Ubisoft Teased Two AR Game Prototypes Running On HoloLens At Unite Europe

Ubisoft Teased Two AR Game Prototypes Running On HoloLens At Unite Europe

During a talk at Unite Europe 2017 Ubisoft showed off two previously unrevealed HoloLens game prototypes: Toy Soldier and Rabbid Rockets. Whether or not these games will become full projects remains to be seen.

At the event David Yue from Ubisoft led a talk titled “AR Prototyping for the HoloLens” in which both projects were shown. Prior to this event Ubisoft has only been associated with VR in the immersive technology space, having released Eagle Flight, Werewolves Within, and Star Trek: Bridge Crew all in the past 12 months. Then earlier this month at E3 2017 the global games publisher announced both Transference and Space Junkies as two new VR titles set to release within the next 12 months as well. Just Dance VR hasn’t resurfaced in a quite a while.

In the images above you can see snippets of what Yue was showing at Unite Europe this week. The first prototype, Toy Soldier, uses spatial mapping to let people interact with what appear to be realistic-looking army men atop a table. It takes the fun and excitement of setting up the little green men across a play space into AR, but brings them to life like never before in the real world before you.

In the second prototype shown, dubbed Rabbid Rockets, spatial mapping is not used and instead Ubisoft’s iconic rabbid characters are seen flying all throughout the air around the user. We haven’t really seen many robust game applications of the HoloLens just yet. Back when the device first released its initial dev kit Microsoft shipped it with experiences like Fragments and Young Conker, both of which were developed by Asobo Studio.

We’ve reached out to Ubisoft for comment and additional information on these and any other HoloLens or similar AR projects they may be working on and will update this story if we hear back.

In the meantime, what do you think of these ideas from Ubisoft so far? Let us know down in the comments below!

Source: VRFocus

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Ubisoft Reveals Several HoloLens Prototypes

Microsoft’s HoloLens has so far been focussed on the business and education side of the mixed reality (MR) market. Providing educational opportunities such as allowing school children to view the solar system in vivid MR is certainly a worth goal, but there has been little dedicated to the entertainment possibilities of the HoloLens. Ubisoft are trying to change that with some prototype videogames for the HoloLens.

During a talk at Unite Europe 2017 called ‘AR Prototyping for the HoloLens’, David Yue from Ubisoft showed off some images of three prototype videogames that were designed exclusively for the HoloLens. Using ‘spacial mapping’ technology, Ubisoft were trying to make realistic-looking objects appear to HoloLens users, then allow users to interact with those objects.

One of the prototypes displayed involved Toy Soldiers. Two different colours of what appeared to be the typical plastic Army men from the childhood of many people faces off against one another on a wooded floor. A hand hovered above, selecting one of the soldiers, causing it to get a glowing outline. Another example involved the ubiquitous Rabbids titled as Rabbid Rockets. A targeting reticule is in the centre of the screen, with two spindly robot claws also forming part of the interface.

It is currently unlikely that the prototype examples on display will be turned into full videogames. However, that Ubisoft are working closely with Microsoft on augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) does suggest that there could be some Ubisoft titles appearing on a Microsfot MR platform at some point. It remains to be seen if that platform will be the HoloLens, or the Windows 10 MR headsets.

VRFocus will keep you informed on future developments with Ubisoft, the HoloLens and MR.

Super Mario Bros. Recreated For HoloLens

It seems like whenever someone needs a simple basis for a ‘proof of concept’ videogame, it’s Super Mario Bros. That they turn to. We’ve already seen the original NES title turned into a virtual reality (VR) experience, now a HoloLens developer has recreated it as a HoloLens augmented reality (AR) experience.

Abhishek Singh, a HoloLens developer, recreated the famous first level of the classic NES platformer using Unity and then went to New York’s Central Park to play it using Microsoft’s HoloLens headset. The AR recreation is life-size and 3D, staying as close as possible to the NES layout. Goombas can be stomped upon, holes can be jumped across and power ups such as the Mushroom can be picked up. The simulate the growing effect of the Mushroom powerup, the world around the player shrinks to create the proper perspective.

