A Guide to HTC Vive Controllers: Vive Wand, Steam Gamepad, Knuckles and More.

The HTC Vive is the more expensive of the currently available high-end PC virtual reality (VR) options, though some could argue its the most forward-looking, having launched with tracked motion controllers while the Oculus had to introduce them later. HTC Vive is also looking to get some upgraded controllers in the form of the Knuckles controllers, as well as being compatible with Xbox controllers and the Steam controller.

Though not quite as attractive as Oculus Rift’s Summer discount, HTC Vive also offers a sale price, with the headset being reduced to $749.99 (USD), including free shipping, for the Summer Sale. The bundle includes a free version of Star Trek: Bridge Crew, a Viveport subscription in addition to the headset, controllers and two Lighthouse tracking base stations along with the cables.

The HTC Vive was launched on 5th April, 2016 as part of a joint project between HTC and Valve. At the time when pre-orders opened, over 100 games were already known to be coming to the platform. The HTC Vive natively supports ‘room-scale’ VR by using ‘Lighthouse’ tracking base stations in addition to the headset and controllers.

HTC Vive product 1

There are two competing wireless solutions for the HTC Vive, the TPCast and DisplayLink, though neither of those devices is currently available for commercial release yet, there are some indications as to how they will perform with VRFocus looking at them both.

Valve recently announced that there are upgraded Vive controllers on the way in the form of the Knuckles Vive controllers. The HTC Vive also supports Xbox controllers and the Steam controller.

Which controller set-up is best for which application? Should you wait for the Knuckles Controllers? You can find out with the VRFocus guide to various HTC Vive controller set-ups.

A Guide to the Steam Controller for HTC Vive

The Steam Controller is somewhat unique among gamepad type controllers in that is uses two trackpads in place of the cross-pad and where the four buttons would be on an Xbox or DualShock gamepad. The Steam controller also features an accelerometer and gyroscope, allowing for motion control methods to be used in some situations.

Steam Controller Launch and Price

The Steam controller was originally launched on late 2015 and was designed to run in Steam’s ‘Big Picture’ mode that allows users to configure devices to their satisfaction. Valve has pushed out multiple updates for the controller, including adding VR support in June 2016.

The Steam Controller can be bought directly from the Steam store for £39.99 (GBP) though discounts can be found at other retailers, and Steam also offer the controller in bundles with other videogame titles.

How to use the Steam Controller

Since the HTC Vive is integrated into Steam, and the Steam controller is designed explicitly for Steam, the set-up mostly involves plugging in a wireless dongle and turning on the controller. Some older VR titles may need users to go into the ‘Manage Game’ menu and ‘Browse configs’ in order to activate Steam controller mode, though with Valve’s updates, this is becoming rarer.

Apps and Games Compatible with the Steam Controller

Similar to the Xbox One controller, the Steam controller works best with titles such as Elite: Dangerous where using motion controls is not practical. Some users have also reported that moving in VR using the trackpad is smoother than using a motion controller or analog stick, meaning a reduction in ‘simulation sickness’ symptoms.

For the most part, where a Steam title reports that it is compatible with gamepad controllers, the Steam controller will work well.

Long Term Application of the Steam Controller

The Steam controller will likely remain a viable option for niche VR titles where using motion controllers is impractical, or for titles where the ability to switch between motion control and standard gamepad controls would be useful. Though some users may find the trackpad controls hard to get used to, many users find the Steam controller to be a solid and very usable controller that makes an excellent alternative (or even upgrade) from an Xbox One controller for some VR applications.

A Guide to the HTC Vive Knuckles Controllers

Valve has been keeping a lot of the information on the upcoming upgrade to the HTC Vive controllers to themselves so far. Though we do have some information on what the new Knuckles Controllers will look like and how they will behave, full details will need to wait until they get a commercial release. The Knuckles Controllers feature an advantage over the standard HTC Vive wand controllers in that they have individual finger tracking.

Knuckles Controllers Launch and Price

The Knuckles controllers have yet to see a commercial release, so a price point for the devices has not yet been established. Only developments kits have been sent out so far, and Valve has yet to announce an official launch date.

How to Use the Knuckles Controllers

For those fortunate enough to have one of the Knuckles Vive controller sets, first you will need to pick up the controllers and adjust the strap so it sits comfortably. The Knuckles controllers then need to calibrate for the finger tracking to work, which involves holding the controller with the index finger resting on the trigger while the thumb is on the touch pad, fingers touching the sensors for one second, then releasing. Valve says the commercially released versions will not need this calibration.

Those who own a Knuckles controller will also need to navigate to the Tools menu in the Steam client to activate Steam VR in Beta in order to use the Knuckles controllers at present.

