Liveblog: Unite Berlin 2018 – ‘How to Drive VR/AR Use Cases for Enterprises Using the Example of Volkswagen’

VRFocus is once again providing liveblog coverage of sessions (where we can) at this year’s edition of Unity’s Unite Berlin. Over three days this week, creators who use Unity are coming together to discuss all the recent developments in both software, hardware and the usage of both. Naturally, both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences are at the event and how immersive technology is being implimented around the world is a topic a number of speakers are getting into.

Next, we’ve seen many times how both VR and AR are being utilised within the automotive industry. The idea of an AR assisted windscreen, effectively implementing a HUD onto the road ahead of you, has been prevelant for many years but immersive technology has also come into use in car design, as a means to give virtual test drives and as another form of onboard entertainment.

This talk discusses AR and VR and is a part of the AutoTech Summit at the event and is given by Torben Volkwein of Innoactive

“Come hear the story of how the Volkswagen group is using VR to make training for 10,000 of their production and logistics employees more accessible and effective. You’ll learn how they are working closely with Innoactive to provide the right platform for the fast adoption of VR/AR in many applications within the Volkswagen Group. You will also see a live demo showing how the Innoactive Hub and the Innoactive SDK allow business experts and developers to plan, build and manage their VR/AR applications.”

Your liveblogger for the event is Peter Graham.

Innoactive Secures Funding For VR/AR Enterprise Platform

With virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) becoming ever more popular in business-level applications, a number of firms have moved into this area. One of them is Innoactive, who have recently secured a €4.4 million (EUR) funding round.

Innoactive is focussed towards providing AR and VR software solutions to various industries such as automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical and retail. Its software platform, Innoactive Hub has been employed by Volkswagen to help in training over 10,000 personnel.

The €4.4 million investment was led by Unternehmertum Venture Capital Partners (UVC Partners), along with Capnamic Ventures. Innoactive has worked with many well-known firms and brands, such as MediaMarktSaturn, Carl Zeiss, Deutsche Bahn, Audi and Continental.

The company has concentrated its focus on certain key content areas for its SDK, including logistics, simulations and training, and has tapped into the recent popularity of social VR to create a collaborative VR social space for long-distance training and collaboration.

Innoactive created the Innoactive SDK to allow businesses to adapt the software to suit its particular style and create VR training programs without needing to spend time and money on writing code.

“Particularly in the areas of production and logistics, the great savings potential offered by virtual reality leads to enormous demand for VR training content. With our Innoactive Hub platform we offer an exciting solution with low entry barriers to create training content faster, use it more efficiently and roll it out company wide,” explains Daniel Seidl, founder and CEO of Innoactive.

The company says the investment will be used for: “Technology and product development as well as for expanding international sales and enlarging the development team. On the product side, the Innoactive SDK will be equipped with additional functions that enable customers and partners to create VR training applications quickly and easily.”

For future coverage on news from the VR and AR industry, keep checking back with VRFocus.

Innoactive Secures €4.4M for Expansion of VR/AR Enterprise Software Platform

Innoactive, the enterprise-focused VR/AR software company, announced it’s completed a successful funding round of €4.4 million (~$5.15 million USD). The lead investor is Unternehmertum Venture Capital Partners (UVC Partners), and is joined by Capnamic Ventures.

Founded in 2015, Innoactive has provided VR/AR software solutions across industries such as automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical and retail, including their software platform, Innoactive Hub, which is currently serving as a training platform for 10,000 employees at Volkswagen. The company has also worked with MediaMarktSaturn, Carl Zeiss, Deutsche Bahn, Audi and Continental to name a few.

Innoactive focuses on a few key content areas with its SDK, including logistics, simulation and training, and has created its Innoactive Hub platform to act as a company’s social VR space for long distance training and collaboration—or whatever the particular company styles it to be, as Innoactive SDK boasts the ability to for businesses to create entire training programs without writing a single line of code.

