How the VR Diversity Initiative Will Grow to Support Diversity in Emerging Technology

The VR Diversity Initiative is a not-for-profit organisation. Led by Nina Salomons it aims to bring under-represented groups into the virtual reality (VR) space. This is done by offering selected participants an opportunity to get free hands-on with learning how to create a 360 film, or build a VR experience in software such as Unity. Several VR Diversity Initiative events have been planned for 2018, however the first one was hosted at Hobs Studio. Hobs Studio is the largest 3D printing company in the UK, and uses both VR and augmented reality (AR) for their projects. Amy Chao and Nina Salomons discuss the important of bringing under-represented groups into the space and how they hope to make the VR Diversity Initiative grow to help create a more inclusive space.


The VR Diversity Initiative had various supporters ranging from Barclays Eagle Lab, Innovate UK, Fred, the Realities Centre and Blue Hire to name a few. Twenty participants from under-represented groups were chosen to participate and learned how to create a 360 film as well as the basics of Unity.

Many participants felt more confident after participating in the VR Diversity Initiative and feel they are now able to either incorporate what they learned into their jobs or create their own immersive projects at home. The workshop leaders were also surprised to see that what most people really needed was confidence and a little guidance on how to get started. Amy Chao was one of the volunteers and supporters of the VR Diversity Initiative.

Chao says, “It’s super exciting to be here with the VR Diversity Initiative. Seeing so many people from diverse backgrounds and talents coming together, wanting to see how they can explore VR to create and innovate in their work.” She describers her personal background in design led her to see how various industries were overlapping and how she got involved in the VR Diversity Initiative in the video below.

VRFocus are keen on continuing the VR Diversity Initiative. Kevin Joyce, the CEO and editor of VRFocus explains that, “there’s a very high risk of slipping into the same rut that the games industry is in where they’re now crying out for people from diverse backgrounds. The VR industry being so youthful has the opportunity to get it right from the start.” He explains in further detail how VRFocus will be supporting it here.

The VR Diversity Initiative Kick-off event  was an example of how future events will be held. Salomons says, “it’s really great to see there’s so many diverse people from different backgrounds who’ve come from outside of London to come specifically for this event.” The first event was a stepping stone to understanding how to improve the workshops in future to make it bigger and better. Salomons also hopes that by doing various VR Diversity Initiative events around the UK that they’ll be able to create and build a community that can help support one another on their journey into the industry.

If companies, developers or want to help support the Initiative please get in touch with the Nina Salomons.

Find out more in the video below.

The Realities Centre on Supporting the VR Diversity Initiative

The Realities Centre is a space dedicated to accelerating virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) for start-ups and corporates. Based in London they have two locations where they regularly host events, hackathons and showcase VR. Previously they have done a Post-CES event with VRFocus and showcased nominated VR films from Sundance Film Festival’s XR Awards in Huckletree West. VRFocus spoke to Thomas Gere, the founder and CEO of the Realities Centre about how they are also supporting diversity.


The VR Diversity Initiative 2018 VR Kick-Off! was hosted by Hobs Studio, the largest 3D printing company in the UK that utilises VR, AR and 3D printing for large projects. Having their own academy, and supporting Hobs Studio with their academy, the Realities Centre supported the VR Diversity Initiative with hardware, set-up and making sure everything worked during the event. All of the PC’s were provided by BlueHire whilst the Realities Centre helped provide some headsets.

“We are joining VRFocus and Hobs Studio and lots of other amazing supporters for their virtual reality diversity initiative, which is something that is very close to our hearts. There’s a lack of talent in virtual reality,” says Gere. He believes there’s a real potential for individuals to get jobs in sectors or roles that they’re unaware of such as 3D artist or 3D printing artist. The Realities Centre and Academy Class have a VR bootcamp already, and are helping support Hobs Studio with their #FutureSkills programs.

“We’re looking to have a lot more events like this ourselves at the Realities Centre, we also have an academy where we have been teaching how to use VR and AR, and how to make applications such as there’s Hololens as well which is the mixed reality (MR) one, and we’re looking also to grow the VR Diversity Initiatives and help people,” Gere confirms.

To find out more watch the video below.

How VR Diversity Initiative Host Hobs Studio Is Supporting Diversity in Tech

VRFocus announced the VR Diversity Initiative campaign for 2018 at the beginning of this year. Aimed at bringing under-represented groups into the XR spaces, the VRDI is very hands-on and workshop oriented. This, naturally, requires a decent amount of space to support room-scale virtual reality (VR). The first event of the campaign, the VR Diversity Initiative 2018 VR Kick-Off! was hosted by Hobs Studio, the largest 3D printing company in the UK. The kick-off was successful with twenty-participants braving the snow and travel disruptions to attend and learn how to create a 360 film or VR experience in Unity. VRFocus asked Kadine James, the 3D Lead at Hobs Studio, about the importance of diversity in technology.


Hobs Studio may be the largest 3D printing company in the UK, but they also specialise in both VR and augmented reality (AR). The VR Diversity Initiative was able to use a space within the studio, enabling participants to also explore what Hobs Studio, and potentially join their academy. Hobs Studio is situated on the Here East campus in London, a creative hub where thousands of start-ups and tech giants are situated.