The AR recreation still has a few hiccups and quirks, and some purists might find the idea of simply side-stepping around enemies instead of jumping on or over them to be sacrilege, but the core of the NES classic is there. As Singh told UploadVR: “I also had to model all the assets and elements of the game and at times rethink the experience and gameplay to work in a real-world 3D setting. The most time was probably spent on tweaking the game to work in a large outdoor environment. It still has a few quirks but is definitely playable. The final level was more than 110m long!”

Super Mario Bros. isn’t the only title to be recreated for HoloLens, however. An ambitious developer known as KennyW has gone to the trouble of recreating space-bending puzzle title Portal in AR for the HoloLens. Though not as complete as the Mario recreation and more of a proof of concept, the Portal recreation allows HoloLens users to throw around Portal’s iconic Companion Cube using portals. Since the HoloLens Portal is only an early demo, there are as of yet no puzzles to solve, but what the future holds for the HoloLens when it comes to videogames could be interesting.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on Microsoft’s HoloLens and other products and software.

Super Mario Bros. für die HoloLens

Während wir mit Virtual Reality Brillen eine digitale Welt betreten, holen wir mit Mixed Reality Brillen die virtuellen Inhalte in die Realität. Deshalb ist es auch nicht verwunderlich, dass Entwickler mit einer Microsoft HoloLens versuchen, die Helden ihrer Kindheit zum Leben zu erwecken. Abhishek Singh ist sogar einen Schritt weiter gegangen und macht sich selber zum Mario.

Super Mario Bros. für die HoloLens

Das Video des Entwicklers sieht absolut beeindruckend aus, aber man darf nicht vergessen, dass der Bildausschnitt in der HoloLens deutlich kleiner ist, als er in dem aufgezeichneten Video wirkt. Das Video zeigt jedoch erneut, wie beeindruckend das Tracking der HoloLens funktioniert. Obwohl das Video in einem Park bei Sonnenschein aufgenommen wurde , bleibt das Tracking sehr stabil und man kann nur gelegentlich leichte Ruckler erkennen. Zudem scheinen die Menschen in New York bereits skurrilere Dinge gewöhnt zu sein, denn Aufmerksamkeit zieht der Entwickler mit seiner Verkleidung und seiner HoloLens nicht auf sich.

Natürlich handelt es sich bei dem Spiel um keine offizielle Portierung und sollte der Entwickler das Spiel in einen Store bringen, wäre es wohl schnell wieder verschwunden. Wenn ihr mit dem Entwickler in Kontakt treten möchtet, dann könnt ihr dies über seine eigene Webseite tun.

(Quelle: Upload VR)

Der Beitrag Super Mario Bros. für die HoloLens zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Phil Spencer Gets Grilled About Xbox One X VR Support

Microsoft’s press conference at E3 2017 revealed what they’re calling “The most powerful console in the world” – and they’re right, their brand-new Xbox One X just might be the most graphically capable console ever to enter into a living room. But, for now, virtual reality (VR) is a subject Microsoft executives want to avoid.

Phil Spencer was grilled by a BBC journalist after the Microsoft press conference at E3, where Spencer spoke at length about the Xbox One X and it’s native 4K capabilities, but avoided the subject of VR, something they had mentioned in the past.


When asked “When can we start to expect some of those [VR] titles on Xbox One X?” Spencer became evasive.

“This show right here, is about consoles, it’s about great games, that’s what’s important to us, but we are believers in mixed reality (MR).”

Spencer continues with; “Mixed reality on the PC is something that we’re focused on, and we’re building first party games, a mixed reality platform […] and we’ll have more to talk about in the future.”

Mixed reality likely refers to Microsoft’s Hololens – though there could well have been many developments since we’ve last seen the technology. He did finish by congratulating the likes of Sony, HTC and Oculus for their work on VR.

Spencer isn’t the first Microsoft executive to be questioned about VR support on Xbox One X, Major Nelson, real name Larry Hyrb, was quizzed by Geoff Keighley on where VR support was for the console.