“Particularly in the areas of production and logistics, the great savings potential offered by virtual reality leads to enormous demand for VR training content. With our Innoactive Hub platform we offer an exciting solution with low entry barriers to create training content faster, use it more efficiently and roll it out company wide,” explains Daniel Seidl, founder and CEO of Innoactive.

The company says the investment will be used for “technology and product development as well as for expanding international sales and enlarging the development team. On the product side, the Innoactive SDK will be equipped with additional functions that enable customers and partners to create VR training applications quickly and easily.”

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Innoactive Secures €4.4M for Expansion of VR/AR Enterprise Software Platform

Innoactive, the enterprise-focused VR/AR software company, announced it’s completed a successful funding round of €4.4 million (~$5.15 million USD). The lead investor is Unternehmertum Venture Capital Partners (UVC Partners), and is joined by Capnamic Ventures.

Founded in 2015, Innoactive has provided VR/AR software solutions across industries such as automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical and retail, including their software platform, Innoactive Hub, which is currently serving as a training platform for 10,000 employees at Volkswagen. The company has also worked with MediaMarktSaturn, Carl Zeiss, Deutsche Bahn, Audi and Continental to name a few.

Innoactive focuses on a few key content areas with its SDK, including logistics, simulation and training, and has created its Innoactive Hub platform to act as a company’s social VR space for long distance training and collaboration—or whatever the particular company styles it to be, as Innoactive SDK boasts the ability to for businesses to create entire training programs without writing a single line of code.

“Particularly in the areas of production and logistics, the great savings potential offered by virtual reality leads to enormous demand for VR training content. With our Innoactive Hub platform we offer an exciting solution with low entry barriers to create training content faster, use it more efficiently and roll it out company wide,” explains Daniel Seidl, founder and CEO of Innoactive.

The company says the investment will be used for “technology and product development as well as for expanding international sales and enlarging the development team. On the product side, the Innoactive SDK will be equipped with additional functions that enable customers and partners to create VR training applications quickly and easily.”

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Volkswagen Group kündigt VR-Trainings für 10.000 Mitarbeiter an

Die Volkswagen Group greift bereits seit 2017 auf die Vorteile der VR-Technologie zur globalen Zusammenarbeit ihrer Mitarbeiter dank Volkswagen Digital Reality Hub zurück. Der Automobilhersteller scheint zufrieden zu sein mit den damit verbundenen Vorteilen. Denn nun verkündete der Mutterkonzern von Volkswagen die weitere Zusammenarbeit mit dem VR-Studio Innoactive, um im Jahr 2018 bis zu 10.000 Mitarbeiter durch bis zu 30 verschiedene VR-Trainings im Bereich Produktion und Logistik aus- und weiterzubilden. Außerdem verkündete Innoactive auf der MWC 2018 die Veröffentlichung der eigenständigen Enterprise Software Innoactive Workspaces für Industrieunternehmen.

Volkswagen Group – VR-Training für 10.000 Mitarbeiter

VR-Trainings bieten eine Vielzahl an Vorteilen für Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Art, da sie sowohl die Motivation und Lernbereitschaft der Mitarbeiter erhöhen sowie für eine Verbesserung der nötigen Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten sorgen. Zudem bieten sie eine ökologische Lösung, die sich in einer Reduzierung der Kosten für Ausbildung und Material niederschlägt.

Die Volkswagen Group erkannte bereits im Jahr 2017 die Vorzüge der VR-Technologie und vertieft seitdem die Nutzung im eigenen Unternehmen. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem VR-Studio Innoactive sollen nun im Jahr 2018 bis zu 10.000 Mitarbeiter der Volkswagen Group durch VR-Trainings aus- und weitergebildet werden. Dafür kommen 30 unterschiedliche VR-Trainingssimulationen in den Bereichen Produktion und Logistik zum Einsatz.


