After an Early Access launch in the latter half of 2019, Hipfire Games’ Blastworld has now made the leap into an official product. This has seen the studio added further content for players to enjoy, expand support and launch a competition in collaboration with HTC Vive.

With Blastworld leaving Early Access Hipfire Games has released two gameplay modes for the competitive shooter, ‘Zombies Royale’ and ‘Overkill’. The first is a twist on the standard battle royale genre, where every player who gets knocked out returns as a zombie. When one player remains they have to fight the entire server of player and AI zombies for a set time before being rescued.
There’s also a PvE version of the mode where players can team up to fight waves of zombies and robots whilst awaiting that rescue chopper.
As for Overkill, this has been inspired by Overwatch, the difference being that character classes are tailored to the various locomotion modes. So players who use the comfort modes are the tanks and snipers, whilst those who use smooth locomotion have lighter, nimble assault characters.

“This is just the beginning for Blastworld as we want to turn it into an actual world where you can visit and explore different islands and discover various activities with other players. There’s a whole backstory to why the separate worlds exist and they give us a lot of room to play around with different themes and rules!,” said Antti Sartanen, CEO, Hipfire Games, in a statement.
Blastworld is free to download on Steam for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Valve Index and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. While Oculus Quest users can go to SideQuest for a copy. Fans of the videogame can help support development buy purchasing Blastworld Gold for $9.99 USD. Not only does this help Hipfire Games but they’ll also receive two unique characters, unlocked rank progress, the ability to create portals to new maps for friends and access to future Gold exclusive content.
And then there’s the headset competition with an HTC Vive Pro Eye and Vive Cosmos up for grabs. Open now until 25th May 2020, to win the Vive Cosmos you need to be the highest-ranking player on the Team Skill Points leaderboard. To win the HTC Vive Pro Eye you need to record a Blastworld gameplay video and share it via YouTube and the Hipfire Games Discord channel, most likes win.
For further updates to Blastworld, keep reading VRFocus.