What’s the Best Strategy? It’s Harder Than it Looks in Devil and the Fairy

Indie virtual reality (VR) developer HandyGames currently has two titles on Steam Early Access, both of which you play a powerful overseer. But while Townsmen VR casts you as a god trying to protect and nurture a civilisation, today’s gameplay video looks at the other, much darker title Devil and the Fairy. This casts you as a reawakened demon who needs to protect his dungeons from invading heroes.

Devil and the Fairy

A wave-based tower defence style experience, Devil and the Fairy puts you in command of goblin troops to defend your dungeon whilst having access to a selection of defences to slow down and injure the invading forces. As you’ll see from the video, the Early Access title has three levels available at present – one of which is locked until you successfully complete the others – and they certainly don’t make it easy from the outset.

Currently the videogame seems to be setup for right-handed players with the inventory opening up on the left hand, whilst the right does all the picking and positioning. To begin with there’s only a couple of inventory items available in each class. So you have a standard goblin who does melee damage plus a goblin shaman that shoots magic at range. On the defensive side there’s a barricade and some floor spikes. None of these can be put down haphazardly has you only have so much magical energy. Once depleted you can either wait for it to recharge – very slowly – or start looking around the level to smash things up. Boxes, jars, barrels, basically anything that looks breakable might well be, unleashing more magic or possibly all manner of other items to help your troops.

VRFocus previewed Devil and the Fairy last week: “If you like a good tower defence videogame and don’t mind Early Access titles then Devil and the Fairy is certainly an interesting choice. With decent visuals, a solid control scheme and some cheeky humour through out, there’s plenty to like.”

Play God On Viveport With Townsmen VR

There has, it seems like, always been ‘God’ style videogames.

Of course, that’s not expressly true, but the genre has always been there for the most part. If you take a trip to Wikipedia to check the category out you’ll find a list that starts way back in 1978 with the title Santa Paravia en Fiumaccio, a videogame for the Apple II, the TRS-80 Micro Computer System (the Tandy Computer Whiz Kids would no doubt be all over this when they stopped taking down criminals with a calculator, or something, for five minutes) and the all but forgotten Commodore PET – or ‘Personal Electronic Transactor’. 

Townsmen VRThough for the title thought of as the ‘father’ of the genre you have travel forward eleven years to Bullfrog’s classic original Populous videogame.  Led through development by Peter Molyneux, who would later revisit the genre much later with his arguably failed title Godus.

With virtual reality (VR) of course, comes a more hands-on approach to being a prospective deity. Both literally and figuratively and perhaps the most recent example of this comes from HandyGames and their title Townsmen VR which has just come out onto the Viveport platform.  We first looked at the videogame back in May last year when an early preview trailer was released, which at the time didn’t do much in the way of telling us which headset would be supported.

However, if you’ve got a HTC Vive the title (which is still in Early Access) can be yours to try out.

“Build a medieval village within a completely interactively simulated world! Townsmen VR uses the exciting possibilities of virtual reality to further enhance the classic city building game with entirely new gameplay experiences and interactive mechanics.” Explains HandyGames on the Viveport store. “Lean back, relax and watch the bustling life of your villagers or actively get involved to speed up processes and move workers and resources directly where they are needed. You are able to seamlessly change between the all-encompassing view of a god and the detailed view of a citizen, able to follow the colorful life of your village. There is a lot to discover! But watch out for the Black Knight’s plundering hordes!”

You can see a trailer for the title below. Townsmen VR is available under the Viveport subscription. VRFocus will be bringing you more details about the title as we get them.





Preview: Devil and the Fairy – Be the Demonic Dungeon Keep you Always Wanted to be

HandyGames might not be the most well-known virtual reality (VR) developer but that’s likely to change soon. Having launched a couple of titles in 2017, 2018 has seen the studio hit the ground running with two Steam Early Access releases in February, Townsmen VR and the quirkily titled Devil and the Fairy. The latter certainly grabs the attention, not really revealing too much about what the title is but intriguing none the less. It is in fact a strategy/tower defence videogame that puts you as the monster trying to wipe out waves of annoying heroes.

Devil and the Fairy

As with any Early Access videogame the developer is testing the waters, giving you the main core of the title while additional flair and features will be added later on. So currently Devil and the Fairy has three levels to complete, each one consisting of six waves, and three difficulty levels to challenge yourself on.

