Taking on the Legions of Hell in Inferno: Deathfield

Arriving last month on Steam Early Access was Framing Inc.’s first virtual reality (VR) title for HTC Vive, a tough adventure title called Inferno: Deathfield. Of course VRFocus has previewed the experience and created one of our popular gameplay videos for you to see what the title is all about.

Inferno: Deathfield

Inferno: Deathfield is a mixture of hack and slash gameplay mixed in with wave shooter mechanics. Each area you walk into will spawn several enemies, once these have been killed another set will then appear. Once these have been vanquished the way opens up to continue your journey, so whilst fighting them you’re restricted to that particular area – there’s no running away and back tracking to find health.

This means that Inferno: Deathfield can be quite difficult at points, unrelenting in its attacks if you wade in all brazen. Think of the difficulty in a similar vein to Dark Souls, just this time you’re trapped in mini arenas. Obviously you don’t come empty handed. You can choose between a sword or crossbow in one hand with the other holding a magic shield or another crossbow. You also have the ability to slow time, giving you an advantage should you get surrounded.

As you’ll see from VRFocus’ gameplay video below the gameplay can be incredibly hectic, so it’s always best to plan how you move into a new area. While the sword is good, it’s not as powerful as the crossbow. But the crossbow only holds ten shots before needing to recharge. And the last thing you want is some hellish demon appearing when you’ve run out of ammo.

Inferno: Deathfield

Of course, to learn more about some of the finer aspects of Inferno: Deathfield you’ll need to read VRFocus’ preview. This goes into more depth about some of the issues encountered. For any further updates on Inferno: Deathfield and its Early Access development, keep reading VRFocus.

Preview: Inferno: Deathfield – A Classic Hack ‘n’ Slash That Needs Some Balancing

For players who want a challenge there are several virtual reality (VR) titles that VRFocus can point you in the direction of. Recent editions include Solfar Studios’ second title In Death, which has just launched on early access or there’s Framing Inc.’s Inferno: Deathfield, a hack ‘n’ slash that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to surviving and killing the legions of Hell.

Inferno: Deathfield

Inferno: Deathfield has the classic storyline of Lucifer escaping from Hell, bringing with him a bounty of evil nasties that want to destroy the world and naturally it’s up to you to save it. Currently, in its Early Access form Inferno: Deathfield has two modes to play through, this storyline campaign and an infinite mode with global rankings for those that enjoy a bit of competition.

The main videogame is quite basic at present, offering a choice of two weapons, a sword or a crossbow, enabling you to mix and match either depending on the situation or your playing preference. Both hands can hold weapons but only one can carry the sword as the other offers both a shield and slow-time capabilities. This does mean you can dual wield the crossbows for maximum ranged damage – it does leave you open to unseen melee attacks however. While the crossbows do have unlimited ammo they can only hold ten shots at a time, automatically recharging once you stop firing. What’s noticeable is the damage discrepancy between the sword and crossbows. Enemies do seem to take forever to kill with the sword, so much so that the shield – which is magic and runs down the stamina bar – tends to disappear before even the most basic enemies are dead. Whereas the crossbows do become the weapon of choice due to the extra damage they seem to inflict.

Another issue that presented itself was for the shield hand to have a tendency to not swap options when needed. As Inferno: Deathfield is a HTC Vive title only at present, to swap weapons you hold the controller next to your hip and press the grip buttons. Trying to get the second crossbow proved to be very finicky and inconsistent, and the same with trying to swap back to the shield. Not ideal when you’ve got demons and wraiths hunting you down.

Inferno: Deathfield

You may also want to avoid using the time slow feature if you can. Next to the health bar is a white hand. Once that has turned red you can bring the shield hand to the centre of the screen to slow everything down. Unfortunately, this feature did seem to activate at random times. More concerning is what the effect has on your vision, effectively blinding you for a few seconds. Not exactly helpful in a pinch.

