‘SYREN’ Review

SYREN (2017) is a single-player, survival-horror game that will have you sneaking around corners, hiding under virtual desks, and flailing helplessly as you’re mauled to death by the world’s ghastly “Syrens,” a terrifying amalgamation of human/robot/awfulness. Despite some pretty distracting bugs in the game, it’s safe to say that people with high blood pressure or heart conditions need not apply.

SYREN Details:

Developer: Hammerhead VR
Available On: Oculus Touch, HTC Vive (Steam and Oculus Home)
Reviewed on: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift
Release Date: February 15th, 2017


Much like Alien: Isolation (2014), Syren is an absolutely terrifying game of hide and seek, but this time instead of the clostrophobic world of a spaceship and an acid-spiting Xenomorph, you’re in an underwater research facility placed above an ancient lost city once populated by a species of kind-of-sexy, kind-of-horrific mermaids—at least they were supposed to be, as the creatures you meet are genetically engineered copies called Syrens.

Created by a scientist obsessed with eugenics, your job is to escape the now damaged facility that’s become overwhelmed with the free-roaming Syren, going across a number of levels filled with deceased colleagues and all manner of interactive item that can bring you ever closer to the 5-level facility’s next pressurized door.


Each level is essentially a puzzle with a few different solutions, from nabbing a keycard off a desk and sneaking past a lonely Syren, to all-out shoot-em-up chaos with multiple baddies as you learn the mystery of the madman who created the facility.

The game has a very specific idea of how it wants you to proceed, something I found to be slightly frustrating early on. After getting killed multiple times by the same Syren and getting tossed back to the beginning of the level, I found out that when they lunge at your throat, you can’t simply whack the beast to death with an ax that you collected earlier like you naturally would if someone was coming at you and you had a melee weapon in hand. Rather, the game wants you to physically throw the ax, thereby losing it in the thing’s face so the game can leave you without a weapon for the next trial. The only way you can figure this out is either by having the original thought to toss the ax, or by failing your way to the solution like I did.

Although there’s a steep learning curve to how you interact with the Syren (mostly by staying far away from them, running and hiding for your life), eventually the game becomes a little more intuitive as you learn the rules that the AI Syren abide by. For example, if a Syren gets close enough to you, it initiates an uninterruptible attack that you have to stomach—a wailing monster screaming in your face and biting your neck—so you learn to avoid these pants-shitting moments as best you can, otherwise you’ll be sent back to the beginning of the level.


You can get away from Syrens by hiding stealthy, teleporting quickly to find cover, or by distracting them by throwing items far away from you to take them off your track. Since the monsters react to noise (and strangely enough not your microphone), they will scream over to where the object landed, only to find no one there, giving you some time to dodge around them. There are however multiple Syrens per level, so this is where it gets tricky.

Several times I found myself hiding under a desk, or behind a dead body for cover, all the while hearing the banshee screams and heavy breathing of the genetically engineered monster coming my way. And if it weren’t enough of a fright, no matter where they find you, cowering in a corner or halfway outside of a locker, they always grab you by the face and scream a horrifying noise into your ears.


The Syrens make a lot of noise, which should be a good thing on principle so you can avoid them efficiently, but the noise wasn’t at all muffled by objects like walls or barriers like in real life. If you find yourself sandwiched in a side room with two Syrens slinking around and breathing all scary-like, you won’t have a good idea of realistically where they are. Instead, a Syren will sound like they’re right on top of you even though you have a concrete wall between you.

Whether you’re using Oculus Touch or the Vive’s Lighthouse controllers, hands simply aren’t 1:1, making them seem a full three inches away from where your hands naturally rest on the controllers. While it’s not game-breaking, it certainly hampers immersion. In the end, this isn’t something dramatic to fix, but how such a critical error got through on launch, I’m just not sure.

On the note of controllers, Oculus Touch support could be a lot better. The game requires you to push down and click on the joystick to teleport, which proves to be just about as awkward as can be. Teleporting is much more intuitive on the Vive, requiring you to simply rest your thumb on the touchpad and engage a quick click, but Rift users beware.


