You can try No Man’s Sky for free this weekend
‘No Man’s Sky’ Patch Brings Much Needed Foveated Rendering to PSVR 2 Version

Redemption arcs rarely last this long, but No Man’s Sky (2016) hasn’t given up on going above and beyond with its latest update, which finally fixes the visuals on PSVR 2.
The game’s initial release on PSVR earlier this year 2 wasn’t great, with users noting that visual quality simply wasn’t up to snuff. Players and reviewers alike decried the much beloved game’s blurriness on PSVR 2, which became an unfortunate fixture since the February 2023 update.
Now Hello Games has released its Echoes 4.4 patch which has completely overhauled visuals on PSVR 2 thanks to the inclusion of foveated rendering, an eye-tracking-driven rendering technique that only displays the area in the center of your eye’s gaze at max quality. Your peripheral vision isn’t that great at seeing detail anyway, so why waste precious resources to render where it matters the least? That’s foveated rendering in a nutshell; learn more about how eye-tracking goes way beyond foveated rendering here.
Echoes also brings a new race to the game, the Autophage, a long-hidden civilization of robotic beings. You’ll also encounter Pirate Dreadnoughts, which cruise between the stars and terrorise merchant fleets, and some more detailed ship controls that let you divert power to boost shields, move faster, or increase your firepower. Hell, there’s even a trench run in Dreadnoughts, which—terrible ship design flaw notwithstanding—sounds like a blast.
Checkout the Echoes update trailer below to see it all, or also read the game’s release log for the full rundown of recent updates.
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You can be a space pirate in No Man’s Sky starting today
No Man’s Sky’s Sentinel update disrupted my quiet space life
‘No Man’s Sky’ Sentinel Update Brings Combat Overhaul, Graphics Bump for PS4 Pro

No Man’s Sky’s redemption arc isn’t over yet, as the open universe space sim has added some new combat challenges to the game in its 3.8 update, dubbed ‘Sentinel’. If you’re playing on PSVR via PlayStation 4 Pro, the update also includes a bump in image quality.
Hello Games released its latest update on all supported platforms yesterday, including PSVR on PS4 and PS5, and SteamVR headsets on PC.
There aren’t a ton of VR specific updates here—No Man’s Sky is already fairly well optimized for VR gameplay. Besides the image quality boost for PS4 Pro users, the studio says it’s modified the positioning of player weapons when in VR, something that ought to help with aiming more naturally. Not much, but we’ll take it.
The Sentinel update instead centers on combat, or more specifically those nosy little police drones that litter the game: sentinels. Up until now, they’ve been mostly just an annoyance, but now sentinels are getting a big boost in abilities for some more engaging PvE action.

You’ll also be able to install a Minotaur AI Pilot within the Exomech, basically making for a mech buddy who follows you around and helps out in combat. There’s a bunch more, including active camo and a few new weapons to play with too.
Here’s an abbreviated list of changes in the Sentinel update. Check out the full change log here.
- Three new types of Sentinel Drone have been added: Heavy Combat Drones, Repair Drones and Summoner Drones.
- Sentinel Drones now deploy static combat shields, creating a dynamic battlefield. Players may manoeuvre to take advantage of these shields for themselves, or open fire to destroy the shield.
- The sentinels now deploy their forces in greater numbers, to create more dramatic firefights.
- A new high-level Sentinel has been added, the Hardframe Battle Mech.
- PC support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 has been enabled.
- A new class of weapon has been added – the Neutron Cannon, a charged energy weapon that does not use projectile ammunition.
- A new class of secondary grenade launcher has been added – the Paralysis Mortar, stun projectiles with a blast radius.
- A new class of secondary Multi-Tool utility has been added, the Cloaking Device.
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No Man’s Sky reaches the final frontier: Nintendo Switch
Latest ‘No Man’s Sky’ Update Makes You Mayor of an Alien Town, Now Live on PSVR & SteamVR

There seems to be no end to the redemption arc of No Man’s Sky (2016), as today marks the release of the sci-fi exploration game’s 17th major update. Now live on PSVR and SteamVR headsets, No Man’s Sky brings base building to new heights in its ‘Frontiers’ update by letting you find, manage, and build your own alien town.
The largest bit of the update is the addition of new planetary settlements, which can now be found in inhabited systems dotted across the known universe.
Once you’ve touched down on the right procedurally generated settlement, you’ll be able to do things like name the town, choose what to build by gathering resources, commission festivals, resolve arguments, and help repel Sentinel attacks to protect the frontier settlements.
Check out the trailer below to see Frontiers in action:
Additionally, Frontiers brings a new base-building menu to the game to make part-picking easier, 10 more save slots, multi-colored nebulas, and enhanced destruction effects. You can check out the full patch notes here.
Design-wise, No Man’s Sky still isn’t on par with a native VR game due to things like an overreliance on 2D menus, but its massive size and continuously growing feature set seems to keep reeling us back in well after the game’s VR implementation was initially released in August 2019.
No Man’s Sky offers PSVR support on PS4 & PS5, and SteamVR headsets through the PC version of the game. It’s currently 50% off on both the EU PlayStation Store and Steam, bringing it to just $30. Virtual reality support comes part and parcel with the deal, so you can play in flatscreen mode or in VR.
The post Latest ‘No Man’s Sky’ Update Makes You Mayor of an Alien Town, Now Live on PSVR & SteamVR appeared first on Road to VR.
No Man’s Sky Celebrates 5 Years, Teases Frontiers Updates
A new video for No Man’s Sky celebrates the game’s fifth anniversary, looking back on five years of free content updates and teasing what’s next.
The trailer runs through all of the major updates over the last few years, including the Beyond update which added VR support. No Man’s Sky launched without support for VR headsets, but the Beyond update added support for PSVR and PC VR in August 2019. You can spot a PSVR headset in the fifth anniversary trailer for a second or two in between montage clips.
At the very end of the trailer, a set of letters appeared on a red background teasing the next big No Man’s Sky update — Frontiers. There’s no other details on what the update might involve just yet, spare for the crescent-shaped moons in the graphics.
Most recently, No Man’s Sky received the Prisms update, which overhauled the game’s aesthetic, adding new effects and features. Lighting, shadows and weather effects were all improved, as were shiny metallic surfaces which now look even better than ever. There were even more options added to photo mode, and next generation-specific visual upgrades for those playing on Xbox Series S/X and PS5.
Prisms was the third free update this year, following on from the Companions and Expeditions updates in February and March respectively. As the trailer confirms, Frontiers will follow suite as a free update for all platforms — PC and console, including PC VR and PSVR support. There’s no details on when Frontiers might release, except that it’s “coming soon.”
No Man’s Sky is available now on Steam and PlayStation, with optional VR support on both.