Apps and Games Compatible with Knuckles Controllers

Valve is planning to offer a feature which emulates the HTC Vive wand controllers, so previously available software should be able to work with the Knuckles controllers. At present, one of the few apps that offers full functionality for the Knuckles Vive controller is Steam VR Home, which if it detects a user has the Knuckles controllers, will automatically upgrade the user avatar from three fingers to five. It has not yet been established how many other upcoming applications and videogames are planning to make use of the full functionality of the upcoming controllers.

Long-Term Applications of the Knuckles controllers

Its clear the Valve expect the Knuckles controllers to be the ‘next evolution’ of the HTC Vive motion controllers, and will likely be pushing developers to include the finger-tracking ability in future software. How well the user base responds to this remains to be seen, though early indications of the ergonomics and usability of the Knuckles controller have been positive.

A Guide to the Xbox One Game Pad for HTC Vive

The Xbox controller, both in the form of the Xbox One gamepad and its predecessor from the Xbox 360 have become night-universal additions for anyone wanting to play videogames on a PC. Though a lot of PC purists would insist on keyboard and mouse for controls, in virtual reality (VR) environments something simple and familiar can be extremely helpful.

Xbox One Game Pad Launch and Price

The Xbox One controller was launched alongside its parent console. The version needed for PC videogaming needs a small USB dongle to act as a wireless transmitter. The Xbox One controllers by themselves cost roughly £40 (GBP) with the Windows 10 wireless adaptors costing around £20. Some retailers will sell them as a bundle.

How to use The Xbox One Controller

The Xbox controller has native drivers in Windows 10, so installation simply involves plugging in the dongle and turning on the gamepad in order to connect, then navigating to Settings > Devices > Add Bluetooth Device. Users on Window 7 or Windows 8 will need to download additional drivers, however.

It is always necessary to check the title you are playing to see if it supports gamepad inputs. Not all VR titles do, and many HTC Vive titles prefer to use the tracked motion controllers by default. Some titles will need you to navigate through the menu to activate gamepad controller support.

Note: While the PlayStation 4 Dual Shock controllers can also be used in a similar way using a wireless adapter, Windows lacks any native driver support, so they may not always work as well as Xbox controllers.

Apps and Games Compatible with the Xbox One Game Pad

There are several apps, experiences and videogames for the HTC Vive available through Steam that support the Xbox One controller. It is not the preferred input for many titles, however, since most tend to be designed around tracked motion control. Exceptions include titles such as Elite: Dangerous, Thumper and Eagle Flight.

As usual, it is best to check the Steam entry on compatible input methods before purchase.

Long Term Applications for Xbox One Game Pad

With the steady rise in popularity of motion controllers for VR experiences, the use of Xbox One controllers for VR titles may be on the decline. Especially when the upcoming motion controller update in the form of the Knuckles Vive controller is taken into consideration. However, some applications are not suited towards motion control inputs, so it may be wise to keep an Xbox One game pad around for titles like Elite: Dangerous for the near future, at least.

A Guide to HTC Vive’s Wand Controllers

Unlike the Oculus Rift or PlayStation VR, the HTC Vive comes bundled with its tracked motion controllers as standard and has done since launch. This was one of the factors that led some early adopters to choose the HTC Vive over the Oculus Rift.

How to Use HTC Vive Controllers

In order to make use of the wand controllers, it is first necessary to set up the Lighthouse base station units that come bundled with the HTC Vive, this is due to the Vive controllers utilising tracked motion control from the Lighthouse stations. For ideal use, the set-up area should be a minimum of 1.5m by 2m. Once the controllers are turned on for the first time, they will automatically be paired with the headset, a status light will blink blue while the pairing is taking place and will turn solid green once pairing is complete.

HTC Vive controllers have a track-pad, trigger, a grip buttons, menu button, system button, status light and several tracking sensors that are located on the outer ring of the controller. It is important that these sensors are not covered or obstructed. Further information can be found in the diagram below.

Apps and Games Compatible With Vive Controllers

Since the tracked motion controllers come bundled with the HTC Vive, the vast majority of HTC Vive titles use the motion controllers by default. There are some exceptions, usually for titles that have been ported from other platforms. Steam, of course, shows the controller set-up for every title, so users can check if the title they are considering uses the Vive controllers or not.

Long-Term Application of Vive Controllers

The motion controllers currently serve as the default control option for HTC Vive users. Since they come bundles with all HTC Vive purchases, its easy to see that continuing for some time. However, the upgrade is on its way in the form of the Knuckles Vive controllers, which boast accurate finger-tracking in addition to the current Vive controller’s capabilities. However, the Knuckles controllers are not yet commercially available and it will take some time before there is a large install base even after release. The Vive controllers are easy to use, ergonomic and ubiquitous among Vive users. Expect the standard Vive controllers to dominate for some time to come.