The Dreams Of Dali Comes To Viveport

Inception, a leading provider of virtual reality (VR) entertainment content that brings immersive experience to life by working with the world’s favourite artists, museums, and content creators, have announced that new content is available within their Inception VR application. The new content comes in the form of the Dreams of Dalí.

Dreams of Dali

The Inception VR application – which is available on Viveport – offers users a chance to experience a range of different VR content all within one location. New content is added every week and partnerships with top publications ensure that uses are able to enjoy only the very best content all year around. Now with the addition of the Dreams of Dalí immersive experience. users can witness the artwork of a legend come to life like never before.

The Dreams of Dalí experience started life two years ago when the Salvador Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, launched an exhibition called Disney and Dalí: Architects of the Imagination. As part of this Goodby Silverstein & Partners created the Dreams of Dali VR experience which focuses on the artist’s famous 1935 painting Archeological Reminiscence of Millet’s “Angelus”.

Dreams of Dali

Users are transports inside the famous painting where they will become fully immersed within the world of the surrealist master like never before. Able to venture into the bizarre towers, heading all the way to the top to see into the distance and discover numerous surprises. Across the whole landscape there are plenty of interesting and different things to uncover and witness all while questioning what it actually is. The experience released on Steam for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift earlier this year but now those looking to enjoy it along with other content can now do so via the Inception VR app.

You can see a new trailer for the Dreams of Dalí VR experience blow which features a piano cover of Where Is My Mind courtesy of Kwaidan Records which really helps bring the surrealist work to life even more than it already is within the virtual environment. The Dreams of Dalí VR experience is available within the Inception VR application on Viveport which is available to download for free now.

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on Inception and the Dreams of Dalí in the future so stay tuned for more.

New VR Documentaries Now Arriving Twice A Week On Inception Via Targo

New VR Documentaries Now Arriving Twice A Week On Inception Via Targo

We love VR documentaries here at UploadVR. Showcases like the Alternate Realities Arcade at Sheffield Doc/Fest prove that this can be one of the most compelling uses of the platform. Good news for doc lovers, then: a steady stream of them are now rolling out on one of VR’s biggest video apps.

Free video service, Inception, this month announced a partnership with VR media company, Targo, to bring a new VR documentary to the platform every two weeks. A selection of the company’s content is already available including Into the White, which follows a young French explorer as he trains to cross Antarctica and The Hot Air Balloon Family, which is exactly what it sounds like. Other videos will have you undergoing a spiritual journey in French forests, attending special pigeon races and exploring one of the largest miniature train sets in the world today.

The documentaries are in French so you’ll have to make good use of the video’s subtitles. Still, it’s great to see a steady stream of engaging VR content like this now arriving on a regular schedule.

Inception is available on pretty much every VR headset under the sun including Oculus Rift, Oculus Go, Gear VR, Google Daydream, HTC Vive, Windows VR, and PSVR. If you don’t have a device then you can get it on iOS and Android too. Inception’s content is also available on YouTube, one of which we’ve embedded above.

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Inception and Kaleidoscope Collaborate on Joint Online VR Film Festival

Today, virtual reality (VR) content platform Inception and immersive financing company Kaleidoscope have announced a new collaboration which will see the creation of an Online VR Film Festival to help nurture and rewarded VR content creators with cash and avenues to showcase their work.

Kaleidoscope FIRST LOOK event

For creators submissions are now open, with the festival accepting submissions throughout May until 1st June. Inception and Kaleidoscope will be awarding a prize pool of $15,000 USD plus distribution and marketing deals to the films selected for the festival. Winners will then be announced on 14th June. Creators looking to submit can apply for free here.

“We’ve been working with Inception for quite some time now, and we believe they are the right partner to work with on getting our content distributed,” said René Pinnell, Kaleidoscope CEO in a statement. “Together, we will be looking for innovative content that we can award and celebrate on the Inception app and within the Kaleidoscope community.”

“Kaleidoscope was responsible for producing the first virtual reality festival in 2015, they are pioneers in the field and an amazing partner to have,” said Benny Arbel, Inception CEO. “We hope this festival can become an annual event.”

Kaleidoscope runs an invite-only community to help secure financing, distribution and exposure for premium VR content creating events like FIRST LOOK in 2017, and a VR FundInception launched in 2016, becoming a popular cross-platform app for premium VR content as well as creating content itself. Available for download across Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality, Samsung Gear VR, Google Daydream, PlayStation VR, iOS and Android. Additionally, the app has now arrived for standalone headset Oculus Go which launched last week during the Facebook developer conference (F8).