Like most of these videogames VRFocus finds it important to talk about movement. It can be key to the whole experience depending on how well attuned you are to VR. What’s surprising to find in Inferno: Deathfield is the complete lack of teleportation – a bold move by Framing Inc. All that’s available is free locomotion, a light press on the touchpad to walk or clicking it down to speed up slightly. There’s no snap rotation, merely a smooth spin, plus a dash is available for getting out the way of attacks quickly. Walking and running around Inferno: Deathfield was perfectly comfortable but for those more sensitive to movement in VR this could be a deal breaker.

As a Steam Early Access title Inferno: Deathfield still needs some work. Whilst fun to play through there are similar experiences that currently offer more options and tighter controls. The title certainly has potential with decent looking enemies and landscapes. Hopefully as development continues Framing Inc. can iron out those bugs.

See These Flashy New Screenshots For Fantasy Combat Videogame, Inferno: Deathfield

If you’ve ever wanted to feel like a battle mage, fighting through waves of demons in a satanic monument to man’s hubris, then oh boy, we’ve got the perfect game for you. Inferno: Deathfield has hit Steam Early Access, and now we’ve got a bunch of brand new screenshots for you to peruse. The virtual reality (VR) videogame will take players on a new journey filled with all hell has to offer.

The story follows the chosen warrior who must liberate humanity from the grips of Lucifer, the King of the Underworld. He’s raging again after aeons in exile, and is unleashing demons on humanity. Luckily, so naturally the chosen warrior (that’s you, the player) has to put him back in his place and save humanity. You’ll be swinging your sword and firing off a crossbow to take down waves of demonic forces, and player skills and abilities will swing the fight in your favour.

We reported on the videogame coming to early access, which you can purchase right now – though, as with all early access titles, you should be aware that what you’re buying is likely an incomplete work in progress.

The developers say on the videogame’s Steam page that they expect it to take yet another 4 to 6 months of early access development to complete a full release, though they also say that the exact direction their full release takes will depend on community feedback from early adopters.

Despite the early access nature of the title, the screenshots we have in a gallery below are incredibly promising, displaying some of the visuals and attacks you’ll be able to wield in VR. Many of the gothic, forboding locations are certainly atmospheric even in screenshot form, so you can imagine the immersive atmosphere when you strap on a VR head-mounted display (HMD).

Currently Inferno: Deathfield is only available for use on HTC Vive, and there’s no word on whether that will change in the future. Regardless it looks promising, and you can keep reading VRFocus for all of the latest news on VR videogames and experiences, high fantasy or otherwise, such as Inferno: Deathfield.

Inferno: Deathfield Heading to Steam Early Access

Steam Early Access is often a place developers push an in-progress title to in order to gather community feedback and grind off the rough edges on a videogame that they consider promising. Publisher YJM Games has announced that those with a HTC Vive will soon be seeing dark fantasy wave shooter Inferno: Deathfield on Steam Early Access.

Drawing on a dark, medieval aesthetic, Inferno: Deathfield has the soft of foreboding atmosphere that will be familiar to players of the Elder Scrolls series, or Diablo III fans. Featuring gloomy gothic architecture and dark corridors inhabited with nightmarish creatures, lit by sickly demonic green or hellfire orange.

Players will be able to explore the environment in Story Mode, or test their skills in Infinity Mode. Players will be tasked with fighting off waves of demons using a variety of weapons such as a sword, crossbow or shield. To aid in this endeavour, two skills are available, Time Slow and Dodge Slow. Time Slow does as the name suggests, and slows down time around the player, slowing enemy movement, while Dodge Slow combines Time Slow with a rapid dash movement in order to offer new strategic possibilities.

The developers hope to encourage players to explore the world, finding new routes through the maze-like castle, and in doing so locate various items that can help players progress further. In an effort to further enhance the player experience, the development team have used Unreal Engine 4 in order to provide a smooth, high-quality VR graphical experience.

A precise date for the title’s release into Early Access has not yet been confirmed, but it is expected to be in the early part of Q1, 2018. The developers are expecting roughly 4-6 months of Early Access time in order to gather feedback and further polish the title before the full release.

A trailer video for Inferno: Deathfield can be viewed below. Further information can be found on the Steam Store page.

Further news on new and upcoming releases of VR titles can be found right here on VRFocus.