Hyrb replied; “Yeah, we talked a little about that last year, and we’re not sharing any details today, but this is certainly a tremendously powerful piece of hardware. And it’s designed to really drive the experiences that gamers are demanding.”

Xbox One X looks to be an incredibly powerful system, but Microsoft’s unclear message in regards to VR or MR support is a little suspicious. Whatever Microsoft have in store for Xbox One X fans, VRFocus will have all the details.

Source: BBC

Rémy Martin Launch Mixed Reality Experience for HoloLens

Known over most of the world for making brandy, drinks maker Rémy Martin have partnered with Kazendi, one of the biggest HoloLens development studios, to create a mixed reality (MR) experience titled ‘Rooted in Exception‘.

Rémy Martin follow on from other drinks makers, including Guinness and Glenfiddich who have turned to virtual reality (VR) to make an experience that enhances the consumption of their product. In Rooted in Exception, the consumer is presented with a table that has on it images of the Cognac Grande Champagne and Cognac Petite Champagne vineyards, while the Cellar Master of the House of Rémy Martin, Baptiste Loiseau describes the importance of the vineyards in creating Rémy Martin’s famous cognac champagne.


“To us, Mixed Reality provides an amazing medium for storytelling. It allows us to reveal our roots, our chalky soil, and our exception by virtually showing it raise from the ground for consumers to see. The breath-taking HoloLens technology further convinces our clients why Rémy Martin is “Rooted In Exception,” explained Augustin Depardon, Global Executive Director of Rémy Martin. “This innovation project recognizes the prominent role of technology in our lives. Rémy Martin is committed to bring people together for exceptional moments of sharing and celebration. Microsoft’s HoloLens technology came naturally as an immediate innovation answer to sharing these moments in an emerging social space.”

“Ultimately, mixed reality is deeply about engaging people in new social experiences. We are thrilled to launch our first consumer brand experience using HoloLens with Rémy Martin, who, although an almost 300-year-old brand, keeps on nourishing its exception and tradition through innovation” stated Maximilian Doelle, Founder and Chief Holographic Officer of Kazendi.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on new innovations in VR content and technology.

Microsoft May Reveal ‘DirectReality’ At E3

There has been much speculation on what Microsoft’s E3 presentation will contain. Most commentators are fairly sure that virtual reality (VR) or mixed reality (MR) will feature in some capacity, considering Microsoft’s recent push on those technologies. However, a recent Trademark application may reveal a new kind of reality that Microsoft is working on – DirectReality.

Though details on what exactly DirectReality will entail, the Trademark application noticed initially by Gamespot makes it clear that it is related to videogames. The Trademark covers ‘computer game software’ and, in an interesting addition, ‘Computer software for holographic applications’. The application also covers ‘online computer game software’ and also mentions holographic applications. The application was filed on 2nd June, 2017.

While it is the case that Trademark applications do not always lead to actual products, such as Activision registering Trademarks for Call of Duty: Future Warfare and Secret Warfare, the name of the Trademark combined with Microsoft’s recent push with regards to VR and MR technologies seems to suggest that it might be related to the Microsoft Hololens.

Information regarding Microsoft’s VR/MR ambitions has been slightly contradictory. Recently a Microsoft official was quoted as saying that Microsoft was focussing on VR and MR technologies for Windows 10, leading some critics and analysts to believe that Project Scorpio’s VR abilities would be be unveiled at E3. However, remarks from Head of Xbox China, Xie Enwei suggested that Project Scorpio and Windows 10 mixed reality technologies would be cross-compatible.

How Project Scorpio and Windows 10 will relate to the DirectReality technology remains to be seen, but with E3 not far away, answers will be available soon.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Microsoft’s DirectReality technology and it’s E3 announcements as soon as it becomes available.

Apple Innovates Wearables With Augmented Reality

These days, competitors of Apple edge ahead when it comes to Augmented Reality product innovation and they have already sites on their grounds to make up. Since Apple is always been one of the best makers of premium products.

Its latest innovation iPhone was not exactly contemplated as edge cutter and its closest rival Samsung has released a while back with more advanced introduced technology.