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Inception and Kaliedoscope, reporting back with the latest updates including the successful VR film projects.

Mac DeMarco’s “This Old Dog” Launches Inception and Pitchfork’s VR Programming

Last month VRFocus reported on online music magazine Pitchfork and  immersive content network Inception teaming up to provide interactive music content. Today the two companies have launched their first joint virtual reality (VR) programming featuring artist Mac DeMarco’s single This Old Dog.

Multimedia artist Rachel Rossin created the video, utilising first generation CGI and 90’s videogame graphics as a basis for this psychedelic journey.

Mac DeMarco Inception Pitchfork screenshot 2 “Our collaboration with Pitchfork and Mac DeMarco showcases the next generation of music programming,” said Benny Arbel, CEO and Co-Founder of Inception. “Just as music videos were transformative when first introduced, we believe that VR is the future of music—with immersive and multi-dimensional multi-sensory capabilities. Pitchfork is the most trusted voice in music and we lead in VR content across entertainment. Look out for more taste-making VR content from us that, we believe, will define and steer the industry.”

“While we’re not putting any limits on our partnership with Inception and what we may do down the road, at the moment, we’re singularly focused on creating VR music videos,” said RJ Bentler, Pitchfork VP of video programming. “Music videos have been a huge driver of the digital medium for a decade, and have helped shape and define the form. It’s an infinitely malleable format, and the immersive and interactive nature of VR opens up an equally infinite number of possibilities for visualizing and experiencing music.”

DeMarco’s This Old Dog is available on Pitchfork’s VR music channel on the Inception app. The app can be found on Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear, iOS, Android, Google Daydream and HTC Vive, with Microsoft Windows Mixed Reality and Sony PSVR coming soon.

For the latest updates from Inception and Pitchfork, keep reading VRFocus.

„Netflix für VR“: Inception erhält bei Finanzierungsrunde 15 Millionen US-Dollar

Inception hat große Pläne und will so etwas wie das Netflix für die virtuelle Realität werden. Die App mit diversen Inhalten ist für fast jede wichtige VR-Plattform erhältlich. Lediglich die Version für PlayStation VR steht noch aus, sie soll aber in Kürze erscheinen. Das Start-up kann sich jetzt über eine Finanzierungsrunde freuen, die von der RTL Group geleitet wurde. Mit dem frischen Geld will man unter Anderem in neue VR-Inhalte investieren.

Inception: Mehr Inhalte durch erfolgreiche Finanzierungsrunde

So unterschiedlich können die Nachrichten sein: Während manche VR-Unternehmen darben und das soziale Netzwerk AltSpace schließen muss, erhalten andere dann doch noch frisches Geld. Die luxemburgische RTL Group, zu der beispielsweise Fernsehsender wie RTL, Vox, n-tv und etliche andere gehören, hat die Finanzierungsrunde geleitet. Die spült dem Start-up Inception aus Tel Aviv 15 Millionen US-Dollar in die Kasse. Inception weiß auch schon, was man mit dem Geld anfangen will. Es soll dabei helfen, den Katalog zu erweitern und das Wachstum zu beschleunigen.

Inception startete im Oktober 2016, die VR-Apps sind für die Samsung Gear VR, Google Daydream, im App Store für Apples iPhone, im Google Play Store, für die Oculus Rift und die HTC Vive erhältlich. In Kürze soll laut Webseite die Version für PlayStation VR (PSVR) folgen. Die Inhalte sind bisher ein wilder Mix, zum Beispiel kann man die virtuelle Ausstellung Dreams of Dalí besuchen, den Musikkanal von Pitchfork genieße, mit Pinguinen auf Wanderschaft gehen oder eine Burger-Auszeit in London nehmen. Inception ist laut RoadToVR auf jeden Fall stolz darauf, dass der Content immer mit VR im Kopf entsteht, von der Konzeption über das Design bis hin zur Produktion. Außerdem habe man die besten Streaming-Technologien.

Die RTL Group hält 15 Prozent an dem jungen Unternehmen und verspricht sich erfolgreiche Synergieeffekte. Inceptions Erfahrung und frischer Unternehmergeist ergänze sich perfekt mit den eigenen Traditionen und Möglichkeiten.

(Quelle: RoadToVR)

Der Beitrag „Netflix für VR“: Inception erhält bei Finanzierungsrunde 15 Millionen US-Dollar zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Pitchfork and Inception Team Up To Bring Music and VR Together

Inception have had great ambitions from the very start to become ‘The Netflix of virtual reality (VR)’ and since its launch has provided a platform for immersive content. Inception are now expanding the content available by teaming with online music magazine Pitchfork to provide immersive and interactive music content.