Supporting both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift (the latter of which VRFocus used) Devil and the Fairy is really easy to get the hang of. As a dark demonic overlord who’s in charge of keeping their magic crystal safe, all your inventory items can be found in your left hand by tilting it palm up. You also have two rings on, one red, one green, with the former giving access to troops while the green ring is for defensive items like barricades or spike traps. These can then be plucked from one hand a placed in one of the highlighted areas.

To begin with your choice of options are fairly limited, with a melee goblin and goblin shaman the only troop choices while defences are the ones already mentioned. The more you play and build experience across any of the maps will unlock more allies to place and defences to help them, such as a healing tower. This does mean that to begin with Devil and the Fairy can feel somewhat repetitious and shallow has you grind those experience points out.

Devil and the Fairy

While you may concentrate on planning your strategy and where items are going to be placed don’t forget about exploring the levels. Not only are they really nice to look at and get in close to, they also hide secrets. While merely a secondary feature, the secrets each level hold can help you in battle so they are worth exploring prior to combat. They work much in the same way as a table top VR experience, so you can sit down and move them around with the controllers or stand up for a roomscale experience. You’ll find boxes to smash which will unleash more energy to build troops, or pick those same boxes up and throw them at invaders to stun them for your troops. Later on you may even find other goodies that can be advantageous. It certainly makes each level and run through that bit more involving whilst making the dungeon seem that bit more alive.

If you like a good tower defence videogame and don’t mind Early Access titles then Devil and the Fairy is certainly an interesting choice. With decent visuals, a solid control scheme and some cheeky humour through out, there’s plenty to like. So long as HandyGames continue to add more troops, items and levels then Devil and the Fairy could turn out to be its best VR title yet.

HandyGames Release Early Preview Trailer for Townsmen VR

German developer HandyGames, the studio behind Gear VR titles Hidden Temple – VR Adventure and Stunt Kite Masters VR, has released an early preview video for its next virtual reality (VR) project Townsmen VR.

Townsmen VR is an immersive version of HandyGames’ world building strategy title Townsmen, which launch on mobile and PC last year. Players start with a tiny village and through mining ore, harvesting crops and collecting taxes they be able to grow their world into a grand medieval empire.

Townsmen VR screenshot 2

The VR version looks to be pretty much the same sort of scenario, with a village located on a floating island that needs constant maintenance and care to thrive. Essentially a god-game, players will be able in pick up the tiny inhabitants and put them to work constructing new buildings, hunting animals, mining resources, or simply fling them off the edge. They also be able to control the elements, with the video showcasing dark rain clouds that can be grabbed and squeezed to produce lightning, giving the villagers a shock.

Currently HandyGames hasn’t confirmed which head-mounted displays (HMDs) will support Townsmen VR, but looking at the motion controls in the trailer it’s a good bet that HTC Vive and possibly Oculus Touch will both be included.

For further updates on Townsmen VR, keep reading VRFocus.

HandyGames Release Early Preview Trailer for Townsmen VR

German developer HandyGames, the studio behind Gear VR titles Hidden Temple – VR Adventure and Stunt Kite Masters VR, has released an early preview video for its next virtual reality (VR) project Townsmen VR.

Townsmen VR is an immersive version of HandyGames’ world building strategy title Townsmen, which launch on mobile and PC last year. Players start with a tiny village and through mining ore, harvesting crops and collecting taxes they be able to grow their world into a grand medieval empire.

Townsmen VR screenshot 2

The VR version looks to be pretty much the same sort of scenario, with a village located on a floating island that needs constant maintenance and care to thrive. Essentially a god-game, players will be able in pick up the tiny inhabitants and put them to work constructing new buildings, hunting animals, mining resources, or simply fling them off the edge. They also be able to control the elements, with the video showcasing dark rain clouds that can be grabbed and squeezed to produce lightning, giving the villagers a shock.

Currently HandyGames hasn’t confirmed which head-mounted displays (HMDs) will support Townsmen VR, but looking at the motion controls in the trailer it’s a good bet that HTC Vive and possibly Oculus Touch will both be included.

For further updates on Townsmen VR, keep reading VRFocus.