Few stakeholders are worried about Apple’s next discovery and it is the is the reason why Apple is taking its big leap into Augmented Reality progression.

Tim Cook has tackled about having huge games for introducing latest technologies like AI and driverless cars as he taken charges as chief executive in 2011.

In the circle of technology, AR is the most exceptionally exciting for Cook and that he believes it has a bright future. Cook said, he foresees having AR experiences everyday just as well as people eat everyday. This project was developed to become a great part of all users.

Apple has formed a group of hardware and software experts within the company in order to regain the spotlight of being the leading product developer. Apple was accompanied by very well and competent outside talents in augmented and virtual reality technology.

Taken from a reliable source, the Apple team is said to be ran by a former Dolby Laboratories executive and others were engineers that have worked from Oculus and Hololens. With these collections of experts, Apple has now accomplished a number of institutions from the AR hardware, VR software space and 3D gaming.

Apple, as revealed by Bloomberg, is now putting away at a smaller number of AR products which has included a pair of digital spectacles. The spectacles was made in a wireless glasses which would gain the capacity to broadcast content specifically movies and maps from an iPhone connected to the user.

These glasses will eventually take years to be well advanced and in that, the new innovated AR technology of Apple will be doing its part as to show and promote first on iPhone.

At the moment, development on VR definitely has its own way more focused. But, not to be taken for granted, Apple is focusing on investing on AR that is now making an easy market to the consumers because of its being less protruding.

The Global Market Insights notifies the global market of AR products to push through a great number of percentage and billions of worth in the year 2024.


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Microsoft HoloLens: Super Mario hüpft im Schlafzimmer

Der japanische VR- und MR-Entwickler Niu bringt den berühmtesten Videospielcharakter in die eigenen vier Wände: Super Mario hüpft sich beispielsweise durch Laken und verschwindet auch mal zwischen den Kissen. Der jugendfreie Spaß nutzt die Microsoft HoloLens, um die tatsächliche Umgebung mit dem Pixelhelden zu vereinen. Der Klempner folgt damit anderen Charakteren wie den Lemmingen, die in der Mixed Reality von der Tischkante springen.

Super Mario in Mixed Reality

Bereits das Nintendo-Franchise Pokémon konnte als Augmented-Reality-App etliche Spieler begeistern und ins Freie locken, allerdings agieren die Taschenmonster nicht mit der tatsächlichen Umgebung. Das ist bei dem Super-Mario-Experiment anders, setzt aber auch eine HoloLens voraus. Mit der MR-Brille von Microsoft ist es möglich, die Umgebung zu erfassen und beispielsweise als „reale“ Videospielwelt zu nutzen. So sieht man im Video von Niu, wie Super Mario im Kissen verschwindet oder von der Bettkante fällt. Ganz akkurat ist die Demo zwar noch nicht, aber sie zeigt gut, was uns mit Mixed Reality erwartet. Auch wenn es unwahrscheinlich ist, dass sich der Nintendo-Klempner schon bald offiziell auf den Weg ins Schlafzimmer macht. Derzeit ist die HoloLens nur als Entwickler-Kit für satte 3300 Euro erhältlich und ein Termin für die Consumer-Version steht noch aus. Außerdem dürfte Nintendo erst einen Titel für AR entwickeln, wenn die Geräte den Massenmarkt erobert haben.

Während für VR etliche Hardware-Lösungen erhältlich sind, steht AR noch in den Startlöchern: Neben der HoloLens verspricht vor allem Magic Leap ein überzeugendes AR-Erlebnis, allerdings sind noch keine technischen Details der Magic-Leap-Brille bekannt. Eine neue Finanzierungsrunde schürt aber die Hoffnung, dass dieses Jahr noch ein Entwicklerkit auftaucht. Etwas warten müssen Anwender auch auf die Papplösung Aryzon für Smartphones, die eine Art Cardboard für AR zu werden verspricht und im September an die Unterstützer der Kickstarter-Kampagne ausgeliefert werden soll.

Quelle: UploadVR

Der Beitrag Microsoft HoloLens: Super Mario hüpft im Schlafzimmer zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!