Pitchfork’s online magazine has existed since 1995 and has become a trusted and respected name in the music world. It’s music channel was launched in 2008 and has produced various documentaries, live performances and web series. Pitchfork and Inception are now bringing that content into VR with the launch of the Pitchfork VR Music Channel.

“Inception is a double threat — both a platform and studio — and they share a similar point of view on VR’s most exciting opportunities. I’m looking forward to our partnership because it gives Pitchfork a destination within the virtual reality space, and significant experience and expertise on the production side,” said RJ Bentler, Pitchfork Vice President, Video Programming. “Music videos have been a driver in the digital video space for a decade, and we see huge potential in expanding the art form into this much more immersive format. This is an entirely new way to think about visualizing and experiencing music, and we have tons of crazy ideas up our sleeve.”

The first piece of immersive content from Pitchfork is due to come to Inception’s platform in a few weeks, though there is currently no word on what exactly that will be.

“We selected Pitchfork as our number one music partner because we believe they truly are the most trusted voice in music,” said Benny Arbel, Inception CEO. “Their approach that marries documentary, live and review content fits perfectly with our VR world. Inception’s proven capability in interactive VR casual entertainment together with the creativity from the Pitchfork team and their selected artists, will create truly immersive entertainment VR content.”

VRFocus will bring you further information on Inception and new VR content as it becomes available.

Dreams of Dali VR Art App Being Made Available Worldwide

Early last year the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida launched an exhibition that allowed visitors to use an Oculus Rift headset to be transported inside the painting and move around a virtual reality (VR) recreation and see the sculptures and vistas depicted from another perspective. Now The Salvador Dali Museum has teamed up with VR content platform Inception to allow art fans worldwide to try out the experience.

The Dali Museum and Inception are making the experience, titled Dreams of Dali, available for users of the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, Google Daydream and Google Cardboard. The experience is focussed around Dali’s painting, Archeological Reminiscence of Millet’s “Angelus” and allows viewers to enter into the painting to explore the towers and explore the world created by the famous surrealist.

Dali VR Experience header

“We hope that Salvador Dalí, known in his lifetime as what we now call an ‘earlier adopter’ of new technology, would applaud this homage to his 1935 painting,” said Kathy Greif, Chief Marketing Officer for The Dalí Museum. “It’s exciting to be part of the movement that is delivering digitally-based, immersive cultural experiences” said Greif. “Putting Dreams of Dalí onto the Inception app enables us to educate and inspire a much broader audience – even those who can’t travel to St. Pete – extending our reach beyond our walls.”

“Inception was the perfect fit for The Dalí’s Dreams of Dalí distribution, now joining our existing Dalí VR experiences created in partnership with the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres, Spain,” said Benny Arbel, Inception CEO. “The Inception platform strives to give users a more immersive experience, with our range of interactive VR art pieces and exhibitions such as Daydreaming with Stanley Kubrick and Ron Arad’s Curtain Call, as well our Boiler Room x Google Pixel experience created exclusively for the Google Daydream.”

VRFocus will bring you further news on VR in art as it becomes available.

Time Out Tel Aviv Launches Immersive City Guide on Inception

In October 2016, VRFocus reported on a new virtual reality (VR) platform that had big plans for distributing immersive content called Inception. Now the company has launched the first in a series of 360-degree insider guides featuring some of the world’s most popular cities. The debut video is Time Out Tel Aviv, will give viewers an insight into the local hot spots of Tel Aviv.

The guide allows a user to select from a series of shorts on an interactive map, automatically transporting them to new locations and new guides throughout the city. They can then select a specific guide they wish to tour with or the type of attraction they’re searching for – restaurant, nightlife, etc.

Time Out Tel Aviv - Popina

“The Tel Aviv Time Out VR City Guide is just about the coolest way to enjoy Tel Aviv’s best locations to get to know the city,” said Benny Arbel, Co-founder & CEO of Inception. “Through what other medium could you actually jump into a map and receive a fully immersive introduction to the city? Our partnership with Time Out Tel Aviv is the perfect match to make this city guide truly on point and well informed.”

“We are happy to present our users with another exciting way to explore Tel Aviv and help them make the most of the city”, said Yuval Sigler, Editor-In-Chief and Publisher of Time Out Tel Aviv. “Discovering the trendiest venues and most inspiring people in the city has always been a crucial part of our mission statement – now we can do it in one of the most innovative ways, without missing an angle.”

The Inception app is available for download on the Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, Android, iOS and Google Daydream, with support for HTC Vive and PlayStation VR coming soon.

For any further updates from Inception, keep reading VRFocus.