. Die Entwickler sind enthusiastisch neue Technologien voranzutreiben und auch die Produktion von Arcadespielen steht im Fokus. Ebenfalls interessant ist die Auswirkung auf das Thema Bildung. Aufgrund der Ein-Kind-Politik im Land liegt ein großer Fokus auf die Ausbildung der Heranwachsenden. Durch die Einbindung von VR in den Klassenraum kann diese verbessert werden. Herr Graylin ist überzeugt, dass es nicht mehr lange dauert, bis die Regierung jedes Klassenzimmer mit einem VR-Headset ausstattet.

Entwicklung von VR durch staatliche Unterstützung

Generell wird China als das Land mit der größten Verbreitung von VR im Alltag betrachtet. Neben den unzähligen Hardware- und Softwareherstellern, Investments in Höhe von knapp 600 Millionen USD für die Fortentwicklung von Produkten und dem Einfluss der Medien zur ständigen Nachrichtenvermittlung über Neuigkeiten zum Thema, gehören VR-Kioske und VR-Arcadespiele zum festen Bestandteil eines jeden größeren Einkaufszentrums. Außerdem gibt es staatliche Initiativen, wie Internet Plus zur Unterstützung von Industrien mit Fokus auf neuen Technologien, wie VR und AR. Durch die Bereitstellung von u. a. mobilen Internets oder Cloudsystemen für Unternehmen soll das Wachstum im E-Commerce angetrieben werden.

Projekt: Donghu VR Town


Zudem gibt es teils wahnwitzige Projekte, wie Donghu VR Town. Das Projekt umfasst eine komplette Stadt, verflochten mit VR, die im Süden des Landes erbaut werden soll. So soll eine Kombination aus VR mit dem täglichen Leben in sämtlichen Bereichen wie Gesundheitswesen, Bildung oder Unterhalt entstehen.

Das Land hat das Potenzial der Vorreiter im Bereich Virtual Reality und künstlicher Intelligenz zu werden. Durch die staatliche und finanzielle Unterstützung dürfen wir uns auf viele spannende Innovationen freuen.

(Quellen: VR Podcast)

Der Beitrag Wie verläuft die Entwicklung von VR in China? zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Insta360 Partners with Huawei on Honor VR Camera

360-degree camera company Insta360 has partnered with Chinese smartphone manufacturer Huawei on a branded camera called Honor VR.

At an event in Beijing this week, Huawei announced it would release a clip-on 360-degree smartphone camera co-branded and developed by Insta360 as part of Huawei’s online-focussed Honor range.

Insta360 - Huawei Honor VR Camera

Modeled on the camera makers soon to be released Insta360 Air for Android smartphones, the Honor VR Camera will offer 3K photography and seamless 360-degree live-streaming as well as an app that’ll allow users capture, share and live-stream their 360-degree creations.

“We’re thrilled to partner with Huawei to grow the global community of 360-degree and VR creators,” said JK Liu, founder and CEO of Insta360. “Like us, Huawei is committed to reinventing photography, and they believe in our products as the best way to introduce users to the future of the camera.”

In 2016 Insta360 launched its first 360-degree camera, the Insta360 Nano for the iPhone 6 series. The device can be clipped onto the smartphone or used independently, with a built in battery and shutter release button.

And at CES 2017, Insta360 announced the Insta360 Pro, a six-lense professional camera boasting 360 video in up to 8K, as well as 3D video and high-definition livestreaming.

Huawei hasn’t yet confirmed a release date of the Honor VR Camera, when it does VRFocus will let you know.