Previously James explained how Hobs Studio is already supporting diversity with their #FutureSkills programs, offering learning and development opportunities to boost skills and fast-track women and those from lower income backgrounds into the tech industry. “We’re working with women across multiple diverse backgrounds and from the LGBT community and giving them hands-on training in producing their own VR content”.

Many participants were not only inspired by what Hobs Studio were doing for women but were also interested in continuing their learning at Hobs Studios after VRDI. James is passionate about getting more women involved in technology, “We believe the work that VR Diversity is doing is incredibly important. We want to ensure that everybody is invited to participate in the conversation, making sure women are included. social and economically.”

To find out more about how Hobs Studios are encouraging people from diverse backgrounds into technology watch the video below.

The VR Diversity Initiative 2018 VR Kick-Off! First Event of 2018

With the winter in the UK suddenly picking up a notch and bringing snow, the storm nicknamed the Beast from the East resulted to various travel disruptions for many participants. A few had to drop out or were unable to fly to the UK in time to make it, but twenty of the twenty-three participants who were selected managed to make it to Hobs Studio for the first VR Diversity Initiative of 2018. 


The participants were divided into two groups. One group focused on 360 filmmaking which was led by Alex Ruhl, where participants learned the rules of 360 filmmaking. With the help of a GoPro Fusion and a laptop, the group learned about what a virtual reality (VR) film was, what types of cameras were available to shoot on, the benefits and negatives of filming for VR and finally went outside to face the snow in order to shoot various scenes which were then analysed on Adobe Premiere and viewed on a headset.

The second group got put into six teams of two and went hands-on with VR ready laptops, most of which were provided by BlueHire Ltd. They set up a profile on Unity and learned how to get their HTC Vive or Oculus Rift ready for creating a rough VR prototype. The morning was led by workshop leaders Kaw Tun Sein and Sam Perrin, who were later joined by workshop leaders from Dream Reality Interactive (DRI) in the afternoon. These were John Foster, Lead designer at DRI, Albert Bentall, Creative Director at DRI and Anna Hollinrake, Senior artist at DRI.


At the end of the day participants were able to try out the VR prototypes that were created during the day. Linda Mason a participant of the VR Diversity Initiative workshop said that she enjoyed being able to use the VR equipment with others: “Now I’m not afraid to get a camera – I’ve learnt the basics.”

Here is a small video showcasing the beginning of the day:

VR Diversity Initiative Launches 2018 Campaign

VRFocus Ltd. today announces the return of the VR Diversity Initiative, the hugely successful series of events aiming to upskill underrepresented groups in media and technology, including women, LGBTQ, disabled people, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic professionals who are considering a career in the VR space. The VR Diversity Initiative 2018 Kick-Off event will take place on 28th February 2018, at Here East, supported by Hobs Studio.

Taking on board feedback from the initial 2017 event, the VR Diversity Initiative will deliver a more targeted agenda in 2018. Limiting the number of attendees by way of application, each participant will have the opportunity to work with an experienced VR mentor and will produce a unique prototype within a single day.

VR Diversity Initiative logo small

Nina Salomons, Video Content Producer at VRFocus and lead organiser of the VR Diversity Initiative, said: “We need to ensure that new immersive technologies stay open and diverse. The VR Diversity Initiative is aimed specifically at bringing under-represented groups into the space that want to move their careers into the space, are looking to add VR into their existing role or have little to no knowledge of XR technologies. By the end of 2018, 180 participants will get hands-on with VR and build a rough prototype in a single day. I am confident that the VR Diversity Initiative will strengthen the future of immersive technology by diversifying the individuals who get hired and work in the space.”

The VR Diversity Initiative 2018 Kick-Off will be supported by Hobs Studio, who will be providing space for the workshops within their Here East venue and catering services throughout the day.

Kadine James, 3D tech lead, Mentor and STEM Ambassador at @HobsStudio, said:

“We are absolutely delighted to be supporting VRFocus and the incredible VR Diversity program.

“At Hobs studios we are already delivering #FutureSkills programs offering learning and development opportunities to boost skills and create a fast track into tech in particular for girls and those on lower incomes.

“Female role models are important to Hobs studios and I want to use my platform as a woman in tech to empower the next generation of female tech leaders. When I visit universities, colleges and sixth forms, I seek to make our company appeal to a diverse range of students. I also want to ensure that VR doesn’t become a male eco chamber and that we create jobs for female VR artists/developers. VR has the power to transform the way we educate, communicate and entertain. Unless more is done to tackle the disparities around the gender gap in tech then it will be only half the population that benefits and this would be a wrong.”

Applications for VR Diversity Initiative 2018 Kick-Off are now live at The VR Diversity Initiative 2018 Kick-Off event will take place on 28th February 2018, at Hobs Studio, Here East, Unit 3, 3-4 East Bay Lane, London E20 3BS and selected participants will be contacted in due course.

Additional supporters of the VR Diversity Initiative include HTC Vive, Innovate UK and the Realities Centre, with more announcements to follow.