Firing guns in the game unfortunately never felt natural on either Touch or Vive controller, as your trigger is used to pick up and hold items and a regular button press is used to activate or fire it. This made it feel more like changing the channel on a remote control than firing a gun.

And this is the part of the article where I make my biggest confession. I am a dirty, no good, wall-hacking cheater.

Because the game is room-scale, it means you can teleport close to walls and actually walk through them. Some games like Budget Cuts or Onward (2016) don’t allow you to do this, either by making it impossible to see or leaving your body behind to be ravaged by enemies, but not so with Syren. When a screaming water-banshee is running you down, and you can walk straight through a wall and escape, the natural choice is to flee anyway the game will let you. While I know I’m a weak and shameful person for using this cheat to get away, it really shouldn’t even be an option in the first place.

There, I feel better now.


While you’ll never be truly comfortable with genetically modified mermaid-beasts skulking around, nuts and bolts-wise Syren is a supremely comfortable experience because it lets you explore the world using teleportation and 45 degree snap-turning—two common locomotion schemes that most everyone shouldn’t have a problem in the nausea department.

Even though at times I honestly wish I could sit down and mash a joystick forward on a gamepad instead of frantically selecting teleport sites—because it’s not only faster, but easier—the standing room-scale aspect of the game lends to overall comfort and immersion. And somehow it’s always scarier that way, as you’re on your hands and knees hoping the monster doesn’t see you.

The post ‘SYREN’ Review appeared first on Road to VR.

Syren Review: A Brief But Brutal Tale of Virtual Terror

Syren Review: A Brief But Brutal Tale of Virtual Terror

As positively terrifying as it is, Resident Evil 7 played it safe. It’s easily one of our favorite VR games thus far, but it’s also essentially an enhanced version of the game you can play on standard screens with a standard controller. But how do you make a horror game with the full capabilities of VR tech? What does it mean if you bring your hands into the experience? How do you handle enemy encounters?

These are just some of the questions that Hammerhead VR’s Syren tackles, and it has some interesting answers, though they could do with a little polish.

Syren is set in a dark, dank underwater research facility, where a team of scientists have been carrying out brutal experiments on the titular mythical creatures, discovered in an ancient city lost to the oceans thousands of years ago. As you can probably guess those tests go awry and you, a member of that team, find yourself searching for a means of escape as twisted mechanical monsters stalk the creaky halls and linger in the shadows.

It’s more Tales of Terror than it is Resident Evil, though, and that feels intentional. Exploring the facility itself has an atmosphere akin to BioShock, largely thanks to the wonderfully detailed, cramped and claustrophobic environments, but game’s brand of fear is more about jump scares that make you chuckle afterwards rather than making you want to rip your headset off. There are moments that will get your heart pumping, but this is a more enjoyable sort of horror than what you’ll see in other games.

There isn’t any set mechanic to survival in Syren, no repetitive combat systems to defend yourself with or stealth meters to aid your sneaking. Each encounter with an enemy is a multi-threaded scenario with a number of different solutions that can play out organically. Early on, I found myself making great use of VR’s positional tracking to peek out behind corners and wait for an enemy to pass, biting my lip in hope they’d take a left instead of a right to clear the way. I’d then teleport like crazy (the game only lets you move so far) in a mad rush for safety.

Later on, I would stumble across elements in a room that I could use against Syrens, like a gas leak in a kitchen, items I could throw to distract them, or lockers I could hide in. The latter is a particularly heart-thumping use of VR, as I slowly twisted my head to follow one enemy’s movement, watching through a grate and not daring to make the slightest sound. It was as if I was really there in that locker, aware that the slightest knock could end my life, even if the game might not register the collision of hand and metal.

One of my favorite aspects of the game is that lack of systems. Syren simply asks what it would be like if you were really dropped into this situation. There’s no inventory system to store items, for example, you physically have to hold onto them. If you drop an object or hit it against a surface, you’ll probably alert the enemy. You don’t take the game’s mechanics into consideration, you take your physical presence into consideration. That’s something horror games really need to capitalize on going forward.