Auf der MWC 2018 in Barcelona erhielten Besucher der Fachmesse erste Einblicke in eine der VR-Erfahrungen zu Ausbildungszwecken. Basierend auf der Hub SDK von Innoactive können Mitarbeiter darin an einem virtuellen Arbeitsplatz die detaillierten Nachbildungen von Maschinen und Produkten des Unternehmens zusammensetzen und modifizieren. Wie bisher setzt das Unternehmen dabei auf die HTC Vive. Das neue VR-Training wurde für die Vive Pro optimiert.

Zusätzlich verkündete auch Innoactive eigene Neuigkeiten auf der MWC 2018, denn mit ihrer AR- und VR-Enterprise-Software Innoactive Workspaces offenbaren sie ähnliche Möglichkeiten für andere im Industriesektor angesiedelte Firmen. Die Unternehmenssoftware soll noch im Jahr 2018 erscheinen.

(Quellen: Road to VR | Innoactive | Video: Innoactive Vimeo)

Der Beitrag Volkswagen Group kündigt VR-Trainings für 10.000 Mitarbeiter an zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Volkswagen Group to Train 10,000 Employees in VR This Year

Volkswagen Group and VR studio Innoactive revealed the global, multi-brand automotive company is planning to train 10,000 employees this year alone using virtual reality.

Volkswagen Group first deployed its Volkswagen Digital Reality Hub Group last year, a VR platform designed to help the company’s employees collaborate across the Audi, SEAT, ŠKODA and Volkswagen brands. Now, the company says they’re going a little deeper down the virtual rabbit hole in its new initiative to train 10,000 employees in production and logistics using more than 30 VR training simulations created in partnership with Innoactive.

The company showed off one such example of a VR training simulation at MWC 2018 which places the user in an industrial workspace using an HTC  Vive Pro. The simulation was built using the Innoactive Hub SDK and optimized for Vive Pro.

Volkswagen Group says it’s “empower[ing] employees to use VR to transfer knowledge and improve workflows by making VR headsets available for order throughout the Group.”

In addition, Innoactive announced a new VR/AR enterprise software called Innoactive Workspaces at MWC 2018, a VR solution allowing users to plan, simulate and train in industrial workspaces. Innoactive Workspaces is slated to release later this year.

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Volkswagen Group, One of the World’s Largest Companies, is Building VR Apps to Help Employees Collaborate Across the Globe

Volkswagen Group, the multi-brand automotive company, has developed VR apps to make long-distance collaboration in production and logistics an easier task. Using the HTC Vive, the company has created what it calls the Volkswagen Digital Reality Hub Group, a VR platform that will help the company’s employees collaborate across the Audi, SEAT, ŠKODA and Volkswagen brands.

The company has used its suite of VR apps to allow multiple users to simultaneously collaborate while physically located between Volkswagen logistics office in the Czech Republic and the company’s headquarters in Wolfsburg, Germany. Apps in the platform already include VR logistics training, realistic workshop environments created using photogrammetry, and VR spaces for exchanging best practices—all of course with avatars so employees can talk face-to-face.

Developed with VR production studio Innoactive, the Volkswagen Digital Reality Hub made its public debut at the Digility conference and exhibition in Cologne this week.

image courtesy Volkswagen Group

Mathias Synowski, a VR user from Group Logistics, says the company’s VR app will “make our daily teamwork much easier and save a great deal of time.”

“Virtual reality creates the ideal conditions for cross-brand and cross-site collaboration,” Jasmin Müller from Audi Brand Logistics explains.

“[E]xchanging knowledge is just as important as bundling knowledge. That’s why we came up with the Volkswagen Digital Reality Hub central platform in collaboration with Innoactive. All employees have access to all existing VR elements as well as existing knowledge via the platform. That way, we enable individual units to implement new use cases quickly and jointly move in VR applications so they can plan new workflows interactively,” says Dennis Abmeier from Group IT.

The Volkswagen Digital Realities Team is currently developing more apps for production and logistics intended for the company’s fleet of HTC Vive Business Edition headsets.

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