If a Syren does spot you then it’ll quickly give chase and more than likely end up gnawing on your face. They’ll kill you instantly, and you’ll have to start the level over. It can be frustrating, until you figure out how to get around an encounter. It’s very much a game of trial and error; spend four or five attempts working out what to do, then making your way to the next room, and then repeating the process. It does artificially extend the one to two hour length (you could probably run through the game in less than 30 minutes on a second playthrough), and I would have liked to have seen more than the handful of levels on offer here, even if the later stages bring some unexpected twists to the formula.

Ultimately, though, the game’s main enemy is polish. Though it’s visually arresting, I encountered a handful of bugs and a lack of sound effects that took the impact out what could have been some of the game’s more effective moments. Scripted sequences are not VR’s strong point, and Syren proves that in one or two places. On the other hand, there are times when it sounds like the enemy’s footsteps are right next to you, when they’re really in another room entirely, and I sometimes saw them stop right in front of me, confused by a door I might have walked through or table in their path.

It’s not enough to spoil the overall experience, though I’d have gladly seen Hammerhead spend an extra month fine tuning the game to keep the immersion intact right the way through.

Final Score: 7.5/10 – Good

Though brief, Syren proves itself to be a worthwhile taster of what VR can really do for horror games. While never fully capitalizing on that potential, there are some revelatory moments for the genre here, making you painfully aware of your own self as you hide behind crates and freeze on the spot. That alone helps overlook the short length and handful of bugs and blemishes, and makes Hammerhead VR itself a developer well worth watching.

Syren releases on February 15th on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift for $19.99. A PlayStation VR version is coming in March. Check out these official review guidelines to find out more about our process. 

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New Teaser Trailer Released for Upcoming Horror Experience Syren

Last week Hammerhead VR announced the launch date for its next virtual reality (VR) project Syren, as 15th February. Initially supporting Oculus Rift and HTC Vive with a PlayStation VR release due later, Syren is a horror title that takes gamers into the ocean depths. With only a few days to go until launch Hammerhead VR has released a second trailer, teasing what’s in store. 

Set inside an underwater research facility reminiscent of 80’s thriller The Abyss, the story invloves a eugenics obsessed scientist attempting to recreate a lost species called ‘Syrens’, a civilisation that bears similarities to mermaids of folklore. The facility is located directly on top of their ancient city and naturally things don’t go according to plan.

Syren - Medbay

While the first trailer showcased a few of the laboratory’s areas, with brief glimpses of the Syrens, this second video takes on a more cinematic role. The trailer starts off very jovial with some music playing on a record player. Then it slowly begins to pan out and across the room revealing the blood bath that has stricken the researchers. Nearby screams and gunshots can be heard before falling silent.

VRFocus will keep you updated with any further Syren news as launch day approaches.


Hammerhead VR Confirms Release Date for Horror Experience Syren

Today Hammerhead VR, the studio behind virtual reality (VR) projects like ABE VR and Thunderhead, has announced the release date for its next project, horror video game Syren.

The announcement came by way of a new dark and moody image inside the underwater research facility. Syren will support Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR. The launch, scheduled for 15th February, will just be for the first two headsets. PlayStation VR owners will have to wait a little longer, Syren will be available for Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) head-mounted display (HMD) in March.

Syren Release Date announcement

“Syren is the first game in our new series of sci-fi fantasy titles currently in development. It follows the amazing response we had to ABE VR and continues our focus on unique, high quality experiences created specifically for VR. Syren is great as it draws on myths of monsters in the deep and mad scientists, so we had plenty of fun making the game and hope people enjoy it,” said joint managing director, Simon Windsor.

First unveiled in November with Hammerhead VR releasing a teaser trailer, Syren is part stealth, part survival with puzzles to be solved alongside dealing with the creatures the facilities scientist has created.

As further details are released, VRFocus will bring you the latest updates.